Meanwhile in Canada Ottawa:




Despite all the physical and mental damages that have been inflicting on their very own lives for two years, very few people, especially the so-called “intellectuals” have fathomed the fact that this Covid Plan is their global master plan and NON-NEGOTIABLE, in which Government brutal force is the major integral part.

Without National Government’s brutal force, this global CovidPlan could never have been implemented so easily, so widely and so seamlessly at the first place. And that murdering (or culling if you insist) people, including children is one of the main goals. Talk about “cognitive dissonance!” indeed!

Thus, Government thugs would never hesitate to use deadly force, in fact they have ALWAYS used deadly force regardless of peaceful protesting or not, because they DON’T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THE PEOPLE. More importantly they knew that people would never THINK of fighting back physically. People would never think of fighting back physically because they have been heavily drugged with “democracy hopium”, “rule of law”, toilet papers a.k.a Constitutions etc.. and have completely forgotten their own powerful strength… not only by Governments but mainly by their very own intellectuals and dissident leaders! Whom I call useful idiots with their intellectual idiocy!

The mantras “non-violence, non-violence” is always chanted from their mouths as if “mere peaceful protest” ever worked! As if Government thugs did never use deadly force on peaceful protest!

If they knew people would physically fight back, they would have never dared to use it so easily and so frequently as such. Because WHEN the People fight back, People win!

Since this Covid started, tremendous energy, tears, and blood of ordinary people have been wasted in “peaceful protests” which often reached hundreds of thousands if not millions!

It’s already LATE since more than 60% world population have been injected. But for the rest, it’s still NOT too late to REVOLT. Otherwise we, our children, our posterities will soon regret as Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn did:

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956

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Gulag Archipelago is a work of anti-communist fiction, just like Hearst’s reports about Holodomor. By demonizing communism or in any way comparing this global fascist coup being conducted by the capitalist transnational ruling class you’re ironically aiding and abetting those reactionary forces sweeping the world under guise of a pandemic which you claim to oppose.

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How dare you question St. Solzhenitsyn, the high priest of anti-communism himself, and his holy scripture!

We will trust the eyewitness accounts of Solzhenitsyn, because when did witnesses ever lie? WHEN?!

The same people who lie to us about everything else, i.e. CIA, MSM, education, politicians etc. SURELY tell us the truth about communism!

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You might enjoy this.. Prussiagate.substack.com

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All commies must eat shit and die.

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I feel the same way about fascists like yourself.

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You calling me a lefty, assmunch? You got a lot to learn. Don't let your delusions get in the way.

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The most dangerous combination: ignorance and arrogance.

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“ … anti-communist fiction … By demonizing communism …”

Gee, that comes off sounding like a weak-kneed defense of collectivism. Knowing you as well as I do [;-)], I suspect that’s not exactly what you meant. Correct?

Are you sure the Holodomor didn’t happen? I’m not sure.

If incorrect, refer to DutchPartisan’s comment for guidance. And socialists. Socialists also must eat shit and die.

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Yeah, what's the problem with just saying: "capitalists are murderous assholes, and so are the communists". Enough of this: "look at this red stick figure, that's a highly moral freedom fighter bursting with pure 100% integrity and love every day and night" - now "look at this same blue stick figure, it's totally the same except for the color. now THIS guy is a terrorist who lies, murders and steals! totally nothing like our red stick figures over there!"

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You’re really comparing the devestation and death wreaked upon the planet and its inhabitants by the right, from conquistadors to colonialists to modern neoimperialists across the centuries to what the left, and communism in particular, accomplished for the improvements in the lot of the poor and oppressed in their courageous struggles within colonial occupations/capitalist societies/military dictatorships and specifically during the brief windows in which they actually held political power throughout the world, all while under extreme pressure and siege warfare from the internal and foreign forces of reaction and capital?

Compare the lot of a peasant in imperial Russia prior to 1917 vs just years after the USSR was in place, and then that to the average Russian worker in the years following its collapse. Or the sugarcane worker in Batista’s Cuba prior to the revolution and afterwards. Or the quality of life in Yugoslavia before and after NATO Balkanized it into separate, capitalist client states. And on and on.

The programs and their effects of the left throughout history are nothing like those of the right. Horseshoe theory is fascist nonsense.

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Lenin and Stalin murdered millions in the worst possible ways! You couldn’t tell a joke about dear leader without being arrested and worked to death in a labor camp. These two have done great work in destroying the genetic potential of a great nation by committing genocide of their own people by the tens of millions! Way to just gloss over these minor details! Or maybe it was “worth it”, for the “greater good”? Kind of like Madeline Albright and Iraq…

P.S. The Tsar was a SOB too!

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No problem. No problem at all. I would go so far as to say that ALL of the regulars Riley has attracted to his site are in total agreement about even the minutest of detail, very likely including WDV. I didn’t come here to argue about the various “isms”. But collectivism is particularly egregious for this reason:

“Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff.”

- Frank Zappa

Recall stepping inside of any public building anywhere in the world, it could be a court house, government office of any kind, post office, the lot. The first thing I notice here in the USA is the overwhelming stench of mediocrity. These places suck because nobody owns them. They belong to “the people”.

Capitalism [unregulated] has failed because it is a game of financial musical chairs. Capitalists buy things. They buy businesses they don’t understand. They buy entire markets. They buy politicians and the elections that place them into office. They buy judiciary and executive functions. We peons (pronounced “pee-ons”) are all in the process of losing a place to rest when the music stops.

The critical factor? Human nature. Dr. Fuellmich recently wondered aloud about these rapacious MFers. Yet no one, nowhere has come up with a suitable framework for a post-capitalist society. From JHK, a writer with whom I have a profound disagreement, is this:

“I never subscribed to the nostrums of Marxism, but old Karl sure had a point when he said, “All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned, and man is at last compelled to face with sober senses his real conditions of life, and his relations with his kind.” Is that exactly where we’re at, or what?”

Yanis Varoufakis over at mέta has some vague ideas about a “post capitalist” society. Wanna take a look at look at who else is on the advisory board of this esteemed org? Noam Chomsky. So, yeah, we might be totally fucked at this late stage of the game. Gold, goats, and guns?

Whenever we get together, you and me, I will buy the beers. Can we find Bohemian pilsners - the only beer worth drinking - in Russia?

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Where do they find these Demons all the time? The refugees would have a better chance of survival if they turn around and go back to the Donbas.

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and in fact, the vast majority have chosen to remain in Donbass.

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Interestingly, on the same day that the republics talked about evacuation plans, Kiev City State Administration announced that in case of full-scale Russian invasion and hostilities in or near Kiev, all inhabitants of the city will be evacuated. The army and the critical infrastructure workers will stay. Just a coincidence?



And I especially liked this, "Что касается эвакуации киевлян, то в КГГА говорят, что она, если будет в ней необходимость, будет все же добровольной." / "Regarding the evacuation of Kiev residents, Kiev City State Administration says that if there is a need for it, it will be voluntary." Um, thanks?

There about 3 million people in Kiev. I have no idea how many of them are critical infrastructure workers. But how and WHERE do you evacuate millions of people?

Upon hearing all this, I couldn't help thinking of Russia's compulsory evacuation law and those mass burial protocols...

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great find. any other interesting news on your end over there, Natalie? Stay safe and keep us all posted!

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Thanks for the update and translation, Natasha. Inasmuch as you are remote from the capitol do you think your community will remain relatively unaffected? As you suggest, millions of people - if need be - must go somewhere.

I suspect that this whole affair is being staged to draw attention away from something else the owners are planning to do. I can’t imagine what that might be, be it won’t be good (for us).

Stay safe.

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"I suspect that this whole affair is being staged to draw attention away from something else the owners are planning to do" - my thoughts exactly. That's why I'm not really worried about hostilities. But something equally horrible might well happen.

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What is obvious is that every country is infested with the NWO of schwaab and kissinger!

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It's 2d chess... A line that they power through but people aren't having it.

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LATEST NEWS: Freedom Convoy Is Over Government Vengeance Begins!


The Rest Is A Repeating Of Statist History as Always!

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Whoever wishes peace among peoples must fight statism. Ludwig von Mises


Assaulting and firing rubber bullets!

Thugs are well equipped and well armed and are ALLOWED BY GOVERNMENT TO BEAT UP AND SHOOT PEOPLE with immunity. Government’s thugs are so well protected physically and legally! Whereas people are BARE, but not allowed to respond even for self-defense. IT'S A CRIME TO FIGHT BACK GOVERNMENT THUGS EVEN AS SELF-DEFENSE!

Think about this folks!

Whoever wishes peace among peoples must fight statism.

Ludwig von Mises

Thanks Dan Dick PFT for this report on the ground!

Watch the full 7 hour Video Report at:


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And while the general human livestock from the Donbass are getting their injections the military-aged (18-55) males will be used as cannon fodder with "general mobilization" declared in LPR/DPR and forbidden to leave.

But never mind, the entire OSINT web has been simply lying about a Russian build-up - just like the neocons lied about Iraqi WMD. Or maybe in fact Western tankies are heading for a redux of where that term came from, 1954 Hungary, but on a far bloodier scale with far more deadly weapons. Oh dear. There's none so blind etc. etc.

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BTW, Because Covid Show is the first priority and the most important show but full of craps that “war” is needed to distract and scare the people away from seeing the absurd details and contemplating revolt against government! Only the threat of "War" can force the people to "unite" with government "unconditionally!" "War" works well for Governments of both sides in this case!

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She's a better Nurse Ratched, then the actual Nurse Ratched! Scary thing.

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Yoni Reinon, [20/02/2022 9:49]

I think this situation should have come up earlier. It will lead to a better equilibrium. Both anglosaxons and Russia knew North Stream would never pump a single cubic meter of gas. The empire just let its complexion as a form of humiliation. The real loser here is occupied Germany and vassal Europe whose economies are being destroyed by the anglosaxons. They will more and more look like a sort of zombie, hitech, robotic, emasculated Japan. Putin knows too well the empire will never fulfill its commitments. All the meetings have just been a PR operation. So be it. Other countries have been suffering the empire's siege for much longer. Look at Cuba, Iran, Venezuela, Noth Korea, Nicaragua. Not to mention devastated Irak, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan. And they are still standing. At worst, this will lead to a couple of years of Russian slander and isolation. Meanwhile, Europe will collapse, the USA deep state will implode, lying clowns like Johnson and Biden will not be in office, and Russia and China will patiently keep on building and growing. The empire needs war to gain time before it collapses. Russia needs to avoid war to keep on growing. But Russia will need some kind of real kinetic action to face this challenge. The procastination policy of Putin is just not possible anymore.

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Yoni Reinon, [20/02/2022 9:49]

[Respondiendo a Helen of desTroy]

I think this situation should have come up earlier. It will lead to a better equilibrium. Both anglosaxons and Russia knew North Stream would never pump a single cubic meter of gas. The empire just let its complexion as a form of humiliation. The real loser here is occupied Germany and vassal Europe whose economies are being destroyed by the anglosaxons. They will more and more look like a sort of zombie, hitech, robotic, emasculated Japan. Putin knows too well the empire will never fulfill its commitments. All the meetings have just been a PR operation. So be it. Other countries have been suffering the empire's siege for much longer. Look at Cuba, Iran, Venezuela, Noth Korea, Nicaragua. Not to mention devastated Irak, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan. And they are still standing. At worst, this will lead to a couple of years of Russian slander and isolation. Meanwhile, Europe while collapse, the USA deep state will implode, lying clowns like Johnson and Biden will not be in office, and Russia and China will patiently keep on building and growing. The empire needs war to gain time before it collapses. Russia needs to avoid war to keep on growing. But Russia will need some kind of real kinetic action to face this challenge. The procastination policy of Putin is just not possible anymore.

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Well the 5D angle could be that Kirill Dmitriev and his wife (Putin's daughter's university classmate) want to hustle more vaxx, so Putin brings troops to the border, forcing the US and Ukraine to shit their pants and start countermeasures. Then Donbass gets evacuated and you get so many new people you can vaxx!

Pretty absurd and horrible shit though to be real.

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Feb 19, 2022Edited
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very interesting, thank you Anri! It's difficult to find information about what's really going on in China re: the vax...

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So they bought 100 million of Pfizer clot shots and didn’t use a single dose, and are now testing their own mRNA injections that are nearly identical them? IMO all this mRNA nonsense about “hacking our biology” and “software of life” is just a red herring to cover up the fact that they’re just deadly delivery devices for graphene and other nano-tech for genocide and experimentation.

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Feb 20, 2022
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This video displays an imperialist yankee pushing to destroy China. How nice

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