It’s awful. They are all masked, still

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They are all remote controlled idiots, bureaurats.

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Jun 30, 2023
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The Wagner troupe performace made a good distraction, though. Meanwhile Russian fuel keeps flowing West (including via EUkraine pipelines) and USEUNATO money keeps flowing towards the Kremlin.

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This latest World Health initiative sounds suspiciously like another surreptitious attempt by an arm of the WEF (New World Order) to influence the world into their sinister World Health Treaty! This scam is another step towards total control of humanity and is another veiled attempt to remove whatever FREEDOM we still have.

The WEF puppets planned and designed Covid (using GoF) with the intention to make money from expensive but unproven injections, which incidentally, have emphatically proved to be both useless and damaging to human health and cause infertility. They also want to depopulate the planet!

'NO LIABILITY' is the most unbelievable part of the rules that govern these dangerous intravenous medicines, made supposedly for human health and safety.

No LIABILITY is the 'Kryptonite shield' that protects those that intend to control, harm or remove us.

No LIABILITY allows Big Pharma to (mis-) manage their own safety tests and data, which cannot then be questioned because all that attempt to do so will immediately suffer the consequences.

Introduce LIABILITY before another deadly injection is given to the unsuspecting masses!

PS; I'm 78, generally in good health and I've already got IVERMECTIN just in case! Because I have a healthy lifestyle and good diet I have never knowingly had Covid (or Flu which seemed to mysteriously disappear the same day Covid was introduced - after first being modified with Gain of Function techniques for maximum impact on humanity.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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If the best leadership is by example, I say to them by all means, YOU FIRST. Please get boosted more and show us how it works out!

People with Vitamin D levels above 50 ng/mL have been shown to sail through covid experiencing it only as a mild cold & never being hospitalized. The people who were intubated in the ICU and died had levels as low as 9. Min 30 ng/dL is acceptable, 50 and up is better. Vitamin D3 supplements are easy to find and the blood test is cheap. Everyone should test Vitamin D (2x/yr min, late fall & late spring) and potentially supplement as part of a protection plan. (And notice the bozos on these WHO/WEF panels will never mention Vitamin D)

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You seem to forget Jane, that if they hadn't removed IVERMECTIN and other SAFE and proven anti-viral meds, there would have been far fewer hospitalisations and the creation of Covid would have been a waste of the WEF's time and energy. Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed!

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Here in Canada everybody just buys horse ivermectin and takes it if they develop any unpleasant symptoms. It's easy to figure out needed dose. AND it helps one to get rid of any parasites, such as fungi and more traditional worms.

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In 2021 I bought Ivermectin from a British source. Some weeks later I recieved a letter from German customs that they have opened the parcel and destroyed the medicine.

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That this conference is still advocating for and using medical masks tells us all we need to know. It was known before 2020 that medical masks are useless for preventing the transmission of viruses, and subsequent studies have only reinforced that conclusion. This conference is not about medical science, it is all about social control.

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Exactly. And what really scares me is the fact that all people in Sochi know perfectly well masks vaxx etc is not necessary and not working, and that is no problem at all.

There is no treat, unless man created them.

By releasing a virus, or just like always, pretend there is a virus man should be protected against.

All these people know for 40 years or probably always, that vaccines almost never prevent the aimed illness, and when they do the vaxxed children and vaxxed people die earlier than non vaxxed persons, because of the poison in the vaccination.

THEY KNOW ALL AND A LOT MORE than we do, for ages.

Don't pretend those actors believe in their own created 'threat', nor the measures of which has been known for decades they don't work.

They SAY the had to learn, that is a lie.

They needed time to do harm, en we can see they think the sheep are that immensly stupid, that they don't even bother to chance tactics. The proven non-working and harming measures, such as 'vaccines' and masks will be used again by all people of the WHO and then the sheep think the covid treat is back, and they can kill the other half of what is left of the Quality of our lives, without much effort or investments.

Sheep people are this extremely stupid apparently!?!

Excuses me, I do not want to be rude, but if so many people are that immensly stupid, they will die of something else if WEF doesn't kill them.

And because we live next to them, such utter stupidity has been a treat to us for a much longer time than we ever could imagine when we would try till we drop

I cannot believe this. I know it is tru and is happening. But my brain is to limited to comprend that most people are A LOT more stupid than my dog. M

My dog recognises things and is capable of reminding what thing brought him something good and what not when the same things are presenting to her again.

I DO NOT UNDERSTAND why I never have know/seen this before because they are everwhere to be found, and people capable of logical deductive thinking are very very rare. And that had to have been before 2020 as much as now.

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I agree. This enormous lie is of unheard-of violence. To enter public hospitals, here in Italy, it is still mandatory to wear a mask, in some cases a negative swab is also needed. These are the same people who told us to "follow the science," but after two years the public still hasn't acknowledged these lies. This is "taboo"!

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I want to keep living, unvaxxed, as long as I can, just to spite them.

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"Just wonderful “partners” were invited to Sochi by our officials at the height of the Ukronazi counteroffensive on the positions of the RF Armed Forces with the full coordination of the NATO enemy."

That says it all. Although Western leaders demonize Putin and clamor for regime change they also seem to be secretly content knowing they have someone who'll comply with the UN/WHO biosecurity policies ultimately designed to usher in and enforce One World Governance.

It's also interesting, that several representatives of John Hopkins attended as they sponsored Event 201 the Pandemic Exercise held in 10/21 which simulated the scamdemic to the T.


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How fast the years go! "...event 201 the Pandemic Exercise held in 10/21..." - Actually 201 was October 2019 in NY City. There actually was a simulation ahead of the (abortive?) "MonkeyPox" operation - that might have been in 21.

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Yes, in 2019 was Event 201.

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'They' can do what they want. If those basterds tomorrow all at once start telling the truth publicly, don't be surprised if the sheep don't believe them, nor if they presented the proof of their story next to it. I guess...

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"It's also interesting, that several representatives of John Hopkins attended as they sponsored Event 201 the Pandemic Exercise held in 10/21 which simulated the scamdemic to the T."

I'm sure Charlotte knows the same funky bunch actually conducted Contagion 2025 exercise in October 2022 in Brussels, partnering the usual do-gooders Bill and Melinda Gates & WHO.

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Nothing is new under the sun

Russia and the Collective West Are Marching Together Towards the Agenda 2030 Goals


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This is where the real power lies....enslaving humanity in the name of biosecurity

"There is no justification for taking away individuals' freedom in the guise of public safety" - Thomas Jefferson

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Yes, i would subscribe, except for the fact that .... i already subscribe. 😂

Thanks, Riley! I hate to repeat myself over and over, but this is the kind of crap we're gonna keep getting as long as the entire unproven contagion theory and the pseudoscience of virology are gonna be thoroughly exposed as the frauds they are and have been.

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Only yesterday I saw some Chinese lady on the bus wearing mask, and it seemed to be triple layer mask, and I thought how stupid people look wearing those, and how hot it is to wear in summer. And here we go - this big conference full of idiots. They must be paid very handsomely for that by Big Pharma.

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I've long maintained they want everyone vaxxed because they can't track people who've been infected and recovered, i.e. they have natural immunity. Vaxxing leaves a bureaucratic record. Testing at home then simply recovering doesn't. So they're willing to coerce everyone into a jab now shown to have negative efficacy... meaning after getting jabbed you have good protection for approx 3 mos but after that you're MORE likely to become infected & hospitalized because each jab actually damages your immune system a little bit. More jabs, more damage. So it's entirely reasonable to say these elites' lust to track and surveil us IS the primary bioweapon. Unless they tell us how they plan to accommodate everyone with natural immunity they are NOT to be trusted.

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STOP IT!! Stop believing the nonsense that ''after getting jabbed you have good protection for 3 months...'' Absolute BS with no evidence, other than false, fraudulent, baseless claims from pharma and shills. Please stop repeating that lie and giving the slightest bit of credibility to those freaks! Unless one gets a total placebo, there are ONLY potential negative consequences in the injections.

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Dear Jane, there is no treat at all. No virus other than we had before for a hunderd years or so. Vaccinations never saved lifes nor served peoples health, and at this moment, the vaccinations are more deadly than ever, and should never had been on the market, even if covid existed and would give you more problems than the flu we new for years, AND the vaccine would really prevent this flu covid, which is, again not our reality.

The covid vaccination even causes covid and spreads covid, and is like all other vaccines introduced to the people at the moment it was almost away/rare/harmless/everybody was immune or immune prepaired/no real harm was being done by it

This covid(vaccine shitshow) is, nor was ever about protecting 'health'. Never. On the contrary it even is. Count the deaths please. Almost nobody died of just covid. And nowadays nobody dies of just covid.

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As there are no infectious diseases, it's about "indivisible bioTERRORISM" in fight "we the people".

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The satanic west wants a unipolar biosecurity technocratic state... the holy east wants a multipolar one. Fools still cannot see the vast difference between these two power blocs.

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LOL! As they say down South in the U.S., you said a mouthful, boy!

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this is just another reason why the "virus" dogma needs to be exposed...https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ch8v4TVL9yq0/

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These people are clearly pathogenic, I feel an unease.

Meanwhile in France, the thugs in suburbs are destroying city halls, schools, try to free prisoners from jail, etc...

Meanwhile this mayhem in so many cities, micron, who has been designated by Schwab Klaus as the one who will show the way and lead the Global reset was having fun at the Elton John concert...

Meanwhile, that very week end, Pierre Palmade, a humorist, like Zelenski, who had caused an accident leading to one death and very serious injury of a child while high on coke and gay sex drugs was filmed partying in a night club that very week end whereas he should be in jail. He was also suspected of having pedo stuff...

That world is clearly hell... Keep your hearts clean.


For those who want more details. Bugey can provide, from his little village. Right now I will join the chorus birds and crickets, and get some clear water from the local source.

One love

Reggae is prophetic:


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COVID rules in force in Russia

Russia has abolished the requirement to present a PCR test when checking in for flights to its territory.

There is also no requirement for French nationals to be vaccinated when travelling to or from Russia.

When you're in Russia, you won't be asked for a mask, PCR or QR code. bit.ly/3XHBQwH

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During WWII, USA military tacticians believed that "precision bombing" was reliable, accurate, and therefore humane. Bomb factories at night when they should be empty. How kissy-face with the Geneva Convention could you get?

As this proved to be an illusion, precision bombing (especially at night) being impossible to achieve, they didn't back off: they doubled down even though they didn't like how it made them feel. (Robert McNamara has written in detail about this.) Even though said bombings virtually no discernible reduction in Germany's ability to produce wear materiel (said bombing's purpose), they continued.

Were they deliberately escalating in order to de facto target civilians as increasingly resulted, with the Dresden fire-bombing ("Po-tweet!") as the European Theater's nastiest example? That's illogical: these guys wanted to think they were the Good Guys. Oh, some of them appreciated and exploited the opportunity to indulge "total war" under the guise of good-guy-ism.

They just didn't want to admit they were wrong and were willing to let countless people die to avoid such revelation. "collateral damage" (first coined in 1947) and "fog of war" concepts were used to shield them from the truth of what they were doing.

I see the same thing with the global medical establishment.

There's a formula I read somewhere

a psychopath doesn't care who gets hurt.

A sociopath wants people to get hurt.

A toxic narcissist "hopes" nobody gets hurt...

… while all three do pretty similarly destructive shit.

Very few humans have the gonads to promote and execute genocide and such, but they can easily rationalize behavior that will produce de facto genocide as being somehow "for the world's good", not unlike a parent telling a child a) this is for your own good, and b) this hurts me more than it hurts you.

Just because the scale of chicken-shit human avoidance of truthful responsibility via self-delusion is globally ginormous doesn't mean that the worst results of it are intentional. No over-arching Masonic scheme need apply. Just standard greed, conformism, and the perennial human unwillingness to acknowledge when our shit stinks.

If das sheeple can all face one way, believing their authority figures in preference to avoiding the facts, the same applies to sub-groups of sheeple, which 99% of technocrats, bureaucrats, and hardball politicians are: "Everyone else is doing it, so it must be ok. Even though I know it's wrong, everybody else is doing it so it must be ok. I am not a bad person. I would not do a bad thing... unless it were absolutely necessary for the overall greater good. Then it's not a bad thing, see?

The above is just another way of interpreting the data, and it is as valid as interpretations that Illuminati Davosites are planning to enslave the glove after removing useless eaters. (Most of us are useless eaters anyway. Only insomuch as we create happiness and peace among each other do we earn any merit from the life we consume. We don't promote a lot of happiness that I see.)


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