On the subject of the article... Did anyone cancel the world culling, pardon, depopulation project? If they did I must have missed the memo. But as far as I know everything goes according to plan - more slurries, more wars, more austerity measures, more control, less freedom - in short everything to make human existence much less comfort…
On the subject of the article... Did anyone cancel the world culling, pardon, depopulation project? If they did I must have missed the memo. But as far as I know everything goes according to plan - more slurries, more wars, more austerity measures, more control, less freedom - in short everything to make human existence much less comfortable than we have seen in the second part of the twentieth century and early twenty first. Why would Russian government, so successful in hiking up excess death rates over the last year, change their ways? I think they got their "good boy" cheek pinch from you know who and merrily continue on their way. So is Gintsburg, proud order of Alexander Nevsky honoree, he is just doing his job. And it doesn't really matter what caused the premature departure, was it a side effect from a slurry, combat death, denial of access to regular medical services, depression from the fact that all the world and your government that is supposed to protect you are against you and so on. All methods count, all methods contribute to the plan. On the positive side more and more people are starting to understand that. Monitoring Russian social media there is more talk now about the sixth column. The fifth column according to understanding in Russia are those liberal pro-Western elites that left the country shortly after February 24. A lot was said and understood about those. But sixth column are the people in the government, the ruling class pretending to be patriots but in reality doing everything in their power to make things worse. Understanding of the fact that many in Russian government are working against the interests of the Russian people is beginning to emerge. Will this result in any changes remains to be seen. The government pressure of mask wearing as symbolism of slavery seems to be popping up more and more all over the country.
On the subject of the article... Did anyone cancel the world culling, pardon, depopulation project? If they did I must have missed the memo. But as far as I know everything goes according to plan - more slurries, more wars, more austerity measures, more control, less freedom - in short everything to make human existence much less comfortable than we have seen in the second part of the twentieth century and early twenty first. Why would Russian government, so successful in hiking up excess death rates over the last year, change their ways? I think they got their "good boy" cheek pinch from you know who and merrily continue on their way. So is Gintsburg, proud order of Alexander Nevsky honoree, he is just doing his job. And it doesn't really matter what caused the premature departure, was it a side effect from a slurry, combat death, denial of access to regular medical services, depression from the fact that all the world and your government that is supposed to protect you are against you and so on. All methods count, all methods contribute to the plan. On the positive side more and more people are starting to understand that. Monitoring Russian social media there is more talk now about the sixth column. The fifth column according to understanding in Russia are those liberal pro-Western elites that left the country shortly after February 24. A lot was said and understood about those. But sixth column are the people in the government, the ruling class pretending to be patriots but in reality doing everything in their power to make things worse. Understanding of the fact that many in Russian government are working against the interests of the Russian people is beginning to emerge. Will this result in any changes remains to be seen. The government pressure of mask wearing as symbolism of slavery seems to be popping up more and more all over the country.