Greetings from Scotland. I wish Russians all the best in resisting the genetic slurry. I swallowed the hype enough to take two doses of AZ in early 2021 (have you seen Whitney Webb's investigations showing Oxford's Adrian Hill and Sarah Gilbert to be linked to the British Eugenics Society via one or other of its new incarnations?). Anyway, I found out just over a year ago what was going on so won't be taking any more goo - I just wish I'd had some healthier, Russian-style insights into the malevolence of governments. Here we tended to assume our politicians were just self-regarding, greedy and incompetent.

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Take NAC and other antioxidants. Precursors of Glutathione dissolve blood clots and prevent aggregation of amyloid plaque formations (that is the problem of this injected nano tech).

The KEY are antioxidants and both for C-19 and vax injuries the KEY WORD is OXIDATIVE STRESS and ANTIOXIDANTS

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Thanks, OH. I've been taking glutathione for a year (had to get it at considerable cost from the US!). Is that as good as taking NAC? Also taking vits C & D plus zinc and quercetin to boost immune system. I seem to be doing OK so far - not so much as a cold and no covid, but I appreciate that I could drop dead at any point!! Three triple-jabbed friends have had heart attacks - two fatal, one almost. Todd Callender mentioned chlorine dioxide to disable nanotech, so will get that at some point. It's no wonder people look at us as if we're mad when we talk about this stuff - it sounds barking mad when you haven't been researching it.

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If I were you I would certainly make sure you don't take any more injections. It's worse than you think. There is no SARS-CoV-2. There aren't any viruses. Once you start researching Germ theory you realise just how deep the rabbit hole goes. It was a trojan horse to accelerate Agenda 21 and it's being rolled out globally, Russia included. Putin is just a satrap.

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Kevin, you described this whole case perfectly: 100% correct ! Thank you.

It is very important to understand that whole thing is massive global psy op...

Of course, people got sick.

So, according to "conspiracy" language this is not hoax, but false flag !


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Thank you, but I'm hardly likely to take any more after what I've said and a year of boosting (sorry!) myself up in an effort to palliate at least some of the consequences. I didn't take the injections because I'm a complete idiot (nor did Robert Malone or Steve Kirsch).

I am fully aware of the agenda(s) too. I have been researching this for over a year. But 'there are no viruses' isn't yet settled science. Their is no such thing as settled science. If you listen to Dr Shankara Chetty's presentation to the World Council for Health or to Reiner Fuellmich, he describes covid as a biphasic disease, of which the first stage is viral replication, the treatment being inhibition of that replication. Then a minority of people with sensitivity to the spike protein become ill on Day 8, with different treatment being required for that phase. Dr Chetty treated 7000 patients - personally and hands on - and not even one got long covid, let alone was hospitalised, let alone died. He concludes that long covid is nothing more than moderate covid which has not been given appropriate early treatment (but untreated long covid is great for hiding vaxx injuries).

Anyway, if there are no viruses, I don't know why Dr Chetty's treatment would have produced 100% success. But, more importantly, I think there are priorities, and I don't think academic discussions of germ and terrain theory are nearly as important, in the first instance, as (a) stopping the injections, especially of children, and (b) stopping the transition to a cashless society, with social credit and dystopian biosurveillance. I'm happy to leave germ theory till later.

I agree that Putin is just part of the game, although I don't know what to make of his seeming defence of traditional family values and whatnot. Perhaps he just sees family values as having a utilitarian purpose, while he's happy to further the population reduction and biosurveillance side of things.

I can't even tell you what goes on in my husband's head, let alone Putin's. :-)

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No there are no viruses. End of. Read Enders paper. You can fool yourself if you want. Reality will always come back to bite you.

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You didn't explain Dr Chetty's 100% treatment success. I will be genuinely interested in your explanation, once you've listened to Dr Chetty, of course. I didn't say there are viruses. I said the priority is to stop the injections and stop the cashless society and the introduction of social credit systems.

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Of course you are not an idiot. However you were fooled. Now I have studied Germ theory for years. I began over 12 years ago so I have known for many years that we have been lied to. It is a massive lie. Bigger than the moon landing hoax. Watch this series of videos to get some understanding of what is going on. This woman is a virologist and immunologist.

Part one. How her lab attempted to isolate SARS-CoV-2 using Koch's postulates. This is how you are supposed to do it.


Part two. What is in the injections. This exposes the shills.


This woman has nothing to gain and everything to lose by sharing this information, so I would put a lot of trust in her. Plus I know she is right.

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Thumb up, Kev !

Also thanks for info about Enders, gonna research it.

Greetings from Polska.

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Yes, there are a lot of good Poles out there...looks like you are one of them Rayeste. Stay strong.

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NAC is a precursor of glutathione, but yes, you can take both (Dr. Horowitz uses both, I just use NAC, glutathione precursors as they are absorbed better than just glutathione, see below a quote from Dr. Horowitz).

It is recommended to use NAC in higher doses for people who have "Covid" or "vaxx" injuries - between 2000-3000mg a day. But even higher doses were well tolerated according to multiple studies.

So, yes - Antioxidants!!! NAC, Iver- if available, Zinc, Quercetin, Vitamin C - and others: Q10, K2MK7, Vit E, Resveratrol, Vit D, Vit B, Beta Carotene, Nigella Sativa, Turmeric, etc.

https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1046/j.1365-2990.2002.t01-1-00410.x " The present findings demonstrate oxidative, glycoxidative, lipoxidative and nitrative protein damage, accompanied by increased oxidative responses, in the cerebral cortex in sporadic CJD. These results provide support for the concept that oxidative stress may have important implications in the pathogenesis of prion diseases." -

https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0197458005003350?via%3Dihub "

The present findings demonstrate oxidative, glycoxidative, lipoxidative and nitrative protein damage, accompanied by increased oxidative responses, in the cerebral cortex in sporadic CJD. These results provide support for the concept that oxidative stress may have important implications in the pathogenesis of prion diseases.

Although the mechanism of neuron death in prion disease was not fully understood, brain inflammation and oxidative stress were widely considered to play an important pathogenetic role. Uric acid, a natural antioxidant in the serum and brain, was found to have a neuroprotective effect in several neurodegenerative disorders. A growing number of evidences have correlated higher serum uric acid levels with a lower risk of developing Parkinson's disease, a slower rate of disease progression and better cognitive performance [5], [7], [8]."

The Role of Oxidative Stress in Neurodegenerative Diseases - PMC (nih.gov) / https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26713080/


Oxidative pathomechanisms play an important role in neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's disease (AD). It has been shown that lipid peroxidation in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and plasma is increased in AD. To assess the role of oxidative stress in Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD), we investigated the oxidizability of lipids, the lipid composition and the levels of the antioxidants ascorbate and α-tocopherol in CSF and plasma of 15 CJD patients and 12 neurologically healthy controls. CSF and plasma lipid peroxidation was increased in CJD patients and polyunsaturated fatty acids were reduced in CSF of these patients. Ascorbate levels were lower in CSF and plasma of CJD patients, while α-tocopherol was found to be decreased in CSF but not in plasma. These results support the hypothesis that oxidative mechanisms are involved in the pathogenesis of CJD and provide a rationale for the use of antioxidants in the therapy of this disease.

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30641367/ and https://www.hindawi.com/journals/neuroscience/2019/7547382/ and https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6500609/pdf/NEUROSCIENCE2019-7547382.pdf and https://madsa.org.my/how-nac-should-be-part-of-stroke-prevention-diet/

This is important - lists many antioxidants and Myeloperoxidase biodegrades graphene https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2020.00433/full - Medicinal Herbal Compounds With the MPO-Inhibiting Activity Showing Antioxidant, Anti-Inflammation, and Neuroprotective Effects - https://www.frontiersin.org/files/Articles/528444/fphys-11-00433-HTML/image_m/fphys-11-00433-t002.jpg - Table 2. Natural compound inhibiting MPO for protecting ischemic stroke injury.

Here is the information what markers can be done to find out if oxidative stress is present: A limitation of our study, apart from the small sample size however, is that we were unable to do laboratory testing in our patients, including checking oxidative stress markers (lipid peroxides) as well as inflammatory markers (CRP, ferritin, D-dimer) and LDH which might demonstrate a change post GSH administration [[76], [77], [78]]. A randomized, controlled trial of GSH, glutathione precursors with inflammatory/oxidative stress markers should be done in the future to fully elucidate the effects of blocking NF-kappaB, and to determine the effect of GSH and antioxidants on the clinical course of COVID-19 pneumonia and ARDS. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7172740/ - Efficacy of glutathione therapy in relieving dyspnea associated with COVID-19 pneumonia: A report of 2 cases

The study by CHOP researchers suggests NAC may block the precipitation of amyloid plaque deposits, as well as help break up their formation, which could make a dramatic difference for those living with HCCAA. The study’s lead author, Dr. Hakon Hakonarson, director of CHOP’s Center for Applied Genomics, said in a news release:10

“Amyloids cannot precipitate without aggregating, so if we can prevent that aggregation with a drug [NAC] that is already available, then we could make an incredible difference in the lives of these patients.

Additionally, since we already have genetic testing available to identify these patients, we could conceivably give this treatment early in life and potentially prevent that first stroke from ever occurring.”

In Pfizer Document - Postmarketing Experience, different Amyloidosis as an adverse result of vaccination is mentioned as well - including Cardiac Amyloidosis and Renal, Skin Amyloidosis - etc.

This is another glutathione precursor: https://immunotec.com/now/shop/product/00010000

Azithromycin has antioxidant properties - so obviously this is why it works so well for Covid: https://rosacea-support.org/azithromycin-zithromax-is-anti-oxidant.html and https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4368079/ - same for Doxycycline.

Ivermectin is Zinc ionophore and Zinc prevents oxidative stress. But by itself Zinc ionophores prevent apoptosis, death of the cell, that is the outcome of oxidative stress (Other ionophores are Quercetin & Vitamin C - administered together and HCQ, also Nigella Sativa, black cumin seeds) - So good you take those.

https://www.lymedisease.org/pfeiffer-preventing-covid/ and https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7172740/

Dr. Horowitz’s comment on how the supplements work to treat and potentially prevent COVID

“Although anecdotal, I have heard from patients who were on NAC and glutathione when they were exposed to COVID-19, that they did not get sick or test positive for the virus, when others around them did. This can potentially be explained by the antiviral effects of NAC and glutathione, which have been published in the peer-reviewed medical literature, years before COVID was on the scene.

Supplements like NAC, alpha lipoic acid and glutathione also have anti-inflammatory effects. The way the viral machinery turns on is with oxidative stress, driving inflammation, and these supplements lower inflammation, by blocking a switch inside the nucleus called NF Kappa B. I have used this approach for over two decades, lowering cytokines and inflammation in Lyme disease patients.

Some of the same cytokines seen in COVID-19 are exactly the same cytokines seen in Lyme patients, especially during Herxheimer reactions, which is how I knew to use this approach, which has been effective. I also used to treat Babesia patients with shortness of breath with IV glutathione and would see similar results, i.e., improvement of shortness of breath.

So all of my years of treating tick-borne diseases have given me a perspective that other doctors or researchers may not have regarding the efficacy of this approach. I would suggest however, until a randomized, controlled trial is done, that patients bring my articles to their doctor and speak to them about taking NAC, alpha lipoic acid and glutathione. I believe it will help protect them against the inflammatory effects of the virus.”

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Thanks so much for all of that. I'll save it for future use. Anything I take I have to get hold of myself from the internet - no point whatever in asking an NHS doctor for anything other than the jab! Ivermectin, which costs pennies to make, cost me £480 for 120 pills from goodness knows what country (probably India). I was keeping it in case I or any of my family got covid - have only taken 3 one time when I'd knowingly visited my daughter when she supposedly had covid. Maybe I should just take some of it. Pierre Kory also mentioned intermittent fasting for cellular regeneration, I think. I haven't had the willpower for that yet, but at least it's free. And it would be good practice for when the WEF deny us social credits if we won't get jabs. :-)

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Sea vegetables (kelp/seaweed etc) and blue green algaes (like spirulina and chlorella) are helpful due to their antioxidant content and do to the fact that they contain compounds/nutrients that increase the regeneration rates of mitochondria (and adult stem cells) which can help to replace damaged cells and detox contaminated tissues.

Pine Needle Tea/extract is also helpful for mitigating the damage caused by (and potentially reversing some of the damage caused by) the various ingredients in the 'genetic slurry' injections as well.

You can harvest your own pine needles for free if you take a bit of time to learn to identify tree species and live near a forested area.

Here is a link to a blog post I put together that goes into some of the science relating to the medicinal effects of pine needle tea/extracts: https://gavinmounsey.substack.com/p/an-encounter-with-an-ancient-healer

And here are a few more links related to a species of pine that you may be able to forage for around your neck of the woods

- https://www.scottishwildfoodfestival.co.uk/new-blog/foraging-in-winter-the-marvellous-scots-pine

- https://www.highlandquietlife.co.uk/post/pine-needle-tea

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Thanks for all that, Gavin. I've heard about the pine needle tea, although I haven't tried it. Todd Callender also recommends ClO2 for disabling nano-transmitters. And Astrid Stuckelberger has protocols on her Telegram account too.

On the other hand, Andreas Noack, before he was assassinated, said that graphene (hydr)oxide cannot be biologically removed, so there's that!

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The more research the more I think that NAC is the very key. Yes, Ivermectin is good. From studies we see that Nigella Sativa, Black Cumin seed is ivermectin alternative

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Thank you for that very humane and informative conversation. Good health to SheilaB.

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We are definitely playing a Russian roulette with those toxic injections. My observation is that for many, if they don't die or get injured quite immediately, it takes between 5 months to about one year. Definitely one of the mechanisms of this nano technology and peptides (proteins) in addition to just causing acute oxidative stress with all its outcomes, such as blood clotting, organ failure, strokes, heart failure, etc., is AMYLOID PLAQUE FORMATIONS in presence of quantum dots. Those self-assembling structures grow under the influence of certain factors including temperature, UV light, ultrasound, PH, etc.

So, the tactic of prevention and treatment should be to address oxidative stress and to disassemble those self-assembling peptide nano semiconductors. From my research it is clear NAC (N-acetylcysteine) does it and all other antioxidants, including antioxidant rich diet would help to reach the goal. NAC doses should be high, at least in the beginning.

Those antioxidants and detox should be continued for as long as it is needed. Since those toxic ingredients deposit in bone marrow, ovaries, spleen, etc., it may take a long time for one to eventually biodegrade those. So, people should have good amounts of life saving antioxidants and research in this direction.

I am sorry, this is a slaughter. We MUST STOP IT.

Here are very good hearings organized by Australian senators, with abundance of arguments and facts regarding this crime by most of the "leaders", WHO and other perpetrators: https://www.malcolmrobertsqld.com.au/the-covid-inquiry-2-0/#htoc-julian-gillespie1

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Some weeks ago, I told the story of a friend of mine (a psychologist) who wanted her father (she is a staunch anti injection) to get vaccinated in order for him to see his very tired wife who is in a retirement home. No "independant" doctors, nor the local hospital wanted to inject him.

You hear more and more people talking about very bad side effect. Dolores Scahill and many others like Alexandra Henrion-Caude had warned that we will see many death in the coming years... Yes it is a slaughter.

Outraged Human, thank you for your input, please keep on and take care of you.


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I am not sure if you've seen this my post - This would be a short summary (I can elaborate on this based on science) :

We are definitely playing a Russian roulette with those toxic injections. My observation is that for many, if they don't die or get injured quite immediately, it takes between 5 months to about one year. Definitely one of the mechanisms of this nano technology and peptides (proteins) in addition to just causing acute oxidative stress with all its outcomes, such as blood clotting, organ failure, strokes, heart failure, etc., is AMYLOID PLAQUE FORMATIONS in presence of quantum dots. Those self-assembling structures grow under the influence of certain factors including temperature, UV light, ultrasound, PH, etc.

So, the tactic of prevention and treatment should be to address oxidative stress and to disassemble those self-assembling peptide nano semiconductors. From my research it is clear NAC (N-acetylcysteine) does it and all other antioxidants, including antioxidant rich diet would help to reach the goal. NAC doses should be high, at least in the beginning.

Those antioxidants and detox should be continued for as long as it is needed. Since those toxic ingredients deposit in bone marrow, ovaries, spleen, etc., it may take a long time for one to eventually biodegrade those. So, people should have good amounts of life saving antioxidants and research in this direction.

I am sorry, this is a slaughter. We MUST STOP IT.

Here are very good hearings organized by Australian senators, with abundance of arguments and facts regarding this crime by most of the "leaders", WHO and other perpetrators: https://www.malcolmrobertsqld.com.au/the-covid-inquiry-2-0/#htoc-julian-gillespie1

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OH, in terms of the timing, I think we don't know yet. I had my two doses in Feb and May 21 (they went for a 3-month gap here to get the initial vaxx into more people) and I'm still fine, although I'm aware that could change any day.

A small group of (distant) friends I have took the booster, ignoring my warnings, in Oct/Nov 21. One had already had a heart attack 2 months after her second shot (she'd already had covid, so should not have been 'vaccinated' anyway, plus it's more dangerous if you're had covid). In November she had a brother-in-law drop dead suddenly, and another brother-in-law drop dead suddenly in April. Another friend in the same group (of just six of us) lost her husband to a heart attack in March. Then my main friend from the group, who was as fit and healthy as they come, died of a catastrophic heart attack in May. So it happens any time from the day you got the shot to months later, and we will likely find that it happens years later, when it is much harder to connect with the vaxxes. We will never have proper data, as 'they' chose not to follow up individual 'vaccinated' people's medical records, for obvious reasons.

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Tried Germanin ? ( Suramine ) Was told about it during Polsih anti vax anti restriction demo in Warsaw. Heard that it helps vaxxed to recover.

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I know NAC and other antioxidants work. Pine needles from what I heard are also antioxidant, but it should be the right pine, as some are toxic. But I have not practice this, while have many people on other antioxidants, especially on NAC recovering

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Obviously ! Saludos de Polonia, hombre.

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God bless you, SheilaB!

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Thank you, Ann - all blessings gratefully received. :-) We are all in need of blessings just now.

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How can Monsieur Ginzburg lag behind when it should be clear to anyone that the famous Sputnik is nothing but an early experimental version AZ aka "Oxford" - the very one that quietly disappeared everywhere in the West but is still the only one available in most African countries? Well, Russians don't even qualify as Africans in their eyes, it looks like.

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Btw - do you know what is more modern word for EUGENIC? TRANSHUMANISM - AGUMENTATION

Eugenics Society president and UNESCO founder Julian Huxley wrote in 1946: “Political unification in some sort of world government will be required… Even though… any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care, and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that now is unthinkable may at least become thinkable.”

Or, a longer quote:

"Biological inequality is, of course, the bedrock fact on which all of eugenics is predicated. But it is not usually realised that the two types of inequality have quite different and indeed contrary

eugenic implications. The inequality of mere difference is desirable, and the preservation of human variety should be one of the two primary aims of eugenics. But the inequality of level or standard is undesirable, and the other primary aim of eugenics should be the raising of the mean level of all desirable qualities. While there may be dispute over certain qualities, there can be none over a number of the most important, such as a healthy constitution, a high innate general intelligence, or a special aptitude such as that for mathematics or music.

At the moment, it is probable that the indirect effect of civilization is dysgenic instead of eugenic ; and in any case it seems likely that the dead weight of genetic stupidity, physical weakness, mental instability, and disease-proneness, which already exist in the human species, will prove too great a burden for real progress to be achieved. Thus even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for Unesco to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care, and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that now is unthinkable may at least become thinkable. "

"Still another and quite different type of borderline subject is that of eugenics. It has been on the borderline between the scientific and the unscientific, constantly in danger of becoming a pseudoscience based on preconceived political ideas or on assumptions of racial or class superiority and inferiority. It is, however, essential that eugenics should be brought entirely within the borders of science, for? as already indicated, in the not very remote future the problem of improving the average quality of human beings is likely to become urgent ; and this can only be accomplished by applying the findings of a truly scientific eugenics. "

"Unesco, as has already been set forth, must deal with applied as well as pure science. It is worth pointing out that the applications. of science at once bring us up against social problems of various sorts. Some of these are direct and obvious. Thus the application of genetics in eugenics immediately raises the question of values what qualities should we desire to encourage in the human beings of the future ?


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I can only recommend Julian Savulescu or my all time favourite, Parker Crutchfield of the "Compulsory moral bioenhancement should be covert" fame - you'll forget all about long-gone Huxleys at once, for those two and many more of them are are PhDs, they are extremely well-financed and very active, and they are working on their ideas for us right now, as we speak: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30157295/

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Exactly, it is all DONE for GREATER benefit, sorry:


"Although this concept can also additionally mean totalitarian rule to many, ultimately, leveraging the IoVT era can be the maximum applicable manner to keep away from pandemics globally."

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On the subject of the article... Did anyone cancel the world culling, pardon, depopulation project? If they did I must have missed the memo. But as far as I know everything goes according to plan - more slurries, more wars, more austerity measures, more control, less freedom - in short everything to make human existence much less comfortable than we have seen in the second part of the twentieth century and early twenty first. Why would Russian government, so successful in hiking up excess death rates over the last year, change their ways? I think they got their "good boy" cheek pinch from you know who and merrily continue on their way. So is Gintsburg, proud order of Alexander Nevsky honoree, he is just doing his job. And it doesn't really matter what caused the premature departure, was it a side effect from a slurry, combat death, denial of access to regular medical services, depression from the fact that all the world and your government that is supposed to protect you are against you and so on. All methods count, all methods contribute to the plan. On the positive side more and more people are starting to understand that. Monitoring Russian social media there is more talk now about the sixth column. The fifth column according to understanding in Russia are those liberal pro-Western elites that left the country shortly after February 24. A lot was said and understood about those. But sixth column are the people in the government, the ruling class pretending to be patriots but in reality doing everything in their power to make things worse. Understanding of the fact that many in Russian government are working against the interests of the Russian people is beginning to emerge. Will this result in any changes remains to be seen. The government pressure of mask wearing as symbolism of slavery seems to be popping up more and more all over the country.

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There truly is no need for clinical trials.....we all know what the "results" would look like, anyway.

Let's say it together :


Gives me a ' warm and fuzzy ' .

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Actually should avoid clinical trials all together, since they can delay or even derail perfectly safe and effective genetic therapy treatments now called vaccines!

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...and don't forget their cost - I mean, how's a pharmaceutical company going to profit and thrive in the face of such expenses? Thankfully, they utilize taxpayer funding for research and development, and are able to survive, and continue to provide us with safe and effective treats for our salvation.

Ok, 'nuff said.

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Yeah, this was only needed for the masses to buy this. Since they buy it anyway, it is just a waste

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Yes, why bother?

With Hospira "saline solution" there was no control group anyway (ha ha).


IV saline in bags manufactured by both Hospira and Baxter contained 1600-8000 microparticles/mL and 4-73 × 10⁶ nanoparticles/mL in solution. When IV immunoglobulin was diluted into the IV saline, 3700-23,000 microparticles/mL and 18-240 × 10⁶ nanoparticles/mL were detected. During processing of the solution through the IV system, in-line filters removed most microparticles. However, there were still 1-21 × 10⁶ nanoparticles/mL in IV saline and 7-83 × 10⁶ nanoparticles/mL in IV immunoglobulin diluted in saline.



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Activity menu item disappeared from the menu this morning. I have used this notification feature to see who likes my comments. You can still see the activity menu option by going there directly: https://substack.com/activity?utm_source=user-menu

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Great post my friend.

"according to various reports from responsible and trustworthy corporate media conglomerates."

hahaha your writing often makes me laugh out loud, thanks for that man, it is a very precious medicine indeed.

I have recently been cringing a lot when friends of mine (that are aware of the dangers of the genetic slurry injections) tell me they are going to get their kid's "immunizations up to date" before they go back to school. They reassure me they are not getting the pfizer death jab, but think that the other injections are totally benign. Considering all this "light speed" injection developing and pushing out injections filled with far out nano-tech stuff and genetic contaminating mRNA etc I have a hard time believing that these big pharma corporations are not putting the same stuff in the so called "normal" vaccines. Maybe I am just being paranoid, but ya man.. with how corrupt the medical establishment has become and how brainwashed the doctors/nurses often are.. it just seems like a bad call to get any "safe and effective" injections right now.

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With a name like "Gintsburg", it must be a cohencidence.


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The indomitable Edward Slavsquat, connect the dots, strikes again!

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It sure looks like the WEF gives the same directives and talking points to Russia and the rest of the world. The lockstep is still strong. Meanwhile we have a war in Ukraine to keep the sheeple's mind occupied. And that war seems to be now in WWI trench warfare type stalemate. War is the health of the state so it keeps going.

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I think that "siege" is more like it than trench warfare, with Euromerican US/NATO doing the nasty work of actually pummeling the Ukrainians (via "help" and sanctions) into submission while Russia just routs out nasties and works to preserve valuable infrastructure.

Ukraine just canceled its nat gas relationship with Russia in order to hook into the EU grid. Its currency is shot. It's on its own and it doesn't own much of anything any more.

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WWI style war indeed. Trench warfare and excessive use of artillery. There are even attempts at chemical weapons use through detonation of ammonia storage by Ukrainian troops on retreat. The West likes this development, I think. Remember how Germany was appearing as a winner in WWI if you consider their significant land grab, until suddenly it wasn't, due to internal economic collapse. So the West predicts the same fate to Russia. Russians, on the other hand, think they can rely on internal resources much more than West does so they hope to outlast this conflict in such way. By spring time we'll see which side is in a better shape.

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There is no safe and effective nanotechnology. Covid and "vaccine" injuries are the result of graphene toxicity poisoning with all outcomes such toxicity causes, such as physical destruction, oxidative stress, DNA damage, inflammatory response, apoptosis, autophagy, and necrosis. Those are causing blood clots, organ failure, strokes, and many other injuries, including death. Scientific studies conclude:

Graphene can result in acute inflammation response and chronic injury by interfering with the normal physiological functions of important organs. Studies regarding risks of graphene in the brain show that graphene application leads to harmful effects on brain tissue development and the atypical ultrastructure was observed in the brain. Graphene demonstrates its toxicity in the central nervous system and toxicity in reproduction and development system. In the animal studies the pregnant mice had abortions at all doses, and most pregnant mice died when the high dose was injected during late gestation and the development of offspring was delayed during the lactation period. The high dose reduces milk production and postpones the growth of offspring. The developmental toxicity of graphene induces structural abnormalities, growth retardation, behavioral and functional abnormalities, and even death. Graphene induces the lung injury with inflammatory cell infiltration, pulmonary edema and granuloma formation in the lungs. Graphene causes cytotoxic effects and mitochondrial injury, leads to inflammations, induces DNA damage, decreases cell adhesion and induces cell apoptosis - cell death. Graphene inserts between the base pairs of double-stranded DNA and disturb the flow of genetic information at the molecular level, which is the main cause of its mutagenic effect. It is hemotoxic, cytotoxic, cardiotoxic, neurotoxic, harmful to reproductive system. Graphene sharpened edges cause physical destruction... Graphene oxide causes oxidative stress and acute oxidative stress causes blood clots, but graphene is also cardiotoxic and acute oxidative stress (free radicals) causes organs failure, autoimmune diseases, rashes and allergies, mess up with immune system, etc. The key word is OXIDATIVE STRESS caused by graphene toxicity/cytotoxicity.

This is where the causation between this so called "vaccine" and all injuries is - toxicity of graphene and other undeclared toxic ingredients that has been used on the entire world's population. There are other toxic ingredients and heavy metals in those vials, that we already know about, such as cobalt (Co), iron (Fe), chromium (Cr), titanium (Ti)), rare earth metals such as cerium (Ce) and gadolinium (Gd), barium (Ba), cesium (Cs), aluminum (Al), silicon (Si), sulfur (S), potassium (K) and calcium (Ca) have already been found by those researchers. There is also toxic PEG! All of them will result in oxidative stress or acute oxidative stress.

Virus is IRRELEVENT. This is nanotechnology that crosses all blood barriers, is toxic, causes oxidative stress and acute oxidative stress is a cause of low saturation, blood clots, injuries and deaths.

Also, this is the cause for mysterious "Long Covid". Brain fog is a typical symptom of oxidative stress.

When Pfizer was asked how/where, for how long "Spike Protein" is being produced, they admitted they had NO IDEA. Mysterious "Spike Protein" is just a cover up to inject people and to create pandemic. It doesn't mean that in those vaccines there may not be also used some protein, or even Spike Protein, but if it is used, it functions has nothing to do with creating antibodies to a "virus" - but if proteins-peptides are used, it is to create those self-assembling structures, fibrils that are found in those injections.

I can back this with tons of scientific literature on the subject and with practice.

Antioxidants, glutathione reverse oxidative stress.

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Rockin' it, Riley! Thousands of sanctions against RF, but one thing continues to move lock-step in the shadows "but hidden in plain sight", and this article showcases the obvious: a multi-faceted de-population is in progress. I've been watching this build since 2011 and conclude the financial class at the top want to take what's left of the world's resources for themselves and their progeny. What I'm watching now is how does the proxy war in Ukraine factor in...? Is it all about what seems to be VVP dumping the WEF and Great Reset crowd in the 11th hour? Or, an agreed to, scripted war by all sides, flushing Ukraine into history's abyss, to hide the massive jabby death wave since Jan 2021, now looking like 12 million killed, according to various open-sourced data bases worldwide.

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The Russians might be helping with whatever is on those labs in Ukraine, the war might be a big distraction.

Because Russia appears to have followed the smell path as NATO vaccine wise, things are becoming much more confusing.

This might also explain the threat of nuclear war. Even though we all know it won't happen.

On a side note: if they [globalists] are about to depopulate the world, why would China care about Tawain?

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If you overesteem great men

The people become powerless

If you overvalue possessions

People begin to steal

When people see some things as beautiful,

other things become ugly.

When people see some things as good,

other things become bad.

When the great Tao is forgotten,

goodness and piety appear.

When the body's intelligence declines,

cleverness and knowledge step forth.

When there is no peace in the family,

filial piety begins.

When the country falls into chaos,

patriotism is born.

Throw away holiness and wisdom,

and people will be a hundred times happier.

Throw away morality and justice,

and people will do the right thing.

Throw away industry and profit,

and there won't be any thieves.

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Amazing, the more they make themselves sound like bitter enemies, the more they act alike. Pushing untested poisons upon unwilling populations. And all of this for a virus (and "variants") which have not even been scientifically proven to exist. But you better be "safe," and take the "safe and effective." Thanks, Riley!!

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A few thoughts:

I have a simple question: WHY MANDATES?

If Bourla got C-19, Fauci, Trudeau, Bidens, etc. - after 4th dose or boosters so this injection does not protect from spreading the so called Covid - thus there is NO REASON for any mandates - because it is my business if my symptoms are smaller or bigger or if I am "ASYMPTOMATIC" as millions or perhaps billions of people "tested positive" for Covid but WERE "ASYMPTOMATIC" - as I have no comorbidities - or if I treat myself with Paxlovid or horse de-wormer as Joe Rogan did. All this is garbage and nonsense.

Regarding nasal "vaccine":

https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666386420301879 Nose-to-Brain Translocation and Cerebral Biodegradation of Thin Graphene Oxide Nanosheets


Thin graphene oxide sheets can translocate from the nasal cavity to the brain

Translocation is size dependent, with ultrasmall nanometric sheets translocating the most

Kinetics of graphene oxide accumulation are time dependent and brain-region-specific

Brain-accumulated graphene oxide undergoes changes consistent with biodegradation

The nasal route represents a means by which nanomaterials can gain access to the brain in exposed individuals. Per the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) model of fractional depositions of inhaled particles, the aerodynamic diameter of an inhaled particle can influence its deposition in the pulmonary tract. Nanometer-sized particles are expected to deposit predominantly in the nasopharyngeal and laryngeal regions. Considering the anatomy of the olfactory region in the nose, which connects directly and indirectly with the brain, nanoparticle deposition in this region may result in nose-to-brain translocation. In support of this, epidemiologic studies, clinical trials, and animal experiments exploring the biodistribution of inhaled nanoparticles have identified the materials in extrapulmonary organs, including the brain.

Several modes of transport by which nanoparticles may enter the brain from the nasal cavities have been considered, including transport via axons of olfactory (olfactory neural pathway) and trigeminal (trigeminal pathway) neurons or via spaces between neuronal axons (paracellular transport). Other pathways include paracellular or transcellular transport in relation to olfactory sustentacular epithelial cells. Nanoparticles may also undergo absorption into the systemic circulation and then permeate the blood-brain barrier (BBB) to access the brain. The latter pathway remains unlikely due to various defenses of a healthy BBB, including efflux pumps and narrow tight junctions.

https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnsys.2018.00012/full - Interfacing Graphene-Based Materials With Neural Cells

How to Reach the Brain: G-Based Nanocarriers and the Blood-Brain Barrier

Common mechanisms of cytotoxicity of G nanosheets have been reported in literature on different cell types, and include the physical interaction with cell membranes (Seabra et al., 2014); disruption of cell cytoskeleton (Tian et al., 2017); oxidative stress due to production of reactive oxygen species (ROS; Chen M. et al., 2016; Mittal et al., 2016); mitochondrial damage (Pelin et al., 2017); DNA damage, such as chromosomal fragmentation, DNA strand breakages, point mutations and oxidative DNA alterations (Akhavan et al., 2012; Fahmi et al., 2017); autophagy (Chen et al., 2014); and apoptosis and/or necrosis ... . It is clear, however, that G nanosheets may cause adverse environmental and health effects, leaving open the debate about their use as biomedical platform


Nasal delivery - nanoemulsions of vaccines can be safely inhaled in a nasal spray. This is a convenient method of delivery, which does not suffer from the dosing problems of oral delivery. Nanoemulsions are also stable at room temperature for relatively long periods of time, which would allow them to be distributed to remote locations and developing countries more easily. They have been shown to be effective in administering hepatitis B vaccinations in animal trials, although more study is needed to determine the effects on patients with allergies or respiratory problems

This "vaccination", nano garbage for 5G internet of bodies, viruses and things, for block chain for and globalist dictators' flagship project CARBON FOOTPRINT, for control for sterilization, for tracking of human-nothing-more-than-hackable animals will soon be also useful for next "pandemic" of Marburg. A technology that can be exploded/burst (fullerenes) with ultrasound/low frequency of 5G for drug delivery in cancer, but for some strange reason used here, also used for imaging. Those self-assembling nanostructures grow under UV light and temperature (that why in all "smart" cities these strange purple UV lights popping up). It is a technology, and an utopian idea of Internet of Things - THEY have invested in and plan to capitalize on.

https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/computerized-thermographic-imaging?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email - https://rumble.com/v1gzhzh-computerized-thermographic-imaging-and-live-blood-analysis-post-c19-injecti.html

View of Dark -Field Microscopic Analysis on the Blood of 1,006 Symptomatic Persons After Anti-COVID mRNA Injections from Pfizer/BioNtech or Moderna (ijvtpr.com) https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/article/view/47/80 Dark -Field Microscopic Analysis on the Blood of 1,006 Symptomatic Persons After Anti-COVID mRNA Injections from Pfizer/BioNtech or Moderna | International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research (ijvtpr.com) https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/article/view/47 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3030-8594 Riccardo Benzi Cipelli (0000-0003-3030-8594) (orcid.org) There were 94% of the total sample whose blood showed aggregation of erythrocytes and the presence of particles of various shapes and sizes of unclear origin one month after the mRNA inoculation.

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My bet is planned. Why does it look like the plan is to empty Europe into Russia? Is that what United Russia means?

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Very strange. The Russians are using the same BS variant scare tactic.

It makes one wonder if there ever was a "variant." Remember, all viruses get weaker as they mutate, so why would you chase LESS lethal variants with vaccines anyway?

Using the CDC's own data COVID has the same infection fatality ratio as the Flu. But no country is "mandating" global Flu vaccines.

Let's put this together. We [Russia, USA, NATO] all want to release vaccines without proper testing. Not only that, we want to release vaccines without proper testing for an illness that's now severely weakened and poses no serious threat. Let us conduct the human trials on you.

Why would they ALL be on board for that? What's really going on here, because saving people is obviously NOT the goal?

What do you think?

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