Riley is such a shill. As someone who has lived in Russia for a few years I can unequivocally confirm that if you ask a normal Russian what they want from the government it's that Federal Officials not be harassed about shady income. I even saw a video posted by Russian troops at the front directly on prospect druzhba in Marinka and the guys were threatening to mutiny if the Politicans were required to be open about how they were able to afford their new yachts and villas in Geneva this year.

Moscow would be happy to solve shell hunger at the front and the massive income inequality in Russia but Russia is a TRVE democracy unlike America. That means Moscow has to work on what the people want first and foremost and the Russian people have spoken. They have demanded that federal officials financial privacy be treated with respect and that all the transactions of normal citizens be scrutinized to esure they comply with regulations nobody has heard of or asked for.

When all that's taken care of maybe the Kremlin can figure out how to prevent the Ukrainians from shelling Donetsk but democracy is about fulfilling the demands of the people first and this is what they want. Don't let Riley gaslight you into thinking that normal Russians aren't thrilled about these exciting new developments. This is what actually separates Russia from the West. Normal Russians want BASED cattletags and red pilled lack of privacy and thats what they get from their TRAD politicans. In the west politicans force globalist clot shots and neo liberal lack of privacy on everyone even though the people voted for the 5D variants like in Russia. But democracy isn't real in the west like it is in Russia.

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You are quickly becoming my favorite commenter, Dr. Livci. I tip my hat to you.

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Freedom with cattle tags

Health with clot shots.

Economic health with digital rubles.

Berry democritical on a 5d level.

Matt Ehret got a 5d stiffy from all that high tech control in the East.

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Rob, that's a CLASSIC!!

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A Donetsk militiaman was outraged when I discussed this subject with him. ''Who cares about the unending artillery barrage? Sure the point of the SNO (special needs operation) was to protect the Donbass but we have much bigger problems now. Our elites are in trouble, they may even have to reveal the sources of their income. This is not democracy, it is not who we are. And what is wrong with digital currency? If you have nothing to hide what is to fear? I would rather stand as Leonidas and watch the sky darken with nazi-zionist-nato-collective west-globalist-EU artillery shells than see our cherished betters come to harm.

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Interesting comment, you don't know what neoliberal is, and have you lived in America to know what's going on here? Washington insider maybe?

I don't know what normal Russians want so thanks for the heads up.

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I can see your not very familiar with alternative media. Neo-liberal is when your electronic concentration camp isn't multipolar. Check out Pepe Escobar for the details.

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And Winston wept with joy, he had come to love the multipolar world order.

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Pepe is wrong too.

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Apr 18, 2023
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No longer offered. Sarcasm lowers resistance to bad-think.

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Apr 18, 2023Edited
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After reading this I wonder another time why are Russia and the West on war. To me it seems to be exactly the same policy on both sides e. g. Covid, lockdowns, clotshots, CDBC, Censorship etc.

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Pretty simple to understand if you put away your geopolitical West vs East, Good vs Evil goggles shoved down your throat 24/7 by the mainstream media and understand that it's about keeping us slaves in check. It's like 1984. Sorry, sounds patronizing, isn't meant to be.

State doesn't work for us, but for the rich and powerful (same people in most cases). Be happy to put your vote into the slave suggestion box (quote from Corbett) every few years ;-).

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Apr 18, 2023
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They need Lab Leak Theory to keep the virus boogeyman around. They will re-use it in whatever form to restrict freedom again. Imagine when people in mass find out there was no pandemic and no more people died in 2020 than in the years before.... And the die off began with the death shots.

Personally after all of this I think it isn't so easy to construct a bioweapon killing off masses of people. And honestly I'm not convinced (anymore) viruses even exists.

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There is no virus. That's patently obvious. Virology and indeed Genetics are like Climate Change Science - there ain't no science in them but scientism. It makes me laugh how the 'scientists' in the West today mock Lysenko. They are dumber by orders of magnitude.

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Well, if this is really all part of a grand plan, then we really are screwed aren't we?

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Right, it's all a huge show, a way to kill as many white people as possible, and for the survivors of this war, which should develop into World War III (see Albert Pike), the ultimate slave system will be introduced thereafter with CBDC, SCS , CO2 account, forced injections (cyborgs)…

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Oh please, it has nothing to do with race and everything to do with class.

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Not that it matters that much but the Pike quote is suspect.


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Didn't know that.

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The Jews need their new homeland ready in case they have to bail out of the unholy land

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I am from Germany - I get your newsletter - so I am informed.

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I've wondered the exact same thing! Also goes for China. They all have a chummy relationship with the IMF, the World Bank and all believe in the "climate change" tripe* as well.

*Case in point:

(Chinese) Top banker: Wolf at door in climate fight

Jin Liqun, a prominent participant in the recent World Bank and International Monetary Fund meetings, used a powerful analogy at the gathering to stress the challenges of securing funding to fight climate change.

Jin, president of the (China-founded) Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank said if countries believe climate change is not "just crying wolf", they should "put up" their guns to fight it. "Please ask yourself, are you really braced for this kind of crisis?" said Jin. ... Jin, who had worked for nearly two decades in China's Ministry of Finance and at two multilateral development banks before becoming the inaugural president of the AIIB in 2016,


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Some animals are more transparent than others.

-variation on the quote from the book Animal Farm by Orwell

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Of course, I went for the song at the end. It was such an innocent time... I am all nostalgic now.

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American, Russian, it does not matter; this is a human problem. Democracy is a cruel joke. The sad thing is all of the idiots who think voting harder will fix this.

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"Will the digital ruble be used to “tighten the screws” on ordinary citizens, while loopholes are created for “servants of the people."

Don't all criminals keep two sets of books? Besides, these clever thugs know what's going to occur down the road once there's a "digital accounting" of all personal assets via a central bank digital currency to the exclusion of all cash. With just a click of a button it can all be remotely taken away.

Like in the US, a politician's financial shenanigans are viewed by these criminals as being "bonus pay." That’s why "insider trading" is permitted and someone like Pelosi as well as others can accumulate hundreds of millions of dollars on a modest salary with decades of "only" public service.

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The tragicomical part is that even if all these were reported, the public couldn't do a thing...

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Whoever loses we win

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So if I read into this correctly. Take the money from the people and keep it for ourselves- okay. Sure, let’s do that- it’s very transparent that they are making the double standard very clear. 🤦🏼‍♀️

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Perhaps Neetzche was right, hope is the greatest despair. A carrot and stick to drag the slaves forward. As the gnostics say, hope does not lie in this place.

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Right, that is not how communists operate lolz. Russia is a actually a capitalist heaven. But only for the chosen. Search for this article from 2012 on JerusalemPost: "At Putin's side, an army of Jewish billionaires"

Btw, have you heard of a project called "IceBreaker"? No? Check my latest post if you are interested. Seems like CBDCs could be a bit of smoke&mirrors game.

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"It's a strange, strange world we live in, Master Jack." Thanks again, Riley, for trying to help us make sense of it. Russia's regime is practicing a new paradigm for the digital era: Lead by exhortation, not be example.

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Russia is a democracy alright, working out what the people don't want and implementing it is democracy in action, our values, who we are, the rules based order.

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Had to look up "Democracy".

Been so long since it's been seen - ANYWHERE - had forgotten its meaning.

🗳️ Have a ballot box - available at second hand stores, everywhere.

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That releives me of the dangerous distraction of Russia the Great. It is now clearly Globalist Russia and Putin is just another Claus Clown. My focus now turns to how fast the BRICS nations can force the US to scuttle back to its own borders, and evacuate its troops from Australia.

Blinken, we have a deal for you. Pull Murdoch and the corporations out of Australia and you can keep your spy and navigation satellite bases here untouched. Ignore us and this will blow up beyond anybody's control. Our faggoty military commanders can have all the woke joint exercises they want but the grunts are seriously pissed off. 5% have already walked off to join the fuming citizens. There are few recruits to follow attrition. And. by all means, replace them with USMC and launch a real nation-wide rebellion.

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I think mr slavsquat is in the 'beat up' business. I am a russophile pushed from one end and pulled from the other: pushed by revulsion at what my own world has become and pulled by attraction to what I fancy the russian world is.

But I'm not quite naive enough to believe that russia is heaven on earth. Not quite. And I try to discipline myself to look at unpalatable truths, message from 'the other side'. So I got into this braced and ready to swallow some large bones.

But it is largely simply a beat up, isn't it? A iteration and reiteration of the same contention getting us not further into anything.

There's all kinds of angles left uncovered and unexplored. It is not really analysed, investigated, explored, understood at all. Not in the least. It ranks as a mere jibe by passing hostiles, a knee jerk reaction from an automaton.

Consider this - apparent even to a dimwit like me: what could be the downside of pollies declaring their incomes? Where is the evidence that it necessarily is a good thing in itself and a bad thing when not done? No hard evidence either way and no consideration at all of the first.

In fact if pollies declare their incomes and expenditure they immediately get 'ranked', don't they? A 'pecking order' is immediately established. 'A man's a man for a' that'. But better if some of 'a' that' is simply not splashed all over the broadsheets. The lower you estimate the nature of the man's peers the more important perhaps to hide such pecuniary details.

And the corollary: what does it say about us. We the observers? Our assumption, then, is that if a man's income is not public knowledge his morals, ethics, behaviour are necessarily bad? A pox on you. My income is not known to my peers and I do not want it known. And I know well those whom I would rather hide it from and in my estimation they are not nice people.

And I would dispute hotly with you my merits. I claim to be 'as good as the next man' generally and my income irrelevant.

The main trouble with columnists is the same problem that has been quoted as the reason for the total failure of the MSM since it became critical that it not fail: 2019. And that is the 24 hour news cycle of course. The journalistic equivalent even in blogs and YT channels et al is the compulsion to produce offerings frequently.

Even when there's nothing to offer.

Better give us some peace, I would say.

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The decision to withhold even "generalized" income info is a top story in Russia right now -- and has inspired lots of animated chatter on one of Russia's most popular internet forums:


Here's a top comment: "And why do the serfs need this information?"

The Russian who wrote that was being sarcastic. It seems you are being serious, though.

Good luck and take care,


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It is ass backwards or rather business as usual. Peasants must submit their monetary history whilst elites laugh into their sleeves...

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If I pay you to work for me I wanne know who else pays you. If my enemy pays more than me, I might have a big problem. If my enemy pays you anything, I might have a problem.

Simple as that. Where is the rocket science?

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Apr 19, 2023
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your comments are always welcome here, noosfera :) actually, I meant to respond to an earlier comment you wrote, and wanted to say thank you for your kind words about this little blog -- of course, now I must try to live up to this praise :)



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