Pleased to know the Russian and China good Bi-Polar Bears are going to save "Us" from the Uni-Polar bad Imperialist Bear.

Just ask the Canadian Patriot Ehrets, and the Mao Worshipping Jeff Browns, etc. waving the Bi-Polar flags, Up & Down.


So fight Uni-Polar Depression with Bi-Polar Manic-Depression, right?

Do not go into that Insane Asylum, and choose neither, perhaps?

“All the problems of the man who fears for his humanity come down to the same question: how to remain free?” Stefan Zweig

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Ehrett is a chinese ass licker, exactly as Kissinger and Brezinski were, a Crown Agent (Henderson's way) and a Plato's phulakes, not smart enough to realize that there is no such thing as Western and Eastern civilizations anymore. This little plain-brat-university-word-salad-history-twister-brainwashed-dull-duck is willing to explain everything on earth (everybody knows the earth is multipolar anyway, no?) as the friendly Khazars once cooperates with China to maintain silk road gangster shit, aka economy, trade, commerce or whatever. Nothing good will come out this big mouth empty head phoney smart donkey (in Giordano Bruno's way of thinking). Which is just my personnal way to say I can't more agree with you, Jack.

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Well, that was a randy rant, Louis! I am smiling.

Your testosterone is showing:) which is ok.

But I prefer, with great difficulty, to try to be a gentle-man and get him to show his true colors in open discussion (coming soon on my Substack post) along with Jeff J (no less) Brown (nose for the CCP--see although my testosterone, thankfully, has receded with 79 years of using me, it is still there apparently).

But good to know there are a few of us out there seeing through the Ehrats, (sicK, er, Ehret--one T is enough and if only there were only one of such Ehret Fellow Travelers out there).

Get free, stay free.

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The emperor Tiberius is reported to have said, that freedom is the most dangerous illusion of all. Not sure of the groundwork now. Partly to do with the perception of freedom, as being in opposition to Roman idea of imposed law and order, for the common good of course. Slightly skewed Roman perspective, in an empire with a majority of slaves. Nonetheless, clearly applicable today, without much stretching. Tiberius was also apparently convinced somehow, that the social contract necessarily excluded freedom, as all men have obligations that limit their freedom. Even if you choose to be a hermit, you are still inevitably bound to the social contract, to some degree. Not sure if Tiberius is actually responsible for any of this thinking. Regardless, the definition of freedom is a challenge I think. The conduct of many "freedom fighters", makes me wonder if they actually know, exactly what they are fighting for.

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To begin with your ending of wondering about the “conduct of many ‘freedom fighters’”, yes, I agree.

Those I named: Matt Ehret (and wife Cynthia Chung) and Jeff J Brown—who are on one side of their brain “freedom fighters”; and then, schizophrenically, on the other side of their brain, “enslavement fighters”—I certainly wonder about.

How they manage their “mental dis-ease” might best be approached by reading “Deceit and Self-Deception: Fooling Yourself the Better to Fool Others” by Robert Trivers.

The rest of your statements I challenge.

The “definition of freedom is a challenge” only for those who are already controlled or doing the controlling like Tiberius. If I were a tyrant, I too would try to get my ruled/enslaved to believe “freedom is the most dangerous illusion of all” and I am saving your life by “imposing law and order”.

It is what all would be tyrant/rulers do from the beginning of Homo sapiens sapiens—nothing, unfortunately, new here.

And that should be THE motivating question and quest for you: to discover why it is most of the individuals in the collective of Humanity want to rule others or be ruled by them.

As a responsibly free Voluntaryist with no moral right to rule/enslave anyone but myself, I consider freedom as self-ownership/rule to be an inescapable, existential moral necessity of the highest value practiced upon the base of the Non-Aggression Principle (first physical force or threat of it is never morally justified except to save a physical life).

Clearly, Tiberius, with a ticket to write, would believe (proper verb) in the “social contract” ruse and the Hobbesian “obligations that limit freedom”.

That the definition of freedom is problematic for you is a good opportunity for me to invite you to attend our next “The Philosophy of Responsible Freedom” seminar series to begin within a month or so—although I am not sure yet if I will repeat my last offering of 50 videos from the Academy of Ideas as here

https://responsiblyfree.substack.com/p/the-philosophy-of-responsible-freedom ;

or will use a different series from the Academy of Ideas.

Whatever, I am hopeful that you will exit that encounter understanding the Voluntaryist definition of freedom and living it pleasurably and peacefully.

Email me, Jack: responsiblyfree@protonmail.com and I will put you on the email that announces the launch of the new series.

I hope to have your Seed in Voluntaryist ground soon.

Get free, stay free.

Voluntaryist Jack in New Zealand

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Dec 9, 2023Liked by Edward Slavsquat

They see you when you're sleeping. They know when you're awake...

Happy holidays folks

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.....it's the " bad or good " part that concerns me most.

Can you say Social Credit Score?

I KNEW you could.....

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But also, they see us when we are neither sleeping or awake, when we are in that hypnotized limbo-land of the magic media screen and quasi-implant earbuds. Our capacity for being useless to ourselves and each other is very well studied by The Big Eye with no I inside, just a dithering of bureaucrats and software algorithms (not much difference, p'haps?)

I predict that public security cams will be the first targets to be emphasized when peoples go crazy and start using those shiny guns ' they've been hoarding. The revolution will not be televised, since the revolution (they do happen, you know) will naturally focus its inchoate rage on the thing they love/hate most: the media.

That's why I'm learning to sing. ('sing' meaning "sing well enough that people enjoy it and want to join in".) Cuz when push comes to shove, we're all gonna need to hold hands and sing Kumbaya. Beats dancing around some golden calf:


I'd rather dress as young black woman and sing this:


P.S. To make Putin-haters heads asplode:


It has a paywall. I am a humane being. Think of it as a safety: it only makes your head aspolode if you send Orlov money. (And who wants to do that?!?!?)

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You keep covering most excellent news, Riley... sorry Roman :)))

On a side note, you made me think through the morphology of the famous Russian statement that you so generously shared in your last story. I realized that it actually means not "f*ck your mother" but "I f*ck / am f*cking your mother." The stress must have been on the second syllable historically but the modern dialect makes it sound weird so it's now on the first syllable, making it more of an abstract statement while the original statement is first person. You never know the impact of your blog, Riley. See how after many years of just accepting that statement as a part of the Russian language, I finally took the time to analyze it!!

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Thanks Tessa! I learned something!

Readers added context they thought people might want to know


I love Russian swearing but I don't get to use it very often))

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Hmm, this version is truncated! There is an extra syllable but I suppose, with everything gettin sped up, this version can also be used!

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Maybe he's trying to say: Roman, you're like a son to me/ I love you like my son 😁

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Yeah that's it. :) Jokes aside, it's a very common statement used almost universally by "working class" Russians, at the frequency that Riley described. It has no relation to the person to whom said working class Russian is talking, it's used like American teenagers use the word "like."

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IN the old USA Appalachian South, people at the dinner table would ask, "Would you love some more gravy?" "Would you love some more tea?" similar thing

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Dec 9, 2023·edited Dec 9, 2023

"Safety" is another word like "hate", whose meaning has been expanded into meaninglessness, since it now can be made to include essentially anything you want.

As a candidate "land of sanity" Russia continues to disappoint, although it seems to be doing a bit better than the English-speaking world. At least they don't seem to have gone "woke" yet.

One big theme of this blog seems to be that all of these people, East and West, are playing on the same globalist team, but I think that is not entirely true. I think the would-be Masters of the Universe still vie with one another for total control, while at the same time sharing a common belief in the usefulness of one particular set of methods for controlling their vast herds of proles. Like the back-alley crap game, where the players all play with one another, but turn in unison on whomever comes along to try breaking up the game.

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“If anarchists are idealists, they may simply be likened to someone who finds himself swimming in the cesspool and, rather than paddling about looking for the area with the least amount of floating feces, seeks to climb out of the pool completely. When you are presented with a choice between two evils, do not choose the lesser. Choose the exit.” Robert Higgs

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Great, insightful comment. Helps me get a grip on this whole confusing mess.

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Vladimir Vladimirovic why bother with extra cameras, just provide Russians with safe & effective & entirely voluntary Neuralink implants and turn your beloved nation into Borg Collective.

They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions - but there are no good intentions here.

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Between the CCP's female-deprived youths and dispossessed Palestians, America's gonna hafta blog harder and hope they use Google translate to read our angst.

Never in the history of a people has such a massive, slow-motion, abundantly blogged-about wave of humanity with patently evil intent been allowed to file across a border with no response.

Movies have done a brilliant job of assuring Americans that, when the stuff hits the fan, they will morph into Clint Eastwood in Heartbreak Ridge.

In truth, Americans are among the most passive and inert people on the planet. It's a weird dichotomy, Americans in movies vs Americans in walkabout life. But that doesn't make it any less true. Is it possible real Americans mistake themselves for Americans in movies, sort of a Replacement Theory in and of itself?

I have a theory. Americans aren't going to do anything at all.

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I have a theory.

Mass education dumbs people down, clones them, makes them passive and easily controlled.

Just a theory.

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ALL COMMENTERS HERE--JOIN US SOON FOR THE NEXT SEMINAR SERIES? Email Jack: responsiblyfree@protonmail.com

From the just completed series

THE PHILOSOPHY OF RESPONSIBLE FREEDOM: 36.Why Public Schools And The Mainstream Media Dumb Us Down (& Handcuff & Taser Us)


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That's it in a nutshell.

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Funny how the freedom fighters in the collective West ( whoever they are) praise the Russian regime based firmly on traditional values ( whatever that may be). Reminds me of how French intellectuals fell for the red communist hoax.

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The Russian traditional values fans concern me too.

Clearly there are two Russias, two Putins, two Kirills, two apparently irreconcilable agendas.

Yet some people, seem to only see, what they want to see.

Guess this avoids cognitive dissonance, but will it deliver from evil?

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If anyone has any doubts about Putin being a Globalist stooge, they should read his recent glowing comments about Kissinger. Anyone who praises Kissinger is a sick fuck.

The Russian people are just as sheep like as the rest of the world. The slave mentality is the norm in Russia as it is everywhere else.

For example, I am not aware of any major protests in Russia (outside of Muslim areas) against the Gaza Holocaust.

Any who thinks their government cares about their safety and well being is delusional. As George Carlin said: They don't give a fuck about you. They don't care about you at all...at all...at all.

When Putin invited Netanyahu to the Victory Day parade a couple of years ago, I knew he was a traitor.

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The machine keeps going

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Thanks Riley. For some reason people love cameras and to have their picture taken.

When the gov uses "it is for the children" or "for the greater good" or "for others", “keeping us safe” ‘it’s for your safety”, or “it’s for the children”, “sacrifice for humanity”, ‘the right thing to do’ or ‘do the right thing’ When you hear that watch out!

“Safe” or “safety” is an emotional concept. It’s blackmail using emotion. (Emotional manipulation) of equality. Its tyranny approaching. - it’s about business in reality- profit

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This makes me jealous of Russians, because they really will know that "someone is watching you" and making sure that you are safe, and an effective and cooperative citizen, allotting social credit where credit is due. Feel most like leaving home and grabbing a rocket to Russia. 🤣

Thanks so much, Riley, this is bone-chilling but such necessary knowledge to have.

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"Of course, it would be better if there were 100 CCTV cameras for every 0.8 Russians but Rome wasn’t built in a day."

This is my cherished takeaway, from your ever perceptive and much appreciated input Riley.

I think I read somewhere recently, that China has over 200,000,000 surveillance cameras in operation.

Not sure how many that is per person in China.

Does it matter?

This whole thing is incredibly insane.

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This is not journalism, but this is art and creation!!!

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“Private” and safety cannot coexist!"

Correct, unit #THX1139, every fondle slab, I mean cellphone, will also be coercively welcomed to the Borg. There is no greater all-encompassing method for compliance than the magic word "safety", and it has such a nice minty-fresh nimbus too! Who could object to these kind overtures of The State?

Do not be ungrateful of your masters, or you may be exiled in tiny hamlet where ones main source of heating fuel is empty rolls of US ballot paper.

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Russia’s inflation is too low so they need expensive public projects that don’t turn a profit.

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It says something about the bovine nature of modern society that hardly anyone at the grocery store is amused when I preen for the camera as the exit door monitor shows my face with a green box around it while below a sign says You Are Are Being Recorded or some such.

I plan to bring a porta-karaoke to the store and show them how an old man makes a serious musical fool of himself.

For the myriad bots monitoring our every keystroke, yea, even in Edvard'z blog throne room: I am not a robot. But if you like my style, you can imitate it. I'm the one with the green feathers:


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