So lovely to hear from you again - it seems ages since you last posted ! You never cease to cause lots of smiles and wry amusement in your writings and manage to elevate and inspire even while informing of most serious matters. How anyone can succeed in making such a spartan lifestyle look enticing and one to be envied is beyond me but you do, and with ease. And those wonderful furry and feathered friends of yours -all living together ; well, not the beefies presumably, you are living my childhood dreams of becoming Pippi Longstocking...you have made them come true for you. May God bless you heaps for this New Year.

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Hi Lynda. sorry for my very late reply --

Appreciate your kind words and hope 2025 is treating you well!

more furry friend photos and videos coming soon, by the way --


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Yay ! can't tell you how much I look forward to all of them...don't miss any of them out, please. They are all precious. As are you.

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Blessed New Year to you and the Edward Institute for Village Studies!

Thanks for everything you do!

Cultivating village life close to the land and caring for home and animal companions is one of the

best ways to fight THEM!

Can't say this often enough!

All life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! dhughes.substack.com Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!

AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!

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Lady amy, like always💯🎯. Happy new year.

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Wonderful summary. I’ve so missed you. Did you go away or have I just not been receiving your posts?

Anyway. Happy New Year .. so much went on in Novgorod .. more than here in London. The tunnelling and the not proper piling up of cut wood was a remembrance too.. you’re still the best blog in the universe. I hope Bill Gates doesn’t drop vaccinating mosquitoes against bird flu on yous all this summer

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Very happy to see your post----have been thinking of you, wondering if you got enough wood cut up? I remember your lament about being behind on this chore. How is precious Susan? Dogs? Have there been more neighborhood parties? Any talk in the village about Russian digital IDs? I crave details!

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Amazing cinematography. Skilled camera person holding on for dear life in a perilous situation, while continuing to film with the other. Happy New Year. Where there is life, there is hope.

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Syria w terrorists are offered BRICS membership, but Venezuela is denied?

Fucking bullshit...

And how is it that BRICS follows the same single veto bullshit, where Brazil stopped Venezuela from getting into BRICS.

Oh and fuck every 5d chess sycophant.... Syria was just a game to Russia. That's why they didn't do much to get the illegally occupying US out. Vanessa Beeley refuses to see that. Russia also didn't do fuck all to prevent the horror in Libya.

How exactly do these oligarch assholes in BRICS expect to do their belt and road with Syria and other nations controlled by the west?

2025, the year we stop following hopium bullshit.

I'm laughing at the maga crowd calling out the manipulative tech hos.

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“Syria was just a game to Russia”…

..as is Ukraine.

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Actually, according to Vanessa Beeley, Russia caused to the rapid fall of Syria.

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Now... I'll give her that credit.

Not before when she was praising them.

Not when Syria and Russia was going along with the con-vid...

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This is her video where she was clearly critical of Russia: https://youtu.be/Kxcbty9gVhI?si=SrDqwRQpiZ13jOJT

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Happy New Year mate.

PS. I think it would have been easier to use a horse.

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Some cord... and lots and lots of rabbits.

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Yes but horses to not challenge the technical genius of modern men.

They just do not get it - technology is definitely superior to nature.

By the time they get it, if they ever do, the road back home may no longer exist.

All the horses, other animals and the rest of nature, may be gone.

Perhaps all human beings too.

Problem solved.

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Just today I was thinking about you, fearing perhaps your procrastination, or possibly creativity on the woodpile had proven to be your downfall. I despaired receiving, eventually, a news alert that the EIVS had suffered a terrible loss and new homes were being sought for a plethora of mascots grieving the loss of their master. Eureka! My inbox gifted me with a notification at last! You are alive and well. Your mascots and your readers rejoice.

But tell me. Reading between the lines here, but was it terribly awful, the time you spent in the re-education center? Obviously, you were learning the skills to be a first class propagandist. Your video is proof. Meant to convince the world that with vehicles of transport such as portrayed, Russia is not a force to be feared. Verrrry convincing, comrade, verrrrrry convincing.

Happy New Year, Riley, to you, the institute and your dear menagerie.

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Hi everybody, and Happy New Year to all the happy readers of our dear Riley and his wonderful studies !!!

Right now I am in Japon, the country of my wife (unfortunately, for the moment, no more dreamings about Russia, while flying over the white Siberia), and I must say, that, compared to France, Japan is still, such an oasis of comfortable values… poetry by many ways…

See you soon my friends ! Still waiting for you in Paris, dear Riley !!!

Happy 2025, again, to all of you !!!

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Always so good to hear from you. You make me smile!

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Very cryptic, but yes, I think Slavsquat is telegraphing in the video that the ground is not sufficiently frozen in the village to allow easy movement of armored vehicles (or contraptions - same concept).

Way too many years it has been since "what’s REALLY happening inside Russia" seems to come down to the question of when will the ground freeze (or be sufficiently dry) to allow armored vehicles to deploy and do their killing thing. Give peace a chance anyone?

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Glad you are still on the planet ES!

Thought you might have relocated EIVS for strategic reasons.

I can see that your entry into automobile design and manufacture might easily rival Tesla in time!

Humour is always a good lubricant to make life palatable during difficult times.

Along with vodka!

With a good supply of both your survival is guaranteed.

Onward and upward!

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Happy New Year Riley! Glad you’ve broken radio silence after so long 😘

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You could ride that thing right over into Alabama and you’d fit right in.

Happy New Year!

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Ah! Riley!! I understand you so much better now.

I entered earlier this year somewhere along a timeline where you were waiting to get a visa. I never understood the import. I was trying to figure out if the Worldwide Monolith governed Russia, too. The key question was whether or not Russia actually had a central bank. Thereby, we would know that the Khazars had successfully landed. Your blog gave me hope of understanding this salient point.

Luckily, your links have fully briefed me so I now understand your mission vis a vis the Edward Institute for Village Studies. I fully intuited your insider intel which coincides with mine. Yes, Susan was the high point.

I had to look up Novgorod Oblast. I was very excited to see your coat of arms includes both bears and fish...which in such an environment indicates the Circle of Life. Mystics have studied the meaning for centuries as one Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham after another floated by in the ether.

The secret significance of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham is that they're the same fellows dressed differently and vowing a Christian approach to life as those who beheaded some unfortunate Westerners in front of the terribly sophisticated CIA cameras with social network distribution. All the American conservative Christians are head over heels in love with them. They believe they'll see huge Christmas festivals in Syria next year. After all, Trump is a savior.

My dear Riley. "NATO-backed death squads" are properly termed "Gladio." I encountered another Substack poster who believes everything which occurs is a Gladio operation. He also points toward the Swiss bankers as the Ultimate Controllers. I was intrigued and am studying Gladios. I'm afraid the Vatican's black nobility death squads enter largely into the picture which brings up a salient question. Are Vatican black nobility death squads the same as NATO-backed death squads or Gladio operations? Perhaps 2025 will afford an answer.

However, leaving darkness behind as we approach the new year of 2025 with good spirits and light in our eyes, we realize the more we know, the more we wish we didn't. Still, with a brave heart, we wish you S novym schastyem! which the "Quick Answer" tells me is "Happy New Happiness!"

So, Riley, I leave you with four more hours to go before 2025 hits my shores with this very Scottish song so beloved by Americans saying a fond adieu to 2024. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q37Kd_6BvDU

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What a gloriously rustic life you live.

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