Hello from Missouri USA! I have never commented before. I love your authentic Russian stories and pictures. I am a homesteader of sorts so I see lots of possibilities for this place. Is this in the same place that you showed us pics of your new house? You would live there as well? You mention lots of milk- Goats?

I am wondering about heat for your Russian winter? How do the regular folks heat their homes? With wood? A lot of folks do that here but with not such a large space. I am a regular folk-no 401K here!

Yes, lots of room for many ideas and perhaps people!

Just be wise about creating a new debt load at this time. Bankers are the bane of human existence in my opinion.

Nothing ventured nothing gained. Life is but a journey in any case and perhaps this building is part of your journey? :-) In any case, may God bless your journey.

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Hi Dawn, welcome to the comments section :)

Yes, it's the same village where my house is located. The milk is from two goats and one cow. Most homes in the village are heated using wood stoves. Appreciate your kind words and encouragement! Be well --


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Unless he’s taking Nika cross country, it has to be the same village

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I’ve seen many buildings like this one in my country-Bulgaria and have been tempted just like you :) There is quite a lot of research you need to do before you purchase- status, can you change use, what exactly do you get building, ground etc, what rates for electricity, water etc and probably much more. Then you really need to think what is it you want-hotel, learning hub, farm so that you know what the requirements for such is like toilets,showers,kitchen, racecourse etc. Then it comes the talk with the locals and all those that would want to tell you their version(I think that’s the hardest part). The best one I have seen done, which was a great school camp in the soc era, is now turned to an exclusive family hotel with different activities for all to do together. People have also done like small farm/food type properties that offer workshops and courses. Good luck and keep us posted! Warm wishes to you all

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real estate tax? how much land comes with it? are building permits required, and how to get them? fwiw, Wikipedia says Novgorod Oblast continues to lose population, with twice as many deaths as births.

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Horrifying! - I wonder how many young Novgorod males have been lost to the carnage in Ukraine. Some reports I have claim enormous Russian casualties in the last six weeks (some twisted and probably failing element of the President's re-election strategy).

I say try something - try anything with that school - you selling shares in some fashion?

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I've seen no shortage of new business ventures start up and fail simply because the budding entrepreneur failed to do market research prior to deciding on the nature of his or her business. It's the market, your customer base, that will ensure the success or failure of a venture. Before investing too much time an money in a business idea, talk to members of your community and see what they would like / support.

By the way, after the financial collapse (that's imminent, even for Russia probably) it's the basic down-to-earth things that will remain or even increase in demand. Wood working, metal working, machine repair, plumbing, etc. - these things will never go out of style and demand will soar when / if supply lines breakdown.

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"Before investing too much time an money in a business idea, talk to members of your community and see what they would like / support."

I think Edward has already consulted Nika.

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There's also this quote by Charles Bukowski about what sort of a drive it takes to take a business off the ground: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_MDP6TcHwU&t=110s @Edward: unless you have that, or get it in 3 days, you should probably leave the schoolhouse for later. Starting a business will suck the life out of you and unless you think the reward is worth it, don't go for it.

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I think what you say here is most important, I hope he reads it does the proper investigating FIRST.

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Edward, I do cad drafting. Glad to make drawings, if you need them, from your measurements, as I probs can't get there to measure it myself. My first question is how its heated. My first suggestion is to perhaps combine some rentable living or banquet spaces with the classrooms, simply to give a more solid income over the year if the students have a summer break. Contact me at my name, all one word just like here, add pm dot me ok. Way to think big, very inspiring. And needed. Best from Oregon USA.

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what a kind offer, Jacquelyn, thank you! I'll keep you posted. Take care!


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Also in Oregon, St. Helens area.

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Also in Oregon! 🙂

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Oh, my goodness!!! Do it!!! Doitdoitdoit. The kopeks are going to be worth diddlysquat in the near future. Riches will be cultivated in the soil. In our hearts our heads our souls. Centres of Dissidence and Unusualness are the only way to go to survive the unfolding full frontal digital totalitarian assault on our spirits. To hell with "Responsibility". You live once. Live it gloriously. Show your beautiful son the way to do it with joy and mischievous defiance! If my country hangs in there with BRICS, maybe some sanctioned travel will be possible for some ad hoc milking sessions. 😃

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I say go for it. Kevin Barrett is considering something similar in Morocco. I think it's a great idea. Lots of us dissidents would like to visit Russia!

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"off-grid Community in Paraguay you never heard of"


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I sounds like a lovely idea, just do lots of homework first. Merry Christmas!!

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Absolutely beautiful, fantastic idea. I've nothing to invest but my time, but then, that's probably worth a lot. Workshops, seminars, tours, retreats, Russian classes, history and culture lectures....and on and on. Go for it, Dude! Maximus

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I like the cult idea, no end of good writing material there. That way, when you go tits up on the school, you’ll have an entire career of psychoanalysis and crowd consciousness to draw from.

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:) :)

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Wild idea, but hell yes! Would 100% get a flight via lovely Serbia to come and grow vegetables with you (although used to growing in Andalucia so may have to adapt just a tad.) Happy to teach gardening, hen-wrangling and flamenco. Or just hang out and do samogon :)))))

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We need a hen-wrangler. Holding you to this, Mr. Hayes.

be well,


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You had the energy/creativity/patience to build the Rock Tower in New Hampshire, which tells me you could take this on.

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I could sure use a digital detox in rural Novgorod.

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So as someone who is both an agripreneur and Russophile (I'm listening to Dostoyevsky on Catholic Christmas Eve) I'd say it depends on the ongoing costs. If they are low (someone is paying the electric bill) then its a low risk. If this is an albatross of expense then be careful. I can't imagine in a country of collapsing demography there is much use for buildings like that in small burgs. So you are competing against no one and the resale potential is basically zero. So you are likely to have no exit possibility.

As a result, whatever you pay for it is gonna be more than its worth. Whoever owns it realizes this. They pretty much would have to give it away.

The value of the property is in what you would do with it.

I really like the idea of an agritourism/educational institution/intensive language program (?). The use for housing is sketch, probably not enough septic/bathroom capacity and hard to add in after the fact. Not impossible. During the summer months maybe its possible to do rustic living.

I literally built a proforma yesterday for a possible business venture. I'm probably not going to pursue it because of the economics but that's why you run the model!

I'd say the limiting reagent if you will for the economy in that town is people. If there is a way out of the cattle tag city I think people would go for it. Not many, but certainly a lot of the Strelkov folks are probably about there. Doesn't take a bunch.

Anyhow I would be happy to invest or help how I can. There's a guy named Mark Shepard https://www.forestag.com/pages/mark-shepard who basically created a town-based business that's now pretty epic. I have met him. I would be happy to send you his book or whatever.

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Great advice

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Hi Riley, have you ever renovated a house? I've done three and it can get 1) painful/frustrating and 2) more expensive than one thinks before plunging ahead. (I did like the final product.) You may want to renovate the house you already have to see if you have what it takes.

The only thing that worries me is that you will have no time to write your wonderful posts if you buy the property.

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"That’s a lollipop (not a cigarette) in his mouth, by the way."

Good thing you clarified! In Russia, you never know.....🤣

счастливого Рождества!

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I think asbestos is still used in Russia. I'm not kidding. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asbest

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Wow that's interesting. I haven't seen it in brake pads for eons. But yeah looks like its still legal.the mines shut down 20 years ago.

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