It is concerning. The whole fing world concerns me because what happens “there” will happen “here” it’s inevitable unless we can convince the 40% wake up. It’s exactly these percentages, as Mattias Desmet has observed, that are evident here.
I look at my workplace as a microcosm of our situation as I work in a swanky (love the word swank…
It is concerning. The whole fing world concerns me because what happens “there” will happen “here” it’s inevitable unless we can convince the 40% wake up. It’s exactly these percentages, as Mattias Desmet has observed, that are evident here.
I look at my workplace as a microcosm of our situation as I work in a swanky (love the word swanky) hotel so we have dishwashers/cooks/executive chefs/porters/managers/owner/guests…
Anyway, I just received an email from management that only those with 3 jabs may enter their building during lockdown. What followed was some emails questioning if this was forever….as in “are we fired if we don’t get jabbed?” The answer was no. So this aside the vaccination of the staff is: 10% 3 shots voluntarily, 30% 3 shots coerced, 30% 2 shots but will not get 3rd, 30% unvaccinated and never will. So if those on the fence don’t get the booster there IS hope. If they sway….
Now as far as the general public is concerned in my town of Stratford I’d say 90% of the people follow the rules strictly in public and of those most don’t follow any rules in private. They go along to get along ONLY in public.
I am very good at getting people to tell me their secrets and stuff and not one person I have spoken to agrees with this and all of them think there is something nefarious going on. You know Canadians, nice people….complacent people.
BTW my mother (German) and father (Chinese) immigrated here in 1968 [i was a baby). I also lived in Germany/Libya for 1/2 my life. Been in Canada last 20 yrs so I’m not your typical Canadian
Thanks for taking time to write this answer, Sirka! I really appreciate it! Gives me a good sense of what is going on in my country and province. I'm from Ontario too, btw. And yes, I agree, there is a minority of us that will never take the jab, but now it is up to formally compliant and complacent people, will they comply more? Some are beginning to wake up. Our neighbors and close friends here in US, in New York state, they went for 3 jabs, but now the wife there tells us I'm not going for the 4th, since she now understands it is only a matter of time before the government will start demanding the fourth and the consequetive injections.
It’s just crazy. Every person I know who got the first two jabs had TERRIBLE reactions. Vomiting, headache, body aches for DAYS. I really laid into these women and asked why they took the jabs? Do they have more rights besides being able to go to a concert…for NOW? Yesterday I texted them…”no more lockdowns eh????” Of course they all replied with YOU WERE RIGHT. So tomorrow I’m going to ask them if they think I’m right about mass psychosis and gulags. I don’t care. They can think I’m crazy but everything I’ve said to them in the last 18 months has come true..thank you Whitney Webb. What do your neighbours think of your unvaccinated status. (You have no idea how thankful I am that I was blessed with stubbornness)
Neighbors are fine with our unvaccinated status, our friendship turned out to be stronger than 24/7 brainwashing. Beside, their relative from Poland (man in the family is second generation American of Polish descent) acts in the same way - no masks, no jabbing, so they have learned to accept that.
That’s key. Reminding people we are human (both sides) and really connecting with each other. Fuck the lockdowns, everyone is still getting together…just like the politicians
It is concerning. The whole fing world concerns me because what happens “there” will happen “here” it’s inevitable unless we can convince the 40% wake up. It’s exactly these percentages, as Mattias Desmet has observed, that are evident here.
I look at my workplace as a microcosm of our situation as I work in a swanky (love the word swanky) hotel so we have dishwashers/cooks/executive chefs/porters/managers/owner/guests…
Anyway, I just received an email from management that only those with 3 jabs may enter their building during lockdown. What followed was some emails questioning if this was forever….as in “are we fired if we don’t get jabbed?” The answer was no. So this aside the vaccination of the staff is: 10% 3 shots voluntarily, 30% 3 shots coerced, 30% 2 shots but will not get 3rd, 30% unvaccinated and never will. So if those on the fence don’t get the booster there IS hope. If they sway….
Now as far as the general public is concerned in my town of Stratford I’d say 90% of the people follow the rules strictly in public and of those most don’t follow any rules in private. They go along to get along ONLY in public.
I am very good at getting people to tell me their secrets and stuff and not one person I have spoken to agrees with this and all of them think there is something nefarious going on. You know Canadians, nice people….complacent people.
BTW my mother (German) and father (Chinese) immigrated here in 1968 [i was a baby). I also lived in Germany/Libya for 1/2 my life. Been in Canada last 20 yrs so I’m not your typical Canadian
Thanks for taking time to write this answer, Sirka! I really appreciate it! Gives me a good sense of what is going on in my country and province. I'm from Ontario too, btw. And yes, I agree, there is a minority of us that will never take the jab, but now it is up to formally compliant and complacent people, will they comply more? Some are beginning to wake up. Our neighbors and close friends here in US, in New York state, they went for 3 jabs, but now the wife there tells us I'm not going for the 4th, since she now understands it is only a matter of time before the government will start demanding the fourth and the consequetive injections.
It’s just crazy. Every person I know who got the first two jabs had TERRIBLE reactions. Vomiting, headache, body aches for DAYS. I really laid into these women and asked why they took the jabs? Do they have more rights besides being able to go to a concert…for NOW? Yesterday I texted them…”no more lockdowns eh????” Of course they all replied with YOU WERE RIGHT. So tomorrow I’m going to ask them if they think I’m right about mass psychosis and gulags. I don’t care. They can think I’m crazy but everything I’ve said to them in the last 18 months has come true..thank you Whitney Webb. What do your neighbours think of your unvaccinated status. (You have no idea how thankful I am that I was blessed with stubbornness)
Neighbors are fine with our unvaccinated status, our friendship turned out to be stronger than 24/7 brainwashing. Beside, their relative from Poland (man in the family is second generation American of Polish descent) acts in the same way - no masks, no jabbing, so they have learned to accept that.
That’s key. Reminding people we are human (both sides) and really connecting with each other. Fuck the lockdowns, everyone is still getting together…just like the politicians