I've always rather assumed that the objective was the situation in 1984 (the novel) with societies aware that "their side" is involved in a perpetual war which necessitates a permanent state of emergency and disquiet; makes travel difficult, which fluctuates in intensity for no apparent reason. The Ukraine seems the obvious place to create a no-man's-land dividing Mackinder's "island" into East and West.

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-If you think things and bad now, you wont believe what they are going to do next you need to watch this visit....


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Over $110bln of US aid to Ukraine, while 700$ of emergency aid per household is offered in Maui, Hawai. Think about it.

But at least Ukrainian homes are not getting destroyed by Ukrainian direct energy weapons, phew..Not that Zelensky & Co would have a high regard for its population, they simply don't have any energy weapons.

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Keep the war and war mentality going, while working jointly with "the other side" implementing the Great Reset/4IR multi-polar world order. Great planning. Thanks, Riley!

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How was it possible for America - America! - to take so long to not win in Vietnam, Korea and Afghanistan? The same reason as Russia in Ukraine: the ongoing wars serve/d a purpose other than what's advertised in the news.

But "ah" some will say "Ukraine is currently being armed by America" and yet not before it armed Russia to the teeth, starting long ago during the 'Cold War' (and the massive technology transfers that occurred)

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"Who is responsible for Russia's strategic planning in Ukraine?"

God's chosen psychos, who else? The Chabad crime syndicate.

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And the name of this God is 'YALDABAOTH' . - Gnostic Bible .

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IMHO, Kissinger and all the CFR folks have been shaping the world to have 3 competing but identical power centers, as Orwell predicted. Incessant border wars grind down "non-aligned" nations or groups. Meanwhile proles work for food and their energy goes to building more wealth for the big 3.

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The "Who's responsible..." question only makes sense under the assumption that the announced de-militarization and de-Nazification (with auxiliary Donbass protection) goals were the TRUE goals of the SMO.

Since wars are based on disinformation in general, and neither of the two goals are achievable via a military intervention in principle (hence, predictably de facto lead to the opposite effect), the question becomes moot.

You can't judge the strategic planning if you don't know the goals.

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Riley giving a platform to 5or6th or whatever columnists that insist on total victory is absolutely irresponsible. As a hardcore fellow Patriot who is totally anti globalism and all that I highly recommend you listen to the voice of a true shashlik and borscht loving hardliner who is acceptable to the benevolent hardworking officials and beuracrats in Moscow:


Vladimir Soloviev who is Russias top talking head on tv due strictly to his merit clearly spells out that Russia doesn't owe Donbass anything what so ever. If they don't like getting blown up in a special military not war they can just move to Ukraine. As a serious anti Western fellow supporter of Russia it outrages me when people say the Russian government owes a bunch of free loaders in Donbass so much as a kopek. I mean the hard working Azeris and Central Asians colonizing Russian cities don't sit around whining all day do they? No they do the labor that whiny Russians just refuse to do for a fraction of the pay. That's why the Kremlin is so much happier to pay benefits to their families when they move to Russia than it is to pay benefits to DNR and LNR militiamen who think they are owed something just because they and their families are living under a rain of missiles and bombs.

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this war sounds like ethnic cleansing to me, on both sides. Zelensky made remarks he will replace dead Ukrainians with immigrants and Putin and his chabad gang dont love Russians either as he persecuted Russian nationalists for years before his 'special operation'.

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“How is it that Russia’s military planners did not anticipate—or even plan for—the possibility of NATO’s involvement in Ukraine? How is that even humanly possible?”


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Who said hat these leaders are humans ?

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"Everything is done reluctantly, insufficiently or not done at all."

It's obvious, that the MIC and all ancillary industries were thrilled when the Kremlin bit the bait and got mired down in a "Not War" which the Russian leadership mistakenly believed would be a quickly ending skirmish.

So that could explain why this is a situation which is being tackled half-heartedly, as they realize it was a blunder to get involved in.

After all, look at the aftermath of this mess--NATO is more powerful than ever before and the energy supply chains are totally restructured to favor Western oil industries while the new recipients of bargain basement priced oil are China and India.

That being said, this doesn't even include the decades of economic plundering that'll entail the rebuilding of Ukraine.

The question is how long will this disaster last? I guess, that depends on how long the "usual suspect ghouls" can continue extracting billions in tax dollars from a lobotomized US population.

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To paraphrase Sen. George Aiken who--in 1966--spoke to the U.S. Senate regarding the rapidly developing quagmire that was the Vietnam War, Putin & Co.--if they care anything at all about Russia's future--should "declare victory and get out" of Ukraine.

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Russia needed a quit exit after engaging in an aggressive attack, but because that didn't happen the US/WEF/NATO/EU goblins would like to indefintely protract the conflict.

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IMHO therein lies the greatest tragedy of this fratricidal conflict. Putin's utter lack of preparation for a military eventuality has resulted in increased death & destruction for the people of the long-suffering Donbass, an expanded and reinvigorated NATO, and an implacably hostile Ukraine wedded on Russia's southwestern border.

It was Carl von Clausewitz who wrote that "war is politics by other means". With this maxim in mind, the last thing one does is enter heedlessly into a conflict without adequate preparation, for the worst thing you can display to a potential adversary is weakness and incompetence. Sadly for Russia, both Putin & Shoigu have shown both in spades.

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But the sage of the Pentagon - Donald Rumsfeld said (2003): "You go to war with the army you have not the army you'd like to have". Events can force heedless actions. Strategic decision making is essentially judgements as to the amount of "forcing" one encounters.

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That war criminal is the last person to dispense with any military advice. He makes McNamara look good.

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Despite what you think about Rumsfeld, you cannot deny the truth of his statement.

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IMO it's impossible for a "leader" to be such an incompetent. Só the only answers that remain are, Putin has no power at all or Putin is the most treasonous person in history to the Russian people.

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I believe it's the latter.

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I was trying to be a little positive:)

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Yes, and unfortunately it's the residents of Donbass who couldn't leave as well as the young soldiers in both Ukraine and Russia who are paying the price. That being said, it's the proles who are always the victims or collateral damage of every ruling elite scheme and scam.

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Putin knows what he is doing, it seems he has no clue and lives in a castle in the sky but this war will weaken and destroy Russia by his years of naivity and militarly bumbling. I think its all by design, Putin is the traitor.

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China and the US were obviously aware of the covid lies from the beginning. Given that Russia was too, her falling into lockstep revealed her position. Trying to figure out exactly what all the insane warmongering revolving around Ukraine is all about is probably largely a waste of resources. The goal is probably just to kill more people; confuse everyone about what is really going on in Ukraine; make us all afraid of WWIII and a possible nuclear war; and divert our attention from what is really going on. Which as many are aware, is to march us all into a OWG prison we do not want to be in. I wonder about Europe, and especially Germany, being excluded from any significant consideration by most commentators. Crushing Germany has been an historical US/UK goal, to prevent European unification and the emergence of Europe as another power center. The Ukrainian war is apparently bleeding Germany and other European countries to some significant extent. This could be another covert reason for prolonging the Ukrainian conflict. The US/NATO is also investing an insane amount of military and other resources in Ukraine. Why? This is a valid question. To destabilize Russia is one obvious answer. To destabilize Europe is another possible answer. Then there is the possibility of covert arms transfer into undesirable hands, apart from Ukrainian, which some reliable commentators have noted. Are all the massive amounts of arms, military equipment and money actually ending up in Ukraine? Staying in Ukraine? Being used by Ukraine in the war or non-war with Russia? There is apparently no accountability and the Ukraine regime is not likely to be a reliable source of information. Just wondering.

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As long as Europe and Russia are bleeding its good for the US and China. Putin is either a traitor or a big fool that got lured into Ukraine, a Afghanistan on Russia's border. The plan is to bleed Russia white using Ukrainian fodder, or poles or some other eastern european nation that got traumatised by the soviets. Stir up some old hatred and grudges and its easy. The US just has to keep on the printing press $ and restart their military industrial complex that will keep Ukraine supplied for years.

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Senator Rand Paul proposed an audit of the billions being sent to support the fascists. As always, his idea was shot down by the war-crazed Senate.

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Yes I read this. Rand Paul seems to be one of the good apples in the barrel. There are others. Sometimes it only takes a few good men. We can only hope so.

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The answer to the title of the article is simple, Putin.

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He's the RF's president after all! The buck stops with him.

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Of course.

In any organization the top " manager" is always responsible for whatever happens within the organization.

Rússia should be no exception, so for me blaiming Shoigu, Elvira, Surkov, etc for whatever bad that happens with Rússia is bullsh*t.

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I couldn't agree more! 👏👏👏👏👏👏

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I am forced to conclude that Putin has been a figment of the western imagination for at least a decade, with me the most long-term deluded. I am also forced to conclude that Russia is predominently controlled by the same corrupt and brain-dead bureaucrats who rule the West, with financial incentives provided by the oligarchs. Thus, East = West = East. Australia will have to go it alone and reconstruct our economy over the graves of our own politicians, bureaucrats and oligarchs. If successful, we will show you all how it is done. A effing big "if" though.

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A rising new Australian political party has the slogan: "Stop the rot, sack the lot." I am NOT a member of this party or any other political party anywhere! SHALOM.

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Probably because you realise the futility of belonging to any party.

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I read your input again Edward, and I want to add my own gratitude to that of others, for your extended critical analysis of the situation in Ukraine. I especially appreciate your attention to factors that others seem to be unaware of, or simply dismiss. For instance, that Russia may crumble due to economic strain and/or oligarch feuding. Most of all I value greatly your call for open discussion/debate on the subject. This is refreshing in the current climate of propaganda, censorship and suppression of free speech. If we all cooperate to get all the relevant information on the board, then we can more accurately assess the situation to the best of our ability. However, inevitably we seem to be trying to assess an insane situation through a sane lens.

A friend asserts calmly, confidently and boldly: "the world is insane". She is not referring to the war or non-war in Ukraine. I find her perspective challenging because it forces me to face the reality of the world I live in. This liberates me from the dystopian fog of cognitive dissonance I tend to stumble around in. I think we have lived in a world that has been gradually going more and more insane for some time. We have denied the facts, clung to our security blanket, and done little to effectively address the real situation. Now some of us are being roughly awoken, to the reality of our nations out of our control and our world spiraling towards destruction. I think we need to walk in faith towards victory. "There is always hope." (Aragorn LOTR)

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Riley, please show this to Marko. Hope it will bring him back.


Even after anti-empire site being on the freezer for 8 months it still appears on the list of "alternative" website's traffic.

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Aug 18, 2023Edited
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8 months without a new post

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A lot of money laundering is going on, that's for sure! Looking at the bigger picture though, it seems like America's Deep State is trying to obliterate Russia and regime change to something more useful to their globalist agenda. Now, the question all my colleagues are asking is; how many red lines will the west get away with, before Russian patience wears out? It seems to us, that America is trying to keep the war confined to Europe, so once again, Europe will pay the price for Deep State meddling.

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