Phew. What a relief.

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ah yes a tax. that will appease the weather gods

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Not a tax, much worse than a tax. It's a big SLUSH FUND for the ultra-rich with government guaranteed profits in trading & speculation in carbon credits while doing ZIP to reduce carbon emissions, apart from causing energy poverty or energy rationing for the proletariat who ultimately pay the cost for this incredible wealth transfer scam.

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Right. First time I heard about ESG was at least three years ago, on BlackRock's website.

BlackRock that also invests in the Chinese Communist Party...

When China, Russia, and the western governments are making business with Lucky-Larry-bis-repetita, beyond ideologies ....

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Power is the ability to extract tribute from others, i.e. to tax them, whether it is exercised by a local gangster offering 'protection,' or by a government running essentially the same scam. There are four things to note:

1) If you cannot extract tribute, you don't have power, no matter what your title is, whether you call yourself King or Pope or grand Poo-Bah of Utter Magnificence.

2) it is self amplifying. The more a gangster extracts, the more he can demand.

3) It is fractious. Pigs at a trough fight to own the trough. At first, the Trough-istocracy will cooperate with the Swill-King, their loyalty being bought by the prospect of slops from the trough, but by (2) above, eventually the parties will become rivals fighting for supremacy.

4) It is agglutinative. By (3) above, there must be a supreme pig, the God-hog, master of the trough. This party may change due to infighting, but the trough has a strong tendency to increase in size, other things being equal.

ESG is essentially a scam to extract tribute, a new empire bootstrapping itself into existence, which leads to the essential question of where this protection money is going, because that will be the center of the new empire.

Empires in the past depended on capturing and holding land, because that is what generated the wealth and provided the foot-soldiers, but a territory is no longer strictly necessary if you have other means to accumulate gold and boots. The empires of the future will no longer be identifiable by palaces and borders. We are seeing that now, so where is the center of this new regime?

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The "tributes" will go into pockets, and do nothing else. Except increase their desire for more.

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If only it were that simple! That evil people, appetites sated, would grow fat and lazy, and lose interest beyond their own immediate concerns, but unfortunately, for some, ideology intervenes. A tyrant is someone who, having eaten the world, wants to shit it out in his own image and the ESG program is a massive stinking dump being dropped from on high by the ultra-wealthy. Because they can. The elites don't want to make the world better. They want to make the rest of us do things we don't want to do.

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PIGFARMA is the Major Troughistocrat made pathologically obese by its addiction to Swill and has become the gatekeeper for all the other piggies, big and little, desirous of getting slopped with the swill too.


- George Orwell

Animal Farm

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These geniuses don't have a clue about how To implement any of this shuck- and-jive Fascism. It will end in world widespread self destruction. Not surprised to see Mother Russia clambering on board to see the Grand Realization of the One World Government Wet Dream Climax of World Communism as envisioned by Marxism Leninism...still, you can't help but wonder how Putin reconciles this with his alleged Orthodox Christianity

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Will all Russians "Own nothing and be Happy?

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Absolutely. If you don't declare: "I am happy" you will be sent to an education center (similar to the Covid prison camps setup in Australia) where you will be locked up in your room, force fed pharmaceuticals that zombify your brain until you admit: "Yes, I am happy".

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They changed the messaging to make it more attractive to Russians: "You will own nothing and be miserable."

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Russian music videos often feature cars being driven badly. Given the way they are driven, the cars are implausibly shiny.

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Excellent observation, sir.

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You missed a great opportunity, Riley, to write "A human scum-machine" under the last photo of this article,

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ESG, Net Zero, Carbon Credits, Carbon Trading are just more Financialization of Carbon Speculation Frauds like their previous one called Cap & Trade which did zip to reduce emissions but made $billions for grifters like Al Gore. In fact before their institution after the Kyoto Accords in 1997, emissions increased from 1.5%/yr for the previous 24 yrs to 2.2%/yr for the subsequent 19 yrs, including the depression that began in 2007. A total failure. Just another wealth transfer of $trillions from the poor & middle class to the uber-rich. Government guaranteed profiteering.

If they REALLY cared about emissions (hint: they don't), they would institute the Revenue Neutral Carbon Fee & Dividend advocated by the most honest, uncorrupted climate scientist, Jim Hansen. The CF&D penalizes the energy hog rich and rewards the energy frugal middle class & poor while eliminating preferential subsidies, mandates and exemptions given to the political favorites wind & solar. They are favorites because they cost $trillions but do zip to reduce fossil consumption, apart from causing energy poverty --> reduced emissions.

After over $4 trillion spent worldwide on wind & solar, combustion fuels remain @ 90% of World Primary energy, unchanged before that massive rampup done in the past 10yrs. The ESG scam artists tout efficiency but totally ignore that wind & solar are the epitome of an inefficient electricity supply. They ignore all the huge energy inefficiency losses that intermittent wind/solar cause i.e.: Curtailment? No. Overbuild? No. Cycling Inefficiencies? No. Economic forcing of low efficiency diesel & OCGT instead of high efficiency supercritical coal, CCGT & hydro? No. Long distance 3-10X oversized transmission? No. Extremely low EROI (energy return on invested). No. High materials inputs, >20X nuclear/gas/coal? No. Vast losses of productive land, >300X nuclear/gas/coal. No. Huge waste recycling energy cost? No. Creating 2 grids which must run in parallel? No. Vast embodied energy in battery storage. No. 70% energy losses of hydrogen backup/storage. No. And yet these same Grifters get paid huge credits for "Energy Efficiency" projects. What a Scam.

It's through buying credits from these giant industrial wind and solar, bird munching, Eco-destructive installations that Apple, Microsoft, Amazon & Google/Alphabet have achieved the top 5 on the ESG top 500 list. Like one unit of solar energy is a direct replacement for one unit of coal energy. It's all nonsense. This marketing of wind & solar credits shows an almost total lack of understanding of grid architecture. They have NEGATIVE environmental value. That's right they actually increase grid emissions. And Tesla (since Musk is not a good Neoliberal stooge) is not on the ESG top 500 list but Exxon is at #8. ESG is Scam Central.

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Do you actually think carbon emissions and climate change are really the threat we’ve been propagandized to believe? I used to, until the scamdemic when I started researching vaccines and realized terms like “scientific consensus” and “experts agree” are absolutely meaningless and both the medical and scientific institutions are totally corrupted by the capitalist class and the students and practitioners are fully indoctrinated into the ruling ideology, as well as on the take from big business themselves. Both the “pandemic” and “climate change” are both manufactured, non-existent crises and global ruling class conspiracies to terrify the public and workers into consenting to their/our impoverishment, extermination, and enslavement while the billionaires transform the world into their own private paradise until they own all of it collectively and are finally free from any threat of revolution from us useless eaters.

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I'm in the camp of Patrick Moore, Bjorn Lomborg, Steve Koonin, Alex Epstein & Michael Shellenberger. Those that believe manmade climate change is happening and it will have costs & benefits for society & the ecosystem. And conclude that overall it is not a major problem and quite manageable with rational and moderate efforts. And the best thing to do, not just for climate change but for our health and economic success, is a rapid build-out of Nuclear power.

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Yes, it's a legalized protection racket.

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We need a climate change initiative: the climate created by the real white supremacy in Davos and in our Ivy leagues is oppressive, exploitative and totally wrong headed, messing around with the actual genetics of life as if they were gods. I'm totally down for climate change. Love the earth so much and love all her diversity, human and otherwise so much that I want to change the climate controllers and have us come together as a loving humanity to plant gardens and open up all the secret tech to allow us to live off Tesla free energy without weaponizing, with peace and kindness in every heart.

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Protecting the environment is worthy, but 'climate change' is fake science based on bad politics in the same manner as racial eugenics was in the last century. These bogus cults have in common the scope to make total claims on all human lives.

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If you move your bangs I can see the lobotomy scars.

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If you move your lips I can see where the shit comes out. You aptly and honestly name yourself, guttermouth. I admire the honesty on your part.

But wait! There's more! A nickname for your gentler forays into pointlessly hostile semi-cleverisms:


'cuz you can't always be a stank turd. Sometimes an asshole just has to satisfy itself with a cloud of stank gas.

Have some, uh, yellow bodily fluid to help wash the taste out?


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Thank you Boscohorowitz. I have a theory: the dark doesn't mind if all the awake to what's happening with all the bad shit content themselves to wallow in self-pity, hatred or learned helplessness. What it cannot stand is innocence rising and singing tunes of empowerment beyond the purview of the dark. The frequencies it cannot access it can only snarl at or try to dim the light of those who point out there is a higher way.

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The really fabulous thing is, as you said, it's getting more obvious to everyone. When we plug into Source, if someone tries to dim our light, it's like if they stick their finger in the sun. Gonna burn.

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Let us hope.

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Bless you.

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Belarus has the same sustainable development brainwashing UN funded organizations. The EU wants to ban production of ALL petrol cars by 2035. (BMW, Mercedes, and Porsche are NOT too happy about that). Russia and Belarus government officials unfortunately play along even though a million useless masks and injection needles fill up the landfills. What is said in forums is totally different than what is happening in reality on the ground.

Sustainable development sounds like a good concept HOWEVER that concept has been hijacked with doublespeak definitions, double standards, unrealistic proposals, and a hidden agenda of QR code digital ID social credit score of what is bought and sold. Zerohedge has a short good article about it> https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/davos-reveals-building-blocks-green-social-credit-system

>Monitor travel routes and methods and “reward” users for making the “correct choice”.

>Can track an individual’s “carbon footprint”, including what they eat and where.

>Have users “earn points” for “earth-friendly habits”.

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It is admirable how the global "elites" are working to take their profit of a gas which nobody can see and a rate of 0.04% in atmosphere.

In Germany everything goes very well with an annually growing CO2-tax for the people.

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Got UN SDG Agenda 2030? "A rose by any name..."

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Even THEY don't know how the hell it works, or how to make it work... LOL - LOL - LOL - LOL... Perfect. Big smile. It's going down.

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What a horrow. Finland be aware.

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I believe you shoot a bit above target when you don't mention Sberbank’s senior vice president for ESG by name in this article, and not just in my case. ;)

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it was a passing reference where the title was more important than the name (a person i've never heard of before) but fair enough. I updated the story to include.

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Ah, I didn't realize that. She wasn't so difficult to find, but thanks anyway!

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Putin will save us from the globalists!

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Since I think that Klaus schwab's short interview was done by a French, telling from the accent of the interviewer, I am not sure the international audience will hear it:


Of course, I know, every body here know that all already, and the reach of who they got...

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Is ESG the new pc word for MSG?

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