Why would a supposed guru have a WEF bio? Wouldn't his own aesthetic demand he own nothing? Oh wait the other side of that is we'll own (and control) everything...

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Edward Slavsquat

This Sadhguru character - Is anyone else bothered by him speaking about overpopulation being a problem, "we are too many"...and following that up by speaking about how we all need to get vaccinated for the health and benefit of the world?? The stench of bs is overwhelming.

Yep: Line up, expose your arm, help control world population HERE !

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Edward Slavsquat

Phase 1: You will own nothing and be happy

Phase 2: You will own nothing

Phase 3: Due to Overpopulation there is no longer a need for You

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Edward Slavsquat

Who knew that the descent into hellish dystopia would be so entertaining.

Riley. Don't. Ever. Stop.

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Edward Slavsquat

Bro...love your style. You funny AF!

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Jul 24, 2022·edited Jul 24, 2022

These mystics are a dime a dozen in India. They are self proclaimed guru's and play on peoples emotions and are no different to a leech in societies.

Good that you expose this racket

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Edward Slavsquat

Looks like their token brown guy. After all there is nothing racist or "entitled" about letting a small group of ultra-rich, inherited-and-unearned wealth, old white-as-a-sheet psychopath males to run the entire World. Might as well say they intend to own the entire World and have the entire World population as their serfs aka slaves. So what's the percentage of world population that is old white men on the planet? 5% maybe? Sounds like racist entitlement on steroids X 1 billion to me, but heck what do I know. The Woke, do not consider that an issue. Nor do the climate alarmists consider their extraordinarily high carbon footprint excessive. But who funds the Woke & the Climate Alarmists? Hmmmm.

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Edward Slavsquat

He is one sad guru.

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Edward Slavsquat

Thank you for this article! ❤️

It doesn’t surprise me at all that a new age guru is apart of the NWO. Jesus said do not be troubled and He will give you peace, you believe in God believe in Me also.

As a Christian, it’s not alarming because the Holy Scriptures talked about what has been in development for thousands of years. Time is short.

I pray that anyone that doesn’t believe in Jesus, begins to trust Him now, because the day of salvation is now.

This evil is not going away until Christ comes back.

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Edward Slavsquat

The New Age is all about back-door materialism. They aren’t millionaires and billionaires, oh no, they are philanthropists engaged in soul work for the betterment of humanity. Those of us who embrace our ‘country dumb’ can see right through them as the snake oil peddlers they’ve always been. “I’m from the government and I’m here to help” is now “I’m for equity in global governance and you totally need me”. No need for religion or spirituality to clue a hillbilly or a redneck or a peasant into he who can smell bullshit all the way from Brussels.

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Jul 24, 2022·edited Jul 25, 2022Liked by Edward Slavsquat

I visited India once in early 2010's - Mumbai and Pune. This was a trip for a consulting gig I had there with all expenses paid by one of India tech giants. I have to admit, after the trip I had the same thoughts as that "guru" on video - "the problem is the population". People in huge numbers everywhere you look, garbage dumps with hundreds of people sitting on the street, doing some manual work or searching for something next to the modern office buildings. Road traffic so heavy that at certain times during the day two directional roads there turn into one directional and not because of the traffic regulation, simply because the traffic of motorcycles, mopeds, bikes, auto rikshaws, and cars in one direction is so big that it simply takes over the opposite lane including any pedestrian areas. It is amazing that with all of that most ordinary indians didn't turn violent, angry people. Most of them are very friendly and smiling, though I have been exposed to a few ugly moments during that trip too. Still, I couldn't willingly live in such an intense sea of humans, but, I guess, it is a matter of being accustomed to it. Not sure if any of the readers of Edward's blog watch videos by Jeff Berwick, a.k.a. The Dollar Vigilante, you can find them on Rumble, BitChute and other free speech hosting platforms. But there, among other things, he debates if globalists' plan for a massive depopulation is actually doing us, the humanity, good. Especially since the prime target group for elimination seem to be the brainwashed, the gulabble, people who received by now all four injections and have their masks at ready to obey orders to cover their faces this fall. Sometimes I think he is right, but then, watching billions perish will be a real horror, no matter what is justification. We are living through crazy, evil times. Is divine intervention the only hope? Interestingly enough, esoteric community was talking about the "event" coming in 2024 - 2025 since early 2010's. Some of them said the event will lead to ascension (death?), or did they mean transition by many, but not by all, from a third to a fourth density or consciousness level? Insurance companies complain that all cause mortality levels ages 18 to 64 is up by 40%, disabilities claimed in US in the last 18 months are also up by 12%. So what is going on? Is a certain population group being purposely thinned out to facilitate the transition? These questions are rarely asked, as even very smart people prefer to view what is happening to us as back and white, good vs. evil and I think it is time to start looking deeper into current events and forces behind them.

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"You will own nothing and be happy and not speak a word about it for 40 years through a pledge of silence." - WEF Yogi

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This you will own nothing but will be happy philosophy is new agey sort of stuff.

Doesn't go at all well with "human genius will reach its potential".

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Jul 25, 2022Liked by Edward Slavsquat

Riley: As you know I'm from India and know quite a bit about these FRAUD gurus. 99.99% of these Indian gurus are all liars, frauds, criminals and pedophiles. This evil, world destructive detritus exists all over the planet like an insidious cancer that spreads far, wide and deep. Every country has these parasites. Sadhguru is a fraud and liar too.

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Sexy Sadie, for the 2020s :-) Thanks, Riley. Reminds me of Terence McKenna warning people to not follow gurus, but to follow plants instead.

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Interesting... Cause in one of his recent speeches Sadhguru said that he would be the last person on this planet to get the vaxx. He either changed his mind or is trying to appeal to different audiences. But of course his statements about population control are a massive red flag for the army of his followers.

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