Sputnik V developer says Russia should start using Pfizer's clot-shot
Senior scientist from Gamaleya Center wants to import West's mRNA jabs. Um, why?

Some of the liveliest intellects of our time have argued that Sputnik V is a safe and effective alternative to the Big Pharma clot-shots. Some have even suggested Russia’s homegrown vaccine is part of the Kremlin’s 11-dimensional chess strategy to prevent the West from using COVID as a pretext to carry out a campaign of global genocide.
Yes, it’s true. This is why a Russian government scientist who developed Sputnik V said he supported importing mRNA vaccines to Russia. It all makes sense now. As TASS reports:
The admission of foreign vaccines against the new coronavirus infection to the territory of Russia is possible, in particular, because combinations of various vaccine preparations can give good results in protection against COVID. This opinion was expressed on Friday by a leading employee of the Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology, Dmitry Shcheblyakov, one of the developers of the Sputnik V vaccine, during the Moscow III Congress of Cardiology.
“Of course. My opinion is that the more vaccines, the better,” he said, answering the question whether it is worth officially opening the possibility of being vaccinated with other drugs in the Russian Federation.
Scheblyakov recalled that the Gamaleya Center, with the support of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), has already conducted research on vaccine combinations, for example, with the British drug AstraZeneca, the Chinese drug Sinovac and Pfizer.
“We see that the combined combination of different vaccines, made using different technologies, gives only an advantage,” he said.
This is just our personal opinion, but we think the Western clot-shots—which cause blood clots—are bad.
So if Sputnik V is the Kremlin’s antidote to Big Pharma Mega Death… why are Kremlin-paid scientists calling for Sputnik/Pfizer cocktails to be used in Russia? Why would this scientist say mRNA vaccines “give only an advantage” when combined with Sputnik V?
And why did the Russian government publish this mRNA endorsement on its official COVID portal?
If you subscribe to Dmitry Orlov’s creative worldview and believe the Western clot-shots are evil, but Sputnik V is a miracle serum, can you please explain what’s going on here?
For those who are unfamiliar, a reading from the Gospel of Orlov:
There was the attempt to force the entire world to submit to a relentless inoculation campaign (in the works since 2009) in the course of which an interplay between genetically engineered pathogens and genetically engineered vaccines against them would be used to make fabulous profits for Big Pharma while simultaneously selectively genociding the population of certain unfriendly or otherwise undesirable countries. End result: China has largely fought off the pathogen and has produced its own vaccine while Russia has produced several vaccines, the most popular of which has been proven safe and effective and has been turned into a major profit center by being exported to 71 countries and earning Russia more export revenue than arms exports.
Meanwhile, not only are Western vaccines proving less than 50% effective (much less than that for Johnson & Johnson) but thousands of people are actually dropping dead or becoming severely ill from them. Most alarmingly, young, freshly vaccinated athletes are dropping dead from heart attacks right in the middle of a game—dozens of them!
But… the Sputnik V scientist said the Western vaccines “give only an advantage” and should be used in Russia? We don’t know what to think, now!
“Of course. My opinion is that the more vaccines, the better,” Dr. Vaksmaksovic said.
They said that previous to this. This guy needs to be arrested and questioned.