Hey, hey, am I detecting traces of sarcasm in this text?! This is no way to talk about your scaley benefactors! Take a look at the fine China Daily for hints on how to give your hidden government proper praise and support.

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That's the emperor's butt right there.

It just takes one brave enough to call it.

Asch conformity experiment anyone?

“countries are not riding separately in some 190 small boats, but rather we're all in a giant ship on which our shared destiny hinges”:

That's putting all our eggs in one basket.

Or sinking ship.

Looks as though our grandparents' wisdom should be brought back for our grandchildren's future rather than this bunch of deranged lunatics.

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All this talk about peace and prosperity is obscene.

In reality, poverty is intentionally maintained by the rulers of the world. And the most efficient way to maintain poverty is war. In war, human labor and technology is used to destroy material wealth rather than create it.

Some of the people at the UN actually believe their own bullshit, others are simply corrupt.

Your so called leaders are insane. They talk about peace but in reality are barbaric.

But ultimately, the hideously deformed state of the world is a manifestation of the inner state of mankind.

There is no political solution. The only solution is the AWAKENING OF INTELLIGENCE, BEING A LIGHT UNTO THYSELF.

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Intelligence will not awake on its own because mind and body are not separate. It is a managed process.

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I think you should add prostitution to the reasons why people working for the UN wanne believe in that. Plus a good portion of Illusion.

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Thank you very much in pointing out this crime syndicate even more distinct than Corbett did.

Actually this is probably the best piece you ever wrote afaik.

So after reading this wonderful UN Gobbledygook, we can see under their rug and detect:

1.) The Elites in every country are united in exploiting their populations.

2.) BRICS say Western Oligarchs get too much of the prey and want a bigger share.

3.) US is still in possession of UN votes of most if not all African countries.

Ah, and I forgot:

4.) China still wants to sell their stuff.

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I love your blog, your reporting from the "village institute," cute puppy pictures, and keeping us informed on crazy shit happening in Russia. But you are badly mistaken on what's going on w/r/t the UN here.

First of all, it's hardly the "space lizards" in charge, except for the WHO and (to an extent) the WFP. The rest of their operations are a bit more like an elite university where all the admins and professors are woke Marxist dipshits, but they don't necessarily represent the views of the student body and parents, etc.

To further prove my point, these wokies in the UN have two overriding goals, one of which is the 2030 SDGs, which a lot of countries (such as Sweden, Norway, etc., the wokest of them all) pay lip service to but in reality are dragging their heels on big time. There isn't a SINGLE country which is on track to meet their 2030 SDGs, and even the wokest of them all have been DECREASING their funding for climate change stuff, etc. So it's something akin to the "let's sanction Russia/but we still buy Russian oil and gas" delusion.

Secondly, the other main goal of the UN wokies is what they call "reforming the global financial architecture" which I won't bore you with the details, but it essentially is an attempt to dismantle capitalism as it deals with lending to poor countries. The UN elite believe that poor countries need to borrow (they call it "mobilize") umpteen bajillions of dollars to finance all those amazing SDGs but can't do it because (and this part is true) the interest rates and current debt levels are crushing them into the dirt.

Basically, London and Washington (the two main markets for borrowing money if your gov't is poor as hell) are robbing the poor countries blind, and the UN wants to massively rewrite this system in order to hand out unlimited credits to poor countries. Concomitant with this is their goal to enact "global taxation rules" which is basically eliminating money laundering, tax shelters, etc, and no fucking way are the lizards in favor of this.

So in a nutshell, there's the "let's all do climate change and educate orphan refugees" stuff which the lizards pay lip service to, and then there's the "capitalist lending practices must be eliminated" stuff which the lizards openly hate, and neither of these two UN objectives has even a snowball's chance in hell of ever coming to being.

I read one hell of a lot of UN reports, and it's too boring for anyone to care about, but I assure you that this "Global Compact" isn't going anywhere. Same goes with the minutiae as to why Brazzaville opposed the amendment, etc, etc. Literally no one cares except for a few nerds like me.

The only UN stuff you need to keep an eye on is the massive increase in WHO interference and administration of countries' healthcare systems (particularly their "Country Resource Officers") and all the other truly evil shit that they're doing now and PLAN to do. THAT is worthy of an article and further investigation. The rest is feel-good gas and smoke.

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valuable insights, thanks. I'll try to incorporate them into my next space lizard report.

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Hi, I have just read your take. You are wrong on the opposition of the lizards to sovereign debt write-off and subsequent new borrowing. The lizards actually favour huge money transfers to poor nations whether as direct aid or new borrowing because most of the money will (1) go through their hands hence they take a cut, (2) be spent on infrastructure or goods or services that they sell.

What the lizards do not want is a write-off of the debt that they hold; Argentina's legal struggles being a good example. The burden of the write-off must shifted to the rich states or to public funds owned by small investors. The other reservation of the lizards is the increasing role of the Chinese debt chains over the poor nations. Writing-off their debt without a comparable move by the Chinese will enable them to fleece the poor nations in lizards' stead.

As for universal taxation, you are right, no lizard wants it. But neither do the deep states, since they use the same circuits for their dark money.

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The digital compact for the future: "covers a broad range of issues including peace and security, sustainable development, climate change, digital cooperation, human rights, gender, youth and future generations, and the transformation of global governance."

To put it simply, it means data pertaining to your health records, finances, and political views will be tied together into one digital ID panopticon.

It also means that the phony concerns about sustainability and climate change will become pretext for trillion dollar asset management firms to privatize the entire natural environment. Who knows, they might start taxing the air you breath. 😁

And most importantly, it means that the surveillance and drone technology used to decimate Palestinians, Ukrainians, and Russians will be deployed against all of humanity.

Billionaire psychopathic avarice gangsters are clearly saying they'll need new ways of controlling the outraged billions.

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Nicely timed, UN, when your worse than uselessness is being displayed for all to see. Sadly, many are so bought, terrified or dumb that they swallow the bullshit.

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A complex system is perfectly designed to produce its output.

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Pact for the future translation: "What Can Be, Unburdened By What Has Been".

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This is precisely what she meant.

New World “Ordo” ab Chao.

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What was and has and always will be unburdened by what has been for our kids and our lives and our children. She always speaks so elequently confusingly.

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So when it comes to stopping a genocide, the UN is powerless.

When it comes to setting up the future multi polar 1984 state, it's a consensus.

No wonder why they took down the league of nations and put the UN in. Great job crooked aholes with the single veto power too.

Notice how Russia and China rarely, if ever uses single veto when it can help stop western imperialism!

But when it's something against the West, the single veto is spammed by the US like a super combo button at the arcade.

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"The main enemy of every people is in their own country!"~Karl Liebknecht, 1915

His words resonate as loudly now as they did over a century ago.

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Agree wholeheartedly!

The real enemy is not over the hills and far away, it is the wolves at home.

Nope - off we charge on our white (grey) steeds to do battle with the BIG BAD UN & CO!

Many could clearly see that the UN was a BAD IDEA from the very beginning.

Nah it's a great idea - we just need to do some fixing and it will work just fine!

Like our own governments ... ?

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A little joyful song to fuel your love of pushing carts Riley. The very great singer and artist Olga Arefieva:


If there exist 'space lizards', there may exist space cats to gobble them...

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I think I have located the space cats you spoke of which can perhaps gobble the space lizards


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Salut Gavin,

I hope you are fine, thank for the space lizards gobbling hairy song, I dodn't know that artist:


There is only one sun on our earth, I think it is worth considering seriously:


Cosmic cats power rules!

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There's another word for "Public-Private Partnerships": Graft. It's widely practiced in the US, as much by Republicans ("The Long Green Party") as by Democrats, perhaps we could give the UN folks some good lessons. Maybe the Mayor of New York City, Eric Adams, could do it - but he's been indicted, along with numerous staff/family members, for public corruption... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u69JSiwMLPM

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There’s yet another: fascism.

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Robin Hood in reverse - stealing from the poor to give to the rich!

As Riley says: "I suppose the space lizards will do what they must. They’re an incorrigible bunch."

We just need more Robin Hoods to counter these Robbing Hoods!

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Give the space lizards some credit!

They knock up some of the best word salads in the galaxy!!

Of course it gives those of us who just don't believe in consensus indigestion!

That's just because we lack the galactic brew they wash their word salads down with!

Go Mr China - one world ship destined for Utopia!

This is clearly highly unlikely given the caliber of those at the helm.

All the little boats are full of moral corruption and criminal violence.

But we are all going to climb on board the mother-ship and suddenly become saints!

While the ship sails on to world peace and prosperity flying the SDG colours!

Still way too much hopium in China apparently!

And elsewhere too!

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Hey, so happy its "people centered".

They Live.

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So is Soylent Green, so to speak...

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These lizard ppl are oftentimes very wealthy, odd coincidence.

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You can't hate them enough.

Things will change once the average person realizes that we've always been ruled by psychopaths, along with their petty, petulant, syncophantic toadies.

I ain't holding my breath.

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