RT has churned out another classic Question More think-piece about Russia’s increasingly coercive, depraved and inhumane campaign to inject an experimental drug into every man, woman and child in the country (yes, that is the stated plan):
The heads of some of Russia’s largest Covid-19 hospitals have invited politicians and public figures, who are among the leading voices for vaccine skepticism, to take a tour through ICUs and mortuaries to see the virus’ effects. […]
The politicians, along with other famous faces from the world of television and the arts, have been singled out due to their criticism of the government’s vaccination campaign. The doctors want them to visit their facilities to see life within the ‘red zones’, where seriously ill patients are being treated during the pandemic.
Indeed, it is time for these irresponsible science-haters to see the horrors of Russia’s COVID wards with their own eyes. Then they will finally understand why everyone must be vaccinated with an unproven slurry that does not stop transmission and appears to be making things worse.
By the way: what type of patients end up in these scary “red zones”? What is their average age? What are their comorbidities? Did they test positive for COVID before or after being admitted to the hospital?
No one knows! There is no regularly updated, publicly available data on COVID hospitalizations at the national level in Russia. In Moscow there is a similar total lack of information on this seemingly important public health matter.
In the capital, they issue a daily press release disclosing the number of new hospitalizations and the total number of people on ventilators. That’s it, hospital data-wise.
Occasionally Mayor (sorry, Mighty Virus Khan) Sergey Sobyanin will post a graph showing total hospital capacity on his blog—but that’s a rare, special treat. (If we are wrong—if someone knows where we can find regularly updated official info on COVID hospitalizations in Russia—please let us know! Because we have searched for this data, in vain, for months.)
Very basic information—information almost every other country in the world provides—is being withheld (or is not collected?) by the Russian government.
Here’s what we do know: there’s a whole lot of COVID hospitalizations (and deaths) that stem from hospital-transmitted (nosocomial) infections.
One of the signatories of this letter to Russia’s “high profile anti-vaxxers” is none other than Denis Protsenko, the chief physician at Moscow’s Kommunarka hospital.
Protsenko admitted back in autumn of 2020 that his COVID ward was full of patients who developed serious nosocomial infections. Apparently a lot of these “COVID” patients ended up dying from sepsis because they were unable to fight off all the delicious hospital-transmitted superbugs infesting Protsenko’s “red zone”:
[M]ost coronavirus patients die from antibiotic-resistant sepsis.
“We just opened [the ‘red zone’] in March, we have new walls, and there should be no nosocomial strains. However, in three months they appeared in all intensive care units—and Staphylococcus aureus, and pneumonia, and others. The reason is the transfer from other hospitals of patients who brought microbes to us,” [Protsenko said.]
For months, Protsenko was operating a bona fide sepsis torture dungeon:
“The first patient was admitted to us on March 2, and since then we have treated 8,000 people,” says Protsenko. “We have carefully analyzed the causes of mortality… 73% of deaths were recorded in later periods of hospitalization, and the majority were caused by superinfection, which led to sepsis.”
This lunatic presided over a smorgasbord of deadly hospital-transmitted superinfections, resulting in the deaths of countless “COVID” patients—and now he’s accusing unjabbed Russians of spreading COVID? Is this a joke?
In fact, there is evidence that nosocomial transmission is actually the main driver behind COVID hospitalizations (at least in Moscow).
In June, just two days after the start of the city’s compulsory vaccination regime, Moscow’s health department revealed that each day, more than 100 hospital patients were being transferred to COVID wards after testing positive for the virus. Sometimes a lot more than that.

Almost 200 daily nosocomial infections are nothing to sneeze at. Sobyanin disclosed at the time that around 200-300 beds were being “eaten up” each day.
This tells us that nosocomial infections accounted for a large percentage of daily excess hospitalizations in mid-to-late June. On certain days, nosocomial infections were seemingly responsible for almost all excess COVID hospitalizations in Moscow.
For more background on this phenomenon, read about how the Russian government cannot stop lying about health statistics. Is there an experimental vaccine for deranged deceitfulness? We should mandate that, pronto.

Don’t worry, this story of nosocomial sepsis murder has a happy ending: in June, Protsenko accepted a nomination to the State Duma after receiving a friendly phone call from Putin. This had nothing to do with Protsenko’s impassioned call for compulsory vaccination, which came a day before Moscow announced compulsory vaccination.
Anyway. Returning to RT’s original masterpiece.
As we learn from Question More Land, one of the politicians named in the “get vaxxed!” letter was deputy chairman of the State Duma Pyotr Tolstoy:
Tolstoy expressed similar ideas in mid-October, saying that “people do not trust vaccination,” and that the government lost its own vaccination awareness campaign.
Very odd that RT decided to skip over the meatiest bits of Tolstoy’s remarks! We’ll help:
“There are few answers to the questions why those who are vaccinated are ill, why those who are vaccinated die, why there are problems and complications after the vaccinations themselves,” the high-ranking lawmaker said.
Why would he say something so hurtful? Is it because there is zero publicly available data on post-vaccination complications in Russia, and authorities are either withholding (or not collecting) this very important data? Yes, could be that.
Why do unvaccinated Russians (well over 50% of the country) continue to refuse to be treated like disposable lab rats?
These anti-vaxxers are so selfish.
UPDATE: Check this out:
“Excess mortality is largely due to nosocomial infections,” Dr. Kirill Zverev emphasized. As an example, he cited the case of actor Valery Garkalin, who died of sepsis.
“Blaming everything on COVID is unethical,” the doctor said. He stressed that it is necessary to understand why there are outbreaks of nosocomial infections.
Zverev also recalled that now is the season of ARVI and influenza diseases, and it is possible that many patients who don’t have COVID are in the “red zone”. He stated that there is no reliable diagnosis of COVID-19. “Why do they not admit that people with other diseases are in their COVID wards?” the doctor asks.
Man, if there's anything this pandemic has done it is to make me want to avoid hospitals and doctors at all costs. No annual checkups, no medication when I'm old, etc. I'd rather die of a quick heart attack at 65 than be an invalid in one of these death traps at 75.