RT is moar lame stream sewage giving the illusion of "alternative" however, it is simply a limited hangout and even more dangerous than the regular trash that it apes. You try to post something critical of the anglozionazi empire of filth and they pretend to have it on their comments board. Check in again and try to find your comment under another account or on another computer and baaaaam...nothing is there. Still anyone using "Disqus" has only himself to blame.

Putin played the good pol bad pol game to perfection like the two-faced pro he is after the Syria intervention...now he has to payback Satan Klaws Slob and the Satanic pedovore cabal that has kept him in power. First rule: All gubermint is evil and all pols are hoes.

Never ever believe anything politicians and gubermints spew; ever.


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It's been all downhill since Putin put on the hazmat suit.

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lol, YES.

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Clapton finally wakes up. Interview with RF Kennedy. Totally worth the 57 minutes.


Pfizer Fuehrer Albert Bourla of the khazar chosenite mob explains how his covaid$ death squirt is to correct "mistakes in your DNA". Would anyone with a functioning brain cell allow Satanic pedovore filth like this anywhere near their "precious bodily fluids" or their children's. The time for taking out this reptilian poison is long overdue.


Juice Koolaid same as Al CIAduh Jonestown Koolaid only global

YOU are the disease; their covaid$ death squirt the cure.

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What is non-RT Russian television & media like? E.g. Channel One or Russia-1. Cray cray too?

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It's completely cray-cray. I have some material on this that I will write about, hopefully soon.

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I am quite late commenting on this one but never mind taking the brunt ... coming here from another article of yours .... I wish I had known those facts at the time of you writing the OP ....

THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - THE CULT OF MATERIALISTS i.e. DECEIVERS - will do whatever it takes to keep THE PONZI SCHEME, they have put up a LONG TIME AGO, running as long as possible but IN THE "END" THE TRUTH has already prevailed .... THE ACCOUNTING SYSTEM OF FIAT CURRENCY USURY can only keep the faith into the debt/wealth DECEPTION alive so long .... EVENTUALLY It is going to come crashing down ... actually we are already in the final phase .... witnessing the last gasps of THE DYING HARLOT - Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots and of every abomination on the earth ... THANK YOU LORD for YOUR SERVANT E.S.!

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