Schrodinger's vaccine.

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Funny because Schrodinger made up that example of the cat in the box to explain how absurd quantum theory is. Like virology, it's assumed to be proven

... here's a good channel exposing the breaks in quantum theory


And this channel is good on exposing the germ and virus theory nonsense


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Perhaps Heisenberg’s “vaccine” would be more appropriate? But I am no student of physics.

I would like to buy you a beer. Or three. и немного семян подсолнечникаб конечно. )))

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Well, physics is beyond me, so I wouldn't know ))

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“The mask primarily protects against those people who are not vaccinated, who do not have protective antibodies. And the wearing of masks by the vaccinated makes it possible to prevent the transmission of the pathogen from the person who is vaccinated and who does not know that he is a carrier to those people who are not vaccinated."


Did he really say this shit, IN RUSSIAN, to Russian speakers? Does he really think the average east slav is an idiot? I don’t.

They tried this shtick because they believe that virology and infectious disease - with all of its strengths and weaknesses – is obscure. And it is, to a degree. But anyone with even a shred of intelligence should see right through this despicable horseshit.

prediction: Alexander Gintsburg=dead man, walking

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Your point about obscurity of the topic is a good one; as with the focus on climate change it's an attempt to shut ordinary people out of political discussions on the grounds that they're not qualified / won't bother investigating.

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What he said would be total blasphemy in the West, although perhaps in Russia there hasn't been the same success in getting the general public to demonize the unvaccinated, so perhaps what he said is less significant there?

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More horrifying is they'll get re-elected.

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The mental gymnastics on this are not easy: you have to shill for your vaccine and also for the masks all while fearmongering and keeping yourself exempt from both.

Might be more effective just speaking in meta keyword tags instead of complete sentences: "vaccine", "pathogen", "transmission", "dangerous virus", "mask helps". Maybe I shouldn't be giving them ideas.

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I have it on good authority that Gintsburg reads this blog every morning as he cuts himself like an emo teenage girl; it's a daily ritual of his -- so stop putting ideas in his head!! :)

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много проницательных комментариев on your blog Riley, well done. You are attracting some thinkers.

So far, however, никто has offered up an explanation of WHY now this lame nonsense of “virus” is needed for a “vaccine”.

“They” are losing control. Somebody PLEASE upload David Martin’s slides of the “they” (both companies and individuals, thanks).

Sixty-four years ago one man, a west slav who changed the world largely by himself, explained the situation then. The picture hasn’t gotten any prettier in the interim.


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seriously, I was happier before some algorithm directed me to this blog. I was a believer in conservative Russia, land of the free without compulsory vaccination or booster jabs. by the way, if Russia even now is only 47% vaxxed those restrictions are not credible. they will lock 53% of Russia in their homes?

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it's a bitter pill, but thank you for reading anyway! Regarding your question: I think they will definitely try some form of nationwide vax caste system. Can the lizards in charge make it work? Many seem to think not. But I can see it going either way.

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Brazil is 77% vaxxed, 64% fully, not counting "booster jabs". the state, even though corrupt and inneficient, is fully capableof implementing a vaxx-pass for the urban middle class and upwards. most of the country still lacks a vaxx-pass, though. Bolsonaro is even more useless than Trump, but he sure as hell does act to delay a vaxx-pass

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Most of us were duped by the Perestroika Deception head fake. Don't feel bad. Soviet defector Anatoliy Golitsyn thoroughly documented (Perestroika Deception and New Lies For Old the fake collapse of communism in 1991 and how the crypto-Soviets would feign nationalism going into the 2000s and beyond as a means of securing their world communist dictatorship.

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Great to see you back at it! Your fitz-informer was sorely missed.,,,

by the tiny real remaining resistance that is. Here on these pages, we've just been treated to the arrival of an actual wave of neo-stalinist supporters surfing on the wake of Eddie's apparent affection for old skool commies as the new cool!

Folks with fully functioning sniffers will definitely want to poke a snout into your Stalin the crypto-Jew expose, (oops,,, I think I just crashed a huge leftish party goin on!) Mu bad,

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more of this, please

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I’m a bit confused about why you feel safe making such irreverent observations about powerful government officials. If they were really onboard with The Great Reset etc wouldn’t they silence dissent? Forgive my ignorance about Russian politics. Are people there afraid of their government or not?

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Efforts to silence dissent are already well underway -- skeptical doctors are being threatened with fines and jail time (and I've seen more recent reports saying authorities are going after anyone suspected of spreading "misinformation" about the unassailable vaccine): https://www.znak.com/2021-11-03/glava_roszdravnadzora_potrebovala_nayti_vrachey_antiprivivochnikov_im_grozit_shtraf_i_tyurma

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Also, allowing a bit of dissent can help create the illusion of freedom. Part of Red China's Thousand Flowers strategy, which Russia most definitely uses here and there.

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Very good, indeed.

Only with proper questions can proper answers be hoped for.

While tis only Eddie & "boots on the ground" persons who can answer your country-specific question, the question itself, - ".Are people there afraid of their government or not?" - like the 'pandemic' itself, is applicable world-wide.

And what you will see.... world wide... is that it is 'powerful government officials' who "afraid of their government" as they have the inside track on just how true the axiom is:


but as for the general populace, mere chaff driven by the winds of media which are given the task of imposed the STATES' mandate of inducing states of terror... their compliance with the desired effect is a function of their degree of absorption of the [radioactive isotope like]of 'social medias' - the sad sack wester world being of course the most heavily saturated,

and the so-called 'developing countries' the least - Rus would be positioned somewhat in the lower middle there, would it not? That simple fact of time and demography allows the jingoistic among the slavic section of our gallery to shout out the superiority of their people - by some kind of 'ethnic magic' ...

thereby fulfilling the expectations of the $power, that it can comfortably ride to victory by relying upon ye olde 'divide and conques'... 'us versus them' ... pick your 'team' and cheer em on mass psychology of communo-fascism.

As seen lately in the west... with the arrival in 2016 of the phony 'populist'/nationalist "revolution' of TRIMPFISM ... inducing among the rump 'right' a compliance with the 'sio/nazi/bolshie program of STATE TERROR which used to be the province of the fake 'left!'

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At least the Russian people are more sensible. That poll suggests most people rejected the idea of QR codes, which is good.

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He can then tell his garbage to the judges of the court that will try him for genocide, assuming that he is not lynched first.

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