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Apr 27, 2023
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Oh my god, where do I begin? I'll start with this, I noticed that even intellectuals from the West repeat only one and the same mantra: Solzhenitsyn, Solzhenitsyn... They seem to have read only him from Russian literature? Or maybe, we say just maybe, the narrative about the 60 million killed in the gulags, which Solzhenitsyn wrote in his most famous book, suits them. However, hold tight now, it is a lie, because according to the latest research, and it is well known from before, that this is an inflated number, tenfold. But that narrative fits and we will push it until the doomsday, please prove this figure below, because I have read Russian authors who all agree that this is an overblown lie. Moving on, Soviet tyranny you say, okay, I can only partially agree, but when I say partially, I mean one small part, so small it's negligibly small. Because, I believe you are not aware that many Russians and other nations loved their country, and considered it a warm home, and many still mourn for it. What are we going to do now? Unlike you, I read some renowned Soviet intellectuals of the USSR era, I deliberately do not say Russian intellectuals, for example I read a great book by the world-renowned intellectual Sergey Kara-Murza, I say world-renowned because he also taught in Spain, and collaborated with many world-renowned intellectuals. scientists. He himself had a doctorate in social and natural sciences, history and chemistry, and was an academic. The book I was reading is called "Consciousness Manipulation", it has almost 1000 pages, and the sequel to this book is called "Dismantling People". Look it up, it may have an English translation, but I doubt that such a pro-USSR work could have passed the western censors, yes, they are amused by printing and reprinting, publishing and republishing "The Gulag Archipelago"... Another author that I recommend is Olga Chetverikova, try to find something from her, according to many Russians, she is currently the leading Russian intellectual, and she also considers the Soviet Union a great country, powerful, but above all, with a developed sophisticated culture, science, etc. And yes, I almost forgot, these intellectuals from the west somehow always forget that Hitler, (who took racial ideology from the eugenic societies of America, and admitted that he admired them), attacked Russia first, not the other way around, and was defeated from Russia, or the Soviets if you like. These intellectuals never ask what would have happened if Hitler had won, what would the world be like today, nobody in the West respects those 25 million dead Russians and Soviets. But, um, some in the West would perhaps like Hitler to have won and created a world according to his model, where all Slavs are destined to be exterminated, and some to be kept as slaves? It would be a nice world, yes, maybe for the Germans, the English, the Americans... But after all, he didn't even have to win when the elites who financed him are still in power everywhere in the world, and here they are creating their "Brave New World" ", in which, uh, there is no place for any nation, because only Alphas, Betas, Gammas and Deltas are meant to be there...

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Apr 28, 2023
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So I'm a double "perfect example" or are you going to add more to that? Well, I see that the cultural distance has started to disappear here (as expected), so I'll just say a little more, and I'll try to say a lot with a few words this time. You people who live in the west have thought that you are the "first world", that you are special and the only civilization, by the way, you hardly accept criticism because you are overbearing and unjustifiably proud, maybe you are the "perfect example" for this? You consider the whole world to be your property, and your culture, which can no longer be called Christian, or even culture, but garbage, you forcefully impose on everyone, and along the way you practiced slave ownership and colonialism for centuries. And finally, you see yourself as a worthy and good and beautiful Cinderella, but in reality you are her envious and selfish sisters, ugly on the outside and even uglier on the inside, whose souls have been crippled by evil deeds and thoughts. You don't recognize another culture, you want to humiliate and trample on it, and now you have even trampled on your own culture and civilization, and now that your own elites have turned their fangs on you, you whine to the heavens, and you didn't care while they bit the rest of the world. I root for every original culture and every nation and civilization to be freed from your age-old usurpation, for all peoples to throw off the yoke of slavery and rigged governments that you have installed everywhere in your empire "where the sun does not set", your black sun, I root for all races to be freed , and white and black and yellow and brown, and to collapse the "international" institutions with which you scourge the world. Your Anglo-American empire is in decline, you will soon crash like pagan Rome into the filth of history, and the world will be reborn when evil finally eats itself.

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Apr 30, 2023Edited
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Immediately there is an attack on the personality, insults... You do not refute anything that I wrote, because you cannot refute the truth. Disney World was invented by you, that small-minded idiotic nonsense, and you grew up watching it to become very "smart"... It's amazing how full of yourself you are, you don't even notice, someone presents you with facts, and you don't respond to it, even you don't try to answer, instead you sulk like little kids when their cartoons are turned off. Whatever you write next, I will not answer you, you are not worth it. You can "Haaaaaа" as much as you want, and the best is in front of a mirror, if you don't find it too disgusting.

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Apr 30, 2023
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Punctuation marks do not separate, you illiterate cattle.

"Hello, thanks Notes ! What's going on ?"

"Half the truth is NOT the truth"

The whole truth is that you are half a lie.

"I just changed the way I speak depending on the intellectual level or personality of the person I'm talking to."

Patent the original philosophy, so you don't get overtaken by those from the "brainless skull" circus. :)

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Sep 12, 2023
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"What a vindictive person you are."

No, I forgot our discussion, but a friend asked me to show him this discussion, which I mentioned in passing, and then, when I saw your beefy comments, I couldn't resist writing to you a little more, because you have a cow's brain in your skull, you are a medical phenomenon. :)

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Sep 13, 2023
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