"Climate-friendly bonds"

I'm sure that will end well.

I actually like ESG. Any company or person who has ESG on their about page/CV is telling me to stay the hell away from them. It's actually genius.

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What does Russia do when Santa Klaus Schwab arrives and wants his friends to be included ("inclusion", 8), followed by Mr. Gref who wants to be sustainable? You offer them a carbon-neutral can of worms before copying their fantastic idea using almost meaningless buzzwords to introduce the carbon certificate scam and to redirect money away from the economy towards foreign oil and banking cartels who are mainly pushing the "green" agenda. And maybe they'll introduce a "smart" phone app, that'll speed up the whole process.

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Hear Hear!!!

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Right on!

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ESG in Russia is all you needed to say to convince me that Putin is in on the whole WEF, Great Reset, FTW plan.

Russia is going to do ESG, just without all the LGBTQ+ stuff. At least that's what I'm seeing.

Am I right?

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Apparently Americans are so very stupid they need further psychological operations to convince them. The LGBTQ puts a few nails in the concept of families and healthy kids.

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It's interesting because people, throughout history, looked to the past for wisdom. It's only when you have these leftist/communist types that the past is always thrown away.

The BS that they came up with yesterday is sold as better than what has worked for thousands of years. That and the idea that individual sacrifice is no longer needed to produce positive outcomes.

It's amazing how many times people can fall for the same old BS.

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Mar 25, 2023
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You're right! Pretty much everything in the "news" is a lie, because they have forever hidden the biggest lie of all. We have people within the US government, and at least I would say, ALL of the NATO countries, working against the will of their own people.

And yet, people still question this fact. How many ridiculous gun laws do leftists have to pass before people realize that they are trying to take everyone's right to protect themselves away!? If we are to believe any of what's in the MSM, why would anyone be worried about US citizens with guns? The whole notion is beyond absurd. Yet, it never stops. And people keep seeing this limitation and that limitation as reasonable. It's mind boggling how people will deny the truth.

Western governments are like a cheating spouse on Maury Povich -- only the person they are cheating with is on the stage, and the majority of people STILL don't believe it. They are always ready to take them back. What must these people be telling themselves?They're like an abused spouse. Enough is enough.

This is real life with real consequences, not a Lifetime movie. It maddening!

Societal collapse is a horrible thing, but slavery is worse. It's not just about surviving, it's about LIVING. if these people get their way -- they will be the only people left "living" we will be their slaves.

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You are fucking right mate. Thank you for summerizing.

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"The creation of a community energy passport;"? What exactly does that entail?

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I'm not sure. Nobody elaborated on that. I suppose it means documenting every detail about the city's energy use, by analogy of energy passport for buildings.

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The Banksters rule the world...all of it.

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"Environmental, Social and Governance" as quantitative standards (ESG) were introduced with the aim of propping up and justify corporate execs in their managerial position. Given that management has to produce reports, and reports have to show growth, but lately there hasn't been much economic growth, given China's economy conspicuously decelerating, they came up with fabricating this story that they now work very hard to make their companies "sustainable", as translated in a ESG numeric index that goes up: quantified, unassailable progress!

The only thing that used to sustain them, really, were low interest rates and favourable treatment (Quantitative Easing=money printing) once/if things get tough. But now the cost of money has raised not only for the peasants, but for corporate too. Let's see now what good does to their company all this hard gained "sustainability" of the last few years.

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5:30 am US Eastern time... and ahhhhhhhhhhhhg. But at least a few people are holding Pooty's feet to the fire on his government's curious alignment with the Davos commissariat. Walks like a duck, talks like a duck, just might be a schwabian duck. Thanks for jumping up and down and yelling about this. Pooty and the boys get far too many passes from their apologists.

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Thanks once again for the detailed info morsels, Riley! I know of no other media which does such a thorough job digging up such stuff.

BTW, Jesse Zurawell talked to Iain Davis (i know, mixed reviews) about CBDC plans all over the place, they discussed how Russia's Duma is going through the process of approving CBDC for Russia by the end of this month. From Jesse,

"Iain Davis and I examined the ongoing global banking implosion on my program yesterday: https://tntradiolive.podbean.com/e/iain-davis-on-perspective-with-jesse-zurawell-23-march-2023/.

Here is Iain's recent article that he and I referenced throughout our discussion: https://geopoliticsandempire.com/2023/03/18/was-collapse-of-svb-orchestrated/ "

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An update on CBDC in Russia: https://rg.ru/2023/03/23/aksakov-zakon-o-cifrovom-ruble-budet-priniat-v-aprele.html ("Aksakov: The law on the digital ruble will be adopted in April").

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Wow, thanks, mohn!

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A Letter to a Generation - DO YOU REMEMBER MARIO SAVIO?

THE CURRENT HORRORS will not be stopped by politicians and/or lawyers. Those efforts were tried unsuccessfully during the Vietnam era, which you may be too young to remember. They will never work today despite thoughtful analytical essays, websites, petitions, conferences, etc.

Here is a little history from a guy turning ninety this year. Roughly twenty years prior to the Vietnam War there was a murderous dress-rehearsal in Korea. Civilized efforts to stop the terrible bloodshed being done in Vietnam failed repeatedly. Jim Rhodes, Ohio’s State Auditor, for whom I saved a Sunday "New York Times" newspaper (when I worked on weekends at Cole’s Pharmacy in north Columbus, Ohio) after moving up from State Auditor to become Ohio’s governor, called out the Ohio National Guard that shot and killed four students, wounding eight or nine others, at Kent State University where there was a small anti-Vietnam-war demonstration. Believe it or not, the public was overwhelmingly critical of the students, not of the National Guard or of the Ohio governor. The famous Peace Symbol was viewed as despicable and the war escalated. A remarkable young President who opposed Vietnam war planning was killed. Given that atmosphere, how could our government's murderous military activity in Vietnam be brought to an end?

Here is how a free people who became fed up with their own government did it. College students held military draft cards. When any war protest arose they were happy to support it. Many fled to Canada to avoid being drafted and sent to the jungles of Vietnam. The antiwar protest was a campus centered thing. Starting at the University of Wisconsin, it spread to the large land-grant state colleges, and then to Berkeley in CA, Columbia in NYC, and elsewhere. Christian clerics became outspoken protesters and tossed animal blood around a draft board office. War protesters chained themselves to columns of government buildings in Washington D.C. Protests, riots and violence (against property, not humans) erupted throughout the country. That is what was required to finally stop the war, active mass protests. I left my job, taking earned vacation time in NYC to return to my college (Ohio State University, in Columbus, Ohio). Growing a ponytail, I joined the long-haired kids. Many respectable Americans were horrified and unsupportive.

Here is how a younger generation changed America's international policy and stopped that war. Every year a bill came up in Congress to fund the war. It was euphemistically titled something like funding for aid to South Vietnam. Guess what! When President Ford sent it to Congress for signing, he was shocked and amazed when the politicians (although compromized as ever) declined to sign it. There was no more money to continue the war. Simple as that. You might wonder, why did the lobbied guys in Congress not sign the bill, as usual? They were terrified to return to their districts if they signed it. Their hometowns were partially ablaze. We did that. The NY Review of Books had great anti-war articles by Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, and others. They were read by a small intellectual minority. Mass protests that required resistance stopped the bloodshed, not philosophy, peace marches, essays, car signs, tatoos and T-shirts.

Without increasingly violent defensive mass protests who knows how much further and longer the Pentagon’s war-mongers, the CIA, and the U.S. Congress would have gone, even after more than fifty thousand young Americans had been killed and tens of thousands injured and crippled? The Pentagon's top military career men, and many American corporations holding government contracts, were getting richer and richer. It has been disclosed that U.S. corporations, supported by their bankers, made and financed equipment for the enemy that killed U.S. troops, just as they had done during both of their two previous World Wars. (If you require confirmation, read the research of Antony Sutton (at bigeye.org/antonysutton.htm). Professor Sutton was attacked by the IRS, which is in the picture today, as usual.

Petitions, a vote, lawsuits, etc., are interesting. Drafting, presenting, defending, and implementing litigation is like watching paint dry. More talk just encourages the usual suspects, letting them sense that all is well for themselves as long as they continue to hoodwink Americans with propaganda (news broadcasts) on their television networks. We need to do the job through online recruitment and active protests regardless of what others think or say. There are enough persons using the internet today that when this program becomes unacceptable to the dreadful few, we will have provided the seeds for massive organized resistance. Perhaps violence (against property only) will be unnecessary. They are few! We are many and we are armed to the teeth for defensive purposes, unlike unfortunate disarmed nationals (such as in Canada, Australia, etc.). Americans are able to protect their Liberty thanks to the predictive ability, historical insight, and foresight of the writers of our great U.S. Constitution, particularly its Second Amendment (which was designed specifically for a time like this).

Young Americans came together, Whites, Blacks, Jews, Gentiles, Hispanics, Asians, etc., those who valued laws encoded in our U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights. They confirmed the fundamental rights given to us, not from any government, but that come from God, "to institute new Government, laying its foundations on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. . ." We Americans are blessed, protected by a legal right to assemble, albeit in justifiable anger, for Liberty, Peace, and basic survival (including personal health decisions). Remember the Vietnam era. Look up the speech by Mario Savio in California. It is applicable today.

These are again "the times that try men's souls". We, Americans of all ages and of various and differing political/social viewpoints, must respond in numbers, defending ourselves when necessary to save our own lives as well as the lives of our companions, our children, their children, and of future generations, not only on this continent but throughout the world.

Note: Just so you don’t have to look them up, here are Mario Savio’s closing words:

"There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part; you can’t even passively take part, and you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you’ve got to make it stop. And you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you’re free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!"

Are YOU going to help? Enjoy the two sites: NEWSWATCH.ORG and BIGEYE.ORG

Add links to social media and web pages. Mssage them to cell-phone contacts.


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"...it’s very sad that these heartwarming developments don’t receive sustained coverage in the Queen’s English." - totally agree...my website has been about fighting the so-called "sustainable" Agenda 2030 FKA 21....our little burg in the SF Bay Area had an attempted takeover using "sustainability" principles in the early 2000's....some of us fought it off but now the powers that shouldn't be are back again by just rezoning everything from single family housing to "mixed use"....a way to ensure government control of the sheeple in their housing...www.saveelsobrante.com

This kind of stuff certainly proves that Russia and China are nothing more than the best "enemies" $$ can buy

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To paraphrase the World's Most Interesting Man, "Stay sustainable, my friends."

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I read Russia has a CCC rating for ESGs, so they're maybe just paying lip service to them? I can't imagine they'd be cutting loans to oil & gas/heavy industries right now.

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Wait til you get the 15 min cities....very 'sustainable'

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What in this discussion does STD denote?

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Death by lead poisoning has demographic implications for future generations such that Putins people may end up in a precarious situations soon and he has already killed the hearts of thousands of Russian mothers and fathers. Most likely he has provided sustainable pain, suffering and heartaches.

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Sustainable for their lifestyles work harder for less for us.

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A very decent red pill summary of the science and the politics, written to persuade those family and friends that are sincere, yet brainwashed by the BBC, and NPR, and the overall MSM. Red Pill them on one subject, and the rest follow suit.

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I read to the part that global warming is beneficial and after reading there is no global warming which is contradictory. I like the reference to Arctic Sea ice and that's what I have focused on since studying the issue myself. Its all good to this point in time.

Another focus is on the effect of climax forests on regional climate, which does change rather dramatically after they are cut burned or poisoned to death.

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Yes, certainly land use affects climate to some degree. (Kilimanjaro, as an example)

I think you will find the post a good overall perspective, as it mainly addresses the basic science, and the politics, in their own words. The science links to CO2 science, the NIPCC and The Petition, give easy access to thousands of peer review reports about any concerns.

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Personally I've been through much of this information, and sure, important to read other views. My conclusion is no one knows the future climate.

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I agree. Just an FYI, the post was written to be shared with those that only get the MSM.I use the “Global Warming“ subject to do an overview.

One, it has over 30 years of documented history and research papers.

Two , a massive apolitical PHD nationally and internationally respected field of published skepticism.

Three, the political motivations and entirely ineffective proposals are well documented.

Four, the failed predictions of harm are decades old.

Five, every skill at deception used in COVID policy was honed, by the same people, in “Climate Change.”

Six, more folk are naturally skeptical of climate change.

That post has been about 20 percent effective in red pill power

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Not swallowing any pills as I don't know the ingredients. But ok!

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Just Like you and others here, I have been reading many documents on the "climate". Last year I read Leroy Ladurie's "l'Histoire du climat", which had been written before the psyop around climate. A worth historical read which demonstrate the permanent evolution since French could record it.

Climate is an ever changing process which evolve thru more or less long cycles and abrupt changes led by catastrophic events, like meteors raining from above, Volcanologic events, sismic, change of axe of the earth, change of polarity and all the electrical and electromgnetic events going all with all the above.

So yes, no one knows the future of climate, but those of have information know it can get pretty wild, and the Power knows it to, more than the masses. For my part, I think that we are more likely experimenting a new cooling of the earth and all the dramatic events that happen during that rather fast process. I had been following the Electroverse website and followed their links and I find that the harrassment they have been under by powerfull forces, leading to the 'destruction' of the website is suspicious.



For instance of interesting links

Then in the very last decades it has became obvious for science, that the sun was playing a leading role in the climate and the "global warming" crew is not very inclined to make publicity around that hard fact. They can't fake/fake any statistical model of the sun's behaviour (electricity,electromagnetism again) and thus would have to aknowledge they are clueless about everything.

This kind of things going on will perhaps play a role in the forthcoming events:


Anyway Rick a wise man keeps on gardening and be amazed at the burgeoning, right?... I am now going out, dawn is magnificent.



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For the fun of it, I entertained the idea that a Carrington style solar event right on Ukraine would make a terrific story.

Imagine, all weapons which are not basic AK47 would be rendered inefficient. No more drones, satellites data, electronic devises of any kind operational on the battle field.... I leave you imagine the rest but in any cases, all wanna be transhumanist would be ridiculed and all those who have already be implanted would grill...

That would be a thing, wouldn't it?

Jah love

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oups... "Make/fake" mathematical modelisation...

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I clicked and read the links and will include other cycles such as the earth orbit, planetary, and solar system. Maybe lessor cycles as moon and earth wobbling. Probably cycles and other random events we are unaware of. Then we don't know the influences they have in combination, or combinations.

Does that mean humans don't have an influence, well, I already pointed to razing the climax forests with machines, how about how bare soil interacts with the sun? These are something different and could throw any of these cycles out of whack. Indeed, its best to learn how to grow food in a variety of different ways about now as agribusiness has turned in to a box canyon!

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Fascinating comment!

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