I find it hard to believe that the city that endured the horrendous siege of 1941-1944 would embrace QR code fascism. Then again, everything that happened during the last two years is hard to believe... I hope most St. Petersburgers are sensible enough to boycott places that demand QR codes to enter.
I find it hard to believe that the city that endured the horrendous siege of 1941-1944 would embrace QR code fascism. Then again, everything that happened during the last two years is hard to believe... I hope most St. Petersburgers are sensible enough to boycott places that demand QR codes to enter.
I find it hard to believe that the city that endured the horrendous siege of 1941-1944 would embrace QR code fascism. Then again, everything that happened during the last two years is hard to believe... I hope most St. Petersburgers are sensible enough to boycott places that demand QR codes to enter.