I love your blogs and the Institute and the gorgeous puppies. Thanks for writing! Margo

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I love your updates from the Institute! That chicken story is hilarious; I'm surprised the govt. vet wasn't more persistent.

Good luck with the potatoes. That looks like a goodly number of rows. I grew potatoes in Vermont and every couple of days I had to pick off the potato beetles -- nasty orange things in all their life stages. I hope you don't have those in Russia, but I imagine the damned things are everywhere.

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Thank you so much from Oregon. I too prefer to try to harmonize situations, ease flow. Waste nothing. What one can make one need not buy. And the relationship to things we make is so much deeper. Once, there was nothing TO buy. And nothing to 'buy' it with. I mean, just imagine that.

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These black toe nibbling snakes sound fascinating, are they venomous? We have a few snakes here but they mostly just eat mice.

I am often paid to use "an arsenal of loud grass-murdering machines" at work, but I sometimes secretly rebel and gather the seeds of unapproved heretical flowering plants and spread their seeds covertly (think of it like Schindler's List but for native plants).

I love your village posts, blessings on your potato and cabbages patches my friend

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Dear Edward! I don't remember when I subbed as a freeloader, you probably know and I'm still here, but today, while reading this post, I decided to help you with your noble endeavors in your life at the Institut with à payed sub.

Keep it up and all the best.

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Thank you so much for your readership and support, Konrad!



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It is heartwarming to know that the Russian Government which is currently waging the largest war Europe has seen in almost a century finds time to send freaks in lab coats to the impoverished countryside with vaccine slop for the poor animals. It bring a tear to my eye whenever I consider the tireless work done by our health officials worldwide. Thank you for your service!

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they came to the family village of my ex and literally rounded up the pigs for slaughter over swine virus concerns. these pigs were healthy, in the open air. not like the industrially-raised mutants that big agriculture runs in russia. and do you know who runs the agricultural ministry in russia? patrushev jr, the son of the once-top FSB spook in russia. he sends the police to kill livestock to boost profits for the big companies he does business with.

the next big perestroika will have cops going around and burning down ppls dachas no doubt.

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The pigs were Bandera supporters you ukrop shill. Z

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I suppose that is correct but Russia from what I understand is leading the way with digital ID tech and other evil schemes.

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Edward, I milked eight cows by hand twice a day. The proper position is close to the cow, with your bent left leg in front of her right hind leg to prevent her putting her foot in the bucket or kicking the bucket just as you are stripping her out. You have to get in close to prevent that very infuriating event and maintain contact with her leg at all times. Lift the full bucket out first as you step away from the cow. I never milked goats, but sitting behind and staring straight into their aft sphincters doesn't appeal to me.

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Gaf-gaf! Gaf gaf 😁! Gaf, gaf GAF-GAF💩😉🤣🤫…

GAAAFFF 🧑‍🌾🪵🪵🤣!

🧀🤢gaf? Gaf: 🥔🍗😋!

Woof-woof 🥱 🤗Ziggy

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Thank you for this amusing and informative article. It is a sort of rude awakening to learn that Russia is still following the WEF Great Reset plan even though Davos has severed ties with the country.

I know people who have expressed great relief to know that there is still a "save haven" country like Russia in the world, where persecuted people like Edward Snowden and Tara Reed can escape to. This will be a splash of cold water to the face to hear of this--thank you for the disillusionment, as that word means "to remove one's false illusion", and though emotionally a strain, is ultimately preferable.

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I needed this update. Thank you

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Confirmed. Russian cheese tastes like rubber. Mostly.

A shame. And surprising, as Nika suggests.

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Potatoes are a gamble on the weather. If you plant them above ground under straw, cow manure and blood and bone, and it turns out wet, you have Rotten Potatoes. If you plant them in trenches and it turns out dry, you will water them until you go blind, and you still have No Potatoes. Telephone please your local HAARP station, of which I think you have 2, and ask them what they have in mind. Tell them it's about your potatoes. They will be most understanding.

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Hi Edward, I really appreciate your mixture of home spun Russian rural life and reportage of the Slavic space lizard shenanigans. I also was inspired by the quotation for Kenneth Clark of 'Civilisation' fame, spasiba. To be kind and gentle in this world is a victory in itself. Best regards from another freeloading subscriber, woof woof!

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I would refer such as 'skywalker' to a line from Mr Clark's excellent speech:

"...we can destroy ourselves by cynicism and disillusion just as effectively as by bombs. "

We need some positive actions. Firstly the people need a voice. A venue within which to raise their voice, speak to each other, know themselves. Manifest.



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Thanks for the update.

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