You clearly have something against noble and courageous Scott Ritter who has already earned on many, many occasions admiration of people everywhere.

He was viciously prosecuted by FBI for pursuing minor girl based on “sudden” recollection of retired policeman and sentenced to a dangerous prison sentence (he described in detail the whole fabricated “crime”), he was the first who disclosed in detail the Nazi massacre in Bucha and accused president of US to protect and whitewash this horrible crime and deflecting it on Russian army (for that he was promptly and repeatedly silenced on Tweeter and elsewhere).

Scott Ritter is a major proponent for peace between Russia and US, fights against well-coordinated and choreographed Russophobia by the bipartisan USA War party.

He refuses to join organized hysteria against Hamas breakthrough from Gaza concentration camp.

Scott Ritter is a person of unimpeachable integrity; his conviction that Russians have already defeated Ukrainian army several times over despite total US support is obvious.

Show your cards finally. Who finances you and for what purposes?

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The reason why Slavsquat doesnt trust Ritter and the others is because he isn't a Christian.

Christians understand that they need to believe their leaders and that Yahweh has a plan for them. We simple folk may not understand the plans made by our betters, and that is fine, but we have to trust and have faith in them anyway.

I think that as soon as Edward re-converts to Orthodoxy, he will once again have faith in Putin and the others like Yahweh intended. Amen.

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Wow. That's hilarious. You are a comic genius in addition to being a regular, run-of-the-mill genius.

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Sir, with respect, there is nothing funny about a deity that demands penis tips as payment in exchange for improving his Chosen people's credit scores. Repent.

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Man, that is boss-level trolling! If my brain was that way wired, as awed as I am by your swagger, I'd want to follow you, maybe even like good Christians follow their good Christian leader.

But my brain ain't wired-up that way (thank goodness/God/Yahweh/Illuvatar/etc.), and in that case all I have to offer is my respect and admiration.

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PS: Scott directly contradicted Biden from the very start about lies about Iraq’s WMD since he had 100% proof. The brutal persecution and dangerous prosecution was initiated because of his courage and unimpeachable integrity.

“Slavsquat’s” focus and obsession with Scott’s stature and respect indicate likely origin and background of these relentless efforts….. it is amazing just how many people, who are totally ignorant of Scott Ritter’s immense contribution to humanity, have Slavsquat’s admittedly eloquent, entertaining and in truly impeccable American English “analyses” attracted.

But - clearly there is an unstated agenda behind. Time for full disclosure….

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A good start would be to see what, if anything, “Slavsquat” ever wrote on the horrible Bucha hoax and crime — on topic that more than merits.

In return I promise to provide links to immediate Scott’s reaction and detailed refutation of brazen lies by Ukraine’s Nazi-government and its US/UK collaborators. Remember the endless visits to Bucha where horrible massacre and systemic executions were made. Despicable — let’s see Slavsquats analyses and position on this early horror…

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The reason why Slavsquat doesnt trust Ritter and the others is because he isn't a Christian.

Christians understand that they need to believe their leaders and that Yahweh has a plan for them. We simple folk may not understand the plans made by our betters, and that is fine, but we have to trust and have faith in them anyway.

I think that as soon as Edward re-converts to Orthodoxy, he will once again have faith in Putin and the others like Yahweh intended. Amen.

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PS-3: There are very few people fighting publicly for peace. Prof. Jeffrey Sachs is definitely one of them -- Scott Ritter is DEFINITELY another one.

"Edward Slavsquat" (apparently Riley Waggaman) is not one of them -- just a bystander trying to milk his audience with cuteness of puppies.


Risky Business (w/ Jeffery Sachs) – Jun 13, 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dzma8TvAl4s


Former US Diplomat ADMITS Western Plan to SABOTAGE China – Jun 17, 2024


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Jun 20Edited
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Thanks. Or it is just an attempt to gain attention and more visibility by looking for an angle to latch on a leading blogger.

“Slavsquat” actually has a real name (I don’t remember it), and is quite witty writer but not in Scott’s league.

Stay well

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Jun 16
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Thank you for your courage in standing up to “Slavsquat” if that is even his real name. Ritter is just an honest citizen trying to save the world out of the moral goodness in his heart and he needs all of our money and support. Those who doubt Ritter or allege that he might be a spook or a pedo or a disinfo agent are probably all just neonazis who deserve to be sent to reeducation camps. Thank you again for your courage in standing up against the Edward lie machine. I will pray for your safety. Stay frosty, fellow Antifa warrior.

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What fucking shitshow. Maybe Ritter has realised the Kremlin regime has zero qualms and gives zero fucks about using taxcattle like him as bargaining chips in their business of "war" stagecraft with their USEUNATO terrorist peers and partners.

Which is a given since Russian taxcattle themselves are used by the Kremlin with exactly those purposes as cannon fodder and useful idiots in this sustainable and interdependent montage of global fuckery.

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In a free-er, actual nationalist, non-WEF/Putin mafia-run Russia, Zyryanov would indeed be a hero. But he "stepped on some toes", refused to stand aside, and didn't give someone their cut of the aid to Bakhmut. and so on, so naturally he's in jail - so now he's "standing aside", and the cut he didn't give will be taken from him. Maybe he'll learn his lesson, or like Navalny, he won't. For an adult, Ritter is child-like and naive.

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Just to clarify, Navalny was a Western stooge, Zyryanov is not.

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Navalny was a CIA asset - to be Russia’s Zelensky and — you know all this very well….

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Navalny was just a political idiot, Ritter seems to have a fetish of Russia being the Soviet Union fighting the evil western nazis, yet the way the Russian army treats their soldiers is even worse then the nazis. Its just commisar thugs gang pressing poor Russians to be drone bait across open fields. And we all know what happends if people get too patriotic in Russia, see what happend to Strelkov, jailed in the gulag for some trumped up charges.

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You are quite ignorant... ;-))

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Sure Boris, if you cannot disprove my points there is no need to be a child and call each other names, better just not to respond aye?

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Inform yourself - do some basic googling — before typing your “beliefs”…

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Like i said, bring up counter arguments or prove me wrong, otherwise just be silent.

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He might just forgot something . 10% to the Big Guy .

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I don't appreciate the shit throwing towards Scott Ritter, or other good persons trying to make a difference in the so-called alternative space. So, the whole of the Russian elite are bad news. Now also Scott Ritter. I suppose all the rest is too; col. Douglas Macgregor, The Duran, Pepe Escobar, Mike Adams, Redacted, etc.

It reminds me of some alternative persons commenting online, who believe everyone is on the evil side, thinking it's all just a conspiracy soup with a single grand scheme behind it all designed to fool us all, I suspect sometimes they even doubt they can trust themselves... LOL

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Yep, they all toe the MoD line; doesn't that inspire any curiosity in you? Attrition is a great strategy in your opinion? You do realize that charging fortified positions requires bodies no? Wagner's casualties were outrageous in Bahkmut. The Russians keep doing this over and over without any form of troop rotation. It's just one Slavic slaughter while the elites quibble over seats at the table.

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The "Evil Side" is, EVERY TIME, A STATE ACTOR 🤷 Russian, American, Chinese, German, whichever. The Good Guys DON'T WORK FOR GOVERNMENTS. Fin.

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There appears to be an OP going on in these comments sections, as well. It looks like "Sim1776", "Rurik" and "Michael" are all part of the same anti- Russian Operations.

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It certainly looks so but there are also pure mental cases — lonely lunatics with whom nobody wants to talk in real life… ;-))

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👍 If it's the latter - then you can see why. Who wants to argue with $hills, incessantly pushing CIA and NATO lies. But there's certain tells that give them away, otherwise.

I think "Sim" is an ALT for "Rurik", and perhaps "Micheal", as well. The other two subscribe to "Rurik"'s propaganda blog - to pad his numbers. And if that's correct, then they are used in concert, to bolster each other, and attack. #4 - here: http://whale.to/b/sweeney.html


Disinformation doesn't just happen by accident...

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Risky Business (w/ Jeffery Sachs) – Jun 13, 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dzma8TvAl4s

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the most stupid,hateful and pro war people supporting and coping for the Russian side seem to be westerners, probably paid too to keep the war narrative going.

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It should be noted that Fiorella is NO LONGER in the RT Anchor's chair...Her work for them is now infrequent, and seems to be mostly as a stringer. She did this interview as part of her smaller YouTube start-up channel (early on in the Plandemic, her "The Convo Couch" channel was inexplicably demonitized) - and doesn't appear to be related to her RT jobs.

I've known Fiorella for many years now. Her broadcasting career started at KPFK's Newsroom (long after I had been forced out). She's a tireless activist and an honest journalist - with a long history of covering issues the Empire would prefer not be covered - like the Julian Assange case, Election Integrity (in America and many other countries, often those targeted by the US for Regime Change, like Venezuela and Nicaragua), and the many lies and underreported facts about the Plandemic, and the Jabs.

She's very sweet. She's in Moscow. I suggest that you reach out to her, and ask her when the planning for this story/interview began... I suspect it predates your article going public. She probably has texts or emails that can establish a proper investigatory timeline. Perhaps if you bribe her with a puppy - she'll let you see them.

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Putin and his regime dont like Russian patriots, thats why they are thrown in the gulag or send a first class ticket to the killing fields in Ukraine. Remember what they did to Prigozhin for calling out all the bullshit,corruption and incompetence of the Russian command?

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Does anyone else find Ritter's use of the past tense, in describing the Zyryanov as someone he "knew" rather than someone he "knows" a bit strange? Maybe he's trying to subtly distance himself from his friend/colleague, or maybe it's nothing at all. Just struck me as odd, that's all.

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In the meantime... had a Kebab yesterday for 7 Euro... It was 4 Euro in early 2020. And it was between 3 Euro and 4 Euro during the 10 years before. Just sayin'. Eating has become a luxury. I'm sure the bugz will be cheaper.

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No they won't. There will just be nothing else. And they'll be 8 Euros, at least.

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Thanks for raising these questions, Riley. They're perplexing, and they seem important. Maybe this has always been true and I just didn't see it until now (or maybe it's part of The Great Inversion), but I'm struck by how nothing is as it seems these days. More than ever, it's important not to make snap judgments about anything. I always appreciate your capacity to think outside the box from EVERYONE. Keep on keeping on . . . with puppies (or cats or chickens), of course, because they never fail to soften the conversation.

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The whole story has raised a lot of questions, especially in the „West“, transmitted via the „East“ info-tainement.

The tenor in the so-called alternative media is: Evil America, good Russia. Similar to Snowdon and Assange, but this time, S.R. is being elevated to the role of the holy truther. I'm exaggerating, but I’m sure, S.R. likes to see himself that way.

By the way, the participants in this game event are also very interesting... an heir to the German empire, lol, German Qanons for sure loved this online-meeting, and Putin loves Germany - or am I wrong? And the former Austrian foreign minister who saved herself finally to Russia, that's explosive of course, the real patriot-freedom-fighters all together, what a chance!? Sry for further questions, but S.R. wants me to ask further questions🤷‍♀️

Here are some exemples of the so-called alt-media-reactions, the last one with interesting thoughts and some links…:






As always, the fundamental question for me is: who benefits from this spectacle?

You can't take it all seriously any more, but who knows: maybe S.R. is the last chance for world peace and also for the revival of the German Empire? Who knows? Let us be surprised! Good versus evil, West versus East? What a madness🤦‍♀️

I very much welcome your contributions to the topic and the questions! It is so important to ask questions, you can't do it enough!

Best wishes to the pups, to all the other lovely animals, to you and your great community! I really appreciate critical reporting and I know for a fact that I'm not the only one... in Germany, in Europe… there are more and more.

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Riley, he'll have his reasons for the delay. Let's not fight amongst friends ...

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It's annoying when any criticism of Russia is interpreted as disinfo....


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Why DOESN'T Ritter want to "interfere" in internal Russian affairs? Ritter isn't a politician or diplomat or UN staffer. How is it even possible for him to "interfere" in Russia's affairs? He's supposed to be an ordinary American citizen with no influence in Russia whatsoever, not a paid asset who doesn't want to rock his handler's boat.

Clearly, he's hiding something, and the fact that he refuses to go into more detail about his whole "seized" passport issue is proof of it.

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I think it may be "big-speak" so as to create the impression he's a player. Could it be?

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He has a name, a voice, and attention. People who interfere with the program too much tend to have bad luck.

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I'm glad you do ask questions - sensible, important questions - and I sincerely hope you continue to ask questions.

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Good lord.... who wrote that transcript?

"I know that some people might *of* been concerned that the trips that I was on *was* giving him too high of a profile"

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Ritter is a Russian spook , no doubt about that. Scott why don't you immigrate to Russia and fight on the front like the Donbass Cowboy did? Maybe pedos are not welcome in the Slavlands , is that the reason? But no, he is a coward and only makes money from the war by propagandising for his Kremlin masters.

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