You are a man after my own heart to such an extent I can scarce believe it.
I've been fighting vaxx shills since March. What's so hilarious is that everything they come up with is so flagrantly false it's embarrassing - it's like shooting fish in a barrel it's so easy to disprove their nonsense.
You would think Big Pharma and/or the intelligence agencies would be able to afford intelligent people, but apparently not.
Hi Barry, good to see you here, as I often do on this site.
I'll email you with what I have but I think you may have already seen it before - I posted some of it on Dr. Toby Roger's Substack comments section in mid-November.
I have to go to bed now but will send it to you when I wake up.
"You would think Big Pharma and/or the intelligence agencies would be able to afford intelligent people, but apparently not"
hold that thought. I followed Eddies' recent sidetrip back on the pages of anti-empire...
or tried to; I found that any attempt subsequent to my first intercession in that debate was denied - due to "invalid email address" bogus blocking.
What came out of that exchange may lead to the solving of long term mysteries - re the interconnections tween playas who advertise themselves in their alt-media hangouts as 'independent' voices
but whom I've long suspected of being part of BIG EVILS' dialectical 'this team/that team Leninist 'control both sides of the debate' gambit! A critter going by the name of locked horns with our Vasnetsov-style knight here,
and wouldn't let go - of the totally specious claim of having the inside track on all Russ-related vaxx news - due to his status as an "intelligence professional"... which term brought back many memories of my run ins with the self-proclaimed 'intelligence professionals' of the agit-prop phony 'alt' site VETERANS TODAY - which represents the interest of the 'war party' wing of the DEMONCRATIC PARTY/OBAMANITES/PREZ HILLARY-IN-WAITING.
There are many many intricate connections tween them... the russkie rabble behind the roll out of death shots Russia-wide/the Faucians, Imperial College and
well, I could go on, but, you get the picture. ALL roads lead to S.P.E.C.T.R.E... and I can assure you, S.P.E.C.T.R.E is real. Author Ian Fleming was part of the team which pulled off a 'special operation midst the rubble of BERLIN,
the implications of which are still resonating - in 'silent scream' style - some 80 years later. NOTHING... nuthin at all ... of what you believe to be 'tru' may prove to so be.
the problems with commenting on Anti-Empire are related to measures put in place to repel an army of spambots laying siege to the site; if you are still having issues commenting, get in touch with Marko (editor (at)
I have some interesting stories of my own re: fort russ and veterans today. quite a group of characters...
Veterans Today are a fun group of guys that's for sure :)
At the end of the day it's a big intricate web of interests encompassing 'alt-media', 'mainstream media' etc. - some interests align, others run counter to each other but everyone tries to sit on all chairs at once and you get a lot of informational mumbo jumbo with lots of flip-flopping too.
You notice how half of regular Fox News pundits became frequent guests on RT after Trump's election, for instance? Was not the case when RT was trashing Obama though, go figure.
I am looking forward to your breakdown of that guy cause it seems like he is often missed when people talk about those, responsible for the mrakobesie, even though he is like one of the main guys responsible
"Vax shills flee in terror"
You are a man after my own heart to such an extent I can scarce believe it.
I've been fighting vaxx shills since March. What's so hilarious is that everything they come up with is so flagrantly false it's embarrassing - it's like shooting fish in a barrel it's so easy to disprove their nonsense.
You would think Big Pharma and/or the intelligence agencies would be able to afford intelligent people, but apparently not.
you are very kind. btw, started reading your email in more detail. very interesting nuggets! more soon.
Thank you very much, have a good weekend. I look forward to answering any questions you have or sending you more information if you want it :)
Baboon, what about us? Me?
Hi Barry, good to see you here, as I often do on this site.
I'll email you with what I have but I think you may have already seen it before - I posted some of it on Dr. Toby Roger's Substack comments section in mid-November.
I have to go to bed now but will send it to you when I wake up.
"You would think Big Pharma and/or the intelligence agencies would be able to afford intelligent people, but apparently not"
hold that thought. I followed Eddies' recent sidetrip back on the pages of anti-empire...
or tried to; I found that any attempt subsequent to my first intercession in that debate was denied - due to "invalid email address" bogus blocking.
What came out of that exchange may lead to the solving of long term mysteries - re the interconnections tween playas who advertise themselves in their alt-media hangouts as 'independent' voices
but whom I've long suspected of being part of BIG EVILS' dialectical 'this team/that team Leninist 'control both sides of the debate' gambit! A critter going by the name of locked horns with our Vasnetsov-style knight here,
and wouldn't let go - of the totally specious claim of having the inside track on all Russ-related vaxx news - due to his status as an "intelligence professional"... which term brought back many memories of my run ins with the self-proclaimed 'intelligence professionals' of the agit-prop phony 'alt' site VETERANS TODAY - which represents the interest of the 'war party' wing of the DEMONCRATIC PARTY/OBAMANITES/PREZ HILLARY-IN-WAITING.
There are many many intricate connections tween them... the russkie rabble behind the roll out of death shots Russia-wide/the Faucians, Imperial College and
well, I could go on, but, you get the picture. ALL roads lead to S.P.E.C.T.R.E... and I can assure you, S.P.E.C.T.R.E is real. Author Ian Fleming was part of the team which pulled off a 'special operation midst the rubble of BERLIN,
the implications of which are still resonating - in 'silent scream' style - some 80 years later. NOTHING... nuthin at all ... of what you believe to be 'tru' may prove to so be.
So be it.
the problems with commenting on Anti-Empire are related to measures put in place to repel an army of spambots laying siege to the site; if you are still having issues commenting, get in touch with Marko (editor (at)
I have some interesting stories of my own re: fort russ and veterans today. quite a group of characters...
Veterans Today are a fun group of guys that's for sure :)
At the end of the day it's a big intricate web of interests encompassing 'alt-media', 'mainstream media' etc. - some interests align, others run counter to each other but everyone tries to sit on all chairs at once and you get a lot of informational mumbo jumbo with lots of flip-flopping too.
You notice how half of regular Fox News pundits became frequent guests on RT after Trump's election, for instance? Was not the case when RT was trashing Obama though, go figure.
Those punks are not game to frequent level-playing fields.
Good gref.
very nice.
"Vax shills flee in terror"
Your headlines always make me lol. In a better world, you'd be a comedy writer for one of the late night talk shows.
nb4. Although, for pure cringe factor, you can't beat this Colbert dance routine:
#Vax-Scene lol.
I've seen that video. It haunts my dreams.
"Anyway. How’s it going?" It is going to buggery.
You are talking about German Gref? Oh my, he is one bloody globalist. It even says so in his Wikipedia page. Fuck that guy, zaebal uzhe vseh blyat
I am looking forward to your breakdown of that guy cause it seems like he is often missed when people talk about those, responsible for the mrakobesie, even though he is like one of the main guys responsible