A few thoughts:
I have a simple question: WHY MANDATES?
If Bourla got C-19, Fauci, Trudeau, Bidens, etc. - after 4th dose or boosters so this injection does not protect from spreading the so called Covid - thus there is NO REASON for any mandates - because it is my business if my symptoms are smaller or bigger or if I am "ASYMPTOMATIC" a…
If Bourla got C-19, Fauci, Trudeau, Bidens, etc. - after 4th dose or boosters so this injection does not protect from spreading the so called Covid - thus there is NO REASON for any mandates - because it is my business if my symptoms are smaller or bigger or if I am "ASYMPTOMATIC" as millions or perhaps billions of people "tested positive" for Covid but WERE "ASYMPTOMATIC" - as I have no comorbidities - or if I treat myself with Paxlovid or horse de-wormer as Joe Rogan did. All this is garbage and nonsense.
Thin graphene oxide sheets can translocate from the nasal cavity to the brain
Translocation is size dependent, with ultrasmall nanometric sheets translocating the most
Kinetics of graphene oxide accumulation are time dependent and brain-region-specific
Brain-accumulated graphene oxide undergoes changes consistent with biodegradation
The nasal route represents a means by which nanomaterials can gain access to the brain in exposed individuals. Per the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) model of fractional depositions of inhaled particles, the aerodynamic diameter of an inhaled particle can influence its deposition in the pulmonary tract. Nanometer-sized particles are expected to deposit predominantly in the nasopharyngeal and laryngeal regions. Considering the anatomy of the olfactory region in the nose, which connects directly and indirectly with the brain, nanoparticle deposition in this region may result in nose-to-brain translocation. In support of this, epidemiologic studies, clinical trials, and animal experiments exploring the biodistribution of inhaled nanoparticles have identified the materials in extrapulmonary organs, including the brain.
Several modes of transport by which nanoparticles may enter the brain from the nasal cavities have been considered, including transport via axons of olfactory (olfactory neural pathway) and trigeminal (trigeminal pathway) neurons or via spaces between neuronal axons (paracellular transport). Other pathways include paracellular or transcellular transport in relation to olfactory sustentacular epithelial cells. Nanoparticles may also undergo absorption into the systemic circulation and then permeate the blood-brain barrier (BBB) to access the brain. The latter pathway remains unlikely due to various defenses of a healthy BBB, including efflux pumps and narrow tight junctions.
How to Reach the Brain: G-Based Nanocarriers and the Blood-Brain Barrier
Common mechanisms of cytotoxicity of G nanosheets have been reported in literature on different cell types, and include the physical interaction with cell membranes (Seabra et al., 2014); disruption of cell cytoskeleton (Tian et al., 2017); oxidative stress due to production of reactive oxygen species (ROS; Chen M. et al., 2016; Mittal et al., 2016); mitochondrial damage (Pelin et al., 2017); DNA damage, such as chromosomal fragmentation, DNA strand breakages, point mutations and oxidative DNA alterations (Akhavan et al., 2012; Fahmi et al., 2017); autophagy (Chen et al., 2014); and apoptosis and/or necrosis ... . It is clear, however, that G nanosheets may cause adverse environmental and health effects, leaving open the debate about their use as biomedical platform
Nasal delivery - nanoemulsions of vaccines can be safely inhaled in a nasal spray. This is a convenient method of delivery, which does not suffer from the dosing problems of oral delivery. Nanoemulsions are also stable at room temperature for relatively long periods of time, which would allow them to be distributed to remote locations and developing countries more easily. They have been shown to be effective in administering hepatitis B vaccinations in animal trials, although more study is needed to determine the effects on patients with allergies or respiratory problems
This "vaccination", nano garbage for 5G internet of bodies, viruses and things, for block chain for and globalist dictators' flagship project CARBON FOOTPRINT, for control for sterilization, for tracking of human-nothing-more-than-hackable animals will soon be also useful for next "pandemic" of Marburg. A technology that can be exploded/burst (fullerenes) with ultrasound/low frequency of 5G for drug delivery in cancer, but for some strange reason used here, also used for imaging. Those self-assembling nanostructures grow under UV light and temperature (that why in all "smart" cities these strange purple UV lights popping up). It is a technology, and an utopian idea of Internet of Things - THEY have invested in and plan to capitalize on.
View of Dark -Field Microscopic Analysis on the Blood of 1,006 Symptomatic Persons After Anti-COVID mRNA Injections from Pfizer/BioNtech or Moderna (ijvtpr.com) https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/article/view/47/80 Dark -Field Microscopic Analysis on the Blood of 1,006 Symptomatic Persons After Anti-COVID mRNA Injections from Pfizer/BioNtech or Moderna | International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research (ijvtpr.com) https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/article/view/47https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3030-8594 Riccardo Benzi Cipelli (0000-0003-3030-8594) (orcid.org) There were 94% of the total sample whose blood showed aggregation of erythrocytes and the presence of particles of various shapes and sizes of unclear origin one month after the mRNA inoculation.
A few thoughts:
I have a simple question: WHY MANDATES?
If Bourla got C-19, Fauci, Trudeau, Bidens, etc. - after 4th dose or boosters so this injection does not protect from spreading the so called Covid - thus there is NO REASON for any mandates - because it is my business if my symptoms are smaller or bigger or if I am "ASYMPTOMATIC" as millions or perhaps billions of people "tested positive" for Covid but WERE "ASYMPTOMATIC" - as I have no comorbidities - or if I treat myself with Paxlovid or horse de-wormer as Joe Rogan did. All this is garbage and nonsense.
Regarding nasal "vaccine":
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666386420301879 Nose-to-Brain Translocation and Cerebral Biodegradation of Thin Graphene Oxide Nanosheets
Thin graphene oxide sheets can translocate from the nasal cavity to the brain
Translocation is size dependent, with ultrasmall nanometric sheets translocating the most
Kinetics of graphene oxide accumulation are time dependent and brain-region-specific
Brain-accumulated graphene oxide undergoes changes consistent with biodegradation
The nasal route represents a means by which nanomaterials can gain access to the brain in exposed individuals. Per the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) model of fractional depositions of inhaled particles, the aerodynamic diameter of an inhaled particle can influence its deposition in the pulmonary tract. Nanometer-sized particles are expected to deposit predominantly in the nasopharyngeal and laryngeal regions. Considering the anatomy of the olfactory region in the nose, which connects directly and indirectly with the brain, nanoparticle deposition in this region may result in nose-to-brain translocation. In support of this, epidemiologic studies, clinical trials, and animal experiments exploring the biodistribution of inhaled nanoparticles have identified the materials in extrapulmonary organs, including the brain.
Several modes of transport by which nanoparticles may enter the brain from the nasal cavities have been considered, including transport via axons of olfactory (olfactory neural pathway) and trigeminal (trigeminal pathway) neurons or via spaces between neuronal axons (paracellular transport). Other pathways include paracellular or transcellular transport in relation to olfactory sustentacular epithelial cells. Nanoparticles may also undergo absorption into the systemic circulation and then permeate the blood-brain barrier (BBB) to access the brain. The latter pathway remains unlikely due to various defenses of a healthy BBB, including efflux pumps and narrow tight junctions.
https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnsys.2018.00012/full - Interfacing Graphene-Based Materials With Neural Cells
How to Reach the Brain: G-Based Nanocarriers and the Blood-Brain Barrier
Common mechanisms of cytotoxicity of G nanosheets have been reported in literature on different cell types, and include the physical interaction with cell membranes (Seabra et al., 2014); disruption of cell cytoskeleton (Tian et al., 2017); oxidative stress due to production of reactive oxygen species (ROS; Chen M. et al., 2016; Mittal et al., 2016); mitochondrial damage (Pelin et al., 2017); DNA damage, such as chromosomal fragmentation, DNA strand breakages, point mutations and oxidative DNA alterations (Akhavan et al., 2012; Fahmi et al., 2017); autophagy (Chen et al., 2014); and apoptosis and/or necrosis ... . It is clear, however, that G nanosheets may cause adverse environmental and health effects, leaving open the debate about their use as biomedical platform
Nasal delivery - nanoemulsions of vaccines can be safely inhaled in a nasal spray. This is a convenient method of delivery, which does not suffer from the dosing problems of oral delivery. Nanoemulsions are also stable at room temperature for relatively long periods of time, which would allow them to be distributed to remote locations and developing countries more easily. They have been shown to be effective in administering hepatitis B vaccinations in animal trials, although more study is needed to determine the effects on patients with allergies or respiratory problems
This "vaccination", nano garbage for 5G internet of bodies, viruses and things, for block chain for and globalist dictators' flagship project CARBON FOOTPRINT, for control for sterilization, for tracking of human-nothing-more-than-hackable animals will soon be also useful for next "pandemic" of Marburg. A technology that can be exploded/burst (fullerenes) with ultrasound/low frequency of 5G for drug delivery in cancer, but for some strange reason used here, also used for imaging. Those self-assembling nanostructures grow under UV light and temperature (that why in all "smart" cities these strange purple UV lights popping up). It is a technology, and an utopian idea of Internet of Things - THEY have invested in and plan to capitalize on.
https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/computerized-thermographic-imaging?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email - https://rumble.com/v1gzhzh-computerized-thermographic-imaging-and-live-blood-analysis-post-c19-injecti.html
View of Dark -Field Microscopic Analysis on the Blood of 1,006 Symptomatic Persons After Anti-COVID mRNA Injections from Pfizer/BioNtech or Moderna (ijvtpr.com) https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/article/view/47/80 Dark -Field Microscopic Analysis on the Blood of 1,006 Symptomatic Persons After Anti-COVID mRNA Injections from Pfizer/BioNtech or Moderna | International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research (ijvtpr.com) https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/article/view/47 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3030-8594 Riccardo Benzi Cipelli (0000-0003-3030-8594) (orcid.org) There were 94% of the total sample whose blood showed aggregation of erythrocytes and the presence of particles of various shapes and sizes of unclear origin one month after the mRNA inoculation.