The onslaught of Russophile media of the kind you are talking about, Edward, came in early 2014. This was the time when The Saker came into prominence, but the real explosion came on the side of Runet, as Russians frequently call the Russian language Internet segment. This was the time when "out of thin air" dozens of resources suddenly sprung up -, NewsFront, ANNA News,, hundreds of YouTube channels and so on and so forth. This was the time of a movement that had a name of "Russian Spring" (Русская Весна), symbolizing a rebirth of the Russian spirit that faded after 1991. But the feast didn't last too long, first shadows of a doubt came on May 7th, 2014 after Putin met with then OSCE head and president of Switzerland Didier Burkhalter that, as most agree, delivered to Putin dossier that global powers kept on him and his family with detailed listing of bank accounts, assets and other things of interest. That's when Putin's rhetoric "we'll defend our compatriots in Donbass" quickly changed to "you shouldn't have that referendum" and when he asked for permission by Federation Council to use Russian troops in Ukraine to be revoked. You should watch that video of Putin-Burkhalter press conference, here is the link with no sound - just facial expressions and body language, After that moment the term "Putin flushed down the toilet" (Путин слил) came into existence, that Prigozhin trolls quickly responded to with "Cunning plan by Putin" (Хитрый план Путина or ХПП). There were many more events after, that shaped the Rusophile media inside of Russia and outside of it, but those resources that survived to this day have a definite, easily detectable propaganda slant and a state funding attached. This whole period and a segment of Russian and foreign media space requires a separate research, would be a very good topic for a doctoral thesis, I'm not aware of anything like that being done.
With this bit of history background the main thing where I agree with Edward is that ordinary people who remain in this media space of Russian patriotism model of 2014 are there primarily for comfort. It is so good to be in the world that could be easily understood and is black and white in nature. To the credit of Russian people I have to say that many, have snapped out of it, but awakening is a hard process. This is similar in a way to very large numbers of people in US still supporting Trump, but even here, in US, the tide is slowly changing,
Stanley, you continue to outdo yourself with your extremely interesting and in-depth comments. You should be writing my blog! I quit! :) but seriously, thank you and please keep sharing. It's extremely valuable to me and other readers.
Edward, whatever it takes to make your blog more successful )) But, jokes aside, I appreciate what you are doing here as this view is hardly represented elsewhere and happy to share the insights I have.
Edward, you are talented, no doubt. But, where does this hailstorm of hate texts about Putin come from? There is no perfect leader, but, if anyone is close to it, then it is Putin. That is why they hate him, those pale and anemic Westerners.... The pay is good?
so I should be thankful to Mr. Putin, for wanting to cattle-tag me and vaccinate me and my child against my will? sorry, I didn't know. I am paid 100,000,000,000 rubles a month by NATO. straight into my Sberbank account
Hi Mina - you asked me a question, below my own comment on this thread - "why do you believe Eddie?" which I'd like to answer here - where you placed your acutely revealing rhetorical dig - "the pay is good?"
I do not "believe Eddie" in the sense of following his reports with an uncritical bias that filters out everything that does not confirm to my pre-existing prejudices. You know what I mean .... the kind of 'reporting from Rus' which one sees pasted all over the media spaces self-titled as 'alt-media'... where
some folks = we can't know whether 'the pay is good' or the blow jobs are free or whatever inducement works = endlessly extoll the neo-communist regime in Moscow as a 'city of light' in a 'dark dark wintry world -
I'm sure you've seen the kind of spaces I speak of... where westerlings who hate their lives - and their own kind - drool endlessly over pathetically obvert agit-prop which is packaged in a "death to Amerika" format that appeals to folks for whom Jonestown 2.0 can't come fast enough. No, that's not my approach to Eddies slant on things, Mina.
I've been where he's coming from: a 'boots on the ground' reporter on events which get 'interpreted' and 'analysed' in the west with a totally specious and false narrative that never gets corrected... due to the monopolies of media content which the fake 'alt' vs 'msm'\coke vs pepsi dissimulation is supposed to conceal. Knowing first hand how totally crushed ANY really 'alternative' gets... by the fake medias and their troll armies running roughshod over EVERY forum and outlet where people hungry for truth come in desperation,
I developed a keen sense of what is real reporting... and what is fake. It also gives me a keen sense of why you are here, and whence come your poorly placed aspersions. Some write for $, some write for love of truth in media; it 'pays' great dividends... to know the difference.
Like the other substack author you read, I don't believe "epstein killed himself"/// and as the author of the space which goes by that title - epstein didn't kill himself - quotes in the lead off to one of his posts = "It’s almost impossible for a normal person to have the broad perspective required to interpret historical events." "Reading history" - as per your suggestion on this thread - combined with reading Eddies posts.... gives the westerling an unparalleled opportunity to achieve that perspective... on Rus & Kovid2021!
Seems like your mirror may have frosted up in all that 'siberian cold front' ... please scrape off some of de ice... and take a 'cold hard look' at what shows up Mina!
Thank you for your reply. I must confess that my comment was not very original, but, what else could motivate someone for such an accusation? Was there any proof, appart from that video ( I sincerely do not trust, looks tinkered)? I believed Eddie at first, spontaniously, and got angry with myself for it. He is good, I like his writing. I am old enough to have that sense of real or fake story, myself. He almost convinced me. But, no. I need more than that. Still did not search for the original video of Putin - Burkhalter press conference, but will do it. Btw, you placed me completely wrong, but, I gues I deserved it with my poor comment . Am even a bit ashamed of it now. You placed me in siberian cold front, so we are even now ( I do not like cold) . As for what shows up, that we all shall see.
Comments like "who is paying you" (a hilarious thing to say, if you had any self-awareness or understanding of my actual situation) or "I believed Eddie at first" don't really add a lot. What do you not believe, specifically? State your case, in specifics. I'm sure my readers would be grateful.
It is so obvious that I was shocked and reacted improperly. In the meantime I visited a lot of places where I could only verify your excellent writing and nothing else but noble intentions. It was the video of Didier Burkhalter - Vladimir Putin pressconference that made me suspicious. As for my personal reasons, your title hits the nail on the head, and you made me see myself with another light. Strange thing, that cognitive dissonance... Even if that video was made up, there are tons of other indications of a sad situation in Russia regarding so called pandemic. Please accept my apology.
Mina, I'm willing to accept the idea that I placed you wrong; your answer gives me the impression that you are a thinking person, rather than just a troll type of the kind I know too well. I've been riding 'shotgun' over Eddies' stage coach here, because I know just how viciously those trolls react when a bit of truth gets out about their chosen "God-Emperor/Holy Land"
and don't think that Eddie - for all of his experiences as a 'senior RT editor' & reporter in Rus is quite prepared for their inevitable arrival. Also unlike Sir Eddie, I don't believe his followers here will really be ready for a detailed break down of what might be suspect about his approach or reporting.... what I'm seeing is a replication of the blind 'leader/follower' circle jerk approach that westerlings love and cling to in place of getting real... about really real threat to our future ... &
instead of good hard hitting debate, collective solution seeking, and general ferment of ideas which would be totally necessary for anything productive at all to arise from Eddie's amazing service here. Just another cul de sac of venting, in other words.
I apologize for any mischaracterization which might cause you to feel slighted, and thank you for giving me the cue to sign off from my self-assigned role here.
You are absolutely right, Yunus Baykus. I am not a troll of any kind, but poor case of cognitive dissonance. Thank you for helping me realize it. Serves me right to feel slighted, no need to apologize.
On point, as always. It's clear Russia is in "lockstep" with the global agenda. But some people are so partisan it blinds them to all reality. Once you've renounced any and all political affiliation and can view everything from a completely neutral stance, it all becomes clear. Because then you are looking at global developments from the point of view as a human being living on this planet and we can see war being waged on humanity. Many that would proclaim to be on our side are only on our side due to partisan bias or because they've latched onto one particular facet of the agenda (i.e. vaccines) but their political identity is still intact. This politicalization of the soul is a mind-virus. For some people it comprises the majority of their identity. They are blind so of course they cannot see.
"Because then you are looking at global developments from the point of view as a human being living on this planet and we can see war being waged on humanity" -- perfectly stated.
On a more basic level, most people can't deal with cognitive dissonance of how much everything they've ever been told are complete lies, so if some of these guys started writing "the objective truth", they would lose their audience, which expects them to hum a certain tune and confirm certain biases.
The west did everything possible to make Russia look and behave the same as them, of course, through well payed globalists, 5th column in Russia. There are always, everywhere people with the price tag. But, there is no price tag for the people of Russia. You can forget about it. Read history, if you don`t understand what I am saying.
The last couple of months have proven that these so-called Russia-experts were completely out of their depth. I don't even think they get paid to shill for the Russian government - they just fervently believe their own fantasies. This is literally textbook Boomer behavior regardless of the country that these people hail from. It's always 5D Chess with these people. You had the same phenomenon with the Qanon Boomers who were always 2 weeks away from Dognald Brumpf shutting down the pedophile tunnels and the gremlin army of Oprah Winfrey and Tom Hanks. Facing reality is difficult, so people turn to fantasy in the hope that the cavalry will swoop in soon to save them.
We're on our own, people. Let the scales fall from your eyes. We need to plan for the future with that in mind.
Prigozhins Troll Army literally OWNED the alt-media space for the past decade - challenging their phony 'nationalist'/'alt-right' psyop was guaranteed to earn one a s**t storm of opprobrium on any forum or web site.... ergo... after a while NOBODY DARED TO!
That's why Eddie's space is so huge; the psyoperators of the 'RUSSOPHILE MEDIA' literally ran circles round their dopey, duped readers... ring-fencin em with b.s. while pushing 'AGENT ADDERALL'/ADMIRAL WARPED SPEEDS' JARED AGENDA. And guess what? That's what got us .... HERE! KUSHNERS KOVID KAPER was baked into Drumpsters Kake. And the ultra-leftists guding the dopey koolaid drinkers of the phony 'right' were able to wrap the foundations of the Republic in dynamite which has a fuse now rapidly dwindling in length!
The well pace sarc/fact bomb/more sarc/boom dey blowed up real good that 'our boy' Eddie drops down from his high level SARCASTER is playin havoc with troll-towns team - which is prolly why the incident a little while back with the 'pleasantly bland' & 'seemingly 'helpful' suggestion that he cut out the STUFF WHICH POWERS THIS SITE ... and quietly emasculate himself like a good humorless goytoyboy..
Nuff nuff dat. This here piece just blows the Saker/Hooch o'er Bama b.s. away like a Charlie VC caught sniping at Duvalls morning exercises. Pootie Pushers were UP TO THE EYEBALLS in setting the stage for Kovid-Kaper/Jonestown 2.0. That's why they are so silent now.
We are indeed... truly on our own. But at least we finally got some 'aerial support' = more napalm... moar often Eddie - you blowed them suckas up real good with this one!
China is definitely running circles around the West - they've had people in a totalitarian digital bootcamp for a number of years now. Maybe that's what the "Russophiles" mean that Russia is now "harmonized" with that Chinese "doctrine".
If you paid close attention, the pro-Russian shills from the West have always been quick to flip-flop: Erdogan shoots down Russian jet in Syria: "OMG this turkish dood is a killer and a dictator who supports terrorists, Russia should issue the strongest response and send goons to his palace!"
Erdogan buys S-400: "OMG Putin and Erdogan are so based, playing 85000D chess against NATO and the West about to clean up Syria from terror!"
Same thing on just about every other issue.
It's a comfortable "shill ecosystem" where they just appeal to a certain audience and the Russian shills need the pro-NATO guys and vice versa for more divide and conquer.
When something big like the "pandemic" happens, you start to see that everyone is pretty much paid from the same bank accounts at the end of the day.
If you still need a booster after being FULLY vaccinated, and still need to get tested after being FULLY vaccinated and still need to wear it mask after being FULLY vaccinated and still get hospitalized after being FULLY vaccinated…
It’s probably time you admitted that you have been FULLY conned.
Yes, I know this type very well - intelligent Russians denying the reality and believing that Putin will outsmart the West and the globalists. And if the fruits of the smart strategy are not so obvious, this is because Putin is in the ambush. But he surely knows what he is doing, just trust him and don’t ask too many questions. Talking about Covid vaccines, it is interesting to see how small Russian community in Australia is divided: one party believes in Pfizer and the other party believes in Sputnik-V. The second party even demanded the Australian government to recognise Sputnik and allow Russian citizens to get vaccinated by Sputnik - the only vaccine they can trust - in order to leave and re-enter Australia. A friend of mine, a very intelligent man and true Russofile, has just recently returned from Moscow, fully jabbed by Sputnik and very proud of himself. However, being an honest man, he did not hide from me the fact that shortly after the second shot he and his wife both got sick with covid which quite ruined their holiday-making in Crimea. Unfortunately, Australia does not recognise Sputnik, so on return to Sydney my friend and his wife ended up in a quarantine hotel at a cost of $3500 for 14 days, while other incoming travellers jabbed by Pfizer, Astra or Moderna were allowed to quarantine for 7 days at home. But of course he had no regrets about paying a hefty price for his patriotism. When I told him that Sputnik is the same sh…t as Astra Zeneca, that they are twin brothers, he said that I don’t get it, and that while technology is seemingly the same, Sputnik is much better purified and does not contain harmful ingredients which Astra does…. In short, Putin has outsmarted the West again. What can I say? I gave up on my otherwise intelligent friend and other compatriots like him. But thank you Edward for the “Inside the Whale” metaphor - this is it.
За что спасибо? И в каком таком долгу? Многим все уже было очевидно если не с первого же дня «лжепандемии» (те, кто интересовался соответствующими процессами в мире), то уж точно с мая-июня прошлого года (те, у кого просто сработало здоровое чутьё). Жаль не проснувшихся. Я, пыталась будить их вот уже 20 месяцев, но на некоторых пришлось махнуть рукой. (Thank you for what? In what debt? It was already obvious to many, if not from the very first day of the "pseudo-pandemic" (to those who were interested in certain processes happening in the world), then definitely from May-June of the last year (to those who simply had a healthy instinct). I feel sorry for those who did not wake up. I, tried to wake them up for 20 months, but on some I had to give up).
It is a pity if this is the case. I was there only once with my parents, when I was a little child. This was in the Soviet times. I still remember the place called Koktebel, it was absolutely beautiful!
Orlov has made only one significant remark on this issue so far, something about Western ´´paid´´ opposition to the vaccine rollout in Russia.
Several months ago, (as a respectful but tentative follower) I was disappointed that he was avoiding any critical analysis of Russia´s involvement with the WEF. Being a dedicated Russophile, I asked him to please address the somewhat dissonant issue of ´´Herr Gref and Herr Mishustin´´ at the top table of cyber polygon, while Western mass media were simultaneously rambling on about the ´´Russian´´ cyber threat. This issue had been highlighted with surgical precision by Whitney Webb and I stupidly thought Orlov would have a different but logical ´´interpretation´´ of such an anomaly. All we got however was his ever more tired polemic about the ´´imminent ´´collapse´´ of the US empire.
There is a lot of ´´Slithering´´ going on everywhere and unfortunately for us who love Russia and Russian culture, there too, the slugs are rampant!!
So thanks Edward for your energy and for opening an important space for the wider Anglophone resistance.
Thanks, James. Honestly I have nothing personally against Orlov, but I'm shocked that his writing on COVID/the vax, in relation to Russia, has been so thoughtless. His takedowns of the US are legendary.
Believe it or not Dmitry Orlov (D.O., pronounced D’oh!) reads your blog. How could he not? You, Mr. Sheppard, and precious few others are lifting the lid on the worldwide con re: Russia.
Pancake boi, AKA блин, AKA crepe, Kremlin apologist and bootlicker extraordinaire posted his drivel a few days ago. He’s butthurt that his magnum opus “Economic Collapse of the West” has been upstaged by the ongoing bust-out of capitalism’s western project via the covid hoax.
And that is what it is, too. Organized destruction of SMEs. Degradation and dismantlement of security forces including armed services. Take down of “health” care system. Dismemberment of education at every level. Yuri Bezmanov would be proud. Did he realize before his death that he was working for western capitalists?
Hey Dmitry, do you really believe that your pseudo-intellectual status and not-quite-perfect command of American English will entitle you to special privileges when the worldwide gulag system is implemented? They are going to lock up your ass too, MFer!
Riley, Motovun might be a really good place for a retreat. It is on a hill. Italian is spoken/understood. You will fit right in.
It was shocking to me too, as a Russophile, making a Russia-Norway FB group in 2018, first to see Putin all over himself with "Satan" Klaus, and then coming across this site with info on Russia I've never before seen.
So I had to swallow the bitter Red Pill on whats going on in Russia, as I previously have swallowed the Red Pill on what the intersexual dynamics between men and women really are, as opposed to the fake Disneylike dogma media presents us with.
So links to our group about what is really happening goes down poorly.
Most people are afraid of confrontation and simply dont like. Some voice strong emotional protests, devoid of discussing facts, and a few have left the group. They weren't ready and choose to remain Blue pilled.
Very disappointing. I think Orlov was my entrée into the alt-Russia blogosphere with his interesting analyses of the West's cultural decline and the decline of the USSR. Alas, if he is advocating the whole vaccine & QR-code regime, he is just advocating for a return to the Soviet Union. But worse. Mandatory injections for everyone - not just selected dissidents. And a digital propiska on steroids. Ugh.
My wife is Russian. My daughter lives and works in Moscow. I am quite familiar with Russia and I find it a beautiful place to be, the people are fantastic (the ones I have met). I had admired President Putin because I thought he was the guy who was standing up for all the good things that we in the west have deliberately and foolishly discarded(ing)—you know those civilization-building things. My daughter always disagreed with me regarding Mr. Putin, but I always chalked that up to youthful ignorance. But now this scamdemic has changed my mind. Given the alleged treatment of Russia by the west, I had thought that this was the perfect time/event for Mr. Putin to come out and expose what is going on. I mean surely with all the resources of the SVR, FSB, GRU etc. he would no problem collecting evidence right? Instead, he has jumped on the globalist bandwagon. So my tentative conclusions are: 1) that he has probably been part of the cabal the whole time or has been converted (2014 could have been the time), 2) that there are no sanctions from the west, it is all smoke and mirrors, and 3) that this Russophilic media is all disinformation—the bird-man and Orlov especially. So my hopes have been dashed, there is no place left on earth for men of honor, we are all screwed.
it's a bitter pill; we will have to rely on each other to get out of this mess. no government in a cape is going to swoop down and save us--especially not the Russian government.
Orlov is a piece of shit. It's well explained here by Riley.
He wrote something on his Facebook wall about how bad the western vaccines turned out in NZ. I simply replied that none of them work, including Sputnik. He replied demanding proof or, in his words, GTFO. I replied simply "classy", then he made fun of my name like an immature child and booted me out.
I found his e-mail and told him what I think of him, but that's x-rated so best kept private, haha.
Anyhow, Dmitry Orlov has lost any credibility he ever had.
Thanks, at least for your mentioning of Putinasskisser, TheFaker! Funny thing is even Paul Craig Roberts (supposedly to be Russia Expert) has sung many songs inside the whale!
The onslaught of Russophile media of the kind you are talking about, Edward, came in early 2014. This was the time when The Saker came into prominence, but the real explosion came on the side of Runet, as Russians frequently call the Russian language Internet segment. This was the time when "out of thin air" dozens of resources suddenly sprung up -, NewsFront, ANNA News,, hundreds of YouTube channels and so on and so forth. This was the time of a movement that had a name of "Russian Spring" (Русская Весна), symbolizing a rebirth of the Russian spirit that faded after 1991. But the feast didn't last too long, first shadows of a doubt came on May 7th, 2014 after Putin met with then OSCE head and president of Switzerland Didier Burkhalter that, as most agree, delivered to Putin dossier that global powers kept on him and his family with detailed listing of bank accounts, assets and other things of interest. That's when Putin's rhetoric "we'll defend our compatriots in Donbass" quickly changed to "you shouldn't have that referendum" and when he asked for permission by Federation Council to use Russian troops in Ukraine to be revoked. You should watch that video of Putin-Burkhalter press conference, here is the link with no sound - just facial expressions and body language, After that moment the term "Putin flushed down the toilet" (Путин слил) came into existence, that Prigozhin trolls quickly responded to with "Cunning plan by Putin" (Хитрый план Путина or ХПП). There were many more events after, that shaped the Rusophile media inside of Russia and outside of it, but those resources that survived to this day have a definite, easily detectable propaganda slant and a state funding attached. This whole period and a segment of Russian and foreign media space requires a separate research, would be a very good topic for a doctoral thesis, I'm not aware of anything like that being done.
With this bit of history background the main thing where I agree with Edward is that ordinary people who remain in this media space of Russian patriotism model of 2014 are there primarily for comfort. It is so good to be in the world that could be easily understood and is black and white in nature. To the credit of Russian people I have to say that many, have snapped out of it, but awakening is a hard process. This is similar in a way to very large numbers of people in US still supporting Trump, but even here, in US, the tide is slowly changing,
Stanley, you continue to outdo yourself with your extremely interesting and in-depth comments. You should be writing my blog! I quit! :) but seriously, thank you and please keep sharing. It's extremely valuable to me and other readers.
Edward, whatever it takes to make your blog more successful )) But, jokes aside, I appreciate what you are doing here as this view is hardly represented elsewhere and happy to share the insights I have.
Some delightful comments you've got here, thank the kind soul on Rolo's blog who has referred to you! Subscribed.
Welcome to Edward Slavsquat :)
Edward, you are talented, no doubt. But, where does this hailstorm of hate texts about Putin come from? There is no perfect leader, but, if anyone is close to it, then it is Putin. That is why they hate him, those pale and anemic Westerners.... The pay is good?
so I should be thankful to Mr. Putin, for wanting to cattle-tag me and vaccinate me and my child against my will? sorry, I didn't know. I am paid 100,000,000,000 rubles a month by NATO. straight into my Sberbank account
Those pale and anemic westerners
No, of course not. But, is vaccination mandatory in Russia?
nope. you just just can't work if you aren't vaccinated. no big deal.
Hi Mina - you asked me a question, below my own comment on this thread - "why do you believe Eddie?" which I'd like to answer here - where you placed your acutely revealing rhetorical dig - "the pay is good?"
I do not "believe Eddie" in the sense of following his reports with an uncritical bias that filters out everything that does not confirm to my pre-existing prejudices. You know what I mean .... the kind of 'reporting from Rus' which one sees pasted all over the media spaces self-titled as 'alt-media'... where
some folks = we can't know whether 'the pay is good' or the blow jobs are free or whatever inducement works = endlessly extoll the neo-communist regime in Moscow as a 'city of light' in a 'dark dark wintry world -
I'm sure you've seen the kind of spaces I speak of... where westerlings who hate their lives - and their own kind - drool endlessly over pathetically obvert agit-prop which is packaged in a "death to Amerika" format that appeals to folks for whom Jonestown 2.0 can't come fast enough. No, that's not my approach to Eddies slant on things, Mina.
I've been where he's coming from: a 'boots on the ground' reporter on events which get 'interpreted' and 'analysed' in the west with a totally specious and false narrative that never gets corrected... due to the monopolies of media content which the fake 'alt' vs 'msm'\coke vs pepsi dissimulation is supposed to conceal. Knowing first hand how totally crushed ANY really 'alternative' gets... by the fake medias and their troll armies running roughshod over EVERY forum and outlet where people hungry for truth come in desperation,
I developed a keen sense of what is real reporting... and what is fake. It also gives me a keen sense of why you are here, and whence come your poorly placed aspersions. Some write for $, some write for love of truth in media; it 'pays' great dividends... to know the difference.
Like the other substack author you read, I don't believe "epstein killed himself"/// and as the author of the space which goes by that title - epstein didn't kill himself - quotes in the lead off to one of his posts = "It’s almost impossible for a normal person to have the broad perspective required to interpret historical events." "Reading history" - as per your suggestion on this thread - combined with reading Eddies posts.... gives the westerling an unparalleled opportunity to achieve that perspective... on Rus & Kovid2021!
Seems like your mirror may have frosted up in all that 'siberian cold front' ... please scrape off some of de ice... and take a 'cold hard look' at what shows up Mina!
Thank you for your reply. I must confess that my comment was not very original, but, what else could motivate someone for such an accusation? Was there any proof, appart from that video ( I sincerely do not trust, looks tinkered)? I believed Eddie at first, spontaniously, and got angry with myself for it. He is good, I like his writing. I am old enough to have that sense of real or fake story, myself. He almost convinced me. But, no. I need more than that. Still did not search for the original video of Putin - Burkhalter press conference, but will do it. Btw, you placed me completely wrong, but, I gues I deserved it with my poor comment . Am even a bit ashamed of it now. You placed me in siberian cold front, so we are even now ( I do not like cold) . As for what shows up, that we all shall see.
Hi Mina,
Comments like "who is paying you" (a hilarious thing to say, if you had any self-awareness or understanding of my actual situation) or "I believed Eddie at first" don't really add a lot. What do you not believe, specifically? State your case, in specifics. I'm sure my readers would be grateful.
It is so obvious that I was shocked and reacted improperly. In the meantime I visited a lot of places where I could only verify your excellent writing and nothing else but noble intentions. It was the video of Didier Burkhalter - Vladimir Putin pressconference that made me suspicious. As for my personal reasons, your title hits the nail on the head, and you made me see myself with another light. Strange thing, that cognitive dissonance... Even if that video was made up, there are tons of other indications of a sad situation in Russia regarding so called pandemic. Please accept my apology.
Mina, I'm willing to accept the idea that I placed you wrong; your answer gives me the impression that you are a thinking person, rather than just a troll type of the kind I know too well. I've been riding 'shotgun' over Eddies' stage coach here, because I know just how viciously those trolls react when a bit of truth gets out about their chosen "God-Emperor/Holy Land"
and don't think that Eddie - for all of his experiences as a 'senior RT editor' & reporter in Rus is quite prepared for their inevitable arrival. Also unlike Sir Eddie, I don't believe his followers here will really be ready for a detailed break down of what might be suspect about his approach or reporting.... what I'm seeing is a replication of the blind 'leader/follower' circle jerk approach that westerlings love and cling to in place of getting real... about really real threat to our future ... &
instead of good hard hitting debate, collective solution seeking, and general ferment of ideas which would be totally necessary for anything productive at all to arise from Eddie's amazing service here. Just another cul de sac of venting, in other words.
I apologize for any mischaracterization which might cause you to feel slighted, and thank you for giving me the cue to sign off from my self-assigned role here.
You are absolutely right, Yunus Baykus. I am not a troll of any kind, but poor case of cognitive dissonance. Thank you for helping me realize it. Serves me right to feel slighted, no need to apologize.
On point, as always. It's clear Russia is in "lockstep" with the global agenda. But some people are so partisan it blinds them to all reality. Once you've renounced any and all political affiliation and can view everything from a completely neutral stance, it all becomes clear. Because then you are looking at global developments from the point of view as a human being living on this planet and we can see war being waged on humanity. Many that would proclaim to be on our side are only on our side due to partisan bias or because they've latched onto one particular facet of the agenda (i.e. vaccines) but their political identity is still intact. This politicalization of the soul is a mind-virus. For some people it comprises the majority of their identity. They are blind so of course they cannot see.
"Because then you are looking at global developments from the point of view as a human being living on this planet and we can see war being waged on humanity" -- perfectly stated.
On a more basic level, most people can't deal with cognitive dissonance of how much everything they've ever been told are complete lies, so if some of these guys started writing "the objective truth", they would lose their audience, which expects them to hum a certain tune and confirm certain biases.
The west did everything possible to make Russia look and behave the same as them, of course, through well payed globalists, 5th column in Russia. There are always, everywhere people with the price tag. But, there is no price tag for the people of Russia. You can forget about it. Read history, if you don`t understand what I am saying.
The last couple of months have proven that these so-called Russia-experts were completely out of their depth. I don't even think they get paid to shill for the Russian government - they just fervently believe their own fantasies. This is literally textbook Boomer behavior regardless of the country that these people hail from. It's always 5D Chess with these people. You had the same phenomenon with the Qanon Boomers who were always 2 weeks away from Dognald Brumpf shutting down the pedophile tunnels and the gremlin army of Oprah Winfrey and Tom Hanks. Facing reality is difficult, so people turn to fantasy in the hope that the cavalry will swoop in soon to save them.
We're on our own, people. Let the scales fall from your eyes. We need to plan for the future with that in mind.
Prigozhins Troll Army literally OWNED the alt-media space for the past decade - challenging their phony 'nationalist'/'alt-right' psyop was guaranteed to earn one a s**t storm of opprobrium on any forum or web site.... ergo... after a while NOBODY DARED TO!
That's why Eddie's space is so huge; the psyoperators of the 'RUSSOPHILE MEDIA' literally ran circles round their dopey, duped readers... ring-fencin em with b.s. while pushing 'AGENT ADDERALL'/ADMIRAL WARPED SPEEDS' JARED AGENDA. And guess what? That's what got us .... HERE! KUSHNERS KOVID KAPER was baked into Drumpsters Kake. And the ultra-leftists guding the dopey koolaid drinkers of the phony 'right' were able to wrap the foundations of the Republic in dynamite which has a fuse now rapidly dwindling in length!
The well pace sarc/fact bomb/more sarc/boom dey blowed up real good that 'our boy' Eddie drops down from his high level SARCASTER is playin havoc with troll-towns team - which is prolly why the incident a little while back with the 'pleasantly bland' & 'seemingly 'helpful' suggestion that he cut out the STUFF WHICH POWERS THIS SITE ... and quietly emasculate himself like a good humorless goytoyboy..
Nuff nuff dat. This here piece just blows the Saker/Hooch o'er Bama b.s. away like a Charlie VC caught sniping at Duvalls morning exercises. Pootie Pushers were UP TO THE EYEBALLS in setting the stage for Kovid-Kaper/Jonestown 2.0. That's why they are so silent now.
We are indeed... truly on our own. But at least we finally got some 'aerial support' = more napalm... moar often Eddie - you blowed them suckas up real good with this one!
thank you sir.
Why do you believe Eddie?!? Beacause he said so?!?
China is definitely running circles around the West - they've had people in a totalitarian digital bootcamp for a number of years now. Maybe that's what the "Russophiles" mean that Russia is now "harmonized" with that Chinese "doctrine".
If you paid close attention, the pro-Russian shills from the West have always been quick to flip-flop: Erdogan shoots down Russian jet in Syria: "OMG this turkish dood is a killer and a dictator who supports terrorists, Russia should issue the strongest response and send goons to his palace!"
Erdogan buys S-400: "OMG Putin and Erdogan are so based, playing 85000D chess against NATO and the West about to clean up Syria from terror!"
Same thing on just about every other issue.
It's a comfortable "shill ecosystem" where they just appeal to a certain audience and the Russian shills need the pro-NATO guys and vice versa for more divide and conquer.
When something big like the "pandemic" happens, you start to see that everyone is pretty much paid from the same bank accounts at the end of the day.
If you still need a booster after being FULLY vaccinated, and still need to get tested after being FULLY vaccinated and still need to wear it mask after being FULLY vaccinated and still get hospitalized after being FULLY vaccinated…
It’s probably time you admitted that you have been FULLY conned.
Excellent remark!
Yes, I know this type very well - intelligent Russians denying the reality and believing that Putin will outsmart the West and the globalists. And if the fruits of the smart strategy are not so obvious, this is because Putin is in the ambush. But he surely knows what he is doing, just trust him and don’t ask too many questions. Talking about Covid vaccines, it is interesting to see how small Russian community in Australia is divided: one party believes in Pfizer and the other party believes in Sputnik-V. The second party even demanded the Australian government to recognise Sputnik and allow Russian citizens to get vaccinated by Sputnik - the only vaccine they can trust - in order to leave and re-enter Australia. A friend of mine, a very intelligent man and true Russofile, has just recently returned from Moscow, fully jabbed by Sputnik and very proud of himself. However, being an honest man, he did not hide from me the fact that shortly after the second shot he and his wife both got sick with covid which quite ruined their holiday-making in Crimea. Unfortunately, Australia does not recognise Sputnik, so on return to Sydney my friend and his wife ended up in a quarantine hotel at a cost of $3500 for 14 days, while other incoming travellers jabbed by Pfizer, Astra or Moderna were allowed to quarantine for 7 days at home. But of course he had no regrets about paying a hefty price for his patriotism. When I told him that Sputnik is the same sh…t as Astra Zeneca, that they are twin brothers, he said that I don’t get it, and that while technology is seemingly the same, Sputnik is much better purified and does not contain harmful ingredients which Astra does…. In short, Putin has outsmarted the West again. What can I say? I gave up on my otherwise intelligent friend and other compatriots like him. But thank you Edward for the “Inside the Whale” metaphor - this is it.
very interesting. Thanks for sharing!
Still too early for conclusions, Anastasia. Do not hurry.
спасибо тебе за это, Настя. Истина, как вы ее понимаете. Мы у вас в долгу.
[Thank you for that, Nastya. The truth, as you understand it. We are in your debt.]
За что спасибо? И в каком таком долгу? Многим все уже было очевидно если не с первого же дня «лжепандемии» (те, кто интересовался соответствующими процессами в мире), то уж точно с мая-июня прошлого года (те, у кого просто сработало здоровое чутьё). Жаль не проснувшихся. Я, пыталась будить их вот уже 20 месяцев, но на некоторых пришлось махнуть рукой. (Thank you for what? In what debt? It was already obvious to many, if not from the very first day of the "pseudo-pandemic" (to those who were interested in certain processes happening in the world), then definitely from May-June of the last year (to those who simply had a healthy instinct). I feel sorry for those who did not wake up. I, tried to wake them up for 20 months, but on some I had to give up).
A holiday in modern Crimea is already a holiday ruined
crazy. Crimea is and always was Russian. What do you mean to say?
That mobs of Russian tourists don't make a place better.
It is a pity if this is the case. I was there only once with my parents, when I was a little child. This was in the Soviet times. I still remember the place called Koktebel, it was absolutely beautiful!
Orlov has made only one significant remark on this issue so far, something about Western ´´paid´´ opposition to the vaccine rollout in Russia.
Several months ago, (as a respectful but tentative follower) I was disappointed that he was avoiding any critical analysis of Russia´s involvement with the WEF. Being a dedicated Russophile, I asked him to please address the somewhat dissonant issue of ´´Herr Gref and Herr Mishustin´´ at the top table of cyber polygon, while Western mass media were simultaneously rambling on about the ´´Russian´´ cyber threat. This issue had been highlighted with surgical precision by Whitney Webb and I stupidly thought Orlov would have a different but logical ´´interpretation´´ of such an anomaly. All we got however was his ever more tired polemic about the ´´imminent ´´collapse´´ of the US empire.
There is a lot of ´´Slithering´´ going on everywhere and unfortunately for us who love Russia and Russian culture, there too, the slugs are rampant!!
So thanks Edward for your energy and for opening an important space for the wider Anglophone resistance.
Thanks, James. Honestly I have nothing personally against Orlov, but I'm shocked that his writing on COVID/the vax, in relation to Russia, has been so thoughtless. His takedowns of the US are legendary.
Ï was alwys suspicious of Whitney Webb. There we go.
You are on fire, bro!
Believe it or not Dmitry Orlov (D.O., pronounced D’oh!) reads your blog. How could he not? You, Mr. Sheppard, and precious few others are lifting the lid on the worldwide con re: Russia.
Pancake boi, AKA блин, AKA crepe, Kremlin apologist and bootlicker extraordinaire posted his drivel a few days ago. He’s butthurt that his magnum opus “Economic Collapse of the West” has been upstaged by the ongoing bust-out of capitalism’s western project via the covid hoax.
And that is what it is, too. Organized destruction of SMEs. Degradation and dismantlement of security forces including armed services. Take down of “health” care system. Dismemberment of education at every level. Yuri Bezmanov would be proud. Did he realize before his death that he was working for western capitalists?
Hey Dmitry, do you really believe that your pseudo-intellectual status and not-quite-perfect command of American English will entitle you to special privileges when the worldwide gulag system is implemented? They are going to lock up your ass too, MFer!
Riley, Motovun might be a really good place for a retreat. It is on a hill. Italian is spoken/understood. You will fit right in.
you really thinks he reads Slavsquat? I doubt it.
Interesting idea re: Motovun, but I speak zero Italian!
It was shocking to me too, as a Russophile, making a Russia-Norway FB group in 2018, first to see Putin all over himself with "Satan" Klaus, and then coming across this site with info on Russia I've never before seen.
So I had to swallow the bitter Red Pill on whats going on in Russia, as I previously have swallowed the Red Pill on what the intersexual dynamics between men and women really are, as opposed to the fake Disneylike dogma media presents us with.
So links to our group about what is really happening goes down poorly.
Most people are afraid of confrontation and simply dont like. Some voice strong emotional protests, devoid of discussing facts, and a few have left the group. They weren't ready and choose to remain Blue pilled.
Very disappointing. I think Orlov was my entrée into the alt-Russia blogosphere with his interesting analyses of the West's cultural decline and the decline of the USSR. Alas, if he is advocating the whole vaccine & QR-code regime, he is just advocating for a return to the Soviet Union. But worse. Mandatory injections for everyone - not just selected dissidents. And a digital propiska on steroids. Ugh.
Leaving the whale makes me want to crawl into a bottle...
My wife is Russian. My daughter lives and works in Moscow. I am quite familiar with Russia and I find it a beautiful place to be, the people are fantastic (the ones I have met). I had admired President Putin because I thought he was the guy who was standing up for all the good things that we in the west have deliberately and foolishly discarded(ing)—you know those civilization-building things. My daughter always disagreed with me regarding Mr. Putin, but I always chalked that up to youthful ignorance. But now this scamdemic has changed my mind. Given the alleged treatment of Russia by the west, I had thought that this was the perfect time/event for Mr. Putin to come out and expose what is going on. I mean surely with all the resources of the SVR, FSB, GRU etc. he would no problem collecting evidence right? Instead, he has jumped on the globalist bandwagon. So my tentative conclusions are: 1) that he has probably been part of the cabal the whole time or has been converted (2014 could have been the time), 2) that there are no sanctions from the west, it is all smoke and mirrors, and 3) that this Russophilic media is all disinformation—the bird-man and Orlov especially. So my hopes have been dashed, there is no place left on earth for men of honor, we are all screwed.
it's a bitter pill; we will have to rely on each other to get out of this mess. no government in a cape is going to swoop down and save us--especially not the Russian government.
Orlov is a piece of shit. It's well explained here by Riley.
He wrote something on his Facebook wall about how bad the western vaccines turned out in NZ. I simply replied that none of them work, including Sputnik. He replied demanding proof or, in his words, GTFO. I replied simply "classy", then he made fun of my name like an immature child and booted me out.
I found his e-mail and told him what I think of him, but that's x-rated so best kept private, haha.
Anyhow, Dmitry Orlov has lost any credibility he ever had.
!!!! wow.
Thanks, at least for your mentioning of Putinasskisser, TheFaker! Funny thing is even Paul Craig Roberts (supposedly to be Russia Expert) has sung many songs inside the whale!
I hear Xi is envious about how controlled the Russian media are.