Continue to love your sense of humor and look forward to hearing your thoughts on the U.S. as you see it now. Wishing you safe and easy travels.

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I've missed your posts 🙂

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I think Edward Junior has gotten taller even since the trip to the aeronautical museum. Whatever happens, he'll remember going to the village as a boy for the rest of his life.

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"Happy" new year Slav and all. Hey, 2024 is at least starting off strong with more Epstein exposure! It sounds like you have your finger on our pulses Riley. Plenty of us greatly admire your work and satire already but many of us also welcome the changes as you see fit. Keep on wrestlin with those Russian bears 🐻.

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I beg thee, wily man, to succor my loathsome soul with more of thy exploits in rural Novgorod. It is balm for my eyes, and mirth for my bones.

Cheers mate!

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Good one. I like it. :)

Hope the village venture goes well. I have some experience of similar in the past during the 'hippy' era. They can be quite a thing.. can take on all kinds of shapes.... Certainly always interesting, that's for sure, and very real...

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Dear Blogger, as you will know or you can read everywhere in US media, Germany is going down. The economic aspects are dim, and we have the mist stupid politicians. I would be interested to hear about Russian views on that. Venlig hilsen (- from Denmark) Rudolf

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I am impressed by the drawing of the eye. Russian education must be excellent.

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I suspect most of us don't care whether we receive something 'special' for our hard-earned fiat. Just having your blog in my email is enough to cheer me up. Your blog is the star of my inbox! Happy New Year!

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If I were younger I'd love to have a farm....thanks for this uplifting post!

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LOL! Great pic. Peace, brother.

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Hello, dear Edward! Such a wonderful picture of you and your son with the cows! Meaningful too! I am glad you and your family are doing well and you are back at home. Good luck with selling your baseball cards to raise funds. Safe travels back to the village!

yes, we also moved to the country. COVID crisis opened our eyes. Though the town we lived in in CA was very cute, had many parks and playgrounds for kids, beautiful nature, etc. But yes, no land to be owned, overpopulated..etc.

To stay optimistic, I want to believe we can beat or start beating the geoengineering..which is becoming unbearable...

I wrote couple of posts to inspire all of us to get into the fight!



Looking forward to your future posts in a humorous uplifting way!

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Haha! That's what I call a decent post: funny, intriguing, entertaining, and full of eastern promise. I've been pruning my paid subscriptions, but if you can keep up this pace and energy, I will definitely consider a paid sub. PS: just don't buy that bloody schoolhouse, I hate to see a grown man cry, OK?!!!

PSS: I bought a 120 year old church for £77k in Scotland, in 1991, in a very unpopular village, and it was actually a blast: I even made money on it when I sold up in 1999 for £92k, so just ignore my comment above. But be willing to bleed.....money, sweat, and tears.

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Thanks Riley! Merry Christmas to you, since you mentioned that you're Orthodox. And all the best in the New Year. Just keep on writing, the village can wait, unless you want to get into the construction business.

Just read this, it came from Newsweek, so one should take it with a pound of salt. But what if some of it, most of it, is true? Here's the link: https://simplicius76.substack.com/p/under-the-radar-major-cia-revelations.

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S Novym Goddom!

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I'm curious, what are Russians saying about Gaza?

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Lots of Russian (Jews) in Israel. But the great migration is getting on towards 50 years ago - the ties and the living memories are no doubt much attenuated. Israel - to simply greatly - was a (Eastern) European project but blink your eye and that will have a been a century ago. So, yes! I am curious too.

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