Just obey. We know best. Daddy is always looking after you. Don't worry yourself over these seemingly inconsistent details. How could a cow know the mind of a rancher?

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well I guess they'd be thinking it'd be a prime target for the Kiev lunatics (i.e. CIA, MI5.. whatever...) wouldn't it?

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Probably reinforcing a narrative in the populations mind. Mother Russia looks after her own but only if you follow her lead(ers).

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"Online march" sounds just as ridiculous as "social distancing". And this whole thing is beyond sad.

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Slovakia - last country in Europe without a single mosque..

Achieved by a peculiar law which sets a very high threshold, number of followers, for the state to officially recognize any religion and grant privileges. Having very little immigration it is practically impossible for Islam to grow here. I am pleasantly surprised kings & queens of Brussels have not given us a hard time for this rudely nationalistic measure yet.

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A Slovak Muslim is preaching, gathering in a new Mosque:


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I watched the video, I came across this guy before - like every convert he is over eager. What he calls "a mosque" is literally one room, former estate agent small office, likely rented. There is an advertisement where people can send money and there was over 40K euro, presumably foreign muslim donations.

As I said, there is no law preventing a person from putting carpets on the walls in their spare room/rented room and invite people over to worship anything they like. Luckily, the numbers are not going to grow here.

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I noticed he was gathering a small community of foreigners from different continent. Good for them.

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I am sorry for destroing your toys, but there is actually a mosque in Bratislava (at least according to Google maps) :-)

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In fact There are Mosques almost everywhere, only because all countries have diplomatic staff who are Muslims. Even North Korea has a Mosque, on the ground of the Iranian embassy in Pyongyang. While being Shi'a Islam, it is open for all Muslim creeds.


Even Vanuatu has a Mosque:


Fact is that Slovakia only has one place of worship for Muslims:



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On 30 November 2016, Slovakia passed legislation to effectively block Islam from gaining official status as a religion in the country. A bill banning mosques in Slovakia in the same way many Arab countries ban other religions was rejected - after all, a developed country should always guarantee freedom of worship. Statement from our PM at the time Robert Fico: 'I’m sorry, Islam has no place in Slovakia. It is the duty of politicians to talk about these things very clearly and openly. I do not wish there were tens of thousands of Muslims'

Fico is a PM again now..

Place you are looking at in our capital Bratislava is a small unofficial place of worship.

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While watching the video on the Muslim "prayer room" in Bratislava, I noticed that there are the same ugly, tags everywhere like in all Western countries...

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I didn't realise the situation is so similar across the whole of Europe.

I did notice during lockdowns in Britain that there were lockdowns over Christmas and Easter but as if by magic no lockdowns were needed over Ramadan. And while churches were all closed and Christians felt unable to worship or pray or sing together, mosques and public praying in large groups by Muslims seemed to be tolerated and ignored by the police. They clearly hate Muslims and don't care about their wellbeing at all.

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It is also a fact that the Sunni Muslim creed is stronger than fear of catching a flue for it's adherents. It deals with eternity. How is that that Christians didn't resist much, unless, to my knowledge, a Canadian pastor who has finally been arrested? Bergolio, the Jesuit in charge of Vatican went so far as claiming that it was a Christian thing to isolate oneself and be injected.

Muslim Countries enforced the lockdown and the poisoning but the Sunni Muslim masses are not that gullible notwithstanding the fact that their creed is simple... Much less people got the fatal shot in Algeria than in France for instance.

How did the Muslim in Russia behaved during the Covid mass madness?

Did the Russian Muslim officials enforced the sadistic rules on 'their' flocks'?

The question is of course not for you sarah, but any knowledgeable person here.

Take care

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I must add that to my knowledge, in France, most Muslims obeyed the diktats and few among them smelled the rat. Probably the same proportion as Caucasian french population in general, we saw that in demonstrations against digital goulag and forced injection which were huge. If I saw many Catholic traditionalist in demos, no Muslim organization, just French of Maghreb descent. I never ever saw a migrant aka recently arrived.

Only the youth in the suburbs were defiant of all rules (mask included, which had been mandated even outdoor at that sinister time).

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Each day the whole thing smells more and more like a prison planet.

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Satan favors those who worship him .

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yep, the heathen rage in the end times says the bible, and only in white nations which are the lost sheep in the house of Isreal.

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Even peaceful mass gatherings frighten the international gangster ruling class. That's why they couldn't tolerate university protests against genocide as that reveals signs of "humanity" something which sadistic psychopaths find intolerable.

Btw, that's why all wars are actually genocidal attacks against innocent civilians. And maybe, that's also why Gaza looks like Aleppo, and Iraq looks like Afghanistan and Ukraine looks like Yemen, etc... it's relentless.

And if we really connect the dots, it's why US inner-cities and old industrial towns look like decayed shitholes.

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Except that university protests are funded by the gangster elite blm-style

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Actually, that's not the case as Zionist techno/fascist billionaires are the ones who told university president's to call the police. Nice try nincompoop.

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A note : When you call someone a ridiculous name, your point becomes entirely lost as most assume you are an emotional twelve year old and your opinion carries as much weight.

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Is this too emotional--fuck off!

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Your anger is only surpassed by your limited expression. Ah, sunshine and butterflies....

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Eat shit. And like it. Childish enough for you, o majestically matured one? A note: when you call someone a name for calling someone a name, well, maybe you and the other someone should get a room and get it over with.

But, point taken. From now on, no emotional 12-year olds. Only autistically desensitized 12-year olds. Let's make it a law!

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They seem to be on both sides here. And yes, the genocide absolutely takes place.

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"They're all working together to give the impression they all are working against each other it's an old Freemasonic Jesuit trick they been doing it for eons…"

- my friend Arthur

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Both sides? The Zionists/fascist are only on one side. However, the hoodlums eager to establish an authoritarian biosecurity surveillance state are multipolar.

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Interesting company that you’re keeping Riley.


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Wow Riley - you made it into the club!

Diversity can be a good thing!

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Allow me to play Devil's Advocate a bit: the apparent threat here is that Ukrainian terrorists may attack the Victory Day march, due to the obvious patriotic and nationalistic nature of the event. Eid al-Fitr, on the other hand, is exclusively a MUSLIM event. Any attack against Muslims celebrating Eid al-Fitr would be taken as an attack against ALL Muslims. And Muslims, unlike Christians, DON'T ineffectually "turn the other cheek". Ergo, if Ukraine starts fucking around with the Muslims, I predict Ukrainians both inside and outside of Ukraine might suddenly start suffering from massive random stabbings, impromptu street beheadings and things going "BOOM!" in the middle of the night when they least expect it. In proof of which I offer the fact that INDEED NOBODY HAS ATTACKED MOSCOW ON EID-Al-FITR!

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ISrahell's iron broom getting ready…

While ISrahell is creating Greater ISrahell supported by the stupid West - they will genocide a lot more -, Europe has to take more and more specialist while the idiots and criminals of the climate sect kill the economy.

Understand the big picture:

Barbara Lerner Spectre- "Europe Will Not Survive" - https://archive.org/details/EuropeWillNotSurvive

"Jews are in the center of the transformation" ( Barbara Lerner Spectre )

"What we in France and Europe have to endure, which is so frightening, should become for us the most beautiful news of our Jewish history. … You Europeans will pay a very high price. It's gonna be so high you can't even imagine. There will be no holocaust for you with trains taking you to the incinerators, your necks will be cut on the spot…. Islam is the Iron Broom of Israel. Instead of us doing the work, we send Islam to solve the problem."

— Rabbi David Touitou ( https://youtube.com/watch?v=aDNhyrTjZ7M&t=22836s )

"The Zionist Plan to Take Over the World" - https://www.bitchute.com/video/OonfQSSV0kyQ/

While allows the West all the ISrahelli $hit?

"Israel Hardware Backdoored Everything" - https://youtube.com/watch?v=myYZfLhtOZc

"Bi Bi Threatens Europe" - https://youtube.com/watch?v=1Hxb3VE8vq4

"Israel's the key. That's the crime bunker, not even the City of London. The crime bunker where they do this shit is in Israel. You deal with Israel, you pull the wolf off your neck." ( Brendon O'Connell )

"Trump Wants An Israeli Space Command | W10 Code Written In Israel" - https://youtube.com/watch?v=SSu68wQhzEI

"God's Chosen People are the Smartest Race" - https://youtube.com/watch?v=jkFLM4uacEE

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Don't ya know it is a against the law to criticise Israel??? Only thirteen thousand children have been mudered so no criticism, even when one million children are murdered it will still be illegal!

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You can't criticize God's chosen psychopaths as they always doing just God's own work, I mean always.

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Putin is Chabadnik.

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A most interesting "compare & contrast" Mr. Slavsquat draws between the two Moscow events. It's like the difference between the George Floyd riots and the student Gazacaust protests, where one is all peachy keen and the other verboten. Rancher's priorities noted.

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Oh daddy Putin, my immune system is useless, please make me safe from the buggy wuggies.

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So…squashing Nationalism is not just a Western thing! Appreciate your letting us know Edward. Must play in the dirt today as it is cleaner there. Make sure to have a roll with the pups! 💕

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OR?? the russian govt isnt concerned for the lives/threat to muslim ,enough to enforce edict. sarc tic.However even in wartime stalin had parade,so theres that.In donbass givi,moto,zak,bentley had parades under fire.Seems obvious who holds the power now,and who lives in fear.Only bright part is fact it can now be seen clearly.May god be with us now,since its clear all our govts/rulers are not.

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THey didn't have explosive drones in Stalin's day nor a globally open air transport system, etc.

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Salut bosco!

i know you love good music, on higher ground:


Stay strong

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Well there is one significant difference between Eid and 9th commemorations: terrorist/West-sponsored attack on the former is unthinkable propaganda self-goal for the current enemies of Russia (thus making it rather unlikely), whereas the later would be their propaganda victory. Not really, but that's how they would think and portray it

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It is befitting that the current kleptocratic claque misgoverning Russia has seen fit to relegate this last organic vestige of tribute rendered to veterans of The Great Patriotic War to an inorganic, virtual space. As "Natalie" aptly observed in the comments above: "'Online march' sounds just as ridiculous as 'social distancing'. And this whole thing is beyond sad."

It is both sad and infuriating, since the ever diminishing number of veterans remaining are too old and infirm to provide any pushback against this willful stupidity disguised as 'public safety'. I'd wager that this is only the first phase of the memory-holing not only of the heroism & sacrifice of The Great Patriotic War, but of what that war was seeking to defend: The USSR.

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This is an easy one to answer. No celebrities or media in the West knew of or cared about this Muslim celebration you mentioned. The Victory Day is a big deal however and as you well know Russia and Putin himself are emotionally invested in celebrating the Great Patriotic War. So the Ukrainian regime and their supporting governments will be looking to spoil it for Russia.

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"In conclusion: After two years of fighting the Nazi Satanists in Ukraine, Russians are prohibited from walking down the street in honor of their Nazi-fighting ancestors."

Sorry, but this conclusion is complete bullshit.

The whole article is a weird, twisted take on the facts.

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