BASED RUSSIA: Beloved statesman Dmitry Medvedev calls for "segregation" against unclean "COVID dissidents" as lawmakers say refusing voluntary vaccination should probably be illegal
Russia's senior leadership openly advocates for "significantly infringing on the rights of the unvaccinated"

All 85 federal subjects of Russia now have health-preserving compulsory vaccination for certain segments of society; 75 regions currently require QR code-based health IDs for basic activities—a policy that has already saved tens of millions of lives.
Vaccination in Russia is still 100% voluntary, but if you haven’t gotten the jab yet, you are a threat to society and the government needs to garnish your wages in order to safeguard public health. This is actually what Dmitry Medvedev—esteemed ex-prime minister/president and current deputy chairman of Russia’s security council—has skillfully argued in long and very enlightening essay:
To encourage people to get vaccinated, employers use a reward system: time off, one-time payments, a convenient individual schedule and work format. The same methods "work" on a national scale, when people with a vaccination certificate get unhindered access to public events and public places, can travel, work or study in person without restrictions, and not remotely.
"Reverse" methods are also possible—to significantly infringe on the rights of the unvaccinated. This refers to the transfer to remote work, suspension from work with people, and a decrease in payments due to the fact that COVID dissidents pose a threat to society. Such methods, as already mentioned, are already actively used in many countries. Of course, this creates a certain segregation on the basis of vaccination. However, such measures are quite effective, and most of them meet with understanding and support. After all, unvaccinated people harm not only themselves, but also those around them, especially children, who are not yet vaccinated in most countries. Therefore, improving legislation in this area is a challenge to which our state has yet to find an answer. And, frankly, such a response will have to depend on the level of threat to public safety posed by the pandemic. In certain situations, public safety and social well-being of the entire population becomes more important than respecting the rights and freedoms of an individual citizen. The protection of the majority is a fundamental principle of democracy. Whether someone likes it or not ...
There’s a lot to unpack here. First, kudos to Medvedev for needling the elephant in the room: the unvaxxed are murdering children—often on purpose and for fun. Probably you’ve already seen the disgusting TikTok videos on the Dark Web showing unjabbed vermin scurrying around Moscow, fatally infecting infants as they laugh and laugh and laugh? These “people” are freaks.
We also must applaud Medvedev for protecting the minority of Russians who have been vaccinated (many of them after being coerced and threatened) from the majority who remain unvaxxed—the 55%+ of Russians who “pose a threat to society.” The Russian government is committed to protecting “the majority,” which is why Medvedev is advocating for treating the majority as second-class subhumans. This is a fundamental principle of democracy!
We just love the idea of segregating the majority of Russians from society—and we agree with Medvedev, this policy will undoubtedly be met with understanding and support.
Thankfully, Medvedev’s Make Russia Great Again platform seems to have support within the government.
Yuri Kokov, deputy secretary of Russia’s security council, recently suggested that anyone who doesn’t like compulsory voluntary vaccination is very likely some sort of Islamic State suicide bomber:
Terrorist organizations are actively working on social networks to “discredit the actions of local authorities in the fight against the pandemic, to create a mood of confusion and uncertainty among the population,” Kokov said.
Medvedev also has allies within Russia’s famously competent and resourceful legislature.
Last week, State Duma Deputy Anatoly Wasserman urged security officials to crack down on “anti-vaccination” extremists, adding that those who refuse voluntary vaccination “will have to accept that their rights will be legally limited.”
Wasserman’s colleague, LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky, has proposed criminal punishment for those who oppose voluntary vaccination against COVID:
"If someone takes a stand against vaccination - up to criminal punishment!" - said Zhirinovsky.
According to the politician, a violation of the sanitary and epidemiological rules should be punished for violation of the sanitary and epidemiological rules, which inadvertently led or could lead to a massive illness of people.
Zhirinovsky also called for an increase in the self-isolation regime and criticized those who bought tourist vouchers for a non-working week. In addition, in his opinion, the army can be used to fight the pandemic…
This is the same guy who has allegedly injected himself with 6—yes, s-i-x — COVID vaccines (so far).

Frankly, we don’t see any good counter-arguments to all of the above. The Russian government is working around the clock, 24/7, trying to keep everyone safe and healthy. Isn’t it time to punish the troublemakers and science doubters?
Russia has the safest, most proven COVID vaccine, funded by a JP Morgan-affiliated banker and created in the world’s most advanced laboratories. There’s literally no reason not to get double-jabbed and triple-boostered, unless you love NATO or something.
No more monkey business. It’s time to purge the unvaxxed filth, who are getting in the way of Russia’s Multi-Polar, Anti-Globalist Paradise.
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