>Please, I beg you—read this Declaration and share it with all your friends. The Kazan Declaration is not just a massive victory for BRICS, it is a victory for all decent freedom-loving people on Earth.
That is most probably what you think it is, or have been told that. I do agree though that the both the Freemasons and Jesuits have colluded in the destruction of cohesive societies using divide an conquer.
I don't think it has anything to do with an eagle. But it is a symbol of course as the masons dividers and caliper.
The collusion we have that manifests in communism is driven by ideology of Marxism and Maoism. The British specialise in divide and rule. They still control the US through the Pilgrims society.
David Daniels who spent twenty years of searching the Hebrew and Greek scriptures and studying the history of the Bible, he concluded that the King James Bible is God's preserved words in English. He discussed the Jesuits’ infiltration and division strategy, their influence on the Roman Catholic Church and Protestant churches, their relationships with other groups such as Jews and Muslims, their involvement in global decision-making, their connection to wars, the symbolism of the US dollar, and their historical impact with Jermwafare.
"The Jesuits are a military organisation, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organisation is power—power in its most despotic exercise—absolute power, universal power, the power to control the world by the volition of a single man. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms and, at the same time, the greatest and most enormous of abuses" - Napoleon Bonaparte
Lol, They have many names, politicians, leader's (not), king's, Queens, philanthropist's, Evil dirty Caaaant's. I could go on but I've just not got the time there's so many, things to do hee hee. Respect & X 2 All.
Same dress but VERY DIFFERENT behaviors. I mean, in my opinion, based on past behaviors of both BRICS and G7, the main and most important difference between BRICS and G7 is that, with BRICS you get a STRONG protection against other countries bullying you. In comparison, with G7 you get a very WEAK protection against other countries bullying you.
If one looks at who are involved with BRICS, the warning is clear. Ramaphosa has firmly established himself as a consummate liar. Has been linked to CIA. A Marxist socialist at heart. His best friends are communists, and he is a Champaign socialist while he hob-knobbs with the oligarchs. He has agreed to fully implement the unelected supranational UN's Marxist IRENA energy policy that is failing everywhere and causing massive price increases that benefit the WEF Electricity investors only. He is fully behind the WEF's fourth Industrial Revolution. Of course he is also a WEF member as is his oligarchic partner Johann Rupert. His B-I-L Patrice Motsepe too is a WEF member. We all are aware of the WEF Partnership with the UN to drive world wide communism
Never mind China and Russia's involvement with Ramaphosa's Marxist ANC and the British Monarchy and its freemasons.
Then we have the new Marxist Socialist President of Brazil Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. One of his first acts was to limit firearms to the public. Another Marxist trait.
I could go on and on. BTW the are no real differences between BRICS and G7 & G20 either. Just simple manipulation and skullduggery and distraction (behaviour). The ultimate Agenda is exactly the same. The declarations spell it out.
Of course they will all go to WEF & listen to what the small cabal of monsters financing & controlling WEF say...but what they do is entirely different matter.
I have my BA in Russian/Soviet history; and have travelled there twice: In July 1992 and March/April 2010. Both times I spoke at length with locals, and received a wide variety of opinion.
Yes Russia would lose its sovereignty if BRICS was a demonic plot for global government. Which it isn't. It's the exact opposite. BRICS want a UN (without US veto) to uphold international law in the face of US hegemony so that the global majority can have nation state sovereignty.
Don't fall for it...they want the opposite ie their Sovereignty respected! You need to consider what they espose might be completely open to how that is interpreted & implemented...also seems this blurb make all sorts of "allowances" for particular sovereign resources & needs.
You people are unbelievable. BRICS want the UN to be able to uphold international law which should be able to prevent genocides of Palestinians and things like that as well as to enforce sovereignty of nation states in the face of US regime changes, interference and NGOs . They want the exact opposite of global government.
Jo You must know they fake scientific studies ALL THE TIME for private profit...& cancel scientist that refute them....seems to me its a mafia ..& they make trillions out it too! Sorry but I suspect they will be minting even more money & controlling people via "carbo footprint" a same time...& whilst taking private jets & private "ships" all over globe....Its not very hard, just watch what they do!
Coal and Oil can suck my fcking cock weather climate change Is real or not. I think it is but that's got nothing to do with coal and oil just being a shit energy source when there's much better alternatives. The oil companies has been suppressing real alternative energy sources that could get us into space eliminate wars for resources. Both sides are wrong on this isseu.
This is so revealing of your lack of understanding of what's going on in the world. Putin doesn't want sovereignty so he can get away with burning coal! He wants protection from NATO encroaching on his borders and to stop the US interferrring in elections and staging coups amongst his neighbours.
Not care about the climatic hoax? Even signing up to net zero and SD 'goals' doesn't stop a country doing what it likes- they are forms of procrastination. But yes, BRICS are going to be forced to care about the climate crisis- but that's their problem. The economy and influence of the US and EU are going down.
I suspect you are quite right Jo Waller, also they are all individually ramping up the established "fake crises" rackets to gain more domestic power. Always watch what they do...just who has been expanding their "footprints" territorially, financially & via ""regime changes"/"capturing states"? .....this war in Ukraine is terrible for Russia...do you really think Putin (even if he was the only one in control) wants this? He has tried hard for 20yrs for friendship & trade with World. Everybody with half a functioning brain knows the "fake crises" have nothing to do with helping anyone but the "power, profiteer & control brigade"....And sorry Jo "the CATASTROPHIC climate Change" is a total scam ...if they did care, they would stop the mind boggling waste (steel, concrete, glass & packaging & you name it) ....In Australia we ship bottles of beer from 20,000 Klm away in EU (worth about $1 wholesale) and then just throw it away and ship it off to rubbish tip....The waste of energy in West is mind boggling & so easy to stop BUIT they nor doing this...that is your proof its not about saving planet....its a control device via the plebs carbon restrictions/rations/payments... Also how much wasted energy to make the MIC & created in needlessly blowing up as many places as wish. Furthermore there is no proven link between "carbon" and "climate" (they know from Geology & history of carbon sinks & climate) ..also man only produces 3% of Carbon envisions, also CO2 is great for plant growth...97% of Scientists on the take agree we have CC problem. See Climate The Movie. In my suspicion BRICS is about regaining nation sovereignty in the light of Wars & sanctions screwing countries, what else?
btw, I had to 'go in' and delete my 'generic' Substack post page, until I do, if ever, actually put any content on it. It is not too difficult, but helps folks from getting excited about what you would say as a writer, only to go there and not find a page. I really hate auto things such as this. Everything should be 'opt in' not have to jump thru hoops to 'opt out' . That seems to be how they are hooking us.
"Jacquelyn . We know its not your fault . You are infected . We will administer the universal vaccine to you . Its safe and effective . You will see the world in a different way .You will be on your way to happiness . "
Cloning the West’s Satanic 2030 Agenda for later merging Borghive-style with its source code is hardly a Deathblow to Globalism but more a deadly metastasizing of the current social tyranny to terminate a free and natural humanity globally.
BRICS is not "cloning" anything... BRICS is simply another model to achieve the same things, another flavor of net to capture all of us. There should be no doubt any longer in anyone's minds that BRICS is the brainchild of the same psychopaths who want to own & control the entire planet.
Remember - the means matters not, only the ends they desire. "By any means necessary" - BAMN.
We’re surrounded & governed by lunatics! Not shocked in the slightest, was brought up to not trust government and question all “authority” it’s the people vs well the predator class!
Until now this was " The Planet of the Apes " Now its the Planet of the Lunatics . I have noticed this personally a long time ago , when nobody believed me that I am Napoleon .
The implied premise of BRICS is that what is good for business is good for the working class. In reality, the interests of business and the working class are 100% in opposition.
BRICS is a con. They want you to believe there are good capitalists and bad capitalists.
Riley, thanks for your astute analysis of the results of the US/NATO Summit. Oh, oops, i erred, this was actually the BRICS Summit. :-)
My blood boils when i see all the CRAP being posted by "freedom" folks on Facebook lauding the Kazan Summit. Sincerely, many thanks for adhering to BRICS reality, Riley!
I pity the poor souls who put a shred of hope in politics, even the politics of the BRICS+ nations (and their governments) as an alternative to the politics of the G7 and the G20 nation-states.
May all forms of statism go to hell in a hand basket!!
Give me anarchy, literally “no princes/rulers”. Why the human condition culturally evolved to create a power hierarchy of pathocratic and psychotic and narcissistic and psychopathic (so-called) “leaders” is beyond my comprehension and pay grade.
I think it’s called progress. Maybe the Australian originals had the right idea. Don’t invent anything just wander about the country and eat / sleep / procreate ?
Benito Mussolini had a speech at the League of Nations where he said openly that none of the people there representing of their nations but their Masonic Lodges . After that the League was dissolved .
Mr. Arthur . Where I have read this was a long time ago , but I wanted to have some more info about Benito . Mussolini was put in position by the Italian Masonic Lodges what were established by the British Scottish Rights . He turned against them . He was killed with Klara together in a fire fight with machine guns in hands . He had received the punishment for masons who betrays them . He was disemboweled and his eyelids were cut off . The eyelids being cut off is because the death soul stays around the body for 1-to 3 days . Its to scare the soul and make it to remember . Then he will reborn with that memory . Nice people .
LMFAO no, not even close - the League was dissolved when the white countries refused to accept Japan's demand that Japanese people officially be declared equivalent to "white" with the same rights as white people, esp when traveling abroad
Is that the reason ? LMFAO . Maybe it was an excuse . Than listen to his open speech to the Italian people in 1937 in the Piazza Venezia Rome about the League of Nations
" Do you want to stay in the League or you want to leave ? "
He was right . Look at them today . They all sold their nations to their lodges . How they carried out the idiotic one world order to the Covid-bullshit .
Edward, together with Rurik (again), you're such a brilliant Party pooper. Keep up the good work, even if it hurts the first time. Yeah, another deadly deathblow to the anal satanic new world order (my ass) 😂
Thank you very much for this assessment, it is so important for all those who still believe that Putin and the BRICS have a savior function in relation to the NWO. Especially here in Germany, this is exactly what is still being propagated in the social media. I really can't take it anymore! What a madness. I am very happy to share this article and so far it has been well received by those who still have doubts, which is a good sign! With regard to the text of the summit, I really wonder how they can still talk about „democracy“ and use the term "nation" in this context. It seems totally absurd to me.
I send my warmest regards from northern Germany to the great Edward community, including the Institute and all the great dogs and cats… I love it😍
There are no good guys/white hats. There’s only the Pathocracy against the non-psychopaths who want nothing to do with the sadistic and psychotic and psychopathic and narcissistic Machiavellian machinations of the world’s (so-called) “leaders” and “elitists”. May they all go extinct!
When I show this to Brics-Fans, they say this is clever 3D Chess by the Brics to mislead and subvert the globalists. And then point to Russia‘s superior arms production capacity. Not sure how that makes any sense, so I usually stop the discussion there.
That's what the author does, unfortunately—spends time researching and writing some very good stuff, and then ruins it all by soaking it in sarcasm. I've stopped forwarding links to his articles a long time ago—just too confusing unless you know the author's tendencies.
Same dress different doll. That is clear. Both WEF and BRICS are UN 2030 agenda enthusiasts.
Thanks Riley for this
BRICS still has to use SWIFT as far as I know, so yep, just another identical twin in a different costume
Hard to detect the sarcasm in this article, got to admit I'm 50 50 on like or unsubscribe
You can unsubscribe don’t say just do it
Yep, I can do that, maybe I will, maybe I wont. As I said I'm 50 50 , so as yet undecided.
He try to scare us .
>Please, I beg you—read this Declaration and share it with all your friends. The Kazan Declaration is not just a massive victory for BRICS, it is a victory for all decent freedom-loving people on Earth.
Pure, unadulterated sarcasm with a capital !
Yeah, I had trouble identifying the sarcasm too.
Now now that's enough of frivolity misses, whatever next? people having fun! Lol. Respect & X 2 All
True! What do you think the eagle looking left and right means.
It’s the divide and conquer system run by the jesuits and high Freemasons and all the secret societies whose boss is the devil.
That is most probably what you think it is, or have been told that. I do agree though that the both the Freemasons and Jesuits have colluded in the destruction of cohesive societies using divide an conquer.
I don't think it has anything to do with an eagle. But it is a symbol of course as the masons dividers and caliper.
The collusion we have that manifests in communism is driven by ideology of Marxism and Maoism. The British specialise in divide and rule. They still control the US through the Pilgrims society.
David Daniels who spent twenty years of searching the Hebrew and Greek scriptures and studying the history of the Bible, he concluded that the King James Bible is God's preserved words in English. He discussed the Jesuits’ infiltration and division strategy, their influence on the Roman Catholic Church and Protestant churches, their relationships with other groups such as Jews and Muslims, their involvement in global decision-making, their connection to wars, the symbolism of the US dollar, and their historical impact with Jermwafare.
"The Jesuits are a military organisation, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organisation is power—power in its most despotic exercise—absolute power, universal power, the power to control the world by the volition of a single man. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms and, at the same time, the greatest and most enormous of abuses" - Napoleon Bonaparte
Their called jeWsuits, silly!
Lol, They have many names, politicians, leader's (not), king's, Queens, philanthropist's, Evil dirty Caaaant's. I could go on but I've just not got the time there's so many, things to do hee hee. Respect & X 2 All.
There is an other eagle and it is already here . Name is Horus . The rising Sun. They
know this too . So they are getting ready . "Satan Summoning his Legions."
We just have to get the popcorn . This will be 'The Greatest Show on Earth '.
>Same dress different doll.
Same dress but VERY DIFFERENT behaviors. I mean, in my opinion, based on past behaviors of both BRICS and G7, the main and most important difference between BRICS and G7 is that, with BRICS you get a STRONG protection against other countries bullying you. In comparison, with G7 you get a very WEAK protection against other countries bullying you.
Details and sources are into my other comment at https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/would-you-like-know-what-brics-just/comment/74392473
If one looks at who are involved with BRICS, the warning is clear. Ramaphosa has firmly established himself as a consummate liar. Has been linked to CIA. A Marxist socialist at heart. His best friends are communists, and he is a Champaign socialist while he hob-knobbs with the oligarchs. He has agreed to fully implement the unelected supranational UN's Marxist IRENA energy policy that is failing everywhere and causing massive price increases that benefit the WEF Electricity investors only. He is fully behind the WEF's fourth Industrial Revolution. Of course he is also a WEF member as is his oligarchic partner Johann Rupert. His B-I-L Patrice Motsepe too is a WEF member. We all are aware of the WEF Partnership with the UN to drive world wide communism
Never mind China and Russia's involvement with Ramaphosa's Marxist ANC and the British Monarchy and its freemasons.
Then we have the new Marxist Socialist President of Brazil Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. One of his first acts was to limit firearms to the public. Another Marxist trait.
I could go on and on. BTW the are no real differences between BRICS and G7 & G20 either. Just simple manipulation and skullduggery and distraction (behaviour). The ultimate Agenda is exactly the same. The declarations spell it out.
Why this hatred of Marxism? I am sure you know little about it.
Wrong, I actually was involved in training troops to fight the Marxist invasion of Southern Africa in the 1970's.
So I am well aware of the evil of Marxism.
”A Marxist system is recognized by the fact that it spares the criminals and criminalizes political opponents.” - Solzhenitsyn.
Exactly! The same agenda from different angles.
Where you get this stuff? That's not true.
When you really search deep,and it takes years for you to find out how bad it really stinks.
We all are constantly learning, but wisdom and discernment comes from our Creator.
Proverbs Chapter 9 Verse 10 KJV
The Fear of the Lord is the begining of wisdom and the knowledge of the Holy Is understanding.
Oh dear, religion rules again.
Religion does not rule.
From very reliable sources. Which part is untrue of what I said Crawford?
Thank’s for the excellent reply! I’m in agreement with all you wrote.
We are constantly learning!
I did not know that Napoleon said that or wrote that? Probably some time before his death!
Very interesting since he was painted with his hand raised hidden to his belly or heart.
The hand story is symbolism too. It's common practice for the elite to salute with hand to the hart even when wearing a hat.
Thanks for this information!
So they want global government under the UN.
Where have I heard that before?
From Klaus Schwab's WEF! Where else?
You have fallen hook line and sinker for the WEF hoax then!
Of course they will all go to WEF & listen to what the small cabal of monsters financing & controlling WEF say...but what they do is entirely different matter.
Wouldn't Russia lose its sovereignty. Putin just said to a BBC Journalist that this is sooooo important for him and Russia to be sovereign. lol
Russia lost its sovereignty in 1917 . The Great October Revolution .
Russia--and the other former Soviet republics--lost their sovereignty in 1991 with the dissolution of the USSR.
John . Do you know anything about your beloved USSR ? Or did you ever lived in a communist state ?
I have my BA in Russian/Soviet history; and have travelled there twice: In July 1992 and March/April 2010. Both times I spoke at length with locals, and received a wide variety of opinion.
haha! From which country is your PhD????
It was more of a rhetorical question
Yes Russia would lose its sovereignty if BRICS was a demonic plot for global government. Which it isn't. It's the exact opposite. BRICS want a UN (without US veto) to uphold international law in the face of US hegemony so that the global majority can have nation state sovereignty.
Sorry you drank the coolaid: )
Don't be sorry, I'm not sorry that you did
Evidence please.
This is one of the few coherent comments. Thanks!!!
Lol OK bro
Don't fall for it...they want the opposite ie their Sovereignty respected! You need to consider what they espose might be completely open to how that is interpreted & implemented...also seems this blurb make all sorts of "allowances" for particular sovereign resources & needs.
You people are unbelievable. BRICS want the UN to be able to uphold international law which should be able to prevent genocides of Palestinians and things like that as well as to enforce sovereignty of nation states in the face of US regime changes, interference and NGOs . They want the exact opposite of global government.
Yes and Santa Claus comes down our chimneys every year to give us presents.
And such sovereign state could then use their sovereignty and resources for example burning coal and not care about climatic hoax? ;)
Well Russia signed up to Sustainable Developement Goals and Net Zero.. so NO: )
Exactly, they did sign up cos climate is not a hoax
Jo You must know they fake scientific studies ALL THE TIME for private profit...& cancel scientist that refute them....seems to me its a mafia ..& they make trillions out it too! Sorry but I suspect they will be minting even more money & controlling people via "carbo footprint" a same time...& whilst taking private jets & private "ships" all over globe....Its not very hard, just watch what they do!
Coal and Oil can suck my fcking cock weather climate change Is real or not. I think it is but that's got nothing to do with coal and oil just being a shit energy source when there's much better alternatives. The oil companies has been suppressing real alternative energy sources that could get us into space eliminate wars for resources. Both sides are wrong on this isseu.
Just leave fed
Climate: The Movie....leading experts offer insights here
This is so revealing of your lack of understanding of what's going on in the world. Putin doesn't want sovereignty so he can get away with burning coal! He wants protection from NATO encroaching on his borders and to stop the US interferrring in elections and staging coups amongst his neighbours.
Not care about the climatic hoax? Even signing up to net zero and SD 'goals' doesn't stop a country doing what it likes- they are forms of procrastination. But yes, BRICS are going to be forced to care about the climate crisis- but that's their problem. The economy and influence of the US and EU are going down.
I suspect you are quite right Jo Waller, also they are all individually ramping up the established "fake crises" rackets to gain more domestic power. Always watch what they do...just who has been expanding their "footprints" territorially, financially & via ""regime changes"/"capturing states"? .....this war in Ukraine is terrible for Russia...do you really think Putin (even if he was the only one in control) wants this? He has tried hard for 20yrs for friendship & trade with World. Everybody with half a functioning brain knows the "fake crises" have nothing to do with helping anyone but the "power, profiteer & control brigade"....And sorry Jo "the CATASTROPHIC climate Change" is a total scam ...if they did care, they would stop the mind boggling waste (steel, concrete, glass & packaging & you name it) ....In Australia we ship bottles of beer from 20,000 Klm away in EU (worth about $1 wholesale) and then just throw it away and ship it off to rubbish tip....The waste of energy in West is mind boggling & so easy to stop BUIT they nor doing this...that is your proof its not about saving planet....its a control device via the plebs carbon restrictions/rations/payments... Also how much wasted energy to make the MIC & created in needlessly blowing up as many places as wish. Furthermore there is no proven link between "carbon" and "climate" (they know from Geology & history of carbon sinks & climate) ..also man only produces 3% of Carbon envisions, also CO2 is great for plant growth...97% of Scientists on the take agree we have CC problem. See Climate The Movie. In my suspicion BRICS is about regaining nation sovereignty in the light of Wars & sanctions screwing countries, what else?
Stop listening to Scott Ritter.
You seem one of the few sane people here, Jo!
Anyone else feel like shitting a BRIC?
Another Bric in the wall!
Or throwing it, but where? I have trouble breaking things, all my life I have fixed them. I am called on for new work in this bad new world.
btw, I had to 'go in' and delete my 'generic' Substack post page, until I do, if ever, actually put any content on it. It is not too difficult, but helps folks from getting excited about what you would say as a writer, only to go there and not find a page. I really hate auto things such as this. Everything should be 'opt in' not have to jump thru hoops to 'opt out' . That seems to be how they are hooking us.
I don't know about s>/_÷×ing a bric but after reading that bs i certainly feel like SHITTING A BRIC
"Jacquelyn . We know its not your fault . You are infected . We will administer the universal vaccine to you . Its safe and effective . You will see the world in a different way .You will be on your way to happiness . "
Best comment I'll read today. Thanks!!
thanks right back Stunned GX....from Oregon...
Top Comment Award goes to...
Cloning the West’s Satanic 2030 Agenda for later merging Borghive-style with its source code is hardly a Deathblow to Globalism but more a deadly metastasizing of the current social tyranny to terminate a free and natural humanity globally.
BRICS is not "cloning" anything... BRICS is simply another model to achieve the same things, another flavor of net to capture all of us. There should be no doubt any longer in anyone's minds that BRICS is the brainchild of the same psychopaths who want to own & control the entire planet.
Remember - the means matters not, only the ends they desire. "By any means necessary" - BAMN.
" Resistance is futile . Prepare to assimilate . "
F that.
Well said!
We’re surrounded & governed by lunatics! Not shocked in the slightest, was brought up to not trust government and question all “authority” it’s the people vs well the predator class!
Until now this was " The Planet of the Apes " Now its the Planet of the Lunatics . I have noticed this personally a long time ago , when nobody believed me that I am Napoleon .
Beat them in their own game. Checkmate, globalists! BRICS will out-global the globalists to be even more global and digital and ESG.
I don't think we beat the Book of Revelation game unless we first make it to God Jesus's game/ heaven!
That game is a different beast.
The implied premise of BRICS is that what is good for business is good for the working class. In reality, the interests of business and the working class are 100% in opposition.
BRICS is a con. They want you to believe there are good capitalists and bad capitalists.
Riley, thanks for your astute analysis of the results of the US/NATO Summit. Oh, oops, i erred, this was actually the BRICS Summit. :-)
My blood boils when i see all the CRAP being posted by "freedom" folks on Facebook lauding the Kazan Summit. Sincerely, many thanks for adhering to BRICS reality, Riley!
Another scheme by the transnationalist plutocrats to rope in the hopeful unsuspecting, but naive proles.
I pity the poor souls who put a shred of hope in politics, even the politics of the BRICS+ nations (and their governments) as an alternative to the politics of the G7 and the G20 nation-states.
May all forms of statism go to hell in a hand basket!!
Give me anarchy, literally “no princes/rulers”. Why the human condition culturally evolved to create a power hierarchy of pathocratic and psychotic and narcissistic and psychopathic (so-called) “leaders” is beyond my comprehension and pay grade.
I'm sure those fighting for sovereignty from the US don't need your pity.
Does anyone ever NEED pity?
I think it’s called progress. Maybe the Australian originals had the right idea. Don’t invent anything just wander about the country and eat / sleep / procreate ?
The West und the Brics are the two sides of the same coin. The UN is a mafia, they need, not us.
Geneva Switzerland, Centralized Command & Control | It's a small world after all. It's a small, small world. - https://juxtaposition1.substack.com/p/geneva-switzerland-centralized-command
The BIS in Basel is also fundamental for the world governance.
Benito Mussolini had a speech at the League of Nations where he said openly that none of the people there representing of their nations but their Masonic Lodges . After that the League was dissolved .
i would be really great to have a link to that somehow...
Mr. Arthur . Where I have read this was a long time ago , but I wanted to have some more info about Benito . Mussolini was put in position by the Italian Masonic Lodges what were established by the British Scottish Rights . He turned against them . He was killed with Klara together in a fire fight with machine guns in hands . He had received the punishment for masons who betrays them . He was disemboweled and his eyelids were cut off . The eyelids being cut off is because the death soul stays around the body for 1-to 3 days . Its to scare the soul and make it to remember . Then he will reborn with that memory . Nice people .
LMFAO no, not even close - the League was dissolved when the white countries refused to accept Japan's demand that Japanese people officially be declared equivalent to "white" with the same rights as white people, esp when traveling abroad
Is that the reason ? LMFAO . Maybe it was an excuse . Than listen to his open speech to the Italian people in 1937 in the Piazza Venezia Rome about the League of Nations
" Do you want to stay in the League or you want to leave ? "
He was right . Look at them today . They all sold their nations to their lodges . How they carried out the idiotic one world order to the Covid-bullshit .
The promise of an exciting new taste has devolved rapidly in a new Coke - Pepsi paradigm.
Never fear, we have Cool Cola as a multipolar alternative: https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/russia-creates-cool-new-way-to-get
Nominate your comment for best of the day!
Another Bric in the wall !!
Malaysia is the latest BRIC in the wall. The US Empire is in its last days.
Edward, together with Rurik (again), you're such a brilliant Party pooper. Keep up the good work, even if it hurts the first time. Yeah, another deadly deathblow to the anal satanic new world order (my ass) 😂
Thank you very much for this assessment, it is so important for all those who still believe that Putin and the BRICS have a savior function in relation to the NWO. Especially here in Germany, this is exactly what is still being propagated in the social media. I really can't take it anymore! What a madness. I am very happy to share this article and so far it has been well received by those who still have doubts, which is a good sign! With regard to the text of the summit, I really wonder how they can still talk about „democracy“ and use the term "nation" in this context. It seems totally absurd to me.
I send my warmest regards from northern Germany to the great Edward community, including the Institute and all the great dogs and cats… I love it😍
There are no good guys/white hats. There’s only the Pathocracy against the non-psychopaths who want nothing to do with the sadistic and psychotic and psychopathic and narcissistic Machiavellian machinations of the world’s (so-called) “leaders” and “elitists”. May they all go extinct!
Yes, the fairy tale of the white hats and the story of „trust the plan“... somehow it still doesn't end, the Hopium is just too strong.
Too true. {sigh}
When I show this to Brics-Fans, they say this is clever 3D Chess by the Brics to mislead and subvert the globalists. And then point to Russia‘s superior arms production capacity. Not sure how that makes any sense, so I usually stop the discussion there.
Quakcine mandate was also a subversion...
Are you saying a globalist control of food, currencies, and health is a GOOD thing?
I certainly hope not -- that is the END of humanity and the beginning of mandatory, fascist depopulation.
He's being sarcastic, pounding the " trumputin are anti - 'globalists' " into the dirt.
"Welcome to the other Luciferian world governance brand."
Trumputin are both Luciferian Kabbahalists chosen decades ago to play these roles.
There is no domestic or international opposition to Lucifer. None.
Beautifully expressed, Dora
Well written
Thank you, Deborah. :-)
Way to blackpill the masses. Guess we should all just rollover and die then.
You present a false premise. I am hardly one to rollover or just die. Hardly ! Ridiculous people…
That's what the author does, unfortunately—spends time researching and writing some very good stuff, and then ruins it all by soaking it in sarcasm. I've stopped forwarding links to his articles a long time ago—just too confusing unless you know the author's tendencies.
G20 & BRICS turn-out to be like Coke & Pepsi ...
VERY disappointing indeed .
The human craving for power and control is truly a planetary disease ...
You'd better speed-up your private tunnel project and include to plan to go deeeeeper !!!