I don't know how much more 'winning' we can handle.

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Like censorship, it's all about safety for children, the sheeple.

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"When parents give their child money for school expenses, they want him to buy himself a lunch, not a pack of cigarettes or something worse." - Of course it's always "For the children" LMAO.

Good grief, how do people fall for this over and over?

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Pavlovian conditioning.

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Anyone still believing that the Russian Federation represents some bulwark against the banksters is either hopelessly stupid or willfully self-delusional.

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"When parents give their child money for school expenses, they want him to buy himself a lunch, not a pack of cigarettes or something worse."

it's been spelled out by ruling elites that proles are "dumbass kids" whose programmable money is considered an "allowance" and must be carefully monitored and controlled by oligarchs. 🤑

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I can guarantee you that the 100+ countries around the world who are busy implementing CBDCs didn't all wake up on virtually the same day and say to themselves: "Paper money is too inconvenient--we need to help out citizens by giving them digital money" or "Kids are spending money too irresponsibly--we need to come up with a way to stop this."

"Your convenience" is the last thing they are concerned about.

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Bankers have us in a polycrisis.

"Thus the Drug Trust, while maintaining the Stalinist Communist Government in Russia, simultaneously maintained a Communist back up regime in the United States, the Trotskyite Movement, in case the Stalinist regime should fall."

Eustace Mullins

Murder By Injection.

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Pull the plug and those digital rubles become digital rubble.

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CA Fitts - who I assume many readers here are very familiar with - has long run a video clip of some major US Fed official - from many years back - saying exactly the same thing. Control - duh! - that's the whole idea and the possibilities are nearly limitless.

Maybe this Russian guy has seen it!

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Small scale trade done on the down-low will flourish. Many people will starve.

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They'll never eliminate cash how will all the crook politicians get paid?

Not to mention criminals and drug dealers.

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V.I.P card? They will not be tracked, it will be free to use!

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It's too risky leaving a digital trail to be unmasked by the opposition later. In China the oligarchs bought whole houses that were filled to the brim with nothing but cash.

Remember those pallets of cash Obama sent to Iran? Ask yourself why.

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Of course, that's true! But their cards might not be tracked... But I think when the "Moor" completes his task, he will be killed...

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Yea who's gonna bet their life on that?

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LOL funny but all too relevant. If

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With favors.

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This. Speaking fees appear to be the most common format in the West.

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Good old gold and silver?

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About 5% of the population can afford to hoard gold and silver in meaningful amounts.

Not a bad idea until you cut one of those coins in half and find out it's electroplated lead. Lot of those floating around.

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The Clearstream scandal demonstrated more than 20 years ago that those who were at the top of writing code and managing the algorithm could erase whatever was needed in global transactions. Those at the same position today will indeed have to reward their prostitutes, drug dealers, intimidation thugs, bribery of all kind at all level of government in a country, etc...

You know, in the Silicon Valley, Dark Maga and others have been talking about Techno-feudalism for almost a decade...

This won't work...

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No, like with anything else only the type of "account" will be different. Pleb- account for us, privileged account for them traitors, King account for the banksters. It's like the nobles and the common in Feudalism. That's bc it is Feudalism.

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Thanks for your post exposing the same goals for final and eternal subjugation of humanity, either by NATO & friends or even BRICS.

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The welfare of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants. ~ Camus

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Half the crazy shit THEY say they are going to do is merely designed to make you feel powerless.

In reality, it is the PSYCHOPATHS that are powerless. AWARENESS is the only currency that matters, and THEY have none.

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Build high, barbed fences to protect your goats, chicken and sheep !!!

Dig deeper in your backyard.

Fresh food will be the new crypto (as well as unvaxxed sperm) !!!

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Aksakov's words sound familiar. Perhaps he is also a member of the European Commission

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