Convenience is how they sold the public on the consumer economy after the Korean War. Vaccines were for convenience to women, who were just beginning to enter the job market in force would not lose work time. Convenience was the disgusing TV dinners of the 1950's. Convenience is all the EMF toxifying technology. Conenence is just about everything they try to foist on the public. Seems that Russia is no different than the US. They are so alike they can't stand each other.

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This idea of likes conflicting is the basis of Mimetic Theory.But yes, it seems that Russian and American culture is eerily similar. Both big autarkies with more resources than people.

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Nothing more "convenient" than getting your entry ticket to "heaven" by believing in some Christard/Abrahamic "god", great way to corporatise the entire history, and psyche, of mankind.


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They're both UN countries

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You're one of the only people I've found reporting on the Russian side of the "Great Reset". It's really valuable information to have. Great work as always!

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Yes, and Rolo/Rurik as well [1].

It's great info indeed, but Riley's sarcasm addiction ruins everything! I was planning to forward this article to people, but decided not to, as it's overloaded with sarcasm and it'd cause more harm then good. Unless one knows the topic real well, one would think that Riley has trouble making up his mind and just rambles. It is so exhausting.

As I said earlier, the only reason people continue to suffer through Riley's and Rolo/Rurik's antics, is because it's close to impossible to find info of that kind in English anywhere else.

P.S. Rolo/Rurik suffers from the same sarcasm addiction.

[1] https://slavlandchronicles.substack.com/archive?sort=new

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English? Nah.

Riley and Rolo speak a new multi-dimensional (not multi-polar) universal (not global) language, specifically designed to cut through all the confusion and deliver crystal clear geo-political insights, once you master the peculiarities of the lingo, which are many and ever changing, to adapt to the challenges of accurately reporting on the ever changing geo-political landscape!

This new Rilo-Slavrik dialect, is destined to become the preferred language of the geo-politically enlightened, who manage to master it.

The rest of us will have to stick to vodka enlightenment!

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True professionals never use sarcasm. As a matter of fact, irony, cynicism, and sarcasm can rarely be found even in writings of amateurs.

I guess Rolo/Rurik and Riley think that their sarcasm somehow mocks the subjects mentioned in their texts, but it's quite the opposite - it shows the writers as unprofessional, petty, and deep into self-pity - I guess caused by a strong sense of being powerless to change/fix things.

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Slavsquat's writings would be more interesting without sarcasm. He does not need it to make his writings attractive.

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At this point, you and pseudo-patriot should unite to write attractive articles, devoid of any sarcasm, purely professional and factual. Riley provides the sources, you can take them and do your homework. Attractive... Attractive...

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I know, right? WTF is it with these two? Are they trolls or just stupid? Sarcasm is known as "wit" and wit is a sign of high intelligence. Maybe they need to get out and touch grass or something.

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Or maybe Riley can just try to cure himself from his self-pity and stop wasting readers time with his antics!

P.S. We are not coming here to solve Riley's puzzles - to read something he wrote, go through all the links he provided, many of them in Russian, hence machine translate them too, and them come back to know which Riley's sentences were true and which ones reversed.

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Sarcasm does not make anything attractive - it makes reading tedious as one needs to figure out which parts need to be reversed. That is annoying even to readers familiar with Russia, as one does not know whether something has really changed for the better, or it's just sarcasm as nothing has changed. It's pretty sad.

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I dunno. The spirit moved me.

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The notion of a "multi-polar" world is actually a Psyop. Surely people can see that at this point...

How can it be "MULTI" if ALL the 'poles' are controlled by the SAME hidden hand?!

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I see it as a world wide class war.

The parasite class decided to finally enslave everyone. Technology improved people's life so much that they didn't resist to all the new restrictions in the past 100 years. The parasites mistook it as submission and started a final war against all people.

French Rev 2.0 is the only answer we can give.

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Viva la guillotine!!!

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Yeah... you joke but they don't give us much of a choice, right?

I mean, they openly admit what they have in store for us, right? No rights, eating bugs, total control over everyone's life down to controlling what you are allowed to buy (including capping access to your money). Open Air concentration camps. It's all pretty bleak and outright disgusting.

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Only if we acquiesce!!

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Won't stop there. The plandemic was just a cautious step towards enslavement and still they executed quite some pressure. Many people *had* to submit to not lose their job.

They will use as much force as they must and as they can afford to pay for. Why should they restrict themselves? Right now they still wanne go silent. May change very soon.

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in Oz all they have to do is say “we won’t pay your centrelink (social security/pension) benefits unless you take the jab/pill/swab/treatment” and BOOM! mass compliance.

worked perfectly well here with the C19 jabs, worked better and targets more people (despite what the mainstream media will tell you) than mandating it to work.

half the people working in this country are also on benefits! they won’t risk losing their job AND benefits

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i am sorry to hear about your sister. i have family members who have died from the jabs and ones that are suffering cancer, thyroid disease, blood clots etc all undoubtably from the jabs. some acknowledge the jabs “may” have had an effect. some are still in total denial.

one only got the jabs so they could go to bali on holiday. now they can’t work, can’t walk and won’t be going anywhere but to hospital and doctors visits now for a long time. they called my partner and i morons for not getting jabbed. i hope that 2 week holiday was worth it!

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Actually its called the " The Society of the Nine Unknown Men " .

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Tell me more...

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These are the Nine Masters . Like , The Masters of the Secrets, The Masters of Death , The Masters of Terror and pain , and so fort .

They through over the original Egyptian dynasty by a bloody revolution in 3150 BC . Look at the Narmer(Menes) Tablet . This was the unification of the two Egypt .

This is what they created after the power was taken .

All worked toward the same ends , in increasing trade , expansion of the kingdom through military campaigns , engaging projects ( such as monuments , tombs, temples ) , securing central rule of the country .

Look familiar ?

From here you are own your own . But be careful . They like to stay unknown .

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Sorry to disappoint you . They are .

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Brilliant! Thanks for that.

Is this what you are referring to?


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Very good Mr. Ginsburg . The Masters represent the 9 planets . But strictly the negative , destructive powers of the planets .

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The hidden irony in all of this is that biometrics DON'T work. That's why there's not a single government building which relies exclusively on biometrics to gain access. Biometrics just work some/most of the time, but never 100% of the time.

Faces - Facial recognition is a joke. A million things can throw it off, including hair in your face, shadows, scars, hat straps, face paint, low ambient lighting, etc. Also works a heck of a lot worse if your skin is dark (less contrast to identify facial features).

Fingerprints - Twins have identical ones, other people have degraded/broken/scarred ones, doesn't work if your skin is too greasy/wet/sweaty/dirty, relatively easy to spoof, easy for the scanner to get dirty/smudged, some (unrelated) people have extremely similar fingerprints, etc

Irises/eyes - Very expensive scanner, doesn't work in some lighting conditions, very slow process to scan, doesn't work on people with some diseases such as cataracts, etc.

Basically, biometrics is just like AI - it sure as heck sounds like the ultimate tool for total global control, but it just isn't reliable enough and NEVER WILL BE.

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This is all very true... The more complex a system, the more fragile.

Have a good day or night

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The foreign ministers of the BRICS countries held a meeting in Russia just yesterday, and this is their joint statement:


Same odious language as always; praising the UN, IMF, G20 and WTO while calling for sustainable development, 'global pandemic prevention', digital health etc etc and complaining about 'misinformation'. Also notable that they use the terms 'global health architecture' and 'global financial architecture' - how any one can interpret this as anti-globalist is a mystery to me.

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Biometrics for the populace will happen because THE CONTROL FREAKS WANT IT! As far as the BRICS go, I think they tout freedom and multipolararity because it sells, and they know it's what the weaker nations want. Once the control is there, and if Russia and China defeat their competitors, the boot to the face will come out. Just look at what is done to their own populace, that will be the reality.

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Birds are deadly, even Robins. They will make you cough to death. Trust the gov! Trust the current or incoming digital currencies! Wow, such exciting innovation! It's like free money! Don't learn anymore than you need to for your job. Be knowledgeable but not wise. That way you can be successful in your career and ignore other bad guys and stressful politics. Just dismiss bad people, it's not worth understanding their history and the conditions that led them to be who they are. Yuck, that's stressful! Have some fast food! Mmm, it's inexpensive too and some studies even say it's good for your health! Every study isn't biased. Trust the science.

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It appears supposed independent thinking anti-imperialists are also infatuated by multipolarism, as a panacea to end all that ails the world.

George Galloway, is a big fan of multipolarism, as he invited Jackson Hinkle on his show yesterday to discuss the glory of the St. Petersburg Conference. Of course, Hinkle couldn't resist advocating for multipolarism. Unfortunately, the sycophants of this multipolar world order never mentions that it will actually be a totalitarian biosecurity surveillance state replete with all sorts of biometrics and computer generated mRNA toxins.

In fact, each person will be "conveniently" labeled, commodified, screened, and restricted.

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Russian Biometrics:

"Old people do not understand the digital world..." but with the new Aktion T4 Pogrom they can simply log in with their face.

It's "neat and tidy."

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excellent article proving that russia and the west are the same. all the worlds a stage brics and the west are controlled by the same black nobility old families and their managers.

also is it true that russia recently banned peter thiel created rumble? not that rumble will always be better than youtube soon enough it might start to do the same things

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Yes, Rumble is blocked in Russia. It's also been banned in Brazil, another BRICS member.

Rumble Is Blocked in Russia After Refusing Censorship Requests, CEO Says

"“Russia has officially blocked Rumble because we refused to comply with their censorship demands,” Pavlovski stated. He pointed out the apparent contradiction in the treatment of different tech companies, noting, “Ironically, YouTube is still operating in Russia, and everyone needs to ask what Russian demands Google and YouTube are complying with?”"


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Rumble is blocked in many countries. Perhaps because it allows the anti vaccination videos related to the covid scams.

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"black nobility old families..."

I don't come across many others who employ this term. I've only recently made its acquaintance. Good show, sir.

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More puppy pics! More farm stories!!!

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Peggy for president !

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Safe, effective and convenient. And a great way to fight the empire. :-)

Thanks, Riley! Meet the new empire, same as the old empire.

Meanwhile, today starts a gathering of BRICS-Plus Foreign Ministers Summit in Nizhni Novgorod.


BRICS Foreign Ministers meet in Russia amid shifting global order, Muhamed Samir, June 10, 2024.

Nizhny Novgorod – Foreign ministers from the expanded BRICS group of nations convened in Russia on Monday for a two-day meeting focused on current international relations, global governance reform, and conflict resolution.

The meeting, chaired by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, is the first since the bloc expanded in 2023 to include Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Egypt, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Ethiopia. Representatives from additional “friends of BRICS” countries were also in attendance.

In his opening remarks, Lavrov highlighted the growing significance of BRICS in a changing world order. “The expansion of BRICS is a clear confirmation of the process of forming a multipolar world order,” he said, noting the increasing influence of Global South and East nations in global decision-making.

Lavrov criticized what he described as Western attempts to maintain dominance and slow down the emergence of a multipolar system. He accused Western nations of using economic “weapons” like sanctions and financial pressure to influence the choices of sovereign states.

He contrasted this with the BRICS model of cooperation, which he characterized as based on principles of equality, mutual respect, openness, and consensus. “BRICS is driving forward the wind of change,” Lavrov asserted, emphasizing the group’s growing role in addressing global challenges.

The meeting’s agenda includes discussions on international relations, strengthening the role of developing countries in global governance, conflict resolution, and collaboration in leading multilateral platforms. A separate session will be held with the participation of several Global South and East nations.

This gathering marks a significant step for the expanded BRICS group, which now represents a larger and more diverse coalition of countries seeking to shape the future of international relations and global governance.

One “friend” and possible future member is Turkiye, a NATO member


Turkish foreign minister to attend BRICS+ meeting in Russia. Türkiye among 15 countries invited to meeting of foreign ministers of BRICS bloc in Nizhny Novgorod,Sumeyye Dilara Dincer, June 9, 2024.

Economic and trade cooperation is also on the agenda, including efforts to increase mutual investments and reach a $100-billion trade volume target, set by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

During the visit, Fidan [Hakan Fidan, the foreign minister] is also expected to meet with Turkish business representatives operating in Russia.

BRICS+ session

Tuesday's meeting will be addressing issues of international security, sustainable development, and global governance, with BRICS inviting 15 non-member countries to attend, Türkiye, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Algeria, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Cuba, Laos, Mauritania, Nigeria, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Venezuela, and Vietnam.

Fidan is also expected hold bilateral meetings with counterparts from other countries on the sidelines of the meeting.

President Erdogan had also participated in the 10th BRICS Summit in Johannesburg in 2018.

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Who's to blame for this madness? It's not simply the so called leaders. Ultimately, this world is a reflection of the cumulative ignorance of mankind.

As long as mankind lives in ignorance, the means of production will remain in the hands of the few.

At the very least, please stop fucking voting. To vote under the present circumstances is stupidity verging on insanity.

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This is related to human marking, tracking and geofencing in 15 min cities.

They want to create an internet of bodies: THE STANDARD CONVENTION FOR BODY AREA NETWORK HUMAN BOND COMMUNICATION WBAN Bluetooth MAC interface IEEE 802.15.4 IEEE802.15.5 IEEE802.15.6

Please film it and post it so that people would start waking up!

The sniffer challenge

Install any free BLE sniffer (Bluetooth Low Energy) in your cell phone.

Get double vaxxed in a room with regular EMF exposure (not an isolated faraday cage, not in the middle of the countryside). E.g. a supermarket line. The injected routers don’t have batteries but convert EMFs into energy. People must not be grounded (conducting soles like leather or hemp) but insulated with rubber soles.

Correlate the vanishing fake MACaddresses with the person leaving the place.

Correlate the appearing or re-appearing MACaddress with persons entering in the range again.

Check how all MACaddresses change when someone new enters the place: the routers interact with each other and reset the signal.

The zombie challenge

Track the signals in an deserted cemetery with normal EMF exposure (e.g. early in the morning, when there’s no one around): while you move around, you’ll find the MACaddresses of the dead. Check the death date: all 2021 and after, because they were hacked with the COVID injections. When you leave the grave, the signal vanishes. When you return, it comes back. There are no high-tech caskets in the market =)))









The airplane challenge

Sniff the BLE signals inside an airplane when all passenger have been requested to go on airplane-mode.

The injected routers don’t comply!

The carpool challenge

You’d need 2 phones, one for filming in airplane-mode and another for sniffing.

Start filming:

Sniff your empty car: no signals.

Get a vaxxed inside: new signal.

Drive a bit picking other signals: the original signal stays until the passenger gets off the car.

Karaoke is optional =)))

What are the micro/nano routers for?

The challenges have been confirmed in every single country of the world with all COVID injected, not only mRNA, but ALL brands, even the Russian and Chinese made by their governments!

The Bluetooth signal has been traced to an Android module of your phone, which resends it to a Human-ID multinational corporation, a DoD front.

Purpose? Biometrics, geolocation of your whereabouts and who do you interact with (MACaddresses change in the proximity of other haccinated).

Read people's minds?

Thousands are reporting thinking about something very unusual without verbalizing it, just to find that their cell phones shows a reading recommendation or video (YouTube, Tiktok) exactly matching it, for example, a desire for an unusual food or a song from decades ago.

This is related to people showing a strong magnetic attraction in their foreheads (e.g. paper clips sticking to the side): it has been proven that the nano-routers need a minimum electro-magnetic field to charge them and allow them to emit and that it is related to graphene/carbon-micro/nano tubes.

Objections and answers

“All phone companies use Mac address randomization. It was added many years ago to avoid tracking people via a device’s mac addresses. That’s why you get unknown, untraceable mac addresses.”

The reading improves if they hold their phones in airplane-mode in the hand but just to answer this objection, it could still be done with an EMF background, without phones, watches or metals. The zombie challenge addresses this. Notice that the uninjected/unswabbed do not emit frequencies, nor show magnetism.

“A typical body area network kit will consist of sensors, a Processor, a transceiver and a battery. It’s impossible through a vaccine. If swallowed it's very short lived as it will come out the other end. If implanted by a procedure (you’d know about it) the battery will last a very short time and then it won’t work until a replacement.”

This DoD tech is years ahead current tech, but the tech appears in papers and the sketches exactly match the photographed micro/nano chips. They don’t use batteries but EMF charging. They are not swallowed but injected and move through the bloodstream to self-assemble.

What’s your best way to wake-up those who don’t want to open their eyes?

Please share your most effective wake-up strategies.

The more the awakened, the sooner this nightmare will be over!

The most effective strategy is asking about the person’s opinion on some of these topics:

Would you be interested in the story of how a father got 20 million dollars from the Government?

Or, show the video of the baby seizures:


That usually works, especially with young couples having children.

If the person doesn’t want to discuss injections, then food is a good start:

Why is food poisoning legal?

How Rumsfeld forced the approval of Aspartame.

Artificial sweeteners, MSG, PFAS, Glyphosate ... go organic!


Then I’d follow with "Are you opened to see if the actual data matches your opinion?"

Then I start showing some of the shortcomings of the Pharma industry:


Then, show that every single person on the planet should be suing Pfizer and Moderna for deliberately hiding human DNA in their vacicnes, and Pfizer, for injecting an undisclosed carcinogenic monkey virus (SV40) sequence into the cell nucleus of the clueless biohacked, as officially recognized by Health Canada !!!

Not like the topic? I’d show this video (all you need is 10 secs in the middle, who doesn’t have 10 seconds for you):


(caveat about the beginning: pot destroys your brain + “Raises Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke”)

9/11: two "planes", yet the third tower (WTC7) imploded, free falling on its footprint like in a controlled demolition. It was out of reach, and all 7 World Trade Center towers needed to be rebuilt, not the closer towers not belonging to World Trade Center... and the “owner” took an insurance policy for the WTC against terrorism, just months before, when no one was taking them … he didn’t show up for work precisely on 9/11 … just as his 2 grown up siblings. The inside information about the FUTURE 9/11 event helped masons make trillions by shorting the stock exchange: the records were deleted by the SEC so they wouldn't be prosecuted !!!


There's a plan to murder 95% of the global population by 2050… written on the masonic Georgia guide-stones: “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 … ”:


- J6: The false flag operation of the fake riot was planned, incited and guided by FBI mason agents, who broke into the Capitol !!! All intel agencies (CIA, FBI, NSA) were founded by masons and are run by them for their own nefarious goals.


The same mason-plot was copy-pasted to disband the demonstrations against the stolen elections in Brazil through the rigged voting machines owned by mason Soros:



All political parties are compromised/infiltrated. For example, Italy supports vax pass and WHO Pandemic Treaty !!! Meloni's Government! People voted her for being against that!


- At least since the 90s, vaccines are weaponized to reduce the population, for example:

1. Adding hCG to infertilize women: lab detected in 30 countries

2. Overpassing the FDA 10 ng limit to human DNA “contamination” by 2000%, thus causing neuro-damage (autism, asperger, tics, dyslexia in 29% of kids, etc.) and childhood cancer epidemic (n.b. leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas)

Check soundchoice.org or videos at bottom of next link:

Free 100 redpill movies and documentaries:

(don't miss the 1st one, 10 min at 2x, an amazing tool to start a discussion):


- COVID was designed as a primer for even more lethal COVID haccines:




- You’ll go nowhere and you’ll be happy:


Elon's top secret: EVs cause cancer

Go green with gasoline!


- It's genocide for depopulation:

Depopulation or EXTERMINATION? (finest quotes):


- Their main source of power apart from sin-empowered demons? NOT a coincidence that the USA left dollar convertibility to gold in 1971, precisely triggering the exponential government deficit coupled with the trade deficit and inflation.

This is the Achilles’ heel of all nations: masonic and satanic secret societies counterfeit paper money and launder trillions with which they buy Banks, seats in the Federal Reserve (the only private run Central Bank in the world), political careers and parties, puppeticians, listed corporations, media, healthcare corporations and organizations, universities, foundations, judges, etc.

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You should appreciate to read that article and if you can the free downloadable book provided on the same page. It is very heavy stuff:


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Got all that!

Is there any more?

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Will soon post at ScientificProgress

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Mr. Ashmanov shows what I like about Russians - when someone is obviously selling you snake oil, they call it that. They just too often don't have a channel or platform to reach others who also disagree with what's being sold (so it seems nobody as if nobody was complaining).

With this type of criticism, he'd definitely be called a Russian agent in Western Europe but I've just realized that wouldn't work in Russia.

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I don't find digital İDs and biometrics to be really an issue. The issue is the potential for them to lead to CBDCs and the possibility for your access to money to be entirely controlled by the state.

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Digital ID is the Trojan Horse:

How Mastercard is building a global digital-ID network


"We are committed to working with central banks across all key stages of enabling CBDCs & supporting new digital currency payments on our network securely."


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I think Digital ID is just a good idea personally. But I think that the rise of crypto, and the possibility it affords of decentralised payments worldwide, has galvanised central banks into an unprecented control-trip frenzy where they are desperate to do anything to try to keep control of citizens access to money.

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Digital ID and biometrics authentication system are good for citizen's privacy. It is CBDC and biometrics payment system that make common people worry because those things can be used to steal from their deposits.

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..."control-trip frenzy..."

They intend to tether it to carbon credits to direct and limit consumption.

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