Thanks for posting my favourite video, ever.

Although a brick would have been more suitable, the pie worked well enough...

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Another good one is the South Park episode where he talks about winblows 98

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I think modern medicine was taken over by the Globalists a long time ago. Somehow, I didn't think it reached all the way to Russia. That is shocking. Thankfully we still have many good natural doctors. I follow Dr Berg on Youtube, he also has a Russia channel.

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Yes. James Corbett has an excellent documentary called Rockefeller Medicine about how the original snake oil salesman hijacked real natural medicine and turned it into a for-obscene-private-profit poison distribution system

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Thanks for the vid.

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I followed the link the GPMB’s board and noticed that George Gao, the head of the Chinese CDC is also a member (https://www.gpmb.org/board/item/dr-george-f.-gao), which is interesting because he was also a participant at Event 201 (https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/event201/players/gao.html) put on by Gates and the WEF in 2019 which coincidentally war-gamed a global coronavirus pandemic just months before the first case of “atypical pneumonia” (later blamed on an alleged novel virus...you know the rest of the story) was reported in Wuhan, where the CCDC just happens to operate and happened to to “discover” the alleged causative agent.

You do a great job destroying dangerous illusions about Russia’s role in all this. I’m sure someone - a native Chinese citizen preferably - could create a similar blog delineating the collaboration of China’s government and ruling class in this global scamdemic.

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thanks. personally I've very interested in learning more about the Chinese side of things re: covid shots, etc, but I am not at all qualified to write on these subjects. It would be great if there was someone out there who could shine a light on these questions.

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If Event 201 was "The Huddle" before the big play, George Gao was the quarterback calling that play.

A great German-language documentary made the rounds in mid-2020. (I can't find it at the moment.) It profiled most of the Event 201 participants and put their roles in context, as well as describing their immediate steps after the "simulation". George Gao is the head of China's "CDC" and is a virologist specializing in gain-of-function experiments to get bat coronaviruses to infect humans. [ https://read.qxmd.com/read/31776269/molecular-basis-of-binding-between-middle-east-respiratory-syndrome-coronavirus-and-cd26-from-seven-bat-species ]. In the Event 201 clips, he can be seen basically barking orders at a gaggle of western stooges, who nod and simper obsequiously, telling them how they will have to wind down or reorganize their respective spheres of industry and government "in the event of" a "pandemic" as envisioned by the exercise.

Then, he flew back to China, and within a couple weeks co-authored the fateful papers supposedly announcing the "discovery of a novel coronavirus": "A novel coronavirus outbreak of global health concern" in the Lancet.

[ https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)30185-9/fulltext ] This paper is filled with all of the "scary" buzz-phrases that were used to justify the hysteria in the US and Europe. The same article featured "Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China" with all the nonsense about bats.

[ https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)30183-5/fulltext ] Incidentally, it also says, "A novel coronavirus, which was named 2019-nCoV, was isolated then from lower respiratory tract specimen and a diagnostic test for this virus was developed soon after that." (I'm not saying whether that's true or not, but that's the claim.) The claim is based on the referred paper "A Novel Coronavirus Genome Identified in a Cluster of Pneumonia Cases — Wuhan, China 2019−2020," authored in part by, who else? George Gao.

[ http://weekly.chinacdc.cn/en/article/id/a3907201-f64f-4154-a19e-4253b453d10c ]

China meanwhile also served up some cartoonish snuff films, supposedly depicting the severe effects of "Covid" and the draconian "lockdown" measures supposedly in response. This was exactly the role scripted for China in the 2010 Rockefeller Lock Step "Scenario" report.

The "virus pandemic" is strictly an engineered narrative designed to control the US masses as the "USA" is subordinated to Chinese control, as agreed at the highest levels to make good on its otherwise unserviceable debt to China. The profligate West is now in receivership, and is being reorganized so as to be compatible with China's bureaucracy and "social credit system" so that the collateral (land and slaves) can be rendered up to the creditor state China, while the "elites" maintain their power and a "seat at the table" post-Great Reset. In bankruptcy terms, the West is currently in "Reorganization" phase. "Liquidation" is the always-looming Plan B.

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Jan 28, 2022Edited
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Once again, awesome research. Thank you.

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Спасибо за видео, я прямо кайфанула :)

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пожалуйста! :)

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The picture of her and Putin looks so fucking stupid that I am reminded of American politics.

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Russian medicine has remained focused on prevention, and one thing you notice about pharmacies is they still carry a lot of natural-based remedies. The best of both worlds. I'm sure the Rockefeller Medicine Men* want to stop that.

* Book by E. Richard Brown

Sad, sad news about the hospitals. Moscow has/had a very impressive service... looking a bit tatty on the outside, but well run on the inside. And with a huge population of foreign workers, it especially needs the infectious disease hospitals.


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This is distressing, as the American Neocons are counting on demographic collapse in China and Russia as their ticket to world domination, with maybe a world war thrown in for good measure.

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A great article as usual, Edward, but it omits the crucial element of McKinsey being in charge of the "reform".You should one day dig into those guys, they are the executive.

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A sort of homage to a burned out basement dwelling woke and whining dinosaur long past its sell by date as real Canada finally gets off its knees.

Keep on trucking in the free world




Intro vid: Sold Man - Curtis Stone and Media Bear:


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