The extremity of his crime is he refused to kiss either the West's ass or Putin's. Kissing one or the other might have protected him.

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This is just what governments do when you are critical of them, both in the west and in the east you live under a communist dictatorship but in the west it is more sugarcoated and it has a diffrent flavour.

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I read some article by a Romanian “anti-disinformation” website (Verdica) claiming Rosca was a Kremlin puppet, then I checked the page funding and saw it was funded by some shady NGOs. These people are stooges, they are the exact antithesis of what Rosca stands for. I will likely publish an article about him in the future if something is interesting enough.

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Some context; Current President of Moldova (from 2020) (as noted above) is: Maia Sandu. Harvard Kennedy School grad; I had thought also WEF Young Global Leader, maybe not. It has become somewhat difficult to identify members of that cohort. But, relative to the Kennedy School, YGLs are B Team.

Here she is at Cambridge 2022 saying everything and nothing - 3,4 min starting a about 10:00 might be worth your time; note the "perfect" Euro-inflected Global English.


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she is not a Harvard Kennedy School grad. she attended the same bullshit two-week course all pro-American foreign leaders attend so they can say they "graduated" from Harvard.

Far more interesting is that she straight up worked for the DC HQ of the World Bank and still maintains a bank account at their credit union.

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Excellent clarification, thanks. She fooled me and I had forgotten about the gig at the World Bank - as in intern, I think.

In any case, Harvard is proud of her - probably their first placement at the top of a former Soviet Socialist Republic. The link is her commencement address at Harvard. Already, the face masks on many in the audience are taking on a period flavor.

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I will send some emails this afternoon. Thanks, Riley.

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Thank you Riley for shedding some light on this nobel man!

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Thank you for posting this about our friend Iurie Rosca, Edward.

I will also hold him in prayer today.

God's will be done.

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Julian Assange is free (hopefully) today.

Miracles do happen.

There is always hope.

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Define free

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Not sure what you are asking.

In this context Julian is physically free - out of prison in the UK and reunited with his family in Australia.

Whether there are any actual/potential limitations on his freedom is unknown.

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Are you free? How many actual/potential limitations on your freedom do you have? Did Assange step out of the iron cage into the guilded one? Did you ever see those old movies where the prisoner of war had to sign a guilty plea to be "set free"?

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I'm not free. My dog makes me walk her every day. Sometimes twice.

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What a bitch!

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Do you have a wife?

Just wondering ...

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The Soros network is relentless and soooo well funded. Thanks for writing this I have shared it.

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They greeted prisoners with a roll call based on cases. "So-and-so! Article 58-1a, twenty five years." The chief of he convoy guard was curious: "What did you get it for?" "For nothing at all." "You're lying. The sentence for nothing at all is ten years."

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Reality is the only thing that matters.

This stupid and insane violence we see so much of is the direct result of the powerlessness of the powerless.

Our government officials and talking heads, worldwide, taut our system as a civilized and representative democracy.

Periodically they let us, the citizens, vote for representatives who, each and everyone, promise to do the right thing.

Voting for someone to change government policy is the only means we have to redress our grievances.

Yet the Congress and Legislatures openly admit that they do not read, examine or debate any of the laws they vote on. In the USA, they vote on one hundred - 2,000 page laws per day.

The honest representative admits that they vote the way their advisors tell them to vote.

According to the powerless, nothing changes except for the worse.

As responsible Citizens, we must develop a way to evaluate 200 Thousand pages of law speak per day.

This evaluation must be public, transparent and in a form that the representative can view in order make their vote congruent with that of their constituents.

Ross Perot called it The Electronic Townhall.

And we must decide who gets to participate in this amplified voting, and how the vote is counted and what specific impact the sacred vote has at the business end of government.

Right now, the first question is:

# 1. Who gets to vote in the: general election?

a. citizens only - Yes No

b. natural born citizens only - Yes No

c. natural born citizens with four natural born grandparents - Yes No

d. naturalized citizens (legal immigrants) - Yes No

e. legal immigrants not yet naturalized - Yes No

f. anyone with a drivers license – Yes - No

# 2.1 Ages of Voter

g. minimum18 years

h. minimum 21 years

i. minimum 25 years

j. minimum 30 years

k. minimum 33 years

l. minimum 35 years

# 2.2 Sex of Voter

a. Male – Yes - No

b. Female – Yes - No

c. Non – Binanry - Yes - No

d. Transgender - Yes - No

# 2.3 Competence of Voter

e. property owners net value over $50,000 - Yes - No

f. property owners net value over $250,000 - Yes - No

g. tax exempt persons – Yes - No

h. those receiving welfare / food stamps – Yes - No

i. those with unpaid child support obligations - Yes - No

j. those receiving WIC – Yes - No

k. those receiving Section 8 – Yes - No

l. those working for government bureaucracies – Yes - No

m. those that will pay a $5000 poll tax - Yes - No

n. those that have paid a minimum of $5000 per year of tax for their combined jurisdictions in excess of any received via SS, Medicare, Medicaid, ATFWDC - Yes - No

# 2.4 Genetic presence of Voter

a. Male without children – Yes - No

b. Male with children – Yes - No

c. Male with children plural vote – Yes - No

d. Female without children – Yes - No

e. Female with children – Yes - No

f. Female with children plural vote – Yes - No

g. Only married males with children, never divorced can vote. – Yes - No

# 3.0 Who should be trusted with the responsibility and power of Public Office?

a. Only those authorized to vote in the general election - Yes No

b. Male without children – Yes - No

c. Male with children – Yes - No

d. Female without children – Yes - No

e. Female with children – Yes - No

f. Only married males with children, never divorced can hold public office – Yes - No

g. Depends on the office - Yes - No

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The masses are easily led and convinced it seems, or they are just bored of life. Play to someones emotions is what governments excell at to get things done.

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Not sure the agenda is so simple.

The masses - basically uninformed, naive and bored.

Many take the MSM opium daily to be "informed".

"Trust the government" is almost mother's milk formula.

Many are trapped in "boring" soul destroying jobs to just survive.

They want to be free to live their lives but they are trapped.

They want to have an active say in government, but they are powerless, stuck on the democratic merry-go-round of endless unfulfilled promises.

They know democracy does not deliver, but they do not know how they can change the system, to one that can deliver.

Meanwhile, they must suck what nourishment they can out of their life.

"The masses" can be seen in general negative terms.

However, there are many individuals, who bravely strive for the highest quality of life possible, in an increasingly dehumanised world.

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Thank you making such a thoughtful comment.

*They want to have an active say in government, but they are powerless, stuck on the democratic merry-go-round of endless unfulfilled promises.*

... and The Electronic Townhall needs these people in order to perfect the law.

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"The Electronic Townhall needs these people in order to perfect the law."

Could you please briefly explain exactly what you mean, for the sake of clarity of communication - particularly the "perfect the law" bit.

I think I understand, but misunderstanding often happens, especially in the context of unfamiliar terminology.

Thank you.

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Perfect the Law - is just what the words defined would mean.

The base line contention is: since the congressmen and senators do not read the documents that they vote into law - someone has to. And that job now falls to the formerly powerless.

Until the vast mass of intelligent people are brought into the decision making of the government - to perfect the law - we will be forever chaotic in our public life.

Example (here to keep it simple and make the point) Voting rights.

Who has the right to vote in the general election?

as an amplified constituent of a US Senator?

as an amplified constituent of a US Congressman?

as an amplified constituent of a State Senator?

as an amplified constituent of a State Representative?

as an amplified constituent of a City Council Member?

as an amplified constituent of the comptroller of the currency?

Did I answer your question?

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Thank you for the clarification - completely misunderstood you.

I get your drift now but I am not on board.

You obviously think the democratic ship of state is seaworthy.

I do not think it is or can ever be made so.

I may be wrong.

We may choose different ships, but we may still arrive on the shores of responsible, representative government, by sailing different seas.

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Thank you for taking the time and making the effort to remind me and anyone else interested in the subject of Basic Humanity that the situation is completely hopeless.

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i am sorry, just trying to realistic. But if we look at history, is today any diffrent?

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"Voting for someone to change government policy is the only means we have to redress our grievances. "

If this is true - forget it!

Democracy is not representative government - it just pretends to be.

China is a "democratic dictatorship" - so are we.

We have other means to pursue responsible, representative government.

Perhaps only those with native born parents should be offered citizenship and voting rights.

Perhaps only after ten years (whatever) of proven solid citizenship.

Citizenship is a privilege not a right.

Immigrants not capable of being good citizens. are arguably not entitled to citizenship.

The "humanitarian" hurdles in place to prevent the exclusion of immigrants, who prove to be incapable of being good citizens, are often great.

This ought not to be the case for obvious critical reasons.

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Thank you for the thoughtful comment.

The Electronic Townhall is the only way forward.

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Oh lord, it's always a shame when outsiders try to pierce the veil of Moldovan politics. Especially when they can't write names correctly (it's Bogdan (a Slavic name, come on now!) Țîrdea and Mark Tkachuk not that ridiculous Romanian spelling).

As for the OP: does Rosca deserve to go to jail? No.

But there's a hell of a lot more going on than a "journalist" who is critical of the president going to jail "just before" an election.

First of all, Rosca, in the old days, was a straight up fascist (1988-2002/3) and an ally of Snegur but then he had a change of heart and broke off with his ideological pals, mostly for practical reasons.

Rosca then rode out the anti-ADP backlash and allied with the (then) centrist PDAM/PPCD formation that was in power for a couple of years aka the Lucinschi faction (aka the old Soviet Moldovan guard). And then he started building bridges to the "old left" (namely the PCM) which is when he became a big cheese in the gov't (including VP) and this is the era when the laughable "influence peddling" charges stem from.

Basically, Obama overthrew the Moldovan government in 2009 (and sent a then-not senile Biden to wrap it up in person) in the laughably named Twitter Revolution (twitter has never once been popular in MD), and since that knocked Rosca out of office (aside from a laughable attempt at winning the Chisinau mayor office where he came in 7th place) he made a hard right turn and started identifying as both a Moldovan nationalist, an anti-globalist, and a staunchly Orthodox Christian. All that was no big deal until 2014 and Crimea/Maidan in Ukraine when Rosca took the side of Russia on Crimea, earning him praise from his (ideological twin) Alexander Dugin.

Also worth mentioning that Rosca PRIMARILY has been writing and speaking in Russian language for the past 20 years, especially during the period 2016-2018 when he was on the local Moldovan affiliate of NTV (channel from Russia), which is when he got this influence peddling case hung around his neck. (Note: he does write in Romanian but his views are 180 degrees apart from the pro-Romania crowd so he has no pull/sway in that language except with the fringe hard right types across the Prut River, i.e. Diana Sosoaca et al).

Prior to 2022, Rosca was just a right-wing intellectual bore and a Russophile during the period when the government that more or less tolerated that kind of thing. But Sandu is crazy lunatic in her Russophobia, so she shut down his websites and all the TV channels he used to write/speak on.

Honestly, Rosca's star is pretty faded (in Moldova anyway), so this case against him is just mopping up the last tiny bit of opposition since all the much bigger players have already been taken out. Rosca is friggin nobody. He's the bottom rung on the ladder in terms of power players.

Again, does Rosca deserve to go to jail? No. But this is literally a drop in the bucket compared to the shit Sandu has been doing over the past two years, so why Rosca is noteworthy (other than him being your special buddy) is beyond my understanding. Hell, they just arrested Alexander Lungu and beat the shit out of him two weeks ago, and they straight up physically stole the ballots from Gutul's election win in Gagauzia. And that's on top of all kinds of other shit.

In other words, Moldova is turning into shit in a way that's FAR PAST what's happened before, which means there's gonna be a major blowback before long. I could write an entire book on how stupid, corrupt, and undemocratic Moldova is on the surface (10 chapters of which would involve Ilon Shor) but in its heart, it always balances out. Hell, even Filat is walking around a free man these days.

Nobody believes me, but I'm telling you right now Moldova (even today) is the most democratic country in Europe - not on paper, not in terms of the way the EU defines it, but in terms of the government (eventually) having to listen to the people.

So hang in there Rosca. I've been inside a Moldovan jail and it's hell, especially on a week like this where it's >40 C. But you'll be free before long. And then you'll have a nice martyrdom to cap out your career.

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Are you an Orthodox Christian? Are you Moldovan nationalist?

> ... was a straight up fascist

As usual, patriots are called fascists in Russia by Kremlin/MSM, in the West by liberals, etc. Slander seems to be your main "argument". What did he say to "deserve" that label? Why don't you educate us?

> I've been inside a Moldovan jail ...

What did you do?

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Its a weasel term. The person writes well in English. Inside jail is not in jail. I don't know this person, but the argument "other people have it worse" is disingenuous to the host. I don't know other people. I've writtennto iurie and he wrote back. He didn't ask for money. He just said thanks!

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Calling "weasel" a term that can, if one wishes, be viewed ambiguously entirely on one's own, strikes me as, er, weaselish.

You didn't know about "other people" until Ursu told you about them, but now you do. Providing additional information about the plight of Romanian dissidents is hardly disingenous to the host but, rather, highly germane.

This: "so why Rosca is noteworthy (other than him being your special buddy) is beyond my understanding" imo comes across somewhat callously, but that too is just a matter of a bit of wording.

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Your neighbor is the one you chance to encounter, not the one you did not chance to encounter. I'm not callous to the suffering of anyone, but I only care about the ones I know.

Its not possible to be everyone's neighbor. This is why "global citizenship" is a fraud.

I do absolutely appreciate the background on Moldovan politics. It is quite fascinating. I hope they get out from between the two fires.

The word usage "inside jail" as I read it, is unless someone clarifies, a lawyerly term (hence weasel word). It can mean literally inside a jail building. Given the non-figurative language this person is using, with modern English idioms, this is not likely a mistake more likely editorial choice. I could be wrong. That was the point of the response.

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Calling it a weasel word? Implying someone is weaseling is not the same as asking for clarification. Have you stopped beating your wife yet?

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I'm happy to have clarification. I'm not asking for it. We are grown up people, if he is interested in clarifying he can chime in. So far its just you buddy.

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Treat others, as you would like others to treat you.

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We need people of integrity like him.

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This kind of thing happens all the time in Romania too. Allegations of corruption--through an EU-controlled 'anti-corruption commission'--are used to dispose of regime critics who make it into the mainstream.

Constant talk of corruption in the press is also used to 'manufacture consent'. Romanians, especially the professional middle class, are now mystically convinced that a metaphysic of corruption has suffused all levels of society and can only be defeated by--of course!--top-down imposition of complete technocracy.

The third boon for the regime in droning on about corruption is that people simply give up on politics altogether.

I too will send out an email or two. I don't know much about him, but Rosca seems worthy of backing to that extent at least.

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the USSR became the EUSSR

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Rather, let's hope for justice. Sanity for the criminal elite would have them suppressing their dangerous critics as much as possible.

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Regrettably, justice and truth are not what the legal system is essentially about.

Historically, the legal profession and the judiciary go with the regime regardless.

That said, justice and truth can prevail, when principled people act.

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Thanks for informing us, Riley. I have HUGE differences with Iurie, but this action is despicable censorship.

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Political dissent will be increasingly squelched as things develop. It's that way during war.... btw, it seems to me that the reason the Soviets/Maoists could sustain such violently oppressive societies is because they were more or less in a global war to create a Glorious Revolution.

Unless things clear up exceptionally fast and well, I'm pretty sure that Rileyman will almost entirely post charming and informative Village Institute articles in a year or three. But, as we see in his secret tunnel (curiously visible), he is preparing to go underground along the major BRICS transport lines, surfacing in far flung Russian towns and various yet-to-be-fully-inhabited built-on-spec Chinese cities to distribute subversively altered copies of Peasant Woman magazine.

Okay. It's 3 in the morning, various old age issues have had me sleepless since midnight, and I am as high as Trump's popularity ratings and soaring sense of ego gratification. Being a living martyr must be a heckuva good buzz: https://youtu.be/PL8CD8PjVmA

We are all one people when it comes to shitty post-pomo TV shows. Russia feels our pain et vice-versa.

Elsewhere, this guy proves that Martians were giants, using one of their recently discovered ukuleles as evidence. https://youtu.be/TCVu1ITOxhU

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Same lawfare, just another country ...

How despicable !!!

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