Hello from Italy. I started reading your posts several months ago searching for a voice telling what was going on in Russia in relation with the psyco-pandemic emergency. Here in Italy information medias had polarized in two groups:
1. the main stream media supporting COVID restrictions, mandatory mass vax campaigns and now NATO war in Ukraine. Actually you can listen 24/7 Rai, Mediaset and La7 "journalists" (or read toilet newspaper like Corriere della Serra, Republica, la Stampa) saying Putin is a mad that invaded foreign nation, that Azov militia is an innocent boy scouts association not related with Nazism, that Russians soldiers are raping infants and so on. They are definitively childish and stupids (I read sometime RT using proxy -you can't access selected Russians network from the democratic Europe- and, yes it's propaganda, but at least it's not written for 5-years old children!)
2. the so called counter-information media on the other hand are against COVID restrictions, against vax, are exposing adverse events, are exposing Ukrainian self defeat operated by a Western propelled puppet government installed after Maidan coup, are against the USA/UK/EU/NATO (and obviously the awful devil Draghi), against sanctions toward Russia, against the weapons exported to support Ukraine.
On counter-information media (including ByoBlu TV, comedonchisciotte.org, ilsimplicissimus2.it, maurizioblondet.it) you can listen (or read) Dugin speaking about the Russian moral superiority over the corrupted West. Not a question related to Russian COVID policies. Many articles on the evil actions NATO and USA deep state made in Ukraine, a lot of critics about USA/EU/Italy vax policies, interview to people speaking about Russia as spiritual savior of the world, few if not a word at all about COVID restrictions in Russia. Maurizio Blondet blog reported the cancellation of mask fines in Moscow. This picture leaves the impression Russians policymakers had left restrictions/vax campaigns. Reading your posts a different reality emerges.
Given the importance of the fiction psyco-pandemic into shaping a new society, a new world order, a purpose counter-information Italian medias had acknowledged and had explained well enough, it's unforgivable, in my opinion, this lack of information about Russia and COVID, specially now, with the enlightenment given by war in Ukraine.
And now some facts from Italy:
- in Italy, until May 1st, you could not travel using public transportation without Green Pass from (QR code) proof of vaccination or 48h negative test;
- in Italy, until May 1st, you could not enter banks, post office without proof of vaccination if you are 50+ aged, or simply with a 48h negative test otherwise (YES I'm not tricking);
- in Italy physicians without proof of vaccination were "suspended" from their jobs without salary, and they will be until Dec 31 2022. They could be replaced by Ukrainian physicians escaped from war even without valid Italian title until March (or April, I don't remember...) 2023 (and YES I'm not tricking again);
- in Italy, from December 2021 until May 1st 2022, *ALL* teachers without proof of vaccination were "suspended" without salary. From May 1st until Jun 15, unvaxxed teachers were not allowed to see their students and are kept in separate rooms alones. Students are obliged to wear masks now too!
- you are not allowed to visit a related in residences for aged people of you are not vaxxed;
- you are not allowed to visit a related or a friend in hospitals in any case until the whole stay in hospital;
- prices of goods had risen (diesel from 1,4 euros to 2 euros in 3/4 months, bread 2,50 euros to 3 euros or more/Kg -and I live in the south of Italy were prices for bread are lower than Milan, Bologna, etc. where you can spend 8 euros/Kg-, construction materials are doubled or more...)
In other terms Italians (at least the few having a brain) are witnessing a degradation in the quality of life (healthcare, education, welfare in general). We are witnessing an increase in total mortality rate, look the trend for people aged 40-59:
2015: 41135
2016: 39888
2017: 39807
2018: 39487
2019: 38613
2020: 41484
2021: 41850
or 65-100+:
2015: 581907
2016: 555914
2017: 587872
2018: 569739
2019: 575295
2020: 670963
2021: 633107
From your posts I learn in Russia you are facing similar healthcare trouble, similar rising in mortality rate and even inflation rising (our counter-information media in Italy keep saying west sanctions had not influenced Russian economy).
I tried to link your posts commenting articles on the web, but many here in Italy see Russia as an opponent to Davos plan (indeed usually someone answer my comments saying Putin on the firsts months of pandemic put in place restrictions but then removed them). I think a frankly debate must exist on this important topic based on evidences and not on hopes.
Thanks for taking your time to describe the today's situation in Italy. Information that is hard to get in such abridged and to the point form from elsewhere! Despite the pressure that Italians experience until this day from control freaks that used COVID as a pretext for their forced submission games, if there is one nation in Europe that maintained its sanity in the population (not the ruling class) - it is Italy. This is in sharp contrast to Germany and even always rebellious France that seemed to have embarked on the wrong path. Wishing Italians a prompt and massive awakening!
Thank you for your "on the ground being there" confirmation of restrictions that were imposed in Italy. In the past, I have told students that study at colleges in Belarus about the STRICT restrictions in Italy, France, and other countries. Some students know and others show surprise about "freedom and democracy" concerning the harsh restrictions to coerce injections into people in Italy. Please note> Belarus had NO lockdowns, NO mask mandates, NO injection mandates, NO QR codes to buy/sell/public transport. Although some Belarus employers coerce people into injections with bribes and threats.
I plan to start an interview bitchute channel before October and interview everyday people such as yourself. Yes, I agree that an open and honest DISCUSSION can ONLY be found in alternatie media. We on this posting board trust Riley's perspective on the harmful, poisonous Russian "banker's injection". I am thankful to both you and Riley who provide a glimpse into Italy and Russia (respectively) that is needed.
I agree with you on NATO/EU. The Russian government sooner (this "special military operation" or later (Ukraine taking DPR and LPR by military force with NATO weapons) had to defend Russian speakers. If Russia failed to defend DPR and LPR, Ukraine would have eventually joined NATO and would be embolden to take Crimea in a much more dangerous WW3 scenario.
Finally we all agree on this posting board that transparency in all countries is a problem. A critically thinking mind seeks to solve that problem by QUESTIONING EVERYTHING!
@Michael Rooge: excellent, really great testimony!
I could not write better, as my level in English is poor.
Exactly the same happens in France. Putin is presented as a savior in the whole so-called counter-information media, in the perspective of the political and economic eurasist bloc, under construction, "thanks" to the war in Ukraine. . Putin? Une construction médiatique à 100%!
Putin definding family and religion (LOL) and fighting LGBT (totally artificial construction, in opposition to the depraved West, also totally artificial). The New World Order needs "multipolarity" to grow up and merge the continental blocs at the end.
"The West is rotten", but fortunately the Saint Russia defending values will save us, and no matter if annexion or invasion of Europe is on the agenda as long as the soldiers are russian. Amen.
In fact, all "dissident" media in France (Egalité et Réconcilation- Alain Soral-, Réseau International Alain Benayam, Réseau Voltaire-Thierry Meyssan- Profession Gendarme, etc etc ) are controlled opposition and were implemented more than a decade ago to create a continuous and positive image of the russian leader. Boot lickers.
There is absolutely no free press in France. Everything is under control.
And in the mainstream media, critics about him are too dumb to be taken seriously (Putin as the new Hitler, and so on..). But no real critical information about his links with Rothschild, Berel Lazar, Deripaska, Mendelson etc. His assessinations, his consellors (Dugin, the GRU), the false flags in Russia, the biometrics, Face Pay, etc. No mention of his links with Nazerbaiev (noahidism).
You wrote:""dissident" media in France (Egalité et Réconcilation- Alain Soral-, Réseau International Alain Benayam, Réseau Voltaire-Thierry Meyssan- Profession Gendarme, etc etc ) are controlled opposition and were implemented more than a decade ago to create a continuous and positive image of the russian leader. Boot lickers."
I don't think they are controlled opposition is the sense that they would have been created for the purpose of giving a positive image of Putin in order that at one moment, decades later, Russia would invade or annex Europe. I don't think invasion of Europe by Russia is on the table anyway. The big problem right now for Russian nationalists or patriot is why their is no conscription (check anti-empire:https://anti-empire.com/).
These medias (and by the way they are not the only alternatives information sources) truly believe that Putin is a great man servicing traditional value. I used to believe it, so did you probably. Most of the readers and commentators here to. It is not the fruit of conspiracy. Égalité et Réconciliation have let Pierre Hillard express his view on Russia's Putin for years for instance and he hes been consistent in his vision that has long as Russia didn't consecrate itself to the Vergin Mary, his links with the globalist and the international Jewry were to strong for him to be trusted. There is no conspiracy here.
Psychologically, we all need to follow a "good" when confronted as such evil as we have in the "west".
The Ukraine thing also, since the Maidan, with the obvious amoral behaviour of it's new leadership and the rather moderate, well articulated by someone like Lavrov response by Russia made us Russian supporters, like the intervention in Syria...
Much should be say or written and Russian propaganda has been very efficient. I don't have time to expand this point of view but we can discuss later on
And now the data is clear that the lockdowns killed more people under 45 than “Covid.” The entire world-wide architecture of “public health” bureaucracies is nothing more than a murder mafia.
I guess you have never heard about the "Breton" strain? You should ask Soizic to have a digital PCR test before sprying french words which could be contagious. Indeed, Soisic is typically a Breton's name. Lets go back to that strain which would compete with the Moscou strain in a contest arbitrated by the whole staff of the Monty Python.
The story appear in the media/hypnotical apparatus middle of march 2021, for instance that article:
Among all the amazing bullshit about those contaminated, 79 and already 8 deaths, we learned that it was... Undetectable. So this was a new variant that was almost undetectable but still could be detected...
If you can read body language 'even with the muzzle, you will learn a lot about that so called doctor in a provincial hospital telling how she discovered the new Breton variant, it is a comedy:
The whole scam eventually vanished but some local journos some times remembered the attempted big scare: https//actu.fr/insolite/covid-19-le-variant-breton-avec-du-beurre-dedans_41019376.html
Have just been listening right know to Matthias Desmet right now with James Corbett. It seems essential to hear people like him or the most Honorable Dame Ariane Bilheran to properly understand the mechanism at play. It should be interesting to know if some Russian psychiatrists, psychologists... have been vocal or have written about the psychopathic aspect of the covid crazed and it's totalitarian goal.
PS: The Monthy Python's verdict is the Ukrainian strain wins!
WOw, that person's eyes blink a LOT (1st video). Her eyes can't maintain contact with either the camera or whomever it is I assume she's talking to.
"...the covid crazed and it's totalitarian goal."
I'll interject a nuance here: I think it is wise to remember that all human activity is based as much or more on subconscious cogitation as conscious. I therefore think "goals" is sometimes misleading. The Law of Unforeseen Consequences heavily applies when people are closing their eyes in order to 'go along to get along'. It is a process much like how a large chunk of the plebiscite will "hold their nose" and vote for someone they believe is the Lesser Evil*1, installing and supporting a blatantly murderous amoral deranged and often mentally incompetent sock puppet (sock puppets have moral aspects too! voter suffrage for sock puppets NOW!), and excusing their many glaring sins and defects while obsessing on the presumed Greater Evil*2's sins and defects.
A question one could ask is: where does the functionally but mostly unconscious psychopathic behavior of the Lesser Evilites, behavior that is unable to move toward any but oppressive abusive exploitative goals whatever its inherent moral inclinations and intentions are, end; and where does intrinsic self-consciously psychopathic behavior begin?
Does Bill Gates strive to rule the world in his quest for prepubescent babes*3 as a self-conscious pursuit of evil or even just self-entitlement, or does he strive to prove to himself what a Great Guy He Really Is (in order to suppress the voices in his head saying, at best, 'But you're still a dweeb' or at worst 'and an evil motherfucker you nasty little dipshit!')? How much of Gates inner Illuminati child is go-along-to-get-along and how much is I-me-mine<>fuck-the-rest-of-yez? And, how self aware do we think this guy is? (My opinion: hardly.)
*1 relates to compliance with medically unsound vakzinazi policies, etc.)
*2 relates to antivakzers/unvakzinazied
*3 *something I suspect he avoids like the plague or at least clot-shot)
But what fun is it Ruling the World when your average minion can own one of these:
As every holy man and guru employed by our governments to perserve our spiritual integrity and save us from covipoxiosis, uses the same words in their blessings... "safe and effective, my son" etc... I can only presume they have the same bible. This is so inspiring. It took a toxic pseudovirus to bring us all together. Somebody works in mysterious ways.
What I want to know is, is this a new religion? If so, how do I convert? And when can we have a holy inquisition, and can I be the torturer, and when are you bringing His Evilness The Foul Fauci to my chamber? Anthony, it's gonna be a long night, or three.
That was fun, and fun is what I'm about most of all. Especially since they destroyed my second-favorite hookah lounge. Fortunately, they saved my favorite cafe de cannabis in B&W:
Tedros is a moron and a criminal that escaped conviction using lies and bribery, not a doctor.
Like Shizer's Bourla, a crooked veterinarian who bribed other criminals infiltrated in the world politics into killing and crippling the taxpayers who actually footed the bill.
Well, i am glad Russia is winning the war in Ukraine. Soon there won't be any more Ukraine. We can call it Nukraine. sweet.
Read part 7 of Grasshopper's Appeal in my substack before the bombs fall. Hell, read all parts from the Retroduction and you'll be wanting to move back to Russia, I know I am, wish I could. Can i get a fake vaxxport and some fine foxy momma to help me relearn Russian who ain't been hacksxxxxinated with no big Harma hacksxxxxine cause she was immune to the viruganda, as most Russians are so much smarter than stupid Americans because they actually teach people something, anything at all , in Russia, instead of in America where we learn how to smoke crack, sniff glue, and choose betwixt a tin foil full of fentanyl or a needle full of dope, or ropeworms, you're free to choose.
I am looking forward to maybe driving a taxicab in the Donbass, learn me some new geography, maybe swim in one of the fine natural waterways, avoiding the mines and artillery shelling from Nukraine. When folks whistle, just jump into the nearest hole, all good.
Ah, ain't fascism grand? These are the good ole days, what comes next? Frogs and locusts
In a "special military operation", there are NO winners. Only territory is gained or lost. In my opinion, Ukraine will still exist however with much less territory and less Black Sea coast.
There is NO injection requirement HOWEVER there STILL IS A PCR test (for air travel for foreigners) to enter Russia. However obtaining a 3 year multi-entry Russian visa is a time consuming process. Flying into Russia will be very expensive especially from your location in California.
I do NOT know if you are just jesting or wishful dreaming when talking about going to the Donbass. You really can NOT be serious. The Donbass will NOT be safe UNTIL a peace treaty or armistice is signed. And going by taxicab is very expensive.
Getting a fake injection passport is a crime and hurts OUR freedom movement. Very few people in the Donbass speak English so finding someone to teach you Russian will be difficult.
In my opinion, I think most people fantasize about Russia WITHOUT even stepping a foot inside the country. Russia is a beautiful country (especially Saint Petersburg and Crimea) however very few Russian government officials really care about Russian people's wellness. The truth is how Riley describes Russia. Russia is an oligarchy country set up by 100s of USA CIA agents under Boris Yeltsin and has a "banker's injection" and many Russian ministry officials are best buddies with World Economic Forum.
I must apologize because I do NOT want to dash or dismiss anyone's hopes and dreams. By all means, please, please keep your dreams alive. There may be free "learn Russian" videos on the internet. If you ever renew your passport, then I can give you some tips in getting a Russian visa.
If you are interested in how Russia's "special military operation" is going, then here are 2 websites that are really good.
Putin, the great opponent of the Western capitalism and Western depravation, as everybody knows, will send some missiles on the City of London and on Klosters (Switzerland).
Just kidding. He has too many friends over there. He prefers to destroy civilian and families in Ukraine because his starring partners from US approached too close of the border, and because of the presence of Ukronazis (and as everybody knows, there are no nazis in the Wagner group).
You are right, Sandrine. As I have written in my previous comment liken politicians to the masters of a three shell game, where we have to watch their hands, not their words. If we look at the Russia-Ukraine war, we need to understand that most suffering and destruction happened in the Eastern regions of the country with Russian speaking population that looks at Russian troops as liberators, not occupiers. Yet to this day capital of DPR, Donetsk, is shelled regularly and as of late massively like never before by Ukrainian troops stationed near the city. In the past 3 months Ukrainian troops were not chased out of that area to prevent death and suffering of civilians there. In the meantime Western and Central Ukraine remain largely intact. The inevitable question comes, who is being punished in this war, Ukrainian nationalists or the pro-Russian part of the population of Ukraine?
you wrote: "Ukronazis (and as everybody knows, there are no nazis in the Wagner group)"
Pathological individuals will join this kind of organisation where they will be able to express there innate violence without having to face legal consequences. They would become whatever since ideology is just a justification. Skinheads and anti-fa have the exact same psychological framework.
Indeed, no virus has ever been properly isolated from a human being or proven to cause illness or infection. Yet the symptoms are real. When and who is going to investigate those, who created and are creating the symptoms?
And now Pfizer has been singled out to take the rap.
Is it possible that during the worldwide genocide, a scapegoat is being singled out in order to make sure people will stop asking any further questions? The problem is orders of magnitude larger than a single manufacturer that, by the way, distributed the same kinds of lethal injections as the rest, including the Russians and the Chinese...
Once again, thanks Riley! LOVE the tongue-in-cheek!!
Yes, comrades, Tedros, the WHO, Biden, Putin, Xi.... are all looking out for the common good of humanity.
History is indeed repeating, one farcical rerun after another. The biggest farce is the world's populations largely going along with what they would have suspected a mere couple of decades ago. This is how de-grounded digitized society has made us.
Covid and the vaccines are two separate things. Covid and scammed up PCR tests are also different things. Just because one or two are a hoax, or a hoax to some extent, doesn't mean covid itself was a figment of the imagination.
I live in Moscow and I got covid in late July last year. I too was a snarky unbeliever. It was terrible, I had pneumonia that lasted 6 months, and I continue to have occasional breathing problems today. My mother in law also got it in late last June, and she was hospitalized and developed Guillian-Barre and was paralyzed for 3 months and lost all of her hair and about 30lbs. She was in a wheel chair and had to wear a silly wig for another 6 months. Neither of us had the vax. We certainly didn't run out and get it after the fact. And we were not the only ones I know who had a bad experience with it in June/July.
Hello from Italy. I started reading your posts several months ago searching for a voice telling what was going on in Russia in relation with the psyco-pandemic emergency. Here in Italy information medias had polarized in two groups:
1. the main stream media supporting COVID restrictions, mandatory mass vax campaigns and now NATO war in Ukraine. Actually you can listen 24/7 Rai, Mediaset and La7 "journalists" (or read toilet newspaper like Corriere della Serra, Republica, la Stampa) saying Putin is a mad that invaded foreign nation, that Azov militia is an innocent boy scouts association not related with Nazism, that Russians soldiers are raping infants and so on. They are definitively childish and stupids (I read sometime RT using proxy -you can't access selected Russians network from the democratic Europe- and, yes it's propaganda, but at least it's not written for 5-years old children!)
2. the so called counter-information media on the other hand are against COVID restrictions, against vax, are exposing adverse events, are exposing Ukrainian self defeat operated by a Western propelled puppet government installed after Maidan coup, are against the USA/UK/EU/NATO (and obviously the awful devil Draghi), against sanctions toward Russia, against the weapons exported to support Ukraine.
On counter-information media (including ByoBlu TV, comedonchisciotte.org, ilsimplicissimus2.it, maurizioblondet.it) you can listen (or read) Dugin speaking about the Russian moral superiority over the corrupted West. Not a question related to Russian COVID policies. Many articles on the evil actions NATO and USA deep state made in Ukraine, a lot of critics about USA/EU/Italy vax policies, interview to people speaking about Russia as spiritual savior of the world, few if not a word at all about COVID restrictions in Russia. Maurizio Blondet blog reported the cancellation of mask fines in Moscow. This picture leaves the impression Russians policymakers had left restrictions/vax campaigns. Reading your posts a different reality emerges.
Given the importance of the fiction psyco-pandemic into shaping a new society, a new world order, a purpose counter-information Italian medias had acknowledged and had explained well enough, it's unforgivable, in my opinion, this lack of information about Russia and COVID, specially now, with the enlightenment given by war in Ukraine.
And now some facts from Italy:
- in Italy, until May 1st, you could not travel using public transportation without Green Pass from (QR code) proof of vaccination or 48h negative test;
- in Italy, until May 1st, you could not enter banks, post office without proof of vaccination if you are 50+ aged, or simply with a 48h negative test otherwise (YES I'm not tricking);
- in Italy physicians without proof of vaccination were "suspended" from their jobs without salary, and they will be until Dec 31 2022. They could be replaced by Ukrainian physicians escaped from war even without valid Italian title until March (or April, I don't remember...) 2023 (and YES I'm not tricking again);
- in Italy, from December 2021 until May 1st 2022, *ALL* teachers without proof of vaccination were "suspended" without salary. From May 1st until Jun 15, unvaxxed teachers were not allowed to see their students and are kept in separate rooms alones. Students are obliged to wear masks now too!
- you are not allowed to visit a related in residences for aged people of you are not vaxxed;
- you are not allowed to visit a related or a friend in hospitals in any case until the whole stay in hospital;
- prices of goods had risen (diesel from 1,4 euros to 2 euros in 3/4 months, bread 2,50 euros to 3 euros or more/Kg -and I live in the south of Italy were prices for bread are lower than Milan, Bologna, etc. where you can spend 8 euros/Kg-, construction materials are doubled or more...)
In other terms Italians (at least the few having a brain) are witnessing a degradation in the quality of life (healthcare, education, welfare in general). We are witnessing an increase in total mortality rate, look the trend for people aged 40-59:
2015: 41135
2016: 39888
2017: 39807
2018: 39487
2019: 38613
2020: 41484
2021: 41850
or 65-100+:
2015: 581907
2016: 555914
2017: 587872
2018: 569739
2019: 575295
2020: 670963
2021: 633107
From your posts I learn in Russia you are facing similar healthcare trouble, similar rising in mortality rate and even inflation rising (our counter-information media in Italy keep saying west sanctions had not influenced Russian economy).
I tried to link your posts commenting articles on the web, but many here in Italy see Russia as an opponent to Davos plan (indeed usually someone answer my comments saying Putin on the firsts months of pandemic put in place restrictions but then removed them). I think a frankly debate must exist on this important topic based on evidences and not on hopes.
Thank you for tour job.
Thanks for reading, Michael. And thank you for the update from Italy.
Thanks for taking your time to describe the today's situation in Italy. Information that is hard to get in such abridged and to the point form from elsewhere! Despite the pressure that Italians experience until this day from control freaks that used COVID as a pretext for their forced submission games, if there is one nation in Europe that maintained its sanity in the population (not the ruling class) - it is Italy. This is in sharp contrast to Germany and even always rebellious France that seemed to have embarked on the wrong path. Wishing Italians a prompt and massive awakening!
Thank you for your "on the ground being there" confirmation of restrictions that were imposed in Italy. In the past, I have told students that study at colleges in Belarus about the STRICT restrictions in Italy, France, and other countries. Some students know and others show surprise about "freedom and democracy" concerning the harsh restrictions to coerce injections into people in Italy. Please note> Belarus had NO lockdowns, NO mask mandates, NO injection mandates, NO QR codes to buy/sell/public transport. Although some Belarus employers coerce people into injections with bribes and threats.
I plan to start an interview bitchute channel before October and interview everyday people such as yourself. Yes, I agree that an open and honest DISCUSSION can ONLY be found in alternatie media. We on this posting board trust Riley's perspective on the harmful, poisonous Russian "banker's injection". I am thankful to both you and Riley who provide a glimpse into Italy and Russia (respectively) that is needed.
I agree with you on NATO/EU. The Russian government sooner (this "special military operation" or later (Ukraine taking DPR and LPR by military force with NATO weapons) had to defend Russian speakers. If Russia failed to defend DPR and LPR, Ukraine would have eventually joined NATO and would be embolden to take Crimea in a much more dangerous WW3 scenario.
Finally we all agree on this posting board that transparency in all countries is a problem. A critically thinking mind seeks to solve that problem by QUESTIONING EVERYTHING!
@Michael Rooge: excellent, really great testimony!
I could not write better, as my level in English is poor.
Exactly the same happens in France. Putin is presented as a savior in the whole so-called counter-information media, in the perspective of the political and economic eurasist bloc, under construction, "thanks" to the war in Ukraine. . Putin? Une construction médiatique à 100%!
Putin definding family and religion (LOL) and fighting LGBT (totally artificial construction, in opposition to the depraved West, also totally artificial). The New World Order needs "multipolarity" to grow up and merge the continental blocs at the end.
"The West is rotten", but fortunately the Saint Russia defending values will save us, and no matter if annexion or invasion of Europe is on the agenda as long as the soldiers are russian. Amen.
In fact, all "dissident" media in France (Egalité et Réconcilation- Alain Soral-, Réseau International Alain Benayam, Réseau Voltaire-Thierry Meyssan- Profession Gendarme, etc etc ) are controlled opposition and were implemented more than a decade ago to create a continuous and positive image of the russian leader. Boot lickers.
There is absolutely no free press in France. Everything is under control.
And in the mainstream media, critics about him are too dumb to be taken seriously (Putin as the new Hitler, and so on..). But no real critical information about his links with Rothschild, Berel Lazar, Deripaska, Mendelson etc. His assessinations, his consellors (Dugin, the GRU), the false flags in Russia, the biometrics, Face Pay, etc. No mention of his links with Nazerbaiev (noahidism).
Salut Sandrine,
You wrote:""dissident" media in France (Egalité et Réconcilation- Alain Soral-, Réseau International Alain Benayam, Réseau Voltaire-Thierry Meyssan- Profession Gendarme, etc etc ) are controlled opposition and were implemented more than a decade ago to create a continuous and positive image of the russian leader. Boot lickers."
I don't think they are controlled opposition is the sense that they would have been created for the purpose of giving a positive image of Putin in order that at one moment, decades later, Russia would invade or annex Europe. I don't think invasion of Europe by Russia is on the table anyway. The big problem right now for Russian nationalists or patriot is why their is no conscription (check anti-empire:https://anti-empire.com/).
These medias (and by the way they are not the only alternatives information sources) truly believe that Putin is a great man servicing traditional value. I used to believe it, so did you probably. Most of the readers and commentators here to. It is not the fruit of conspiracy. Égalité et Réconciliation have let Pierre Hillard express his view on Russia's Putin for years for instance and he hes been consistent in his vision that has long as Russia didn't consecrate itself to the Vergin Mary, his links with the globalist and the international Jewry were to strong for him to be trusted. There is no conspiracy here.
Psychologically, we all need to follow a "good" when confronted as such evil as we have in the "west".
The Ukraine thing also, since the Maidan, with the obvious amoral behaviour of it's new leadership and the rather moderate, well articulated by someone like Lavrov response by Russia made us Russian supporters, like the intervention in Syria...
Much should be say or written and Russian propaganda has been very efficient. I don't have time to expand this point of view but we can discuss later on
And now the data is clear that the lockdowns killed more people under 45 than “Covid.” The entire world-wide architecture of “public health” bureaucracies is nothing more than a murder mafia.
No surprise, given that there is no scientific proof for the physical existence of the alleged "Covid" virus.
The satire is strong with this one. Re the grains of bullshit, perhaps some sort of hat is in order? Be well Riley.
Thank you for your blog Riley. You're an angel.
This is the only space of liberty I know. Keep on writing!
Salut Sandrine,
How did you discover that great blog? How could we work to make it known in our country?
Than you Riley.
I guess you have never heard about the "Breton" strain? You should ask Soizic to have a digital PCR test before sprying french words which could be contagious. Indeed, Soisic is typically a Breton's name. Lets go back to that strain which would compete with the Moscou strain in a contest arbitrated by the whole staff of the Monty Python.
The story appear in the media/hypnotical apparatus middle of march 2021, for instance that article:
Among all the amazing bullshit about those contaminated, 79 and already 8 deaths, we learned that it was... Undetectable. So this was a new variant that was almost undetectable but still could be detected...
If you can read body language 'even with the muzzle, you will learn a lot about that so called doctor in a provincial hospital telling how she discovered the new Breton variant, it is a comedy:
The whole scam eventually vanished but some local journos some times remembered the attempted big scare: https//actu.fr/insolite/covid-19-le-variant-breton-avec-du-beurre-dedans_41019376.html
Have just been listening right know to Matthias Desmet right now with James Corbett. It seems essential to hear people like him or the most Honorable Dame Ariane Bilheran to properly understand the mechanism at play. It should be interesting to know if some Russian psychiatrists, psychologists... have been vocal or have written about the psychopathic aspect of the covid crazed and it's totalitarian goal.
PS: The Monthy Python's verdict is the Ukrainian strain wins!
WOw, that person's eyes blink a LOT (1st video). Her eyes can't maintain contact with either the camera or whomever it is I assume she's talking to.
"...the covid crazed and it's totalitarian goal."
I'll interject a nuance here: I think it is wise to remember that all human activity is based as much or more on subconscious cogitation as conscious. I therefore think "goals" is sometimes misleading. The Law of Unforeseen Consequences heavily applies when people are closing their eyes in order to 'go along to get along'. It is a process much like how a large chunk of the plebiscite will "hold their nose" and vote for someone they believe is the Lesser Evil*1, installing and supporting a blatantly murderous amoral deranged and often mentally incompetent sock puppet (sock puppets have moral aspects too! voter suffrage for sock puppets NOW!), and excusing their many glaring sins and defects while obsessing on the presumed Greater Evil*2's sins and defects.
A question one could ask is: where does the functionally but mostly unconscious psychopathic behavior of the Lesser Evilites, behavior that is unable to move toward any but oppressive abusive exploitative goals whatever its inherent moral inclinations and intentions are, end; and where does intrinsic self-consciously psychopathic behavior begin?
Does Bill Gates strive to rule the world in his quest for prepubescent babes*3 as a self-conscious pursuit of evil or even just self-entitlement, or does he strive to prove to himself what a Great Guy He Really Is (in order to suppress the voices in his head saying, at best, 'But you're still a dweeb' or at worst 'and an evil motherfucker you nasty little dipshit!')? How much of Gates inner Illuminati child is go-along-to-get-along and how much is I-me-mine<>fuck-the-rest-of-yez? And, how self aware do we think this guy is? (My opinion: hardly.)
*1 relates to compliance with medically unsound vakzinazi policies, etc.)
*2 relates to antivakzers/unvakzinazied
*3 *something I suspect he avoids like the plague or at least clot-shot)
But what fun is it Ruling the World when your average minion can own one of these:
https://youtu.be/NSCvsW-z2LE ???
I suspect that even the worst died-in-the-wool creepazoid experiences ambiguity and doubt on a regular basis:
As every holy man and guru employed by our governments to perserve our spiritual integrity and save us from covipoxiosis, uses the same words in their blessings... "safe and effective, my son" etc... I can only presume they have the same bible. This is so inspiring. It took a toxic pseudovirus to bring us all together. Somebody works in mysterious ways.
What I want to know is, is this a new religion? If so, how do I convert? And when can we have a holy inquisition, and can I be the torturer, and when are you bringing His Evilness The Foul Fauci to my chamber? Anthony, it's gonna be a long night, or three.
That was fun, and fun is what I'm about most of all. Especially since they destroyed my second-favorite hookah lounge. Fortunately, they saved my favorite cafe de cannabis in B&W:
╟ ░░░▒ ┈┈┈ ☣
Tedros is a moron and a criminal that escaped conviction using lies and bribery, not a doctor.
Like Shizer's Bourla, a crooked veterinarian who bribed other criminals infiltrated in the world politics into killing and crippling the taxpayers who actually footed the bill.
Well, i am glad Russia is winning the war in Ukraine. Soon there won't be any more Ukraine. We can call it Nukraine. sweet.
Read part 7 of Grasshopper's Appeal in my substack before the bombs fall. Hell, read all parts from the Retroduction and you'll be wanting to move back to Russia, I know I am, wish I could. Can i get a fake vaxxport and some fine foxy momma to help me relearn Russian who ain't been hacksxxxxinated with no big Harma hacksxxxxine cause she was immune to the viruganda, as most Russians are so much smarter than stupid Americans because they actually teach people something, anything at all , in Russia, instead of in America where we learn how to smoke crack, sniff glue, and choose betwixt a tin foil full of fentanyl or a needle full of dope, or ropeworms, you're free to choose.
I am looking forward to maybe driving a taxicab in the Donbass, learn me some new geography, maybe swim in one of the fine natural waterways, avoiding the mines and artillery shelling from Nukraine. When folks whistle, just jump into the nearest hole, all good.
Ah, ain't fascism grand? These are the good ole days, what comes next? Frogs and locusts
In a "special military operation", there are NO winners. Only territory is gained or lost. In my opinion, Ukraine will still exist however with much less territory and less Black Sea coast.
There is NO injection requirement HOWEVER there STILL IS A PCR test (for air travel for foreigners) to enter Russia. However obtaining a 3 year multi-entry Russian visa is a time consuming process. Flying into Russia will be very expensive especially from your location in California.
I do NOT know if you are just jesting or wishful dreaming when talking about going to the Donbass. You really can NOT be serious. The Donbass will NOT be safe UNTIL a peace treaty or armistice is signed. And going by taxicab is very expensive.
Getting a fake injection passport is a crime and hurts OUR freedom movement. Very few people in the Donbass speak English so finding someone to teach you Russian will be difficult.
In my opinion, I think most people fantasize about Russia WITHOUT even stepping a foot inside the country. Russia is a beautiful country (especially Saint Petersburg and Crimea) however very few Russian government officials really care about Russian people's wellness. The truth is how Riley describes Russia. Russia is an oligarchy country set up by 100s of USA CIA agents under Boris Yeltsin and has a "banker's injection" and many Russian ministry officials are best buddies with World Economic Forum.
I study geography on
Mulitarysummary channel
Tis a dream only.
I am too honest to fake vaxxport
Relearn Russian word here or there.
Please I will not dream anymore.
Passport expired
I must apologize because I do NOT want to dash or dismiss anyone's hopes and dreams. By all means, please, please keep your dreams alive. There may be free "learn Russian" videos on the internet. If you ever renew your passport, then I can give you some tips in getting a Russian visa.
If you are interested in how Russia's "special military operation" is going, then here are 2 websites that are really good.
> https://southfront.org/category/all-articles/products/maps/
Putin, the great opponent of the Western capitalism and Western depravation, as everybody knows, will send some missiles on the City of London and on Klosters (Switzerland).
Just kidding. He has too many friends over there. He prefers to destroy civilian and families in Ukraine because his starring partners from US approached too close of the border, and because of the presence of Ukronazis (and as everybody knows, there are no nazis in the Wagner group).
I'm tired of this theater.
Scenario de merde, insulte à l'intelligence!
You are right, Sandrine. As I have written in my previous comment liken politicians to the masters of a three shell game, where we have to watch their hands, not their words. If we look at the Russia-Ukraine war, we need to understand that most suffering and destruction happened in the Eastern regions of the country with Russian speaking population that looks at Russian troops as liberators, not occupiers. Yet to this day capital of DPR, Donetsk, is shelled regularly and as of late massively like never before by Ukrainian troops stationed near the city. In the past 3 months Ukrainian troops were not chased out of that area to prevent death and suffering of civilians there. In the meantime Western and Central Ukraine remain largely intact. The inevitable question comes, who is being punished in this war, Ukrainian nationalists or the pro-Russian part of the population of Ukraine?
Who writes the scenario? Who are standing behind insulting intelligence? Qui? Qui? Who? Who?... Rires, Laughings.
A short video for the international audience...
Bonne journée Sandrine
you wrote: "Ukronazis (and as everybody knows, there are no nazis in the Wagner group)"
Pathological individuals will join this kind of organisation where they will be able to express there innate violence without having to face legal consequences. They would become whatever since ideology is just a justification. Skinheads and anti-fa have the exact same psychological framework.
Indeed, no virus has ever been properly isolated from a human being or proven to cause illness or infection. Yet the symptoms are real. When and who is going to investigate those, who created and are creating the symptoms?
And now Pfizer has been singled out to take the rap.
Is it possible that during the worldwide genocide, a scapegoat is being singled out in order to make sure people will stop asking any further questions? The problem is orders of magnitude larger than a single manufacturer that, by the way, distributed the same kinds of lethal injections as the rest, including the Russians and the Chinese...
Once again, thanks Riley! LOVE the tongue-in-cheek!!
Yes, comrades, Tedros, the WHO, Biden, Putin, Xi.... are all looking out for the common good of humanity.
History is indeed repeating, one farcical rerun after another. The biggest farce is the world's populations largely going along with what they would have suspected a mere couple of decades ago. This is how de-grounded digitized society has made us.
Covid and the vaccines are two separate things. Covid and scammed up PCR tests are also different things. Just because one or two are a hoax, or a hoax to some extent, doesn't mean covid itself was a figment of the imagination.
I live in Moscow and I got covid in late July last year. I too was a snarky unbeliever. It was terrible, I had pneumonia that lasted 6 months, and I continue to have occasional breathing problems today. My mother in law also got it in late last June, and she was hospitalized and developed Guillian-Barre and was paralyzed for 3 months and lost all of her hair and about 30lbs. She was in a wheel chair and had to wear a silly wig for another 6 months. Neither of us had the vax. We certainly didn't run out and get it after the fact. And we were not the only ones I know who had a bad experience with it in June/July.
I feed the crows and rodents in our hood. I also have a soft spot for trolls:
Indrek! I need attention!!!!!!!
FEED ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Waste? When he has brilliant readers and commentators like you?