This is truly terrible and incredibly stupid of Putin & Co., who desperately need the support of their people on the global chessboard: the present geo-political stand-off in Ukraine between Russia & what's left of Western Imperialism/American Hegemony (US-EU-NATO, most of which have likewise capitulated to the "Pandemania" scam with the vaccine mandates/passports such as the Italian "green pass" demanded by their appointed authoritarian prime minister, Draghi, as analyzed by the Italian philosopher, Fabio Vighi in his series found at www.philosophicalsalon.com with his latest: "Red Pill or Blue Pill Variants, Inflation, and the Controlled Demolition of Society" (1/3/22). Vighi, with his profound grasp of economics, as well as his philosophical wisdom, informs us that this whole scam is the ruling elite's desperate attempt to stave off imminent global economic collapse due to their vast incompetence & greed...in order to save their riches by first, conning and controlling the rest of us with fear-mongering & fake "safety": "protection from Death, the Virus by means of mandatory lockdowns, masks & vaxes with digital tracking & policing leading to digital IDs & currency for their totalitarian takeover known as The Great Reset reducing 99.9% of us to their New Normal Serfdom or 21st century Feudalism. Meanwhile, they're destroying all of our smaller, resistant businesses & dissidents, such as seen not only in St. Petersburg, but around the world. This, even as The Elites of various countries and ideologies threaten each other for dominance & control of vital resources and what's left of human labor, especially the co-opted "intelligentsia" needed as "useful idiots"...until replaced by their robots & AI. However, as a psychologist, I view the whole scheme as Delusional/Psychotic and, sooner or later, doomed to Total Failure...but perhaps not before a nuclear war ignited over Ukraine or other means of human extinction in a massive soviet-style gulag...from which the courageous genius, Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, saved the Russians and the rest of us in the 20th century as his "Gulag Archipelago" cracked its foundations. So write on Slavsquat! standing with other courageous Dissidents around the world...including here in Amerika.

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Here we go again, "soviet-style gulags" and a "courageous genius of Alexandr Solzhenitsyn". Unbeknown to the author of this comment, I'd say easily 80%, and this probably is an underestimation, of Russians consider Solzhenitsyn a traitor and simply an asshole. This negative feeling toward Solzhenitsyn is reinforced by the fact that Putin respects so much this liar (that's how Solzhenitsyn surname translates from Russian), and his widow. Russians actually call him Iuda (Russian version of the name Judas, traitor of Christ). His "literary genius" is also well known in Russia, when his cumbersome sentences are intertwined with words that he made up as he went, make for a very difficult reading in Russian. GULAGs were a bad thing, no doubt about it, as along the inter-bolshevik party reckoning, when general party's course was decided between globalist Trotskyism and a localized socialism of Stalin, many innocent people were dragged into this conflict. But, we have to remember, total incarceration rate per capita in USSR has never exceeded that in US. America had always had more people in jail and conditions there were never better than those in labor camps in USSR, except for the climate, that was obviously harsher in Russia.

This blog seems to be attracting more and more of the traditional Russia bashing crowd, the Navalny, Khodorkovsky supporters types. I wouldn't necessarily blame the author, Edward Slavsquat for that, but that's the way it seems to be working out.

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Ciao Stanley: it would be interesting to know the source of your comment. Are you living in Russia or do you have special connections there? Our family was living in NH across the river from the Solzhenitsyn Cavendish farm while the family was living there in exile from 1976 - 1994 when my late husband was a surgeon in the Dartmouth Medical Center. More recently, I was again living in NH and in the course of doing research for my article on Russophobia, I interviewed Father Andrew, the priest of the Solzhenitsyn family's little "folk art" Orthodox church in Claremont, NH, where I also attended a Lenten service in March 2018. The story of his & his wife being invited by the Solzhenitsyn family to live with them during their exile to help run the farm, care for the children and most of all, help Alexandr & Natalya publish his on-going work...was absolutely fascinating. Then, after my first article was published 8/28/18, I was invited to participate in the Solzhenitsyn Centennial International Conference in Vermont that September, there to meet an awesome group of Russian Solzhenitsyn scholars, as well as two Chinese, plus 3-4 other Americans.;..which included a visit to the Cavendish farm hosted by his son Ignat, a pianist/conductor, who still lives there with his wife, a Dartmouth psychiatrist and their children. I was also invited to attend the Centennial dinner in his honor at the Library of Congress in Washington that Nov. where we were each gifted his memoir, "Between Two Millstones", book I, which is beautifully written (due to its being an English translation, do you suppose? I don't know Russian so can't compare.) Also, note that "Two Millstones" refers to his experience of being ground like a seed of grain between the Soviets and the Americans, who, for example, jeered his Harvard speech for criticism of the US. So it seems that geniuses, whether prophets or other truth-tellers (like Julian Assange & Edward Snowden) precipitate enemies on every side...past & present. However, a very old, ailing E. German retired Dartmouth professor, who, with his wife had each been a prisoner in a Soviet gulag or work camp for 5 years as teenagers...and thus, both had enormous respect and gratitude toward Solzhenitsyn and he taught a wrenching courses on his "Gulag Archipelago"...having experienced the horror himself.

(Again with thanks to Edward S. for precipitating such amazing comments & discussions!)

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Bonsoir, Jean

Thanks for your balanced response! It tells me of your mature view of the world and intelligence. Very briefly on my background. Yes, I have deep connections with Russia as I'm a native Russian language speaker and ethnic Russian that left the country, USSR back then, 35 years ago and lived and worked between Canada and US for the past 30 years, so I'm very familiar with both, Russian culture as well as North American one, since because of my job I was lucky to visit every Canadian province and most of US states. I'm well aware that Solzhenitsyn is highly regarded and well respected in US and Canada. In Russia the view on Solzhenitsyn is much more controversial and when I said that 80% of people dislike him there, I probably have underestimated that number. The reasons for the negative views of his personality and his work are diverse and profound, but the main reason is his extreme anti-Soviet posture while most Russians see that period in country's history as one when some mistakes were made, but where achievements, passion and sacrifice were still much greater. His call in Washington back in the 70s for US government to preemptively attack USSR is also remembered not in a favorable way. I can go much longer explaining the phenomenon of the mostly negative view of Solzhenitsyn in Russia, but you asked for references and here is one among hundreds. This is an article in on-line newspaper Regnum.ru. Fairly balanced resource with a moderate pro-government position. Link below will provide automated translation from Russian that is not ideal, but good enough to get a general idea of a complicated relationship between people of Russia and Solzhenitsyn. It touches upon his literary style too, that is often criticized in Russia for its heaviness.


Press on "Translate page" button below and wait for up to 30 seconds for page translation to appear.

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I'm new here in Russia (only 1 year), don't yet speak the language beyond bits & bobs, and don't pretend to know the history well.

But I can agree with Stanley that Russians I've spoken with about Solzhenitsyn hold the view Stanley expressed. Granted this is a handful I've spoken with, but they are "normal" Russians, know their history, and view him as a liar and traitor.

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"... some mistakes were made, but where achievements, passion and sacrifice were still much greater." Tell me again, what was the price of those mistakes measured in corpses?

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To be exact, looking into the conflicts of the 20th century.

- Russia-Japan war of 1904 - 1905, 50 thousand killed, 220 thousand wounded and disabled

- WWI, based on the scurpulous research by Russian imperial general Golovin and Soviet researcher Urlanis, two of the most respected scholars on this subject, between 1.2 and 1.65 millions of Russians (inhabitants of Russian Empire) perished in this conflict.

- Civil war and military intervention by US, Great Britain, Japan, Germany and Austro-Hungaria, Poland and other smaller participants. 2.5 million people as battlefield casualties, terror from both sides - 2 million, hunger and epidemics - 6.5 million, emigration - another 2 million. Those numbers are hard to verify, as no registration and tracking of population existed between 1918 - 1922, but these are best estimates we have today

- WWII - 27 million! Out of those 7 million military losses and 20 million civilians that were lost in occupied territories as casualties of military operations, hunger, epidemics, terror campaign unleashed by Germans against native population of USSR, and forced labor fo

rce export to Germany to become slaves of the "true aryans".

Good enough numbers? Look at the history books, you &%_/=:!!!


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So many words in order to not answer the question. Why? Because you are a liar and a deceiver, just as all bolsheviks. Your lame attempt at tarnishing Solzhenitsyn´s legacy is beyond contempt.

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Then go haunt a more lickspittle kind of blog, no? I hear Fort Russ is appropriately worshipful of Rodina.

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Apparently the only protest that will work in these fascist countries is simply to quit shopping altogether. (except for food obviously - and these countries probably don't have the guts to starve you to death.)

Don't go to restaurants.

Don't go to movies.

Don't go to the gym.

Don't go to clothing stores.

Don't go to the mall.

Don't travel.

Don't stay in hotels.

Hopefully enough of your fellow citizens will join you and the economy will crash. If not, you'll just have to drop out of mainstream consumerist society and live among a remnant of like-minded people.

nb4. Of course this silliness may all come crashing down when the cases fall. Eventually there must come a time when everyone has been infected and the cases go to zero. That is, unless they can fool the people on an endless stream of new variants. But I'm not sure how long even the most gullible will believe that nonsense.


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I was thinking some "hemorragic fever" where your skin boils and peels off while emitting smoke and toxic fumes could be the next "pandemic", but at the same time repeating the same playbook could get old pretty quick and make it more obvious. You'd have to have a lot of people exploding on the streets and that poses too much risk to the elite, and if you just make it a media scam, people will catch on that nobody is actually exploding on the street.

So that basically leaves war, unfortunately, or some other "cataclysmic event" to buy these greedy elites some more time before their bill comes due.

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Yikes!!! Thank you for another great article.

On a more mundane note... this is the strangest Tsoy compilation ever!!! Where do you find those things? :)

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it's a trade secret :)

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Good reporting bro! Just a few weeks ago I was wondering how many arch-reptiles Konovalov hangs out with to be so blatant in criticizing the codes. I guess none, unless he wiggles out of this somehow.

The weakest link in Russia IMO are the liberals who think they are more “educated” than others and thus “trust the science” by reading fancy research studies that the “idiot bydlo from the Middle Ages doesn’t understand”. While the more “simple” folks tend to actually see through the propaganda and the bs better. I’ve met many taxi drivers, farmers, lifetime village dwellers, local alcoholics etc., who are all saying how vaccines are a big plot by corrupt officials.

But the “educated” hipster crowd who were busy screaming “Putin and Russian officials are thieves, we need feminism and western civil society” were the first ones lining up for a jab from these very same “officials” once it became available. And they are now the ones trying to “educate” or shame others into wearing masks, getting shots etc. And they’re mixed in with the crowd of similarly “educated” but lazy hipsters who just wanna go to Egypt without a PCR test.

Now on to the main point: check out my new single “Soros Thug”: https://youtu.be/jVGm6oY6OIQ

And the “Shill Season” mixtape is coming soon too with some more new bangers and the unreleased Lil’Kremlin material from his shill days! Let’s get it!

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I wish you well Edward and all Russians as well. It's 2:00 am on Sunday here in Wisconsin. I just spent over an hour on www.henrymakow.com . Incredible postings about the protests across Canada started by the truckers. It looks like crowds to eclipse any other protest I've ever seen footage of. All across Canada protests are growing for an end to all mandates. And this is done in the middle of winter. Of course the main stream media has little to say about it or even minimizes it.

This is a difficult time everywhere with pressure put on people everywhere. May it all resolve into something good and not dictatorship.


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The incredible protests started by truckers in Canada do have a longer suffering time under vax pressures than Russia. They have been pressured there for many months. The matter now has come to a head when the ministers are interfering with survival by shutting down the truckers (who have a lot of communication between each other) who are unvaxxed from driving across the border with the US. This creates a powerful hardship on Canada and the US since so many products are traded over the border. On the US side Biden has closed the Mexican border to the unvaxxed truckers as well as the Canadian one. There is some support from US long haul drivers that may lead to a popular mobilization here as well and there are a few states that do not do lockdowns or have vax passports.

I observed Russia going through spasms of obedience to the western vax regime only recently. Until a few weeks ago I believed Russia had come clear of the mandate tyrants. The unlawful sanction regime conducted by Washington has forced Russians to provide many goods for themselves including foods. The hard pressure of the personal health tyrants has not been as long as the Canadians have had to bear. Perhaps Canada's uprising will awaken other countrys to moderate their domination of the public away from brutal control. May this play out positively for all our freedoms that we may live our lives without government micro-managing us. These are only our employees and not our masters.

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Trudeau hides from the Trucker Convoy. 🤣 🤣 🤣


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More proof that the compliance of the masses is devastating. If every business had just said no, things would be different. Now, they just chase down the tiny few who care enough about freedom to do something about it and squash them. This, of course, sets an example and deters any further dissent.

And, of course, it also proves that the countless number of deluded Alt-Media Western journalists, who have been fantasizing for years about Vladimir Putin riding in on horseback to save the world, like a knight in shining armour, are just as far removed from reality as ever.

This is further evidence that Putin is a puppet of Davos and the City of London banking criminals, just as much as the next world leader is. This has been obvious throughout the entire 'pandemic', as he wilfully carried out their agendas, like a good little servant, exactly like Johnson, Trump, Biden, Macron, Aderne, Morrison and all the other snakes did.

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Getting better every day Tovarish. Welcome to the remake of The Master and Margarita.

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