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I am not sure if you've seen this my post - This would be a short summary (I can elaborate on this based on science) :

We are definitely playing a Russian roulette with those toxic injections. My observation is that for many, if they don't die or get injured quite immediately, it takes between 5 months to about one year. Definitely one of the mechanisms of this nano technology and peptides (proteins) in addition to just causing acute oxidative stress with all its outcomes, such as blood clotting, organ failure, strokes, heart failure, etc., is AMYLOID PLAQUE FORMATIONS in presence of quantum dots. Those self-assembling structures grow under the influence of certain factors including temperature, UV light, ultrasound, PH, etc.

So, the tactic of prevention and treatment should be to address oxidative stress and to disassemble those self-assembling peptide nano semiconductors. From my research it is clear NAC (N-acetylcysteine) does it and all other antioxidants, including antioxidant rich diet would help to reach the goal. NAC doses should be high, at least in the beginning.

Those antioxidants and detox should be continued for as long as it is needed. Since those toxic ingredients deposit in bone marrow, ovaries, spleen, etc., it may take a long time for one to eventually biodegrade those. So, people should have good amounts of life saving antioxidants and research in this direction.

I am sorry, this is a slaughter. We MUST STOP IT.

Here are very good hearings organized by Australian senators, with abundance of arguments and facts regarding this crime by most of the "leaders", WHO and other perpetrators: https://www.malcolmrobertsqld.com.au/the-covid-inquiry-2-0/#htoc-julian-gillespie1

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OH, in terms of the timing, I think we don't know yet. I had my two doses in Feb and May 21 (they went for a 3-month gap here to get the initial vaxx into more people) and I'm still fine, although I'm aware that could change any day.

A small group of (distant) friends I have took the booster, ignoring my warnings, in Oct/Nov 21. One had already had a heart attack 2 months after her second shot (she'd already had covid, so should not have been 'vaccinated' anyway, plus it's more dangerous if you're had covid). In November she had a brother-in-law drop dead suddenly, and another brother-in-law drop dead suddenly in April. Another friend in the same group (of just six of us) lost her husband to a heart attack in March. Then my main friend from the group, who was as fit and healthy as they come, died of a catastrophic heart attack in May. So it happens any time from the day you got the shot to months later, and we will likely find that it happens years later, when it is much harder to connect with the vaxxes. We will never have proper data, as 'they' chose not to follow up individual 'vaccinated' people's medical records, for obvious reasons.

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So tragic. Yes, there are plenty of factors. I was just sharing my observation from what I see and talk to the people. And this is according to the statistics:


I have people that were in critical condition, just a few days from death and thanks to NAC, etc. (what you already know) they recovered. However, they need to take them - perhaps less, less regularly, but they do need them. Until we know more or until they will detox.

We all are sitting on a bomb now, no one knows anything what those "overlords" plans are, so I take it from a spiritual angle - I have enough time to develop my love for God and my longing for Him, so I am in His hands, instead

Best to you :) All is perfect, it is just a passing, fading show, this all would pass

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Thank you. I take that view too. If God wants me here a bit longer, then he'll keep me here. Principally I worry about my kids and my grandson. I managed to get my daughters to at least listen to some of the material I sent them, but they went and got vaxxed anyway, which was devastating. It was only because of my age that I was quite early in the year getting mine, before we knew so much. Best to you too.

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Should have also said that my husband, who is a part-time out-of-hours GP, collapsed unconscious a week after his booster in December and is still being followed up by a cardiologist, although he hasn't had any further problems. He's not going to get another booster (until they starve him into submission anyway!) although he won't openly acknowledge that I'm right about what's going on. I'm shocked at the cognitive dissonance generally.

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