I guess there really isn’t that much difference between the Russian government and the American government.

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Global depopulation... It's what Oligarchs Crave!

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Despairing to know that there is no safe place on earth

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If they depopulate the people, who will be around to feed the kitties??

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There's no "red line," on the battlefield, as ruling elite predators kill as many powerless proles as they want and that includes deploying mandatory experimental pharmaceuticals like the toxic mRNA gene therapy injections on their own population.🤨

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Pandemics are faked, drugs are deadly and cats are better than people.

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Yes. I think sometimes that all my cats were actually something like guardian angels looking after my family. I wish they'd had longer lives

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Thanks for the overview on the Sputnik-V Covid jab. I noticed Russia's excess mortality was one of the highest in the world in 2021-2023. I'm blown away that they could make the results of the very small clinical trial unavailable to the public. I suppose it saves the step of rigging the numbers in some sham studies...

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Virology, Vaccinology, and Epidemolgy happen to be frauds of the Rockefellerian "Madicine" (sic!).

For that matter, that must be the reason why there has NEVER been a proper "vaccine" trial, no virus has ever been isolated to the point that it looks like viruses are actually exosomes, as I observed it already more than two years ago (but limited hangouts abound and are now settling for just about the same or another red herring):


The problem, anyway, is that "authorities" can capture people based on fraudulent premises:


Not that it matters if the premises are fraudulent. What matters is that ALL governments have been treating their citizens as state assets, and worse, people have been trained to accept it ("in their own protection, of course"):


The psychological terrorism of "saving lives" worked on most people:


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Russian history this past century has obviously prepared her people by honing the culture's sarcasm to a point, a blade, as fine as any ever made. Your and Susan's additions add a very American style comic wit to this cultural sarcasm that combines to create a highly entertaining program. Imagine how much more sarcastic we will be here in America in 5 years, I mean, those of us left alive. We will be soooo sarcastic as to be nearly honest.

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At least this poison is not Modified mRNA.

BTW does the cat drink vodka?

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mRNA seems like a red herring:


I have identified 13 potential sources that create the same symptoms, and they can also interact in ways nobody can predict or diagnose:


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Yep it's the foundation, not the mRNA etc.


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The DNA vaccines have the same end result as mRNA vaccines, according to the people who know how both work. I cannot explain this to you since I'm not a specialist, but once I've read a discussion on differences/similarities of DNA and mRNA vaccines on Telegram channel about post-vaxx deaths/other side-effects, and somebody who is molecular biologist/biochemist explained it in simple scheme that showed how these vaccines end up in acting the same. Both of these types are quite deadly eventually

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I was being facetious.

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enjoy your spike +

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Is it a Russian cat ?? 🤔

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One question gnaws at me, similar perhaps to the way Susan gnaws at catnip - but without the euphoria....

How does a man of science (ACTUAL science) and integrity such as the former head of the Russian Health Ministry’s ethics board, Alexander Chuchalin, slip through the cracks and somehow gain such a position ?

Whether in Russia or the United States, someone would have to be asleep at the wheel to permit such a person into the inner circle.

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The coordinated international suspension of law, reason, and humanity in order to inject most of the world population with God knows what is the best evidence I have ever seen for a secret ruling cabal.

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Yes, it seems like all the shots are similar.

They all seem to create clotting issues and myocarditis is a big symptom of all of them.

Here's the history of Moderna and the lipids, perhaps this is the "tech" they all used. I heard az, Johnson, and sputnik use something a bit different but the results are very similar. Who knows what's really in the shots?!?


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Susan's great. Forever young, and so very wise.

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Ugh, comrade. Oy.Vey.

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Lol. Very apt.

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Looks like little Susan now understands ‘lockstep’ . She grows wiser.

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