The Moscow Strain: Gone but never forgotten
In solemn remembrance of the imaginary mutation that brutalized the Russian capital in June 2021
By Riley Waggaman, a Moscow-based writer and former “senior editor” (newsroom errand boy) at RT
Every Muscovite remembers June 15, 2021. This was the day Alexander Gintsburg, honored academic and director of the world-famous Gamaleya Center, announced he was evaluating the effectiveness of Sputnik V against the Moscow strain.

“The Moscow strain? What’s that?” you might be wondering.
It’s Pure Death. It’s Stealth Delta multiplied by Monkey AIDS. It’s all the smiles and laughter and hugs of a well-lived life fed through a wood chipper—forever.
I remember waking up on the morning of June 15, 2021 and immediately understanding I was teetering on the edge of extinction.
I rushed to the medicine cabinet and grabbed my trusty bottle of toxic liver pills. The entire bottle—straight down the gullet.
But my liver continued to feel completely normal. The medicine wasn’t working. I called for an ambulance. The line was busy. I called again and again and again. Finally someone picked up.
“The hospitals are overrun, there’s nothing we can do for you. You’re probably going to die.”
I ran outside. I ran twenty kilometers until I reached the city center. A river of blood was flooding Tverskaya Street, severely damaging your humble correspondent’s favorite hookah lounge. It was a horror the likes of which will never be witnessed again.
Yes, I remember that day very clearly. I remember the barefoot toddlers dragging their dying mothers through Gorky Park as they begged for some domestically produced Remdesivir. I remember their screams of agony. When I close my eyes I can still hear their screams: “My favorite hookah lounge!”
It was the worst day of my entire life.
The newly discovered mutation was so scary and so real that even British tabloids published alarming stories about it:
You have to understand something, something very important that most people don’t understand: all available evidence suggested this was the end of Moscow. It was widely assumed the Russian capital would not be able to survive for more than two or three more days. It was Game Over. A nearly 900-year-old city, wiped off the face of the earth by a new flavor of positive PCR tests.
But there was a glimmer of hope. A Hail Mary.
Mandatory Sputnik V injections. Safe and effective.
On June 15, 2021, the chief state sanitary doctor of Moscow, Elena Andreeva, signed an order requiring mandatory vaccination for government employees and workers in the service sector.

The good news was revealed the following day by Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin.
“We are simply obliged to do everything in order to carry out mass vaccinations in the shortest possible time and stop this terrible disease [and] the death of thousands of people,” the city’s beloved senior administrator explained while announcing the coercive injection policy on June 16.
(In fairness to Sobyanin, he never referred to the Moscow strain by name, but instead cited surging COVID-attributed hospitalizations—a heavily manipulated figure that was selectively revealed to the public in order to justify health-destroying “public health” measures. You can read more about Sobyanin’s award-winning transparency here and here.)
About a week later, the state-run Vector Center confirmed what all non-shills already knew: the Moscow strain was an imaginary clot-shot-giving unicorn living in Gintsburg’s demented noodle.

The terrifying mutation was “a mostly a conditional and hypothetical phenomenon,” the center told TASS.
The next day, on June 24, 2021, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree prohibiting all forms of coercive Virus Scam injections. Gintsburg fled to Israel and Sobyanin was sentenced to five years in a pit filled with unfriendly snakes.
True story.
Anyway, what is currently happening one year later, on June 15, 2022?
Oh, you know. Stuff. There is even a new campaign to rename the latest and greatest public health scam. Moscow Pox?

I feel like I’m trapped in a giant hour glass as billions of grains of bullshit rain down on me from above, slowly but surely burrowing a hole in my cranium.
How are you feeling today? Very well, I hope.
Hello from Italy. I started reading your posts several months ago searching for a voice telling what was going on in Russia in relation with the psyco-pandemic emergency. Here in Italy information medias had polarized in two groups:
1. the main stream media supporting COVID restrictions, mandatory mass vax campaigns and now NATO war in Ukraine. Actually you can listen 24/7 Rai, Mediaset and La7 "journalists" (or read toilet newspaper like Corriere della Serra, Republica, la Stampa) saying Putin is a mad that invaded foreign nation, that Azov militia is an innocent boy scouts association not related with Nazism, that Russians soldiers are raping infants and so on. They are definitively childish and stupids (I read sometime RT using proxy -you can't access selected Russians network from the democratic Europe- and, yes it's propaganda, but at least it's not written for 5-years old children!)
2. the so called counter-information media on the other hand are against COVID restrictions, against vax, are exposing adverse events, are exposing Ukrainian self defeat operated by a Western propelled puppet government installed after Maidan coup, are against the USA/UK/EU/NATO (and obviously the awful devil Draghi), against sanctions toward Russia, against the weapons exported to support Ukraine.
On counter-information media (including ByoBlu TV,,, you can listen (or read) Dugin speaking about the Russian moral superiority over the corrupted West. Not a question related to Russian COVID policies. Many articles on the evil actions NATO and USA deep state made in Ukraine, a lot of critics about USA/EU/Italy vax policies, interview to people speaking about Russia as spiritual savior of the world, few if not a word at all about COVID restrictions in Russia. Maurizio Blondet blog reported the cancellation of mask fines in Moscow. This picture leaves the impression Russians policymakers had left restrictions/vax campaigns. Reading your posts a different reality emerges.
Given the importance of the fiction psyco-pandemic into shaping a new society, a new world order, a purpose counter-information Italian medias had acknowledged and had explained well enough, it's unforgivable, in my opinion, this lack of information about Russia and COVID, specially now, with the enlightenment given by war in Ukraine.
And now some facts from Italy:
- in Italy, until May 1st, you could not travel using public transportation without Green Pass from (QR code) proof of vaccination or 48h negative test;
- in Italy, until May 1st, you could not enter banks, post office without proof of vaccination if you are 50+ aged, or simply with a 48h negative test otherwise (YES I'm not tricking);
- in Italy physicians without proof of vaccination were "suspended" from their jobs without salary, and they will be until Dec 31 2022. They could be replaced by Ukrainian physicians escaped from war even without valid Italian title until March (or April, I don't remember...) 2023 (and YES I'm not tricking again);
- in Italy, from December 2021 until May 1st 2022, *ALL* teachers without proof of vaccination were "suspended" without salary. From May 1st until Jun 15, unvaxxed teachers were not allowed to see their students and are kept in separate rooms alones. Students are obliged to wear masks now too!
- you are not allowed to visit a related in residences for aged people of you are not vaxxed;
- you are not allowed to visit a related or a friend in hospitals in any case until the whole stay in hospital;
- prices of goods had risen (diesel from 1,4 euros to 2 euros in 3/4 months, bread 2,50 euros to 3 euros or more/Kg -and I live in the south of Italy were prices for bread are lower than Milan, Bologna, etc. where you can spend 8 euros/Kg-, construction materials are doubled or more...)
In other terms Italians (at least the few having a brain) are witnessing a degradation in the quality of life (healthcare, education, welfare in general). We are witnessing an increase in total mortality rate, look the trend for people aged 40-59:
2015: 41135
2016: 39888
2017: 39807
2018: 39487
2019: 38613
2020: 41484
2021: 41850
or 65-100+:
2015: 581907
2016: 555914
2017: 587872
2018: 569739
2019: 575295
2020: 670963
2021: 633107
From your posts I learn in Russia you are facing similar healthcare trouble, similar rising in mortality rate and even inflation rising (our counter-information media in Italy keep saying west sanctions had not influenced Russian economy).
I tried to link your posts commenting articles on the web, but many here in Italy see Russia as an opponent to Davos plan (indeed usually someone answer my comments saying Putin on the firsts months of pandemic put in place restrictions but then removed them). I think a frankly debate must exist on this important topic based on evidences and not on hopes.
Thank you for tour job.
And now the data is clear that the lockdowns killed more people under 45 than “Covid.” The entire world-wide architecture of “public health” bureaucracies is nothing more than a murder mafia.