"Is Putin completely surrounded by fifth columnists, and helpless to do anything about it? If so, he’s a hostage—not a savior.
If Putin can’t even control the messaging coming out of the Kremlin, then what does he control?
Or maybe Peskov is doing exactly what Putin wants? There’s also that possibility."
This is exactly what I've told Trump supporters who kept on excusing him for not doing anything. If you're powerless and have a fucking soul, why would you keep playing pretend?
If you or I were in that situation and wanted to stay, why would we continue to do what we knew was wrong? We would send mixed signals to the people, like a hostage would, so that they know it's rigged. But neither Trump or Putin or xi did this. They're sellouts.
A big 🖕 to people who excuse this medical pseudoscience. I remember one ass who shall be not named saying that the Chinese locked down because the Han were targeted by this weak flu like illness. Yeah fucking right, where's the statistics to show that your fucking clot shots and lockdowns help?
Even though virology is a pseudoscience, going by their own logic, you would only protect the weak and vulnerable, not lock down a whole fucking city!
I feel like these 5d chess lovers are really as deluded as Trump supporters, thinking that there's a contingency of "white hats" trying to fix things. This is bullshit. If there were such a thing, why the fuck are these nations still following lockstep many months after the "death toll" is over?
And to whoever believes the lab leak story that was seeded at the start and now being used to push fear of more "viruses", just look at the fucking stats.
Total deaths in most nations 2020 in line with previous years.
Along with that, average age of con-vid death was around or a bit higher than life expectancy age.
What fucking new disease? The stats show none of this sort ever during the pandemic year!
The only 'lab leak' 'engineered' thing are the fucking toxic clot shots.
I used to think those who questioned vaccines in the past were mislead.
But con-vid opened my eyes to how even before this bullshit, people were getting injured by vaccines such as MMR, gardasil, and the hep b shots.
Looking at the reason why, it's clear to see that if you inject things with nanoparticles of shitty stuff like aluminum, mercury, formeldahyde, and lipids (convid shots), you're gonna have issues.
This is the one thing that the masses avoid, that they lined up their kids to get toxins injected into them, and they did it too as a kid. People don't want to realize that they were hoodwinked! Stubborn ego bullshit.
All of this talk of spike protein and graphene is fucking nonsense! Moderna had issues before convid with the lipids. But even among those who question this nonsense, Occam's razor is not being followed.
There is not one single politician across the world - nowhere! - who is exposing or condemning the Covid 'vaccines'.
When has anybody - ever - heard of a single issue in the history of the world upon which all politicians agree?
Never. It has never happened. But on the Covid 'vaccines', despite the mountain of evidence that they are killing and injuring every more people, despite all governments and mass media's desperate attempts to bury all such information, not one single politician will say a word against them!
Just imagine the sheer, staggering power that could achieve that total refusal of even one politician to condemn or expose the truth about the Covid 'vaccines'- right across the world!
Democracy is nothing more than an illusion, to keep the masses thinking that they have some control over what their governments do. That was not true before - at least, not totally - but it totally true now.
Trump and Putin, and everyone else in any position of power that you can think of, all work for the same global cabal of WEF which is now herding humanity towards the end of the world, as we have known it throughout history.
Of course! Makes me think of the french campaign for presidence, and the arguments in the french controlled opposition media: "Macron looks like an asshole, he acted like an asshole in the past, but who knows he may change when he comes to power, it's worth trying". The same absurd arguments of the controlled opposition.
Putin, a hostage or a savior? Neither a hostage, nor a savior. Putin, although a NWO puppet, is responsible of 100% of his actions and betrayals against his own population. I dont think the Russian voted for compulsory vaccines, QR Codes, Face Pay, the numeric rubles and the expensive war in Ukraine while some russian starve with little pensions. Long was the road from the georgian "Vova" to the Kremlin, and I totally agree with the sentences "But the damage that led to his current behavior was done. It produced a machismo man, distrustful and unpredictable, and who cultivates disinformation to advance his own agenda at any cost.". His early life produced a monster, and he's perfectly aware that that the rivers of blood in Ukraine are made possible with rivers of blood in Africa. Regarding disinformation and fake news, hybrid and informative war, the russian are definitely the kings.
I understand that you're a Putin's follower and that your duty is to hide his crimes, but the job wull get harder and harder for you, as there are many proofs, from journalists to army reports, that the russian mazi Wagner Group continues to commit slaughterings in the Sahel
Riley, if you are interested I can translate this brand new article in english.
Journalists in CAR and Mali are terrified, some are sentenced to death, some choose to exile abroad, some are assassinated (3 russian journalists), two french radios were closed by authorities. China and Russia cleaned the place , to be able to steal and assassinate.
For the readers: put the keyword "wagner" in the search field of this page and you'll get 55 pages of results with tortures assassinations, rapes including rape of children, men, and women (Holy Russia, HAHAHA), and all the dirty business around mining concessions. Because rivers of blood in Africa need to finance rivers of blood in Ukraine.
"We would send mixed signals to the people, like a hostage would, so that they know it's rigged. But neither Trump or Putin or xi did this. They're sellouts."
Actually, Putin did send mixed messages, which is a major reason why we're asking these questions.
Indeed. Consider these items: All these soon-to-be freezing and soon-to-be layed off workers across the EU - what a perfect level of propaganda readying itself. FACT: Job adds all over the place, but nobody is showing up to apply or work. So. If some room full of EU and USA and Chicom tecnocrats wanted to divert attention to the quack/jab deathwave happening right now, could they instead claim "Putin is killing us all from no energy fuel deliveries! GET THOSE EVIL RUSSIANS! MORE TROOPS! MORE WEAPONS!"...? I contend this is highly possible, and weather or not VVP is a willing WEF mandated stooge or not may no longer be relevant at this point because since the SMO began last February, nothing war or jab related is slowing down or going in reverse.
VVP did make some heavy "we'll get you at your decision making centers!" threats last February if anyone interferes in their SMO. All kinds of red lines he alluded to have been crossed nearly every week since then. Yet. Instead of wacking Zelensky and forcing a surrender, "nothing." Thousands of RF troops are now dead. Tens of thousands of Ukie troops are dead. There seems to be no stopping "EU and RF total jab creation, forced distribution, and digital currency reset ala WEF whack job Dr. No... VVP a hero of humanity, or a whore of the WEF ongoing depopulation? We won't have much longer to find out.
I ask: when will the other shoe drop? It's not quite a rhetorical question but hardly specific either. More of an archetypal question. The most specifically I can ask it is: when will the next most critically deciding factor manifest? Easy money says easy money: de markets goan drop, mon:
That freakin' shoe, as we all suspect in different pieces in this group is humanity's 800-pound gorilla in the room. I personally "hope" VVP turns out to be the Great King of the North. Goldman Sachs is about to sell off $47B in foreign equities in the coming days, and that sell-off may go as high as $112B, depending on how things play out. That insider intel, on the heels of The Pope just days ago directing countless billions from their holdings to be immediately transferred to the Vatican Bank...suggests "some kind of expensive shoe is about to drop." I bet VVP has a hand in all this sudden wealth transfer as either a WEF globalist team player, or, a victimized, unwilling partner.
First, off-topic... Mikhail Gorbachev, the last leader of the USSR died yesterday. I went through Russian language social media comments. May be 5% at most view him and his legacy in a positive or somewhat positive way, the rest have a very negative view of this leader in contrast with the Western MSM singing praises to a person whom most Russians consider to be the biggest traitor in their history. This year, after the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, we have seen massive departure of the architects of the dissolution of the Soviet Union - Kravchuk (Ukraine), Shushkevich (Belarus), Burbulis (Russia) and now the chief architect of perestroika resulting in collapse of not only of the largest country but a world order that existed for half a century, Gorbachev. Their departure, in my view, does signal rapidly approaching end of yet another world order that existed between 1991 and now.
As for Putin and Russia's role in the COVID theatrics that we keep observing now for two and a half years. First to the phrase "But Russia just wants a seat at the table". This is true to an extent, but does not convey the urgency (for Russia) of the situation. Russia doesn't just want a seat at the table, but it desperately wants a seat at the table. This goes well beyond active participation in the organizations like WEF or WHO, but in sports or anything else that has to do with international cooperation. To illustrate what I'm saying take this example. Did you know that absolute majority of international sports associations have banned Russia from hosting international competitions and prohibited Russian athletes from participating in competitions under their country's flag or from using national symbols including anthem? Did you ever see this happening to any other nation? This happened well before the current war and the formal reason was the use of doping by the Russian athletes, while all statistics showed that Russians weren't even among first three in this regard. The list of organizations that did that is long, it starts with IOC and continues with UEFA, FIFA, IIHF, ISU and so on and so forth. Russia's answer? To ban a young gymnast that featured letter Z on his uniform during international event from taking part in competitions in Russia. Or the fact that football (soccer) clubs from Crimea for 8 years and to this day are not allowed to compete in the Russian internal football leagues afraid to displease UEFA and FIFA that don't recognize Crimea as Russian territory. Did I convey enough of the urgency, desperation, humility and the sacrifices Russia is ready to make only to get a seat at that table? This is just a small example but similar stories are found everywhere, including the field of education, science and so on. So why are we surprised to see Russia follow directions of the WHO on COVID and other matters? "Entrantism", e.g. desire to enter West controlled international structures and to get a seat at the table there, term invented by Russian philosopher Sergey Kurginyan, was and remains to be the sacrosanct principle on which new Russia was built.
On Putin and his personal role in all of that. I wrote about it on this blog already, but will briefly repeat the fabula. Putin was hand picked out of nowhere and installed as a president of Russia with one main goal - to assure that Russia would not only get a seat at the table, but a relatively respectful place (perhaps like France) with the right to retain certain idiosyncrasies like social traditionalism, Orthodox religion and so on. Not much to ask, really, especially when we see countries like Saudi Arabia allowed their own deviations from the general Western line yet being accepted by the international community. So you may think of him as a chief negotiator on Russia's behalf to guarantee not only a seat at the table, but also some special rights along with that. Was Putin successful in his principal endeavor? To be fair, we have to say - probably not. His SMO that started this February can also be seen through the prism of his main stated goal. When all the other methods appeared not to work, came time for escalation and a power game, but with the same unchanged target - a respectable seat at the table.
What works against Putin is that he is in a highly protected and controlled bubble. This is a result of him being in a position of at least formal power for way too long. Putin, unlike Medvedev, is not known to receive information from the alternative sources like social media directly, what he gets on his table in a form of daily summarized reports is highly controlled by the President's Administration office (AP) where direction of what Putin should or shouldn't know is controlled by the people like Vaino and Kirienko. Getting into unexpectedly drawn out war with Ukraine is with high probability a result of incomplete and sometimes outright misleading information fed to him before making a decision to start the invasion. His ambivalent position on mandatory vaccination is dictated by his favorite method of ruling - to stay above the fight and to be the arbiter among the different Kremlin towers (pillars of power).
Yes, the bottom line is exactly that. He wants a place for himself and for Russia at that table. Not any place, but a respectable place that would also allow Russia to retain some of its cultural specifics, at least those wouldn't be attacked and destroyed right away. But the West decided a decade ago that they don't care about Russia's and Putin's good intentions. It is not the intentions they are afraid of, but the capabilities of the country with the largest nuclear arsenal and 30% of the world's natural resources. So Russia along with Russian elites and Russian people was condemned to breaking up into much smaller pieces, cultural oblivion and obstructions across the board including international sports and even UN participation where Russian foreign minister Lavrov is not allowed anymore into UN HQ in NYC to be present at the general assembly meetings.
An addition to the first part of my rant above. Gorbachev's funeral will take place on Saturday, September 3 and won't be a full state funeral, but with some elements of the state funeral, like the military guard. Putin won't be present at the official funeral, claiming his schedule doesn't allow him to attend. He already said his farewell to Gorbachev in private by laying flowers at his coffin. What does it tell us? Putin is in hiding or does he simply try to show his disapproval of Gorbachev's role in Russian history? I don't have an answer yet, have to give it a thought.
Talking about "state funerals" here is an amazing video clip from a French (in fact Belgian, thanks for correcting!) singer, Stromae. Pay attention to the fact that they use Russian 4x4 Ladas as an official funeral vehicle in this video. Amazing choreography!
With passing of Gorbachev one big question comes to mind. Will the history, at least in Russian perception of the events, be as unkind to Putin as it was unkind to Gorbachev? My guess is yes, after all we are entering the phase of Apocalypse, that simply means the "lifting of the veil". It should be the case, unless Russia is going to fall into the era of "Eternal Putinism" or "The long state of Putin" as was predicted by Putin's former advisor and ideologue Mr. Surkov in his directional article from 2019. But the chances of that happening in current state of rapidly increasing global turmoil are pretty slim. Russian people are no strangers to the global trends - the rate of awakening there is as high and higher as in other places around the world.
All good questions, some of which I touched on in my comment on your last post. A Chinese perspective may offer some hints on reading these particular tea leaves. My follow-up question to you would be: Were the measures taken in Russia in all key respects the same as those adopted in the West?
Here are a few points worth looking at:
Treatment: In many Western countries, it's hard to avoid the impression that active measures were taken to ban effective treatments. For example, action was taken very early to eliminate access to HCQ (hydroxychloroquine). According to Robert Kennedy's book, France took HCQ off the shelves in mid-January 2020, before almost anyone had heard of the coronavirus. Allegedly stockpiles in Africa were also confiscated and destroyed early on. Other countries soon followed with further restrictions. Later on, the same thing happened with ivermectin. However, if we compare this with, say, China, we see a big difference. China never banned either, and both remain readily available today at rock-bottom prices. The use of chloroquine in treatment was specifically mentioned as early as April 2020 in the treatment guide released by Alibaba. Moreover, after only 1-2 months of using ventilators, China basically stopped using them. The same applies to run-death-is-near (remdesivir). Studies showed it to be dangerous and its usage was banned. As a result, deaths from Covid were almost non-existent after June 2020. What about Russia? What was the fate of HCQ, IVM and ventilators there? And remdesivir? I have heard that it was still in use in Russia in 2021. Was it never identified as being dangerous??
Vaccine mandates: AFAIK Russia initially rejected all vaccine mandates, during a period when they were becoming standard in most Western countries. China never had a mandate and even made coercion explicitly illegal. It also banned mRNA vaccines. It did, however, at some point issue a statement that vaccines were to be required for visas. This move was roundly criticized by Lavrov, after which the policy was quietly retracted. As we all know, eventually Russia reneged on its initial rejection of the vaccine mandate, but that did happen significantly after the mandates had been implemented in the West.
With respect to the vaccine mandate idea, in the case of China, it seems clear that there was no closely coordinated agenda in play. In the case of Russia, at a minimum the Western game plan seems to have been adopted with a significant delay.
To be clear, obviously there are also many commonalities reflecting the overwhelming influence of the WHO-influenced health bureaucracies in both Russia and China. Despite this, for China at a minimum the evidence seems unequivocal that the agenda pursued was not comparable with the one pursued in the West. What about Russia?
Just like the USA, where it was voluntary until they saw low numbers. Then the fucking mafia at the FDA went and approved Pfizer even though it's still in testing until 2023.
This lead to mandates, and they still pretended like it was voluntary, because these psychopaths know that if it was forced, people would see that they're pieces of shit who don't respect personal choice and suck the nuts of big pharma.
China is full of shit too. If their treatments and such work, why would they be OCD about testing perfectly healthy people?
COVID is a great barometer of who sold out while pretending to be for personal choice.
Your point is correct. It doesn't make seem to make sense. The nonsensical nature of the zero-Covid fantasy is obvious to anyone capable of independent thought. This is why centralized decision making is almost always a bad idea. One guy's bad decisions drag down the whole country. Much of the success of modern China can be traced back to its decentralized decision making structures, but to an extent these were overridden in the past 2 years - with correspondingly bad results.
The point which is nonetheless vastly underappreciated in the West is that China's Covid policies while completely nonsensical are nonetheless quite different from those in the West.
Are the lack of a vaccine mandate and the ban on discrimination against the unvaxxed "nuances" undeserving of appreciation? How about the availability of effective treatments? Not important for you?
They are not. Having been living thru that regime of rejection of uninjected with my family, children forbiden to do any activity, entering libraries (there mother is the local librarist in the village this could be bypassed), hospitals, restaurant, café etc... I can appreciate the difference indeed.
Even now, in the crazy Bolschevik like regime of biosecurity with mediocre and psychopaths in charge, doctors are trialed in doctors court (Odre National des Médecins) for having cured people, so yes, their is a difference. More than 15000 nurses, doctors have lost their job without any financial help like unemployment. In major cities, the emergency services don't open at night anymore because of the lack of workers and finance.
During the harsh forest fires of that summer, the space lizards in charge hired firefighters from abroad, without any proof of having been injected, while thousand of uninjected French fire fighters are not allowed to do their duty anymore.
These difference are very important.
China is such a huge country. We European can't grasp what such an entity is. We have very few informations and deep knowledge and understanding of the reality in China, be it politic, sociological, everything.
I have started to read your work from the beginning. Just great. It reads like a good book. Thank you
Reality is very complex...
If you understand French, you might be very interested in listening the testimony of that French women who has been living in China for more than 15 years and have been traped in the Shangaï delirium and had just left China when interviewed. Very informative and she remains a lover of China, wish to go back: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5KAC17f8Yk
Vielen dank.
Austria... China... a little bit of music to lighten up :
People/systems often gradually back themselves into positions the reverse of the one they started with. So, to clarify, Russia's cooperation with the global WHO agenda may well have done some natural evolution. Not everything covid/global sprang forth fully formed from Klaus Schwabb's (rather impressive) forehead.
The fervor of both pro-and-anti-Putinists reminds me of this line from a short story by another famous Vladimir:
"Most readers like best those poems of his where the ideas of emancipation, so characteristic of the Russian fifties, are expressed in a glorious storm of obscure eloquence, which, as one critic put it, “ does not show you the enemy but makes you fairly burst with the longing to fight.”"
The Two-Minute Hate can be used to focus the public's energy on Big Brother. So long as said hate remains merely talk-talk on surveilled chat-rooms, Big Brother enjoys said hate. It help BigBro assess its herdsmanship of the public while providing new data to furthering that end.
Excellent information and perspective, Austrian China. The similarities among all (or virtually all) nations is obvious. What isn't so readily obvious are the differences.
Riley wrote:
"Everyone seems to know what's going on in Putin's head..." as the first commenter on today's article demonstrated neatly and succinctly. "We have some questions.... There’s no way around the fact that Russia’s response to COVID has been completely mischaracterized, misrepresented, and ignored by our cherished “independent” media. Why is this? And what does it mean?"
Our independent media is mostly, in this instance, a red herring, imo. Not entirely irrelevant but not necessarily a primary factor. Russia's response to covid has been grossly mischaracterized by our despised mainstream media, also, albeit in different ways from different perspectives.
I ask: why would a man who has the world pretty much on a string, "swinging from my nuts
And damn it feels good to be a gangsta..." work in tandem with the team that has diligently, even obsessively, worked to destroy Putin's gangsta turf?
Please ignore the vomitous political spin of the following article. It's opening history regarding Putin is worth considering as a major factor to consider when holding seances with Putin's family samovar:
"Born in 1952 Leningrad, Putin was a street kid in a city devastated by a horrific, three-year siege by the Nazis during WWII, a genocide described as the world’s most destructive siege of a city. Most of the population of three million people died, one million starving to death. Putin’s father was badly injured in the war, his mother nearly died of starvation. Living in a rat-infested apartment with two other families, the family had no hot water, no bathtub, a broken-down toilet, little or no heat. His father worked in a factory; his mother did odd jobs she could find. A small child, whose two older siblings are believed to have been lost to war and disease, Putin was left to fend for himself, severely bullied by other children.
"From his parents he inherited their wartime trauma personified by Nazi forces threatening their existence, ravaging their city and killing their friends and family. With his parents struggling to survive, they were absent or too traumatized to be attentive to their son. There’s no mention of other family members: no grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins. Kindness and affection didn’t seem to have been part of the child Putin’s world.
"While the experiences of childhood adversity piled up, two positive experiences changed his trajectory: After years of being labeled a troublemaker in school, a sixth-grade teacher helped him realize his potential. He excelled in high school, learned judo to defend himself, got a law degree and was selected to join the KGB. But the damage that led to his current behavior was done. It produced a machismo man, distrustful and unpredictable, and who cultivates disinformation to advance his own agenda at any cost."
The last two sentences are patently biased bullshit but I didn't want to truncate the author's paragraph. I will note that the above description suggests to me someone who might indeed be too trusting of institutional mainstream experts, for such are what gave Vlad the means to escape a lousy life.
The article, btw, is typical modern scholarship: total suckage. For example:
Still, he had an awful childhood, and such things make deep imprints in adult behavior.
We read in another article (***asterisks*** are mine):
"The first time Vladimir Putin waged war it was against the rats which infested the corridors of his bleak boyhood home in a dilapidated Soviet apartment block.
"Telling the story of those vermin now, he makes clear he won his battles against them, possibly using the story to illustrate how he overcame post-war devastation and poverty to succeed.
"In First Person: An Astonishingly Frank Self-Portrait, published in 2000, he writes: “There were hordes of rats in the front entryway. My friends and I used to chase them around with sticks.
”Once I spotted a huge rat and pursued it down the hall until I drove it into a corner. It had nowhere to run. Suddenly it lashed around and threw itself at me. I was surprised and frightened. Now the rat was chasing me.
" “Luckily, I was a little faster and I managed to slam the door shut in its nose. There, on that stair landing, I got a quick and lasting lesson in the meaning of the word cornered.”
"The anecdote may be part of his carefully curated narrative, but it gives us a glimpse into the making of the man who now has the world holding its breath.
"Putin was born on October 7, 1952, in Leningrad, now St Petersburg, a city that had been under siege for 900 days in the Second World War. More than a million people had died of starvation, many families entirely wiped out.
"In the war, Putin’s father, Vladimir, was away fighting, while his mother, Maria, almost starved to death. Putin writes: “Once my mother fainted from hunger. People thought she had died, and they laid her out with the corpses. Luckily Mama woke up in time and started moaning.
"His father was one of only four of the 28 men in his unit to come home from the war, and for the rest of his life limped because of shrapnel injuries.
"***The couple are believed to have lost their two older children, one to diphtheria during the war, the second from another childhood illness.***
"Vladimir Putin was a “miracle baby” who arrived late. His communal home was dire, shared with two other families.
"His former school teacher Vera Dmitrievna Gurevich said: “There was no hot water, no bathtub. The toilet was horrendous. And it was so cold, awful.”
"Putin was a street kid, small for his age and bullied so he had to toughen up fast."
I'm intrigued by how many people think that reading WHO/WTO/et al tea leaves will explain Vladimir's cooperation with the very groups he knows want to turn his homeland into a strip-mine shopping mall. I think that maybe reading Vlad's personal tea leaves might be more insightful. After all, in today's world, if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck (young Vlad had them duck-lips, didn't he?), it's probably a hologram of a duck.
Question: why sell out to your enemies when you already own what your enemies want and can easily defend it against them?
Interesting musings and a lot of research! You, obviously, take your subject very seriously. I have couple of notes on that too... One, we shouldn't exaggerate Putin's living conditions in his youth. Shared large apartments were a common place back then, especially in the cities like Leningrad that had a lot of apartment buildings that in the past were occupied by the richer people of higher class before the revolution of 1917. A large part of the country in the cities lived like that as this was before the mass construction of the rapid assembly concrete panel buildings that started under Khrushchev. I remember visiting our relatives in such an apartment in the city of Odessa back in the late sixties and my impression of the situation there was that this was a very busy environment with a lot of social interaction but overall very happy. My parents and I stayed with them for a couple of nights and they made a makeshift bed for us on the floor using sails instead of bedsheets. Sleeping on sails that smelled like a sea - this was a treat for a kid! But getting back to Putin and his youth, one needs to consider the overall mood of the country back then. He was born in 1952 a year before Stalin's death so he doesn't remember emotionally darker times under Stalin, instead he was born into Khrushchev's "thawing" (ottepel') when country begun to open up and paired with exceptional scientific and industrial progress as well as with a feeling of being winners defeating aggression of the united Europe (WWII) the view of the future was very optimistic. So to suppose that Putin emerged from some kind of unhappy black hole type of place would be to mischaracterize his environment. What is interesting is that Putin having barely survived the blockade of Leningrad with his mom didn't develop negativity toward Germany and just the opposite, he was always trying to build a special relationship with Germany giving that country special economic and political privileges. What Germans did with the goodwill expressed by Putin toward their country is another question.
So, Putin was a gopnik! Who knew?! That would explain everything, except why he didn't promote semechki as a treatment for Covid. Yeah, I'm joking, but there's a definite health benefit to eating sunflower seeds which is probably why gopniks can drink so much without dropping dead when they hit 30.
Seriously, you don't think they get all that energy just from vodka and kvass? Check out this rarely seen gopnik semechki ritual if you doubt the importance of that aspect of their diet. It is practically a sacrament in their world.
No, Putin wasn't a gopnik as this normally defines a future way of life. Adidas tracksuit and sunflower seeds forever! He was a street kid with ambitions, similar to what we would see with kids growing up on the streets of Chicago or New York in the 1950's that did great in their future lives and careers.
Wow. Reading your blog/newsletter/substack/whatever the cool kids call frothing at they keypad these days, I feel compelled to $$ subscribe. That makes 3: wiki, slavsquatski, and Austrian China.
Putin and his entire government are globalist and WEF puppets - absolutely no different from every Western government.
That is the reason why Putin and his gang of WEF glove puppets have pursued an absolutely IDENTICAL course over the long-planned 'Covid crisis' and the pathogenic Covid 'vaccines' as every Western government - forcing vaccine passes and the fake Covid 'vaccines' on their population with just as much determination as the globalist criminals nominally running Western countries have.
This article asks: 'Does this mean that Putin is a globalist puppet? Of course not.'
Why 'of course not' - when he is pursuing every WEF objective, exactly the same as the goons running Western governments?
Well, he's at war with the West - look at Ukraine, you may say.
Really? Well, consider this: the globalists / WEF / Western governments could NEVER have implemented the WEF's oft-stated plan to drive electricity, gas, gasoline and oil prices up through the roof, without Putin's invasion of Ukraine.
That provided the West with the absolutely vital pretext for their sanctions which supposedly are against Russia - but which actually had a completely different objective: to drive fuel prices in Western countries up through the roof, in order to prepare the ground for the implementation of the Great Reset.
Without an economic, financial and societal collapse of the West, it would, the WEF and their puppet Western governments know, be impossible to so terrify Western populations that they would accept the Nazi (yes - that it was it actually is) WEF plan for the tyranny of the Great Reset.
All of this required a bogeyman - someone to blame for fuel prices being driven through the roof, and the living standards of the peoples of the West to collapse, to create an ever greater sense of fear and desperation among those populations, so that in despair, when presented with the 'only possible solution' of the Great Reset tyranny, they would surrender, and accept it, given no apparent choice.
just to clarify: when I wrote "of course not" -- I meant more like: "i guess it's possible, but i'm not saying this proves anything."
I don't really have a strong opinion on it. for me, the fact that Russia is pursuing the same policies is enough of a red flag. It's the same Great Reset, with or without Schwab's blessings (or whatever). That Russia's actions seem to also be accelerating the "WEF-certified" Reset is of course also quite telling.
When thinking about Democracy as a control mechanism to mislead the plebs to think they are in charge of the world, what could be cheaper and more effective than Democracy in achieving this result?
A "scientific" control grid with the same "fair" rules for all of us, executed automatically by some machine, programmed to execute these rules. Just make the plebs believe the rules are fair and no one can be made responsible for any kind of atrocity. And this is what we are sliding in right now. Not possible before, but now the technology allows for it.
Another point matching into this view is the depop agenda. They simply don't need all these people anymore to have their ship keep sailing. Most of the hard labor is done by machines nowadays. You just need a class of people taking care of them and keep them functioning. So we get all these overpopulation ideology and clot-shots.
Thinking from this "cattle-control" pov makes their agenda pretty obvious.
The same recurrent argument is used in France, to exonerate Putin.
But Russia does not have to "want a seat at the table". It was already scheduled that Russia would be "around the table" (what table, by the way?). In a New World Order creation context, Kissinger's Eurasia was planned and scheduled! They met like 20 times in the past, they are close friends.
Just ask yourself then who would rule the Eurasian block?
To create a New World Order, creating first some influence poles is necessary, some vast geopolitical blocks is necessary, because as "we can not leap in a world government in just one quick step", as Zbigniew Brzezinski said in 1995 during the Forum State of the World . That is what Putin plans to implement with russian presence and influence in Africa, Europe and Latin America (which is clearly shown on a map published in Dugin's VKonkakt).
Now, the Covid is just a tool to implement digital surveillance necessary to the NWO ! Talking only about Covid is to forget the root causes of the virus scam. Putin is not just sitting around the table begging for some scrumbs. He is the most important puppet in the creation of a world government.
I think you'll realize in a few years that the Covid 'vaccines' did not only have total surveillance of the world's population as its aim - but a massive reduction in the world's population.
You're right, but there's no antagonism in that. Digital surveillance thanks to the virus scam and the climate scam + reduction of populations thanks to vacines.
It’s quite the black-pill to learn what a mess things are inside Russia, but I’m grateful to you for bringing this info to us in the West. Like the MAGA crowd wanting Trump to be the savior he so clearly isn’t, many of us Russophiles have wanted Putin to be a savior too - a kind of amalgam of Peter the Great, Stolypin, Zhukov, etc. with a little bit of Stalin thrown in when necessary. But the real savior is us; i.e. regular folks all over the world simply saying no to this evil shite. I still think Bishop Porfiry of Solovetsky Monastery nailed it with his sermon last year, when he came out and said stay away from these shots. Good old fashioned based Orthodoxy, like St. John Chrysostom calling out Empress Eudoxia as the filthy whore she was, bless her heart.
Complete falsehood and fabrication!!! Prove it with facts!!! There are absolutely NO "public service announcements in Minsk that urge people to get vaccinated." If so where do I hear them??? Minsk has over a million people living in the city so that is an OVER generalized concoction of crap. Rolo Slavskiv credibility lies with the devil. Rolo Slavskiy is darth vader in drag.
Rolo Slavskiy - I challenge you! Meet me at the Minsk market at the day/time of a mutual agreement. What day/time do you suggest? Tell me what you are wearing and I will tell you. I will meet you in front of the market where the horse statue is located. I bet you 2500 Belarusian rubles that we will NOT hear the word, "призывать". You, yes, you Rolo Slavskiy fabricated the word "urge". Does Rolo Slavskiy (the opposition led by Poland/Lithuania) accept the challenge????
You, yes you, Rolo Slavskiy used the word "urge" in your original post. I merely translated the word "urge" into Russian. You, yes you, Rolo Slavskiy can NOT even answer a simple yes or no question to accept a bet on your OWN words. Yet, I will answer your question and the answer is No! I did NOT change any goal posts! You, yes you, Rolo Slavskiy are the one backing down like a coward. Me the good versus you, Rolo Slavskiy > an evil entity.
You know that President Lukashenko was the ONLY leader that kept ALL businesses open, NEVER locked down Belarus, nightclubs ALWAYS open until 4 AM, NO QR codes for transport/buy food, NO injection mandates, NO mask mandates.
You, yes you, Rolo Slavskiy are the opposition. And you, yes you, Rolo Slavskiy are working fiendishly and covertly to put Swetlana Tichanowskaja in power. I call you out Rolo Slavskiy as a 666 bit software developer.
"Putin is often described as far more intelligent, observant and capable than his western counterparts."
Oh really? I think "his" multipolar speech is particularly poorly designed. I could read lines and lines on the subject, but it is clear that he destroys sovereignty and "multipolarity" in Africa, Europe and Latin America (and provided that the local populations would really like to suffer a pole concentrating the power instead of their own nation). The good news is that the Good cop/bad cop storyline doesn't work and people are more and more sceptical about this pseudo multipolarity against the "naughty west."
Yes. Western pundits point to his ability to succinctly answer questions from members of the press, as well as formulate specific responses to new, off-script questions. One of the key examples is the western media's inability to make him look bad at press questions even with their selective editing processes. I'm only aware of one attempt, and when you got the full context of his actual response, the media attempt looked really dumb.
These days western media outlets just cherry pick details from his speeches (which, ironically, you're also doing), rather than any 'aha, gotcha' type questions. It's more likely his speeches aren't even written by him, hence the disconnect between questions and speeches.
In terms of capability, horse riding, martial arts and actual physical fitness compared to any of the other either fat or stick thin western leaders. Then there's bottom of the table leagues like Joe Biden with incoherence and dementia, and Europe banning the import of goods they need in order to function as countries. With the exception of physical fitness which isn't historically typical, it isn't hard for him to look smart when the other leaders are so mind bendingly dumb.
If Putin would be so smart are you sure he would have this absurd and stupide "multipolar" narrative? Personally I think one must be very dumb to believe a single minute in such absurdities. The storyline is the following: "to fight the West, its hegemony on the World, we, Russian, propose to create influence poles all over the world (Africa, Latin America, Europe). It is very romantic but in the real world, Russia plunders mining concessions in the Sahel, with the help of very corrupted african leaders, and its milices kill every opponent to the regime, journalists are persecuted, and Russia only create desolation and pillage in situ. They don't create multipolarity in Africa, they create a very violent hegemony and conquest with nazi milices and corruption of African Leaders. Moreover, Russia participates in Pan-Africanism (construction of geopolitical block in Africa).
Russia has also a large part of responsibility in the destruction of Europe, with the war and the sanctions.
Russia operates large scale disinformation that participates to the weakening of french interests in the Sahel (a "good news" for Russia, at the same time when Eurasist Russian Project aims at european protectorate or annexion of Europe with Eurasian block).
Lately, Russia has views on Latin America.
Destruction of sovereignties, construction of a pseudo multipolarity which means nothing but invasion, collusion with the "west" (Washington/London) in the sharing of the world.
One must be a real useful idiot to believe a single second in "multipolarity", and no, Putin is not the smart guy you describe. He's a stupid puppet of the NWO.
I'm guessing you're a Russian or based in Russia (or near enough it is relevant)?
The speech Putin made, by whoever drafted it, isn't aimed at Russians. To you, the fraud seems obvious - but, I'm guessing you live in Russia, so of course, what Russia actually does for you is a known, everyday event.
For anyone outside of Russia, the 'iron curtain' on media reporting is very much alive. Media outlets like the BBC publish false information on Russia, and what the West knows about Russia is either what they hear on TV (basically next to nothing), or what they research (most people don't do research).
I'm here precisely because I don't know much about Russia and Edward's writings are compelling. Putin's speech on a "multipolar" order is aimed at Western audiences. Western audiences think it is smart because it means no -ONE- world order. He's telling them what they want to hear. So naturally, they think he's smart.
Russians don't think that because they know what Russia is like. But what Russians think doesn't matter because they're not going to stop the Russian government. In the same way what Americans think of the American government doesn't matter, because they're not going to do anything either. Disappointing and sad, but that's the reality.
I notice you also sidestepped Joe Biden and his evident signs of dementia. As said, it isn't hard to -appear- smart, when most other leaders appear painfully dumb. Compare a Joe Biden speech to a Putin speech and you won't be wondering why the West thinks Putin is smart, you'll be wondering how someone could get "elected" in the US that was so incoherent and nonsensical.
The thing that no one realizes is that countries no longer exist.
The illusion that they do has had to be maintained, because those that own most of the planet, and intend to own all of it, know that most of its inhabitants want their countries to continue to exist - with almost all of them deluding themselves that they do.
We are now at the long-planned point in time when the global cabal which controls all governments worldwide represented by the WEF, UN, WHO, IMF, World Bank et al, which has been preparing for this moment for at least 70 years, intends to pull back the curtain to reveal to the planet's population the World Government which has been operating in the shadows for many years.
They know that the 'insects', or 'rats' - as WEF members sometimes openly to refer to us in their meetings - are not going to submit to a World Government, and the Great Reset tyranny, willingly - so a crisis to end all crisis will be necessary to create such fear and desperation among the populations that they will surrender to the fascist global tyranny which has been prepared for them.
Putin's invasion of Ukraine was essential to provide them with the pretext to set this, Stage II of their operation (the long-planned 'Covid crisis' and the pretend 'vaccines' being Stage I) in motion, by driving fuel prices up through the roof while they prepare next year's extreme food shortages and famines.
They couldn't have done this without Putin's invasion of Ukraine: there has to be a Putin and Russia to blame everything that is coming on, in order to avoid populations blaming the cabal's puppet Western governments. And the invasion, and the sanctions to drive prices ever higher, to sabotage Western economies and dramatically lower living standards, had to take place exactly when it did.
It would be nice to believe that Putin was manipulated into attacking Ukraine at exactly the planned moment - but when you look at his government, slavishly supporting every globalist scam from the clot shots, health ID codes, 'Climate crisis', etc.... the truth is plain to see: Russia's government is just another globalist puppet government, along with every other government that matters across the world.
There ain't no one riding a white horse to save us. We're on our own - the helpless prey of a global gang of psychopathic predators who control all of the reins of power across the planet.
From the way that all governments, politicians, mass media and main social media platforms worldwide have done everything in their power to suppress any negative opinions, news or information about the Covid 'vaccines', two things are absolutely proven without question:
1. That all of the above work for the same global cabal.
2. That the Covid 'vaccines' must most certainly be extremely injurious to people's health - or why else would all of the above be so desperate to fire, de-platform and silence anyone saying a word to oppose it, or even to question it?
Why else would a 'vaccine' that has been proven to have killed more people than all previous vaccines combined, still be being pushed by all governments - when in the past, any vaccine killing a tiny fraction of these numbers would have immediately been withdrawn?
When over 80% of pregnant women who have taken the 'vaccine' have had miscarriages, when - ever - would governments simply ignore that, and continue to inject pregnant women - and to totally ignore these appalling deaths, which Pfizer's internal documents reveal that they knew perfectly well that these miscarriages would occur with most pregnant women injected with their product?
Why else would all major governments be firing any doctor or nurse saying a word against the 'vaccines'? When, ever in history, were doctors and nurses forbidden from airing their opinions, experiences, questions or doubts about any medical treatment? The answer is: never.
How anyone can NOT realize that the Covid 'vaccines' are a globally-coordinated operation where the sheer desperation of all governments, mass media and medical health authorities to ignore the already clearly proven deadly effects of these 'vaccines' could only be due to an unspeakably evil intent.
Putting It Altogether. (Below) Moderna & Pfizer and others, have made a 19 nucleotide sequence and 19 nucleotide Moderna specific chimeric (CGG for AGA) furin cleavage site mRNA (between 2010 and 2016) to modify the human body with a 19 nucleotide Moderna specific chimeric (CGG for AGA) furin cleavage site, 99% Graphene Oxide injection, which makes a nanoprocessor driven by a 5G antenna that goes directly to the workings of our brain, with a 10 digit call sign, which goes where - human or computer - which is totally illegal medical/scientific research for secret use on humans, as is the Pfizer contract (I have a secret Pfizer copy) and presumably the Moderna contract, that governments knowingly, illegally signed, understanding the ramifications involved, to make electronic/computerised/modified advanced humans, after those not suitable, have been exterminated - I wonder if DARPA is involved with this - Bill Gates - I would say, certainly.
Which is NOT the mRNA vaccine, that we were told it is, or its purpose, which removes their blanket immunity from prosecution and holds them all accountable in any Court Of Law.
As I said some years ago, the nasal vaccines were planned to be on the globalist agenda. At that time, the information was available on the Knut and Alce Wallenberg Foundation website.
It is interesting to make some investigation about the swedish lovely family: the WALLENBERG. Bilderberg, Hitler, AstraZeneca, jewish passports, forests and cellulose, weapons, CRISPR CAS 9, IA, the lovely family was and is involved in a lot of stuffs.
Thanks once again, Riley. The picture i see: Putin puts out just enough ambiguity to keep the sycophants and the hope-in-good-leaders addicts satisfied for one more day, thinking he will soon reveal his true self and cleanse Russia for good. They have staked out everything on him, there's no turning back. And those in the "independent" media who keep backing him have no other game to play, they *believe* most humans are hopelessly stupid and the best we can do is get ourselves better masters, like the people who run the BRICS bloc. They are part of the deception, and will not wise up one day. Push the "eject" button on them.
The world is intended to be divided in two spheres of influence, and in the international medias of the future eurasist block any good critics of the russian and chinese regimes are very scarce.
I mean, normally, any media would make a fuss
The stupid and hysterical feminists would (with reason this time) strangle and choke with the rapes and gang rapes mades by russian milices in the Sahel
The leftist would be the first to denounce the nazism of Wagner troops
And what about the theft of mining concessions and lands by the Chinese and Russians?
Who speaks about sexual violence of Wagner against children and MEN? Is it pedophilia? Homosexuality? Not a single foundation to spot on the information and manipulate it in the sense that they'd like to? Like they do with Zelensky, Macron, or the "perversion" of the West?
Bout, no, total silence in our medias. In Euripe, they try to divide and sort the political informations according to the "blocks".
I agree with this as written literally, not as an exercise in sophomoric sarcasm. Except for the word "definitely". Maybe Putin is a puppet is, maybe he isn't. I prefer to stick with what is known not what is believed. Inferring motive is ever a fool's chore. WHY does Putin comply? WEF?WHO?NWO puppetry is one plausible hypothesis but far from the only one.
For example, there's this crazy little thing called love. It's been known to upset many vast overpowered plans. Is EVERY world leader only in love with power merely as allocated by pinheads like Herr Pulpington?
Yes, I guess it's obvious that seeing so many on so many online fora form circle-jerk echo chambers devoted to angrily fellating the political colossi formed in their minds? It's like being on the Titanic and insisting that the Captain WANTS to hit an iceberg just to prove the Titanic is unsinkable.
"Edward John Smith RD RNR (27 January 1850 – 15 April 1912) was a British naval officer. He served as master of numerous White Star Line vessels. He was the captain of the RMS Titanic, and perished when the ship sank on its maiden voyage."
Yes, the global acronyms and the nation-states they parasitize have grown ludicrously powerful and appear to have their nasty nose-picking fingers in everything.
But that does not translate into control, our favorite illusion.
I just make a cynical observation of Putin's actions, and only actions, and i don't pay much attention to romantic interpretations of Putin's followers, like "oh, well, he may be playing a role and he's not really a globalist puppet".
Come on...
I have many questions to ask, that I will do in a near future, cause I don't have certainty but many many questions still without answer....
So "definitely" doesn't mean definitely, then? It means something more like 'definitely-ish'? OKay, but for the record, what I stated was that we don't know what motivates Putin to go along with the globalist agenda, that's all. We can see that his actions generally comply with that agenda as we understand it, but we don't know why he complies.
Hypotheses are hypotheses, not proven facts. It's a simple concept, this fact-doesn't equal supposition thing. It's not 5-D chess rocket science or, god forbid, Margarita Simonyan's recipe for borscht.
When one doesn't know for sure, one doesn't know for sure. This concept is the foundation of what's called intellectual honesty, data hygiene, discursive rigor, stuff like that.
We all have pet theories, and because they are ours not others', it behooves us to feed them from our own belief profile and not insist that others share one's belief.
"Is Putin completely surrounded by fifth columnists, and helpless to do anything about it? If so, he’s a hostage—not a savior.
If Putin can’t even control the messaging coming out of the Kremlin, then what does he control?
Or maybe Peskov is doing exactly what Putin wants? There’s also that possibility."
This is exactly what I've told Trump supporters who kept on excusing him for not doing anything. If you're powerless and have a fucking soul, why would you keep playing pretend?
If you or I were in that situation and wanted to stay, why would we continue to do what we knew was wrong? We would send mixed signals to the people, like a hostage would, so that they know it's rigged. But neither Trump or Putin or xi did this. They're sellouts.
A big 🖕 to people who excuse this medical pseudoscience. I remember one ass who shall be not named saying that the Chinese locked down because the Han were targeted by this weak flu like illness. Yeah fucking right, where's the statistics to show that your fucking clot shots and lockdowns help?
Even though virology is a pseudoscience, going by their own logic, you would only protect the weak and vulnerable, not lock down a whole fucking city!
I feel like these 5d chess lovers are really as deluded as Trump supporters, thinking that there's a contingency of "white hats" trying to fix things. This is bullshit. If there were such a thing, why the fuck are these nations still following lockstep many months after the "death toll" is over?
And to whoever believes the lab leak story that was seeded at the start and now being used to push fear of more "viruses", just look at the fucking stats.
Total deaths in most nations 2020 in line with previous years.
Along with that, average age of con-vid death was around or a bit higher than life expectancy age.
What fucking new disease? The stats show none of this sort ever during the pandemic year!
The only 'lab leak' 'engineered' thing are the fucking toxic clot shots.
I used to think those who questioned vaccines in the past were mislead.
But con-vid opened my eyes to how even before this bullshit, people were getting injured by vaccines such as MMR, gardasil, and the hep b shots.
Looking at the reason why, it's clear to see that if you inject things with nanoparticles of shitty stuff like aluminum, mercury, formeldahyde, and lipids (convid shots), you're gonna have issues.
This is the one thing that the masses avoid, that they lined up their kids to get toxins injected into them, and they did it too as a kid. People don't want to realize that they were hoodwinked! Stubborn ego bullshit.
All of this talk of spike protein and graphene is fucking nonsense! Moderna had issues before convid with the lipids. But even among those who question this nonsense, Occam's razor is not being followed.
There is not one single politician across the world - nowhere! - who is exposing or condemning the Covid 'vaccines'.
When has anybody - ever - heard of a single issue in the history of the world upon which all politicians agree?
Never. It has never happened. But on the Covid 'vaccines', despite the mountain of evidence that they are killing and injuring every more people, despite all governments and mass media's desperate attempts to bury all such information, not one single politician will say a word against them!
Just imagine the sheer, staggering power that could achieve that total refusal of even one politician to condemn or expose the truth about the Covid 'vaccines'- right across the world!
Democracy is nothing more than an illusion, to keep the masses thinking that they have some control over what their governments do. That was not true before - at least, not totally - but it totally true now.
Trump and Putin, and everyone else in any position of power that you can think of, all work for the same global cabal of WEF which is now herding humanity towards the end of the world, as we have known it throughout history.
Of course! Makes me think of the french campaign for presidence, and the arguments in the french controlled opposition media: "Macron looks like an asshole, he acted like an asshole in the past, but who knows he may change when he comes to power, it's worth trying". The same absurd arguments of the controlled opposition.
Putin, a hostage or a savior? Neither a hostage, nor a savior. Putin, although a NWO puppet, is responsible of 100% of his actions and betrayals against his own population. I dont think the Russian voted for compulsory vaccines, QR Codes, Face Pay, the numeric rubles and the expensive war in Ukraine while some russian starve with little pensions. Long was the road from the georgian "Vova" to the Kremlin, and I totally agree with the sentences "But the damage that led to his current behavior was done. It produced a machismo man, distrustful and unpredictable, and who cultivates disinformation to advance his own agenda at any cost.". His early life produced a monster, and he's perfectly aware that that the rivers of blood in Ukraine are made possible with rivers of blood in Africa. Regarding disinformation and fake news, hybrid and informative war, the russian are definitely the kings.
"Tout ce qui est excessif est insignifiant"
Repeated ad nauseam a lie might become a "truth" as ol'Goebbels said.
No "rivers of blood", "slaughters", in Sahel neither in Central Africa.
If Riley allows I can send more accurate data about the real situation. By the way, thanks again Riley for your inestimable work.
I understand that you're a Putin's follower and that your duty is to hide his crimes, but the job wull get harder and harder for you, as there are many proofs, from journalists to army reports, that the russian mazi Wagner Group continues to commit slaughterings in the Sahel
Riley, if you are interested I can translate this brand new article in english.
Journalists in CAR and Mali are terrified, some are sentenced to death, some choose to exile abroad, some are assassinated (3 russian journalists), two french radios were closed by authorities. China and Russia cleaned the place , to be able to steal and assassinate.
For the readers: put the keyword "wagner" in the search field of this page and you'll get 55 pages of results with tortures assassinations, rapes including rape of children, men, and women (Holy Russia, HAHAHA), and all the dirty business around mining concessions. Because rivers of blood in Africa need to finance rivers of blood in Ukraine.
bouse de boeuf...
"We would send mixed signals to the people, like a hostage would, so that they know it's rigged. But neither Trump or Putin or xi did this. They're sellouts."
Actually, Putin did send mixed messages, which is a major reason why we're asking these questions.
Indeed. Consider these items: All these soon-to-be freezing and soon-to-be layed off workers across the EU - what a perfect level of propaganda readying itself. FACT: Job adds all over the place, but nobody is showing up to apply or work. So. If some room full of EU and USA and Chicom tecnocrats wanted to divert attention to the quack/jab deathwave happening right now, could they instead claim "Putin is killing us all from no energy fuel deliveries! GET THOSE EVIL RUSSIANS! MORE TROOPS! MORE WEAPONS!"...? I contend this is highly possible, and weather or not VVP is a willing WEF mandated stooge or not may no longer be relevant at this point because since the SMO began last February, nothing war or jab related is slowing down or going in reverse.
VVP did make some heavy "we'll get you at your decision making centers!" threats last February if anyone interferes in their SMO. All kinds of red lines he alluded to have been crossed nearly every week since then. Yet. Instead of wacking Zelensky and forcing a surrender, "nothing." Thousands of RF troops are now dead. Tens of thousands of Ukie troops are dead. There seems to be no stopping "EU and RF total jab creation, forced distribution, and digital currency reset ala WEF whack job Dr. No... VVP a hero of humanity, or a whore of the WEF ongoing depopulation? We won't have much longer to find out.
I ask: when will the other shoe drop? It's not quite a rhetorical question but hardly specific either. More of an archetypal question. The most specifically I can ask it is: when will the next most critically deciding factor manifest? Easy money says easy money: de markets goan drop, mon:
That freakin' shoe, as we all suspect in different pieces in this group is humanity's 800-pound gorilla in the room. I personally "hope" VVP turns out to be the Great King of the North. Goldman Sachs is about to sell off $47B in foreign equities in the coming days, and that sell-off may go as high as $112B, depending on how things play out. That insider intel, on the heels of The Pope just days ago directing countless billions from their holdings to be immediately transferred to the Vatican Bank...suggests "some kind of expensive shoe is about to drop." I bet VVP has a hand in all this sudden wealth transfer as either a WEF globalist team player, or, a victimized, unwilling partner.
First, off-topic... Mikhail Gorbachev, the last leader of the USSR died yesterday. I went through Russian language social media comments. May be 5% at most view him and his legacy in a positive or somewhat positive way, the rest have a very negative view of this leader in contrast with the Western MSM singing praises to a person whom most Russians consider to be the biggest traitor in their history. This year, after the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, we have seen massive departure of the architects of the dissolution of the Soviet Union - Kravchuk (Ukraine), Shushkevich (Belarus), Burbulis (Russia) and now the chief architect of perestroika resulting in collapse of not only of the largest country but a world order that existed for half a century, Gorbachev. Their departure, in my view, does signal rapidly approaching end of yet another world order that existed between 1991 and now.
As for Putin and Russia's role in the COVID theatrics that we keep observing now for two and a half years. First to the phrase "But Russia just wants a seat at the table". This is true to an extent, but does not convey the urgency (for Russia) of the situation. Russia doesn't just want a seat at the table, but it desperately wants a seat at the table. This goes well beyond active participation in the organizations like WEF or WHO, but in sports or anything else that has to do with international cooperation. To illustrate what I'm saying take this example. Did you know that absolute majority of international sports associations have banned Russia from hosting international competitions and prohibited Russian athletes from participating in competitions under their country's flag or from using national symbols including anthem? Did you ever see this happening to any other nation? This happened well before the current war and the formal reason was the use of doping by the Russian athletes, while all statistics showed that Russians weren't even among first three in this regard. The list of organizations that did that is long, it starts with IOC and continues with UEFA, FIFA, IIHF, ISU and so on and so forth. Russia's answer? To ban a young gymnast that featured letter Z on his uniform during international event from taking part in competitions in Russia. Or the fact that football (soccer) clubs from Crimea for 8 years and to this day are not allowed to compete in the Russian internal football leagues afraid to displease UEFA and FIFA that don't recognize Crimea as Russian territory. Did I convey enough of the urgency, desperation, humility and the sacrifices Russia is ready to make only to get a seat at that table? This is just a small example but similar stories are found everywhere, including the field of education, science and so on. So why are we surprised to see Russia follow directions of the WHO on COVID and other matters? "Entrantism", e.g. desire to enter West controlled international structures and to get a seat at the table there, term invented by Russian philosopher Sergey Kurginyan, was and remains to be the sacrosanct principle on which new Russia was built.
On Putin and his personal role in all of that. I wrote about it on this blog already, but will briefly repeat the fabula. Putin was hand picked out of nowhere and installed as a president of Russia with one main goal - to assure that Russia would not only get a seat at the table, but a relatively respectful place (perhaps like France) with the right to retain certain idiosyncrasies like social traditionalism, Orthodox religion and so on. Not much to ask, really, especially when we see countries like Saudi Arabia allowed their own deviations from the general Western line yet being accepted by the international community. So you may think of him as a chief negotiator on Russia's behalf to guarantee not only a seat at the table, but also some special rights along with that. Was Putin successful in his principal endeavor? To be fair, we have to say - probably not. His SMO that started this February can also be seen through the prism of his main stated goal. When all the other methods appeared not to work, came time for escalation and a power game, but with the same unchanged target - a respectable seat at the table.
What works against Putin is that he is in a highly protected and controlled bubble. This is a result of him being in a position of at least formal power for way too long. Putin, unlike Medvedev, is not known to receive information from the alternative sources like social media directly, what he gets on his table in a form of daily summarized reports is highly controlled by the President's Administration office (AP) where direction of what Putin should or shouldn't know is controlled by the people like Vaino and Kirienko. Getting into unexpectedly drawn out war with Ukraine is with high probability a result of incomplete and sometimes outright misleading information fed to him before making a decision to start the invasion. His ambivalent position on mandatory vaccination is dictated by his favorite method of ruling - to stay above the fight and to be the arbiter among the different Kremlin towers (pillars of power).
thanks Stanley. superb insights as always!
I second that opinion.
So Putin is trying to force his way to get a seat the globalists table? Interesting viewpoint.
Yes, the bottom line is exactly that. He wants a place for himself and for Russia at that table. Not any place, but a respectable place that would also allow Russia to retain some of its cultural specifics, at least those wouldn't be attacked and destroyed right away. But the West decided a decade ago that they don't care about Russia's and Putin's good intentions. It is not the intentions they are afraid of, but the capabilities of the country with the largest nuclear arsenal and 30% of the world's natural resources. So Russia along with Russian elites and Russian people was condemned to breaking up into much smaller pieces, cultural oblivion and obstructions across the board including international sports and even UN participation where Russian foreign minister Lavrov is not allowed anymore into UN HQ in NYC to be present at the general assembly meetings.
An addition to the first part of my rant above. Gorbachev's funeral will take place on Saturday, September 3 and won't be a full state funeral, but with some elements of the state funeral, like the military guard. Putin won't be present at the official funeral, claiming his schedule doesn't allow him to attend. He already said his farewell to Gorbachev in private by laying flowers at his coffin. What does it tell us? Putin is in hiding or does he simply try to show his disapproval of Gorbachev's role in Russian history? I don't have an answer yet, have to give it a thought.
Talking about "state funerals" here is an amazing video clip from a French (in fact Belgian, thanks for correcting!) singer, Stromae. Pay attention to the fact that they use Russian 4x4 Ladas as an official funeral vehicle in this video. Amazing choreography!
Stromae is of Belgian nationality. Not that it matters, though.
Appreciate the correction!
With passing of Gorbachev one big question comes to mind. Will the history, at least in Russian perception of the events, be as unkind to Putin as it was unkind to Gorbachev? My guess is yes, after all we are entering the phase of Apocalypse, that simply means the "lifting of the veil". It should be the case, unless Russia is going to fall into the era of "Eternal Putinism" or "The long state of Putin" as was predicted by Putin's former advisor and ideologue Mr. Surkov in his directional article from 2019. But the chances of that happening in current state of rapidly increasing global turmoil are pretty slim. Russian people are no strangers to the global trends - the rate of awakening there is as high and higher as in other places around the world.
All good questions, some of which I touched on in my comment on your last post. A Chinese perspective may offer some hints on reading these particular tea leaves. My follow-up question to you would be: Were the measures taken in Russia in all key respects the same as those adopted in the West?
Here are a few points worth looking at:
Treatment: In many Western countries, it's hard to avoid the impression that active measures were taken to ban effective treatments. For example, action was taken very early to eliminate access to HCQ (hydroxychloroquine). According to Robert Kennedy's book, France took HCQ off the shelves in mid-January 2020, before almost anyone had heard of the coronavirus. Allegedly stockpiles in Africa were also confiscated and destroyed early on. Other countries soon followed with further restrictions. Later on, the same thing happened with ivermectin. However, if we compare this with, say, China, we see a big difference. China never banned either, and both remain readily available today at rock-bottom prices. The use of chloroquine in treatment was specifically mentioned as early as April 2020 in the treatment guide released by Alibaba. Moreover, after only 1-2 months of using ventilators, China basically stopped using them. The same applies to run-death-is-near (remdesivir). Studies showed it to be dangerous and its usage was banned. As a result, deaths from Covid were almost non-existent after June 2020. What about Russia? What was the fate of HCQ, IVM and ventilators there? And remdesivir? I have heard that it was still in use in Russia in 2021. Was it never identified as being dangerous??
Vaccine mandates: AFAIK Russia initially rejected all vaccine mandates, during a period when they were becoming standard in most Western countries. China never had a mandate and even made coercion explicitly illegal. It also banned mRNA vaccines. It did, however, at some point issue a statement that vaccines were to be required for visas. This move was roundly criticized by Lavrov, after which the policy was quietly retracted. As we all know, eventually Russia reneged on its initial rejection of the vaccine mandate, but that did happen significantly after the mandates had been implemented in the West.
With respect to the vaccine mandate idea, in the case of China, it seems clear that there was no closely coordinated agenda in play. In the case of Russia, at a minimum the Western game plan seems to have been adopted with a significant delay.
To be clear, obviously there are also many commonalities reflecting the overwhelming influence of the WHO-influenced health bureaucracies in both Russia and China. Despite this, for China at a minimum the evidence seems unequivocal that the agenda pursued was not comparable with the one pursued in the West. What about Russia?
Good questions.
Russia has peddled all kinds of unproven and dangerous medications to fight COVID -- and even started using/producing remdesivir: https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/russias-selfless-covid-pill-profiteers
Russia started introducing compulsory vaccination after it was clear Russians didn't want to get vaccinated -- which to me says it all.
Just like the USA, where it was voluntary until they saw low numbers. Then the fucking mafia at the FDA went and approved Pfizer even though it's still in testing until 2023.
This lead to mandates, and they still pretended like it was voluntary, because these psychopaths know that if it was forced, people would see that they're pieces of shit who don't respect personal choice and suck the nuts of big pharma.
China is full of shit too. If their treatments and such work, why would they be OCD about testing perfectly healthy people?
COVID is a great barometer of who sold out while pretending to be for personal choice.
Your point is correct. It doesn't make seem to make sense. The nonsensical nature of the zero-Covid fantasy is obvious to anyone capable of independent thought. This is why centralized decision making is almost always a bad idea. One guy's bad decisions drag down the whole country. Much of the success of modern China can be traced back to its decentralized decision making structures, but to an extent these were overridden in the past 2 years - with correspondingly bad results.
The point which is nonetheless vastly underappreciated in the West is that China's Covid policies while completely nonsensical are nonetheless quite different from those in the West.
Different... as in even worse, or what's the nuance/difference deserving appreciation.
Are the lack of a vaccine mandate and the ban on discrimination against the unvaxxed "nuances" undeserving of appreciation? How about the availability of effective treatments? Not important for you?
They are not. Having been living thru that regime of rejection of uninjected with my family, children forbiden to do any activity, entering libraries (there mother is the local librarist in the village this could be bypassed), hospitals, restaurant, café etc... I can appreciate the difference indeed.
Even now, in the crazy Bolschevik like regime of biosecurity with mediocre and psychopaths in charge, doctors are trialed in doctors court (Odre National des Médecins) for having cured people, so yes, their is a difference. More than 15000 nurses, doctors have lost their job without any financial help like unemployment. In major cities, the emergency services don't open at night anymore because of the lack of workers and finance.
During the harsh forest fires of that summer, the space lizards in charge hired firefighters from abroad, without any proof of having been injected, while thousand of uninjected French fire fighters are not allowed to do their duty anymore.
These difference are very important.
China is such a huge country. We European can't grasp what such an entity is. We have very few informations and deep knowledge and understanding of the reality in China, be it politic, sociological, everything.
I have started to read your work from the beginning. Just great. It reads like a good book. Thank you
Reality is very complex...
If you understand French, you might be very interested in listening the testimony of that French women who has been living in China for more than 15 years and have been traped in the Shangaï delirium and had just left China when interviewed. Very informative and she remains a lover of China, wish to go back: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5KAC17f8Yk
Vielen dank.
Austria... China... a little bit of music to lighten up :
People/systems often gradually back themselves into positions the reverse of the one they started with. So, to clarify, Russia's cooperation with the global WHO agenda may well have done some natural evolution. Not everything covid/global sprang forth fully formed from Klaus Schwabb's (rather impressive) forehead.
The fervor of both pro-and-anti-Putinists reminds me of this line from a short story by another famous Vladimir:
"Most readers like best those poems of his where the ideas of emancipation, so characteristic of the Russian fifties, are expressed in a glorious storm of obscure eloquence, which, as one critic put it, “ does not show you the enemy but makes you fairly burst with the longing to fight.”"
The Two-Minute Hate can be used to focus the public's energy on Big Brother. So long as said hate remains merely talk-talk on surveilled chat-rooms, Big Brother enjoys said hate. It help BigBro assess its herdsmanship of the public while providing new data to furthering that end.
Excellent information and perspective, Austrian China. The similarities among all (or virtually all) nations is obvious. What isn't so readily obvious are the differences.
Riley wrote:
"Everyone seems to know what's going on in Putin's head..." as the first commenter on today's article demonstrated neatly and succinctly. "We have some questions.... There’s no way around the fact that Russia’s response to COVID has been completely mischaracterized, misrepresented, and ignored by our cherished “independent” media. Why is this? And what does it mean?"
Our independent media is mostly, in this instance, a red herring, imo. Not entirely irrelevant but not necessarily a primary factor. Russia's response to covid has been grossly mischaracterized by our despised mainstream media, also, albeit in different ways from different perspectives.
I ask: why would a man who has the world pretty much on a string, "swinging from my nuts
And damn it feels good to be a gangsta..." work in tandem with the team that has diligently, even obsessively, worked to destroy Putin's gangsta turf?
Please ignore the vomitous political spin of the following article. It's opening history regarding Putin is worth considering as a major factor to consider when holding seances with Putin's family samovar:
"Born in 1952 Leningrad, Putin was a street kid in a city devastated by a horrific, three-year siege by the Nazis during WWII, a genocide described as the world’s most destructive siege of a city. Most of the population of three million people died, one million starving to death. Putin’s father was badly injured in the war, his mother nearly died of starvation. Living in a rat-infested apartment with two other families, the family had no hot water, no bathtub, a broken-down toilet, little or no heat. His father worked in a factory; his mother did odd jobs she could find. A small child, whose two older siblings are believed to have been lost to war and disease, Putin was left to fend for himself, severely bullied by other children.
"From his parents he inherited their wartime trauma personified by Nazi forces threatening their existence, ravaging their city and killing their friends and family. With his parents struggling to survive, they were absent or too traumatized to be attentive to their son. There’s no mention of other family members: no grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins. Kindness and affection didn’t seem to have been part of the child Putin’s world.
"While the experiences of childhood adversity piled up, two positive experiences changed his trajectory: After years of being labeled a troublemaker in school, a sixth-grade teacher helped him realize his potential. He excelled in high school, learned judo to defend himself, got a law degree and was selected to join the KGB. But the damage that led to his current behavior was done. It produced a machismo man, distrustful and unpredictable, and who cultivates disinformation to advance his own agenda at any cost."
The last two sentences are patently biased bullshit but I didn't want to truncate the author's paragraph. I will note that the above description suggests to me someone who might indeed be too trusting of institutional mainstream experts, for such are what gave Vlad the means to escape a lousy life.
The article, btw, is typical modern scholarship: total suckage. For example:
Yes, he mentions his grandparents.
Still, he had an awful childhood, and such things make deep imprints in adult behavior.
We read in another article (***asterisks*** are mine):
"The first time Vladimir Putin waged war it was against the rats which infested the corridors of his bleak boyhood home in a dilapidated Soviet apartment block.
"Telling the story of those vermin now, he makes clear he won his battles against them, possibly using the story to illustrate how he overcame post-war devastation and poverty to succeed.
"In First Person: An Astonishingly Frank Self-Portrait, published in 2000, he writes: “There were hordes of rats in the front entryway. My friends and I used to chase them around with sticks.
”Once I spotted a huge rat and pursued it down the hall until I drove it into a corner. It had nowhere to run. Suddenly it lashed around and threw itself at me. I was surprised and frightened. Now the rat was chasing me.
" “Luckily, I was a little faster and I managed to slam the door shut in its nose. There, on that stair landing, I got a quick and lasting lesson in the meaning of the word cornered.”
"The anecdote may be part of his carefully curated narrative, but it gives us a glimpse into the making of the man who now has the world holding its breath.
"Putin was born on October 7, 1952, in Leningrad, now St Petersburg, a city that had been under siege for 900 days in the Second World War. More than a million people had died of starvation, many families entirely wiped out.
"In the war, Putin’s father, Vladimir, was away fighting, while his mother, Maria, almost starved to death. Putin writes: “Once my mother fainted from hunger. People thought she had died, and they laid her out with the corpses. Luckily Mama woke up in time and started moaning.
"His father was one of only four of the 28 men in his unit to come home from the war, and for the rest of his life limped because of shrapnel injuries.
"***The couple are believed to have lost their two older children, one to diphtheria during the war, the second from another childhood illness.***
"Vladimir Putin was a “miracle baby” who arrived late. His communal home was dire, shared with two other families.
"His former school teacher Vera Dmitrievna Gurevich said: “There was no hot water, no bathtub. The toilet was horrendous. And it was so cold, awful.”
"Putin was a street kid, small for his age and bullied so he had to toughen up fast."
I'm intrigued by how many people think that reading WHO/WTO/et al tea leaves will explain Vladimir's cooperation with the very groups he knows want to turn his homeland into a strip-mine shopping mall. I think that maybe reading Vlad's personal tea leaves might be more insightful. After all, in today's world, if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck (young Vlad had them duck-lips, didn't he?), it's probably a hologram of a duck.
Question: why sell out to your enemies when you already own what your enemies want and can easily defend it against them?
Interesting musings and a lot of research! You, obviously, take your subject very seriously. I have couple of notes on that too... One, we shouldn't exaggerate Putin's living conditions in his youth. Shared large apartments were a common place back then, especially in the cities like Leningrad that had a lot of apartment buildings that in the past were occupied by the richer people of higher class before the revolution of 1917. A large part of the country in the cities lived like that as this was before the mass construction of the rapid assembly concrete panel buildings that started under Khrushchev. I remember visiting our relatives in such an apartment in the city of Odessa back in the late sixties and my impression of the situation there was that this was a very busy environment with a lot of social interaction but overall very happy. My parents and I stayed with them for a couple of nights and they made a makeshift bed for us on the floor using sails instead of bedsheets. Sleeping on sails that smelled like a sea - this was a treat for a kid! But getting back to Putin and his youth, one needs to consider the overall mood of the country back then. He was born in 1952 a year before Stalin's death so he doesn't remember emotionally darker times under Stalin, instead he was born into Khrushchev's "thawing" (ottepel') when country begun to open up and paired with exceptional scientific and industrial progress as well as with a feeling of being winners defeating aggression of the united Europe (WWII) the view of the future was very optimistic. So to suppose that Putin emerged from some kind of unhappy black hole type of place would be to mischaracterize his environment. What is interesting is that Putin having barely survived the blockade of Leningrad with his mom didn't develop negativity toward Germany and just the opposite, he was always trying to build a special relationship with Germany giving that country special economic and political privileges. What Germans did with the goodwill expressed by Putin toward their country is another question.
So, Putin was a gopnik! Who knew?! That would explain everything, except why he didn't promote semechki as a treatment for Covid. Yeah, I'm joking, but there's a definite health benefit to eating sunflower seeds which is probably why gopniks can drink so much without dropping dead when they hit 30.
Seriously, you don't think they get all that energy just from vodka and kvass? Check out this rarely seen gopnik semechki ritual if you doubt the importance of that aspect of their diet. It is practically a sacrament in their world.
Don't be misled by the passivity of some Russians in the face of what's happening either. The anger is there and definitely growing.
No, Putin wasn't a gopnik as this normally defines a future way of life. Adidas tracksuit and sunflower seeds forever! He was a street kid with ambitions, similar to what we would see with kids growing up on the streets of Chicago or New York in the 1950's that did great in their future lives and careers.
Wow. Reading your blog/newsletter/substack/whatever the cool kids call frothing at they keypad these days, I feel compelled to $$ subscribe. That makes 3: wiki, slavsquatski, and Austrian China.
Putin and his entire government are globalist and WEF puppets - absolutely no different from every Western government.
That is the reason why Putin and his gang of WEF glove puppets have pursued an absolutely IDENTICAL course over the long-planned 'Covid crisis' and the pathogenic Covid 'vaccines' as every Western government - forcing vaccine passes and the fake Covid 'vaccines' on their population with just as much determination as the globalist criminals nominally running Western countries have.
This article asks: 'Does this mean that Putin is a globalist puppet? Of course not.'
Why 'of course not' - when he is pursuing every WEF objective, exactly the same as the goons running Western governments?
Well, he's at war with the West - look at Ukraine, you may say.
Really? Well, consider this: the globalists / WEF / Western governments could NEVER have implemented the WEF's oft-stated plan to drive electricity, gas, gasoline and oil prices up through the roof, without Putin's invasion of Ukraine.
That provided the West with the absolutely vital pretext for their sanctions which supposedly are against Russia - but which actually had a completely different objective: to drive fuel prices in Western countries up through the roof, in order to prepare the ground for the implementation of the Great Reset.
Without an economic, financial and societal collapse of the West, it would, the WEF and their puppet Western governments know, be impossible to so terrify Western populations that they would accept the Nazi (yes - that it was it actually is) WEF plan for the tyranny of the Great Reset.
All of this required a bogeyman - someone to blame for fuel prices being driven through the roof, and the living standards of the peoples of the West to collapse, to create an ever greater sense of fear and desperation among those populations, so that in despair, when presented with the 'only possible solution' of the Great Reset tyranny, they would surrender, and accept it, given no apparent choice.
interesting comment and perspective.
just to clarify: when I wrote "of course not" -- I meant more like: "i guess it's possible, but i'm not saying this proves anything."
I don't really have a strong opinion on it. for me, the fact that Russia is pursuing the same policies is enough of a red flag. It's the same Great Reset, with or without Schwab's blessings (or whatever). That Russia's actions seem to also be accelerating the "WEF-certified" Reset is of course also quite telling.
Just to complement to this point-of-view.
When thinking about Democracy as a control mechanism to mislead the plebs to think they are in charge of the world, what could be cheaper and more effective than Democracy in achieving this result?
A "scientific" control grid with the same "fair" rules for all of us, executed automatically by some machine, programmed to execute these rules. Just make the plebs believe the rules are fair and no one can be made responsible for any kind of atrocity. And this is what we are sliding in right now. Not possible before, but now the technology allows for it.
Another point matching into this view is the depop agenda. They simply don't need all these people anymore to have their ship keep sailing. Most of the hard labor is done by machines nowadays. You just need a class of people taking care of them and keep them functioning. So we get all these overpopulation ideology and clot-shots.
Thinking from this "cattle-control" pov makes their agenda pretty obvious.
“Russia just wants a seat at the table.”
The same recurrent argument is used in France, to exonerate Putin.
But Russia does not have to "want a seat at the table". It was already scheduled that Russia would be "around the table" (what table, by the way?). In a New World Order creation context, Kissinger's Eurasia was planned and scheduled! They met like 20 times in the past, they are close friends.
Just ask yourself then who would rule the Eurasian block?
To create a New World Order, creating first some influence poles is necessary, some vast geopolitical blocks is necessary, because as "we can not leap in a world government in just one quick step", as Zbigniew Brzezinski said in 1995 during the Forum State of the World . That is what Putin plans to implement with russian presence and influence in Africa, Europe and Latin America (which is clearly shown on a map published in Dugin's VKonkakt).
Now, the Covid is just a tool to implement digital surveillance necessary to the NWO ! Talking only about Covid is to forget the root causes of the virus scam. Putin is not just sitting around the table begging for some scrumbs. He is the most important puppet in the creation of a world government.
I think you'll realize in a few years that the Covid 'vaccines' did not only have total surveillance of the world's population as its aim - but a massive reduction in the world's population.
You're right, but there's no antagonism in that. Digital surveillance thanks to the virus scam and the climate scam + reduction of populations thanks to vacines.
It’s quite the black-pill to learn what a mess things are inside Russia, but I’m grateful to you for bringing this info to us in the West. Like the MAGA crowd wanting Trump to be the savior he so clearly isn’t, many of us Russophiles have wanted Putin to be a savior too - a kind of amalgam of Peter the Great, Stolypin, Zhukov, etc. with a little bit of Stalin thrown in when necessary. But the real savior is us; i.e. regular folks all over the world simply saying no to this evil shite. I still think Bishop Porfiry of Solovetsky Monastery nailed it with his sermon last year, when he came out and said stay away from these shots. Good old fashioned based Orthodoxy, like St. John Chrysostom calling out Empress Eudoxia as the filthy whore she was, bless her heart.
Public service announcements in Minsk urge people to get vaccinated for the fall season now.
But Minsk is very pro-West and anti-Luka.
Complete falsehood and fabrication!!! Prove it with facts!!! There are absolutely NO "public service announcements in Minsk that urge people to get vaccinated." If so where do I hear them??? Minsk has over a million people living in the city so that is an OVER generalized concoction of crap. Rolo Slavskiv credibility lies with the devil. Rolo Slavskiy is darth vader in drag.
Bro I literally heard one at the market going off every 15 minutes. Source: my ears.
Rolo Slavskiy - I challenge you! Meet me at the Minsk market at the day/time of a mutual agreement. What day/time do you suggest? Tell me what you are wearing and I will tell you. I will meet you in front of the market where the horse statue is located. I bet you 2500 Belarusian rubles that we will NOT hear the word, "призывать". You, yes, you Rolo Slavskiy fabricated the word "urge". Does Rolo Slavskiy (the opposition led by Poland/Lithuania) accept the challenge????
>I bet you 2500 Belarusian rubles that we will NOT hear the word, "призывать"
Changing goalposts are we?
You, yes you, Rolo Slavskiy used the word "urge" in your original post. I merely translated the word "urge" into Russian. You, yes you, Rolo Slavskiy can NOT even answer a simple yes or no question to accept a bet on your OWN words. Yet, I will answer your question and the answer is No! I did NOT change any goal posts! You, yes you, Rolo Slavskiy are the one backing down like a coward. Me the good versus you, Rolo Slavskiy > an evil entity.
You know that President Lukashenko was the ONLY leader that kept ALL businesses open, NEVER locked down Belarus, nightclubs ALWAYS open until 4 AM, NO QR codes for transport/buy food, NO injection mandates, NO mask mandates.
You, yes you, Rolo Slavskiy are the opposition. And you, yes you, Rolo Slavskiy are working fiendishly and covertly to put Swetlana Tichanowskaja in power. I call you out Rolo Slavskiy as a 666 bit software developer.
OK, let's meet tomorrow at midnight. I'll be armed. I suggest you prepare yourself accordingly.
"Putin is often described as far more intelligent, observant and capable than his western counterparts."
Oh really? I think "his" multipolar speech is particularly poorly designed. I could read lines and lines on the subject, but it is clear that he destroys sovereignty and "multipolarity" in Africa, Europe and Latin America (and provided that the local populations would really like to suffer a pole concentrating the power instead of their own nation). The good news is that the Good cop/bad cop storyline doesn't work and people are more and more sceptical about this pseudo multipolarity against the "naughty west."
"Oh really?"
Yes. Western pundits point to his ability to succinctly answer questions from members of the press, as well as formulate specific responses to new, off-script questions. One of the key examples is the western media's inability to make him look bad at press questions even with their selective editing processes. I'm only aware of one attempt, and when you got the full context of his actual response, the media attempt looked really dumb.
These days western media outlets just cherry pick details from his speeches (which, ironically, you're also doing), rather than any 'aha, gotcha' type questions. It's more likely his speeches aren't even written by him, hence the disconnect between questions and speeches.
In terms of capability, horse riding, martial arts and actual physical fitness compared to any of the other either fat or stick thin western leaders. Then there's bottom of the table leagues like Joe Biden with incoherence and dementia, and Europe banning the import of goods they need in order to function as countries. With the exception of physical fitness which isn't historically typical, it isn't hard for him to look smart when the other leaders are so mind bendingly dumb.
If Putin would be so smart are you sure he would have this absurd and stupide "multipolar" narrative? Personally I think one must be very dumb to believe a single minute in such absurdities. The storyline is the following: "to fight the West, its hegemony on the World, we, Russian, propose to create influence poles all over the world (Africa, Latin America, Europe). It is very romantic but in the real world, Russia plunders mining concessions in the Sahel, with the help of very corrupted african leaders, and its milices kill every opponent to the regime, journalists are persecuted, and Russia only create desolation and pillage in situ. They don't create multipolarity in Africa, they create a very violent hegemony and conquest with nazi milices and corruption of African Leaders. Moreover, Russia participates in Pan-Africanism (construction of geopolitical block in Africa).
Russia has also a large part of responsibility in the destruction of Europe, with the war and the sanctions.
Russia operates large scale disinformation that participates to the weakening of french interests in the Sahel (a "good news" for Russia, at the same time when Eurasist Russian Project aims at european protectorate or annexion of Europe with Eurasian block).
Lately, Russia has views on Latin America.
Destruction of sovereignties, construction of a pseudo multipolarity which means nothing but invasion, collusion with the "west" (Washington/London) in the sharing of the world.
One must be a real useful idiot to believe a single second in "multipolarity", and no, Putin is not the smart guy you describe. He's a stupid puppet of the NWO.
I'm guessing you're a Russian or based in Russia (or near enough it is relevant)?
The speech Putin made, by whoever drafted it, isn't aimed at Russians. To you, the fraud seems obvious - but, I'm guessing you live in Russia, so of course, what Russia actually does for you is a known, everyday event.
For anyone outside of Russia, the 'iron curtain' on media reporting is very much alive. Media outlets like the BBC publish false information on Russia, and what the West knows about Russia is either what they hear on TV (basically next to nothing), or what they research (most people don't do research).
I'm here precisely because I don't know much about Russia and Edward's writings are compelling. Putin's speech on a "multipolar" order is aimed at Western audiences. Western audiences think it is smart because it means no -ONE- world order. He's telling them what they want to hear. So naturally, they think he's smart.
Russians don't think that because they know what Russia is like. But what Russians think doesn't matter because they're not going to stop the Russian government. In the same way what Americans think of the American government doesn't matter, because they're not going to do anything either. Disappointing and sad, but that's the reality.
I notice you also sidestepped Joe Biden and his evident signs of dementia. As said, it isn't hard to -appear- smart, when most other leaders appear painfully dumb. Compare a Joe Biden speech to a Putin speech and you won't be wondering why the West thinks Putin is smart, you'll be wondering how someone could get "elected" in the US that was so incoherent and nonsensical.
putin like all the other globalist monsters wants to rid his country of the 'useless eaters'
by the way a virus will happily travel 30+ metres indoors
The thing that no one realizes is that countries no longer exist.
The illusion that they do has had to be maintained, because those that own most of the planet, and intend to own all of it, know that most of its inhabitants want their countries to continue to exist - with almost all of them deluding themselves that they do.
We are now at the long-planned point in time when the global cabal which controls all governments worldwide represented by the WEF, UN, WHO, IMF, World Bank et al, which has been preparing for this moment for at least 70 years, intends to pull back the curtain to reveal to the planet's population the World Government which has been operating in the shadows for many years.
They know that the 'insects', or 'rats' - as WEF members sometimes openly to refer to us in their meetings - are not going to submit to a World Government, and the Great Reset tyranny, willingly - so a crisis to end all crisis will be necessary to create such fear and desperation among the populations that they will surrender to the fascist global tyranny which has been prepared for them.
Putin's invasion of Ukraine was essential to provide them with the pretext to set this, Stage II of their operation (the long-planned 'Covid crisis' and the pretend 'vaccines' being Stage I) in motion, by driving fuel prices up through the roof while they prepare next year's extreme food shortages and famines.
They couldn't have done this without Putin's invasion of Ukraine: there has to be a Putin and Russia to blame everything that is coming on, in order to avoid populations blaming the cabal's puppet Western governments. And the invasion, and the sanctions to drive prices ever higher, to sabotage Western economies and dramatically lower living standards, had to take place exactly when it did.
It would be nice to believe that Putin was manipulated into attacking Ukraine at exactly the planned moment - but when you look at his government, slavishly supporting every globalist scam from the clot shots, health ID codes, 'Climate crisis', etc.... the truth is plain to see: Russia's government is just another globalist puppet government, along with every other government that matters across the world.
There ain't no one riding a white horse to save us. We're on our own - the helpless prey of a global gang of psychopathic predators who control all of the reins of power across the planet.
From the way that all governments, politicians, mass media and main social media platforms worldwide have done everything in their power to suppress any negative opinions, news or information about the Covid 'vaccines', two things are absolutely proven without question:
1. That all of the above work for the same global cabal.
2. That the Covid 'vaccines' must most certainly be extremely injurious to people's health - or why else would all of the above be so desperate to fire, de-platform and silence anyone saying a word to oppose it, or even to question it?
Why else would a 'vaccine' that has been proven to have killed more people than all previous vaccines combined, still be being pushed by all governments - when in the past, any vaccine killing a tiny fraction of these numbers would have immediately been withdrawn?
When over 80% of pregnant women who have taken the 'vaccine' have had miscarriages, when - ever - would governments simply ignore that, and continue to inject pregnant women - and to totally ignore these appalling deaths, which Pfizer's internal documents reveal that they knew perfectly well that these miscarriages would occur with most pregnant women injected with their product?
Why else would all major governments be firing any doctor or nurse saying a word against the 'vaccines'? When, ever in history, were doctors and nurses forbidden from airing their opinions, experiences, questions or doubts about any medical treatment? The answer is: never.
How anyone can NOT realize that the Covid 'vaccines' are a globally-coordinated operation where the sheer desperation of all governments, mass media and medical health authorities to ignore the already clearly proven deadly effects of these 'vaccines' could only be due to an unspeakably evil intent.
Putting It Altogether. (Below) Moderna & Pfizer and others, have made a 19 nucleotide sequence and 19 nucleotide Moderna specific chimeric (CGG for AGA) furin cleavage site mRNA (between 2010 and 2016) to modify the human body with a 19 nucleotide Moderna specific chimeric (CGG for AGA) furin cleavage site, 99% Graphene Oxide injection, which makes a nanoprocessor driven by a 5G antenna that goes directly to the workings of our brain, with a 10 digit call sign, which goes where - human or computer - which is totally illegal medical/scientific research for secret use on humans, as is the Pfizer contract (I have a secret Pfizer copy) and presumably the Moderna contract, that governments knowingly, illegally signed, understanding the ramifications involved, to make electronic/computerised/modified advanced humans, after those not suitable, have been exterminated - I wonder if DARPA is involved with this - Bill Gates - I would say, certainly.
Which is NOT the mRNA vaccine, that we were told it is, or its purpose, which removes their blanket immunity from prosecution and holds them all accountable in any Court Of Law.
See Link here: https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/dr-deborah-birx-admits-the-biden-admin-s-vaccine-efficacy-claims-were-based-on-hope-not-science?postId=a3d057d7-ac1b-42bc-a7fe-c024bd287569&utm_campaign=199f646b-68a5-41f7-82de-8a549f823c43&utm_source=so&utm_medium=mail&utm_content=ceae1640-2bfb-4a34-af39-02b55e4aecee&cid=8bec1d4c-3773-415a-83c2-1694daa095a4 - do with it whatever you like!!
As I said some years ago, the nasal vaccines were planned to be on the globalist agenda. At that time, the information was available on the Knut and Alce Wallenberg Foundation website.
It is interesting to make some investigation about the swedish lovely family: the WALLENBERG. Bilderberg, Hitler, AstraZeneca, jewish passports, forests and cellulose, weapons, CRISPR CAS 9, IA, the lovely family was and is involved in a lot of stuffs.
And water distribution in France, unfortunately (the SAUR, via EQT investment)
Thanks once again, Riley. The picture i see: Putin puts out just enough ambiguity to keep the sycophants and the hope-in-good-leaders addicts satisfied for one more day, thinking he will soon reveal his true self and cleanse Russia for good. They have staked out everything on him, there's no turning back. And those in the "independent" media who keep backing him have no other game to play, they *believe* most humans are hopelessly stupid and the best we can do is get ourselves better masters, like the people who run the BRICS bloc. They are part of the deception, and will not wise up one day. Push the "eject" button on them.
Yes, for example: https://www.theepochtimes.com/beijing-and-chinese-companies-seek-to-control-africas-rich-lithium-and-cobalt-mines_4544387.html?utm_source=ai&utm_medium=search
In "your" world maybe..
I live in Europe.
The world is intended to be divided in two spheres of influence, and in the international medias of the future eurasist block any good critics of the russian and chinese regimes are very scarce.
I mean, normally, any media would make a fuss
The stupid and hysterical feminists would (with reason this time) strangle and choke with the rapes and gang rapes mades by russian milices in the Sahel
The leftist would be the first to denounce the nazism of Wagner troops
And what about the theft of mining concessions and lands by the Chinese and Russians?
Who speaks about sexual violence of Wagner against children and MEN? Is it pedophilia? Homosexuality? Not a single foundation to spot on the information and manipulate it in the sense that they'd like to? Like they do with Zelensky, Macron, or the "perversion" of the West?
Bout, no, total silence in our medias. In Euripe, they try to divide and sort the political informations according to the "blocks".
Putin is doing exactly what the WEF wants, with the digital surveillance, but he is definitively not a puppet of the WEF.
Putin is doing exactly what the WHO wants, with the vaccines, but he is definitively not a puppet of the WHO.
Putin is doing exactly what the NWO wants, with creation of Eurasia, but he is definitively not a puppet of the NWO.
I agree with this as written literally, not as an exercise in sophomoric sarcasm. Except for the word "definitely". Maybe Putin is a puppet is, maybe he isn't. I prefer to stick with what is known not what is believed. Inferring motive is ever a fool's chore. WHY does Putin comply? WEF?WHO?NWO puppetry is one plausible hypothesis but far from the only one.
For example, there's this crazy little thing called love. It's been known to upset many vast overpowered plans. Is EVERY world leader only in love with power merely as allocated by pinheads like Herr Pulpington?
Yes, I guess it's obvious that seeing so many on so many online fora form circle-jerk echo chambers devoted to angrily fellating the political colossi formed in their minds? It's like being on the Titanic and insisting that the Captain WANTS to hit an iceberg just to prove the Titanic is unsinkable.
"Edward John Smith RD RNR (27 January 1850 – 15 April 1912) was a British naval officer. He served as master of numerous White Star Line vessels. He was the captain of the RMS Titanic, and perished when the ship sank on its maiden voyage."
Yes, the global acronyms and the nation-states they parasitize have grown ludicrously powerful and appear to have their nasty nose-picking fingers in everything.
But that does not translate into control, our favorite illusion.
There. I feel better now. Ah, the emotional continuum:
I just make a cynical observation of Putin's actions, and only actions, and i don't pay much attention to romantic interpretations of Putin's followers, like "oh, well, he may be playing a role and he's not really a globalist puppet".
Come on...
I have many questions to ask, that I will do in a near future, cause I don't have certainty but many many questions still without answer....
So "definitely" doesn't mean definitely, then? It means something more like 'definitely-ish'? OKay, but for the record, what I stated was that we don't know what motivates Putin to go along with the globalist agenda, that's all. We can see that his actions generally comply with that agenda as we understand it, but we don't know why he complies.
Hypotheses are hypotheses, not proven facts. It's a simple concept, this fact-doesn't equal supposition thing. It's not 5-D chess rocket science or, god forbid, Margarita Simonyan's recipe for borscht.
When one doesn't know for sure, one doesn't know for sure. This concept is the foundation of what's called intellectual honesty, data hygiene, discursive rigor, stuff like that.
We all have pet theories, and because they are ours not others', it behooves us to feed them from our own belief profile and not insist that others share one's belief.
Yes, I'm lecturing you. You're welcome.