I'm in the process of buying a house in Minsk to get a long term visa. No hassle from the covid brigade, no government trying hard to ruin independent people's business, and it's a very safe country.

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very interesting! have you spent much time there? any insights you might have would be most welcome

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Got in Minsk on a 30 days visa free travel to Belarus with my wife and 3 of my 4 kids, the youngest ones. Sold everything, almost, still selling my apartment, in New Caledonia and trying to make it in Belarus. I signed a preliminary purchase agreement for a house in Minsk before coming to Istanbul to get a longer stay visa and finalize the deal but unfortunately we are stuck in a hotel at Istanbul airport because 4 of us have tested positive. So we'll test every 2 days till we are allowed to leave Istanbul and go back to Minsk. Minsk is a pleasant surprise I must say, besides no mandatory vaccination and no compulsory mask wearing. It's a well organized country with a lower cost of living compared to back home, French New Caledonia. The biggest challenge is Russian, of course, few people speak english, so learning the language will be our first task once we get a temporary residency in Belarus.

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Wow, that is a HUGE change, and very courageous I might add.

Please keep us posted on your family's transition to the country.

желаю удачи!

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Hats off to you for such bold action. I'm in wonderful southern Brasil, still relatively free of leftist control and paranoia, praying that another patriot leader, Jair Bolsonaro, can hold off the globalist mafia in this year's elections. Good luck to you in Minsk.

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How much is the house, and do you mean house or apartment

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Nice post! Belarus has always been based af, I went on vacation there several times. The worry of course is what happens when Lukashenko is gone? And it's not like they can't repeat the "color revolution" thing - they did it twice in Ukraine too.

But generally a potentially viable option as well. Might be a good call to just get ahead of the COVID takeover - going to Belarus now, and when/if it catches up on the restrictions head somehwere else where there are no restrictions yet, maybe say Nigeria. Once the reptilians get to Nigeria, head off somehwere even more remote. A lot of moving, but could easily postpone worldwide biometric surveillance and medical terror on your doorstep by at least 5 years!

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Hi Edward. I applaud your intelligent and under stated posts. I dwell in the outback of Wisconsin so am very little oppressed by the covid mafia but the oppresive propaganda is is a little difficult with those that swallow it whole. I read carefully the following site's post just recently. You will likely find it in many ways good if you have not already consumed it.


In this land it seems that the covidians are retreating and media is somewhat loosening it's overwhelming stream of info. Perhaps they see that those escaping self-lobotomy number more than they had hoped, so fear of the people may be setting in. That fear instilled into politicians and their lackeys is super important in any society that espouses even somewhat remote freedom of choice.

Thank you for a good read from Russia. john

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An argument for authoritarianizm....

As opposed to Nothoritarianizm....where no one is visible to be responsible for anything anywhere else?

Funny times, ironic and sad

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I'm sure they're all vaxxholes...but the Minsk hipsters do look fucking great!

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Nothing like a color revolution attempt to make one see through all the covid B.S.


OTOH, 53% of Belarusians have taken at least one dose of the vaxx? That's more than the Russians' 52%.


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I just refuse to believe those numbers, since they are lying about everything else. I remember in Germany when several months ago they added like 10% and suddenly we had a 70% vaxx rate. Psaki in the US was lying about that as well.

No way in hell 53% of Belorussians are vaxed, or 11% in freakin Afghanistan.

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You're probably right. I bet TPTB count vaxxes like they count ballots. 😀

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entertaining video of Belarus prez dressing down ‘mini me authoritarian wannabes’ ... reminds me of some long time ago advertisement for mattress store featuring ceo stating ‘I AM the king’... anyhow, seems like a safe place, for now.

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is Lukashenko the Trump of Eastern Europe?

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Belarus was always great, no need to make it great again. No, he is not :))

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You do know that Donald Trump is Mr Warp Speed, Right? He brags that he brought the clot shots to America.

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yes, am suspicious of him... don’t know if it’s just his ego or if he’s in on all of it...

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Well, he not only confesses that he's "in on it" but he brags about it. If Donald Trump wasn't a snarling dog, who once bragged that he could murder someone in broad daylight on 5th Avenue in Manhattan and get away with it because he's so popular, then speculation about him not being in on a SCAM would be acceptable. That's not the case here. But, As you wish.

"Donald Trump: I could "shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose any voters" / https://www.cbsnews.com/news/donald-trump-i-could-shoot-somebody-and-i-wouldnt-lose-any-voters/

"Donald Trump Admits His Guilt in Mass Murder by Lethal Injection: “I Developed the Vaccine When Everyone Said it Wasn’t Possible"" / https://vaccineimpact.com/2021/donald-trump-admits-his-guilt-in-mass-murder-by-lethal-injection-i-developed-the-vaccine-when-everyone-said-it-wasnt-possible/

"Britain’s Bo-Jo Brown-Noses Sicko Trump" / https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2020/01/10/britains-bo-jo-brown-noses-sicko-trump/

I'm not endorsing CBS (pharma-funded) News. I give qualified support to Brian Shilhavy's "Vaccine Impact." His article there, about Trump bragging about being responsible for the covid injectables, includes a long rant about censoring vs moderation. I don't agree with all that he said. I understand the need for moderation, but I am very pro free speech. There wouldn't be much that I would disallow on my blog. Brian's not as pro free speech as I am.

As for Stategic Culture Foundation, I don't visit anymore since they've proven to be enemies during covid 1984. (I had a friendly email exchange with Finian Cunningham and don't know whether he personally has been 'taken' during this grand assault on the people. But he's running with a bad crowd.)

"Taken" / https://app.box.com/s/m5oupnqti2x7ryrfeyvq1ngfumfgta3l

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I just subscribed thanks to dumb leftist trolls on Telegram slagging off Luka, and leading me to the wonderful writing and thinking here. I recommend the technique!

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*Log in with password? I try to but I'm never presented with a field for the password. I don't think I've ever used one, but I'd be happy to simplify this annoying routine.

Daniel: "This has probably something to do with him being the autocrat of Belarus and therefore invested with actual political power, unlike the puppets supposedly in “power” all over the rest of the world. If the example of Belarus isn't the most resounding argument for Authoritarianism, I don't know what is."

I'm not a fan of Right vs Left nonsense. Usually, Conservatives complaining about leftists are complaining about the Left in their own Right wing. That's 'usually', as in 99% of the time. Democrat/leftwinger Obama, for example, was as fascist (rightwing) as they come. As for the gay comment, it's disgusting. (No I'm not gay. I do believe that homosexuality is a deviation from the Architect's blueprint for man. But there are other issues and judgmentalism is wrong. We are 'all' imperfect. It manifests in different ways. My brother has Down syndrome. Some are born as hermaphrodites. Should they be hated and persecuted for that? What about those who 'choose' the homosexual lifestyle? That's a mistake, but it's between them and Jehovah God. I don't know that one can 'not' be actually gay. Does anyone? But I do know that we are all imperfect. I'll take a gay friend who practices 'live and let live' over a 'friend' who wants to rob me of my freedom, any day.)

All politicians are gangsters, and that's 'not' a good thing. This toilet world, and every single gangster within it, has to go. And for those who like authoritarianism, You're in luck. You're going to get one world government and one King, soon enough. That King's name is Jesus Christ (and he's a deputy King within Jehovah God's greater Kingdom).

J.D. Rockefeller, may he rot in pieces, thanks Lukashenko for his support.

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Didn’t Luka end up taking that IMF $$$ after initially refusing it while claiming that it came with strings attached to impose all the corona-fascist restrictions?

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That rings a bell. In any case, You won't catch me trusting a politician. Yes, It's good that some push back. But most of those in my pro freedom, anti-covid 1984 camp embrace the hoaxsters' lies and are, in fact, sources of covid propaganda as much as they are pro freedom. Reiner Fuellmich, for example, has a head full of Rockefeller medical science nonsense. People like that can 'not' be as effective in their fight against the hoaxsters who are enslaving us, while seizing everything, as those who reject 'all' of the lies (including the big one, namely, 'There is a Sars CoV 2 virus').

related: "COVID: Going to the root of the poisonous tree" by Jon Rappoport / https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/08/20/covid-going-to-root-of-the-poisonous-tree/

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