Looking at the Ukraine SMO in light of Russia's continued march in lock-step with the global cattle tagging project, I'm reminded of this quote from 1984:

"In one combination or another, these three super-states are permanently at war, and have been so for the past twenty-five years. War, however, is no longer the desperate, annihilating struggle that it was in the early decades of the twentieth century. It is a warfare of limited aims between combatants who are unable to destroy one another, have no material cause for fighting and are not divided by any genuine ideological difference."

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Lt Col. Fletcher Prouty mentioned in his book, the secret team, that once nuclear weapons were developed, war changed.

Because the loser can launch nukes, war no longer had a winner and loser.

They changed to wars of attrition, starting with Vietnam.

We regularly get the fear porn about nuclear war destroying earth, but I do not believe that those who run global politics would ever let that happen because it will destroy their playground. Yachts are useless in underground bases lol.

It explains why the UN doesn't do shit to stop wars and push for peace. Their purpose is just to prevent nuclear war, not war in general.

They play powerless to stop this pre planned war, while the WHO cries for more power for the new endless war on germs.

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"They play powerless to stop this pre planned war, while the WHO cries for more power for the new endless war on germs."

Great comment. From a purely American standpoint, the war on germs simply replaced the GWOT. It was obvious in the early stages when the messaging and propaganda techniques used to drum up support for a war against Saddam and Al Qaeda were employed again to convince billions to line up for mRNA shots and don masks while hiding in their basement, among other patent absurdities.

That's why I find the prospect of China launching a war to re-take Taiwan difficult to accept. The Chinese figured out long ago (pretty much when Deng Xiaoping jettisoned the 'gang of four' and the Maoists) that they can successfully buy influence by encouraging developing nations to leverage their economies to China which they have successfully accomplished through the 'Belt and Road' initiative.

As the United States pisses away its infrastructure through stupid wars and bizarre social engineering projects (the whole LGBTQ+/trans thing and now talk of reparations, all of which I believe is being financed by Soros and probably the CCP), the Chinese will continue to laugh all the way to the bank. In five years, Taiwan will be begging Xi to take them back.

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That's an interesting take on Taiwan! And rather ingenious.

If the US, which is Taiwan's biggest customer, is too broke to buy, Taiwan will naturally move to the next buyer.

This might be coming sooner than most think. The US will lose reserve currency status, and when that happens, nobody will be worried about what model phone they're using. That's for sure!

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I heard that the new prime minister of Taiwan is from the party that isn't anti China.

I think the people voted for that party because they too are facing economic issues and the oligarchs in Taiwan are screwing them like the oligarchs do in the West.

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As U.S. influence continues to decline, particularly in Asia, we'll see many nominal U.S. allies increasingly looking to buy favor from China. We're already seeing that as Xi brokers cooperation with the Saudis and Iran and buys influence in South and Central America. China already controls Canada, by all appearances. China will win through economic hegemony, without the PLA firing a single shot.

Meanwhile, the uniparty neocons in the U.S. squander largesse in their proxy war with Russia and Americans remain distracted with race wars and Dylan Mulvaney promoting a sh*tty beer brand. We're like Marcus Aurelius writing his self-help journal to remain stoic while he watches the Roman Empire contuining to slowly die.

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Globohomo is more than capable of dealing with China and Russia... underestimate it at your peril. Russia is busy being it's own worst enemy so they will go down first, maybe before the year is out. Putin will be handed over by the globo homo caucus in exchange for immunity.

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The issue is that we think that the crazy extremists are really in power.

They were for decades, hiding behind religion and eugenics and science...

But now they're so incompetent that they never had a good deal for Taiwan, they just go into countries and take take take just like they do in their home countries.

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Don't forget the latest war. The war on CO2.

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You got it in one.

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Ditto yours.

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Don't worry. Russia still sells Ukraine diesel fuel so the glorious war can continue for the great 5d belt you on the road initiative.

Even Jimmy dore was perplexed why Russia sells Ukraine fuel.

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I'm shocked he even mentioned it.

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Likewise, these guys usually have no knowledge on these subjects.

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Gosh that's a brain scratcher ay!

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Dore seems plerlexed about many things. In his show yesterday (i only watched it because Whitney Webb made an appearance) he was shilling for China. I can tell you this plerplexed me !

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Team 5D worship China and Russia, they are going to save the world you see

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The only 'excuse' I could invent for such a scenario is Russia wishes to see the not-evil Ukrainian citizens unharmed (fuel isn't just used for tanks; trucks that deliver food supplies and cars use it as well).

However I doubt Zelensky will make them aware of their fuel-based benefactor, and from a strategic standpoint I feel like sending fuel would just... add more fuel to the fire. Prolonging the conflict, ergo, increasing the risk to the civilians.

Then again, I find it amusing thinking that Russia probably sells them the fuel, only to then blow up the fuel depots with said fuel in them. That said... why not just keep the fuel and lower domestic prices, because Ukraine's money is worthless, it's basically mass printed US dollars.

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Yet another reminder, another reason not to use a slave phone. Nowadays, most companies like online shops, banks and, apparently, now even the government are "offering" convenient apps so they can conviently spy on you and conveniently send you ads when you're actually busy with something else. Every aspect of a "smart" phones is made to distract you (notifications) and to prevent you from actually making an informed decision while at the same time pushing you towards making an emotional decision. Say, you're busy talking to friends or whatever, convenient app no 23 shows an important notification, you should buy something that they know you have been searching for (because you've searched on the phone where nobody cleans their browsing history and all actions are linked to your number, which is linked with your passport, and your imei, of course you're logged in permanently because you've been told to log in...). Your friends notice that you've stopped interacting with them and you're making the decision to buy that thing. Suppose you wouldn't actually allow such a slave device to interrupt your daily business, then you'd take the time to sit down and check on your computer, which could have two or three large displays so you could actually read about what you were going to buy, read all the additional context that's not shown on your phone because it doesn't fit on the screen, just like the 10-20 browser tabs that you might have open switching back and forth to really compare similar products - or to do any other research for that matter. The point is, you would not only take the time, you would use the right tool for the job to do your research before making an informed decision.

Unless you're allowing your slave device to conveniently "notify" you, where you're conveniently logged in or otherwise identified at all times (which is why you could be abroad and no Google or Microsoft will block your access because of suspicious activity like when using a computer that they cannot reliably track).

If there are a few mobile applications you really need, like navigation for when you're driving, it's okay to use a phone for that. There are phones without the Google packages, where you don't have to be logged in anywhere. Use that or something else on a secondary phone, if the governments app doesn't run on your device, they can't force you to use it. Navigation may be a bit special as these apps often pretend not to work when you're offline even if all the maps are downloaded, then you'd have to connect to any Wifi just to start navigation then you can turn it off again. A real GPS device might be more reliable because it does not pretend to require an Internet connection.

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Wow, what happens if you don't own a cell phone? In the US I call cell phones government tracking devices...I'm waiting for cell phone ownership to be mandatory

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Mine is disabled except for phone calls and texts, which I seldom use anyway. Soon the entire phone will be disassembled as I go invisible except for my age pension. As they will cancel that anyway, eventually, I will be on my happy little lonsesome 1000 Ks from government. Civilisation sucked anyway.

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It's amazing how well one can get along without a govt. tracking device.....most people don't know how to interact in a personal way with other people any more....but...I guess that's the NWO agenda....

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I've never had one, was aware from the very beginning of all the fundamental problems they embody/

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I have this feeling that there will be some kind of "app" (YIKES!) that will interact with the foreign material in your brain courtesy of the "gene therapy" "Jab" that will lead you to commit suicide or something worse....Frank Sinatra's movie "The Manchurian Candidate" was very foretelling...

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Digital Gulag is the name of the game. Civil unrest in Russia , thanks to idiotic legislation, also means more purges. Obedience will be rewarded with free porn and free cheap beer or vodka.

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Thanks, Riley, for smoking this one out. Right, no one is being forced, they are merely "nudged." Another term for it is "mellow" herding. "We'll just make it necessary for you to jump through infinite hoops every time if you DON'T go along."

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Putin is not as smart as I thought he was. This act indelibly marks him as a globalist, the realisation of which will launch a more thoughtful alternative to BRICS which, in time, will overtake BRICS itself. I am guessing this will commence with South Asia, which does not trust China, and will sweep into Central America and, eventually backtrack into Oceania. By then, NZ and Australia wil have shaken off their US occupiers and form their own self-contained bloc. Multipolarity indeed, but not what Putin was thought to have planned. Meanwhile, there is groundswell support for Germany to depart NATO and realign with Russia, with France tagging along. The UK and US, the great manipulators, will be left to glare at each other as each struggles to outsurvive the other. The bright side is that they can still squabble over the corpse of canada, which will no longer rate an upper case C.

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so what's actually going on in the world? is Vlad covertly in bed with Schwab and the great reset crowd? if so why all the war games in Ukraine? if everyone is in on the grand scheme why not just get on with their plan and do away with all the bullshit? this is very perplexing indeed

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So Russia is expecting a widening and intensification of the USNATO war against it, and is putting into place a readiness ?

Although there's nothing like War to provide the State with excuses for imposing efficiencies ...

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Maybe we'll all end up wearing IED vests as a matter of principle. When an aparatchik attempts to inject you, conscript you , set it off. BOOOOM. Vote with your feet...and hands, organs, bones...

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:Need to read two books:

'Tragedy and Hope 101' by Joseph Plummer (Abridged Version of 'Tragedy and Hope' by Quigley)

'Tower of Basel' by Adam Labor

The current evil is far greater than Nazi Schwab's little WEF.

There are many more books; but those read quickly and contain much info to provide a foundation for more.

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"You can even use Gosuslugi to make an appointment for a safe and effective genetic injection!"

The joy of digital!

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Electronic military subpoenas are not safe for the unfortunate victim, but very effective for the corrupt apparatchiks.

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If this is also some kind of tactic to ensure Obidenfk gets the message Russia isn’t giving up, rest assured the message will not get through the communists’ thick skulls in Washington. Tuff road ahead for all, especially those in Chinada and USSA.

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I have to ask: is the mandatory vaccine for conscripts still a thing?

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they allow for mandatory vaxxing when COVID is considered an "epidemiological threat"; for now they've decided it isn't a grave enough threat, but they can always change their mind. it should be noted that the injection was officially made mandatory in June 2021 for all serving military personnel, although coercive methods were being used to force it on soldiers months before that.

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I asked because it seems like a quadrouple whammy.

Govt sends conscription notice.

Unvaxxed man now cant drive, flee overseas, buy or sell property, and must be vaxxed to the max if they accept conscription.

Pretty terrible. I'd probably go live in Siberia with the bears.

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well, you can imagine a scenario where they are curb-stomping your face at all possible angles, that's for sure.

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Full spectrum curb stomping

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