Talk about false narrative. Current hysteria about 'invasion' is nothing more than a product of internal politics in the US and UK and a projection, gladly amplified by some of the Putin's internal opposition (like this general who has his personal grievances against Putin, and who isn't in any way objective reader of the events). Russia remains Ukraine's #1 economic partner; why would it spend money on fighting when it makes good money by trading? The whole idea of a war goes against international law, against Russian military doctrine, and against Putin's personal philosophy and practices. For the last 7 years, all the "intervention" Putin could offer to Donbass was Russian passports and "Minsk agreements" - something Donbass doesn't even want. So, maximum what RF might be willing to do at this point is to recognize the 2 Donbass republics' independence (thus creating a buffer zone between Russia and Ukraine - and even that will be done only if Russia gets pushed against the wall by some particularly ungodly provocation from the other side...).

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so you think Russia taking military action (of some kind) is a non-possibility? I'm honestly not so sure; I don't think it's the most likely scenario but I can't completely write it off. I thought Marko's take was rather good on this: https://anti-empire.com/hands-up-if-you-were-ever-surprised-by-a-putin-move/

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Of course, we don't know, and cannot pretend to know, what Putin and his advisors think and plan. However, so far, the ONLY 'proof' of Russians 'amassing troops' that I know of is the doctored photo collection William Burns had personally distributed to the heads of the European capitals. That 'evidence' must've been compiled by the same Langley artists who provided Gina Haskell with photos of dead babies and ducks afflicted by the Novichok in Salisbury in 2018. Was there anything else that I've missed? Let me know. Secondly, if Russia were to start a war, that war would never be about Ukraine; it would be about NATO's decision making centers both in the US and EU, and therefore would be fought 'long distance', no amassing troops on Russia's borders needed. If it were about taming Ukraine, Russia could have done it through economic means. But what for?! Russia already accommodates millions of Ukrainians, it doesn't need another Somalia on its border. I think Alexander Mercouris is more to the point when he says that this conflict is about Germany's fight for its de-occupation, and about Russia's attempt to help it in this fight. Had Sholtz given Biden a 'We-will-cancel-NS2-if-Russia invades' speech, the CIA's false flag would have been launched already. But Sholtz didn't say any such thing. So, let's hope Germany prevails.

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Great points, Russian Observer. Good to see here someone who actually understands the dynamics of Russian politics and its drivers. In regards to the possibility of a war, if we can liken Ukraine in this situation to the sacrificial calf that resists with all force from being taken to the slaughterhouse, then Russia is more like a half-awake bear in its den, that needs to be provoked in an extremely hard way in order to get out and start fighting. The only thing, the way I see it, that can provoke Russia's military action is full out attack by Ukrainian forces on republics of Donbass, and then they would be forced to respond because not responding would mean a huge loss of face internally that would lead to a significant destabilization of political situation inside of Russia. The reasons Ukrainians that have at least 4x military advantage over army of Donbass don't attack is because they really don't know where Russia would stop this time and are scared to death if as result of their agression they would become a government in exile somewhere in London, away from their income sources in Ukraine.

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Mercouris spent huge energies pooh-poohing the reports that Russia would intervene in Syria, then turned on a dime when she did.

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Lavrov's deputy, Ryabkov, yesterday published an article basically saying the same thing as Mercouris.

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This is all one can credibly say at the moment. Great comments.

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Maybe you're right. Or maybe Russia invades tomorrow. Nobody really wanted WWI but it happened.


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The Germans fervently wanted war bro. Everything in their culture at the time was about revenge and lost territory and simply the joy of war for the Teutonic spirit. It's all over Mein Kampf. Please don't tell me "but Stalin was going to invade!"

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Well, yes, Stalin was going to invade. And Britain wanted Germany crushed. And world Jewry had already declared war. But that is not the world war John mentioned.

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There's always a little Nazi zealot.

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And your point is?

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LOL, I haven't been following the Ukraine/Russia thing very closely over the past week or so but Anti-Empire's entire front page is Russia/Ukraine related.

Asylum for Poroshenko?

Amphibious ships being deployed to Crimea.

Russian cruisers in the Med/Black Sea.

300K Russian paramilitary police on exercises.

And Vadim Pristayko picks *now* to go on radio and talk about getting anti-ship missiles from England? LOL, do you *want* Russia to invade or what?

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And this one just dropped. From RT. "UK to Arm Ukraine With Anti-Ship Missiles"

So, like TASS, why is Russian state supported media publishing stories like this?

If the story is true, it shows the West racing up to Russia's red lines.

If the story is false, it shows Russian state media turning up the temperature.

Either way, not a good sign.



Even worse:

The person making the statement is Vadim Pristayko, who is Ukraine's envoy to the UK and the former Foreign Minister of Ukraine!?! Supposedly spoken in an interview on "Novoye Radio":

"Britain will supply Kiev with anti-ship missiles to potentially use against the Russian Navy in the Black Sea, Ukraine’s envoy to Britain, Vadim Pristayko, said in an interview with Novoye Radio on Tuesday."

I mean, talk about poking the Bear. Either Ukraine is poking the bear or the UK is here. Ugh.


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UK doesn't seem to have any other purpose in life than to poke the Bear.

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For Russia, to attack Kiev - the 'mother of Russian cities' as the saying goes - is simply inconceivable. I am not saying that Russia will never fight. But it will never attack Ukraine first.

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The liberal scam-hipsters managed to co-exist with the hardcore old-school goons, but that might be changing! Putin has already created numerous security agencies so they all have competing interests and can't gang up on him, but he won't be able to pull of an Erdogan post-2016 coup attempt military cleansing.

Will have to see if others speak up too, especially on Zvezda.

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the fact is that no democracy / state fairly shares the land and natural resources of a nation. Russia and the US and all others need to establish "earth rights democracy" by socializing the land rent (surplus value, unearned income) of the gifts of nature - land and natural resources, while removing taxation on productive labor and capital.

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There's a historical phenomenon in Russia that seems to have incorporated similar elements, called копное право. The idea of reviving it is often brought up in anti-globalist discussions. Fingers crossed... https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9A%D0%BE%D0%BF%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B5_%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%BE

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Can you handle a shotgun? I have a position for you.

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I do not need a shotgun, just use my mouth and a keyboard, ha ha. I have friends - in Russia - who are for this. PLUS - Tolstoy. the great Leo. Many letters to the Tsar. Plus ancient history - back to Vedic civilization, Indus River Valley, plus endorsements by Nobel Prize winning economists, etc. etc. plus Judeo Christian economics. And a team that knows how to implement this step by step, and also address the central banking money problem.

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Excellent. It is this.

Yet no one, nowhere, will take up this chalice.

I wonder why?

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Au contraire, or something French like. Many taking up this chalice, truly a grail type object, because it holds the key to moving out of the right/left box that the global elites have stuck us in. We now have a map and model for the Great Escape - the Peoples Reset, local to global. We already have partial working examples. Theory and practice both strong and clear.

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Which a load of trash. The "internal enemies" are those who answer to the western [=dominant imperialism, the U.S. since WW1] Deep state, basically the same enemies which the October Revolution fought. There's so much crap written here that it's hard to decide where to start, especially in view of the waste of time

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completely wrong. I lived in russia for 18 years and i will tell you this information is completely false. Russia is an amazing place with an amazing economy/government.

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Hi Riley/Edward, first, I listened with much interest to your conversation with Whitney and find this Russian general's view of the situation fascinating. Now, for the even more expansive geo-political context, I recommend thorough study of the globe-hopping Brazilian correspondent, Pepe Escobar's column published by another Moscow-passed on-line publication, Strategic-Culture.org in today's edition: https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2022/02/09/do-you-want-a-war-between-russia-and-nato/ to set off an even more complex discussion!

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long time retired general

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amazing that Putin is just a little bit less destructive than the Western governments and all the hatred pouring from London & Washington is because Putin allows only his cronies to plunder Russia, without "sharing" it with the anglos. Whom pay back by sanctioning Russia. Sanctions that make Russia poorer and thus less attractive to massive afro-asiatic immigration, slowing down the destruction of russia

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Not very knowledgeable about Russia. But i have a few interesting narratives to put forth.

A Danish author wrote a book one-two years ago, predicting a Russian nuclear bombing of a small English town to get the west off its back. A possibility?

I used to think that putin would want to avoid armed conflict, Russia have slowly build up a middle class that creates stability (but perhaps the middle class is now falling apart?). I now doubt this logic.

One of my takes on the c-one-nine thingy is that it's a deliberate attempt to undermine the middle and working class because it's getting too rowdy. We're voting for the wrong people, asking unwanted questions and keep insisting on decentralisation of power but also of goods. The lockdowns isolated people, ruined local businesses and put globalisation as the only solution. War can have the same effect. Which is perhaps why all western nations talk about war with Russia while trying to keep attention away from the failures of c-1-nine and removing the unnecessary measures. They are drumming up a new scare to keep the centralization of power going, crumbling local communities and cementing total reliability on global institutions (governmental or private doesn't matter, serves same purpose, and those runing them have similar interests - aquisition of power).

This is sort of a similar conclusion as the General.

Too many powerful people with shared interests - keeping and growing power - leading to the most globalisation inhancing predicaments being jumped at, overblown and used for this purpose.


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