Note carefully how every new system is rolled out first against vulnerable, disenfranchised, or ignorant groups of subjects. In other words, people who cannot give informed consent. And every new repressive rule is justified in the name of protecting these same subjects.

Thus, install cameras with facial recognition as crime and terrorist prevention--it's for their protection. Implement digital currencies and eliminate cash and bitcoin, because physical cash facilitates criminal activity and funds terrorism. Roll out that first new "vaccination" in Kenya or The Congo, since they are too disenfranchised or uneducated to object. Or roll out "voluntary" measures such as jabs and masks--it's "voluntary", except that you don't get to work, shop, or travel in without it--but it's YOUR CHOICE....

Next we'll be reading that steak is being outlawed because babies can't chew it.

Thus, in this case, "it's for the children." That's been a great one for a lot of things.

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Yes. This. Recognize the propaganda. Please add to your list the brazenly predatory targeting of vaccination for those most susceptible to VACCINATION death, i.e. the elderly and infirm (young and old). Sold to the public as: "help for those who are most susceptible to respiratory illness", etc.

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After success with cattle-tags

you can expect

cattle prods.

In any case, nose piercings will be rewarded with extra gmo grain-insect fodder.

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Or, if gates gets his way, cattle deaths.

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The terrorist USEUNATO conglomerate and Kremlin business is in a major boom, and not just from the "unipolar" military industrial complex of the West and its Russian peers blowing up stuff with bombs and shit and making a killing off their staged little danse macabre of so-called "war" in Ukraine:

"5 Sep, 07:03

Gas hub in Turkey to ensure energy supplies, pricing — Erdogan

The center in Turkey should be meant not only for natural gas, but also for energy and mineral resources, the Turkish leader noted"


Good to see Microsoft tech is heavily involved in educational "multipolarity" and "patriotism" in Russia. Russian taxcattle are truly blessed by the Jew/Abrahamic god with such valiant leadership.

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As I imagine the actual need for these things are miniscule, I wonder if the point of it is to prime children from a very young age to be used to be constantly surveilled and simply accept it as "part of life".

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"Exactly!" ((pats on head)) "Very good Sonja! You get a sustainably developed, gluten-free, carbon-neutral gold star!"

Actually preferable to the Catholic screwl I was forced to attend so many decades ago. The nuns hated boys and were sadistic mfer's. Funny thing though, I think it laid the foundation of my anti-statist attitude. There will always be those who refuse to comply and find a way to muck-up the system.

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My teachers were also sadistic but not Catholic. In my school, the girls were expected to memorize facts, the boys were expected to think.

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"Think? What be that?" said the kid in the US class teaching Ebonics.

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I have read/heard reports from China, that some do not like 24/7 digital surveillance. Strange. However, there is nothing most people can do about it. Once in prison it is hard to get out. The living will still try. And some will succeed in escaping. The dead may not even notice much difference. They just adapt. Many may even think the system is good. Basically beneficial for everyone. Most children, if they grow up with digital surveillance, may just adapt and accept the system, as part of life. When really it is part of death. However, there will always be the mavericks. Those who refuse to be cloned. Who cannot be cloned. Most of us have been indoctrinated in the educational propaganda machine, to simply comply. Some of us have escaped from the matrix of deception. As this forum proves. Most of us have not protested enough about the physical, mental, moral, emotional and spiritual abuses we all suffered in educational concentration camps and detention centers. At the hands of cloners posing as benevolent educators. Now we may be angry about digital surveillance for our children. Perhaps we need to check for cracks in our foundations, if we really want to protect our children.

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The basic pattern to learn is that you need permission to enter various places based on some test and its result. Think broader in terms of social credit and behavioral education. This is how to make slaves out of people.

I noticed some twenty years later school was more about accepting their rules than learning to think. This is why public schools were introduced by Bismarck. To make obedient workers for the industrialization process.

Yeah we all know this by now. Cannot be stated often enough because its always well hidden.

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How utterly depressing. UK schools will follow shortly, no doubt. My own kids' school is going down that road. I hate the place.

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Depressing fact: before you get metal detectors at every school first you can expect some school shootings.

Which means that metal detectors cause mass shootings...

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Interesting, how the Kremlin is replicating China's "in school" AI surveillance system which was initially established more than 5 years ago in many provinces.

"No snoozing in this class! Students in the Hangzhou No. 11 High School in the Zhejiang province of Chna are now being monitored by a smart classroom system, which uses facial recognition technology to evaluate student behavior."


I guess, AI social engineering projects are as communicable as a virus, or perhaps birds of a feather flock together.

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Indoctrination camps. Everything they are taught is a lie. Everything!

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The school systems care about your child's health. That's why they provide cheap, plastic like cheese pizzas, gmos, pesticides , herbicides gallore, mystery meats, high glycemic carbs, plenty of sleep inducing desserts, and other foods enjoyed by inmates.

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I wonder how good these AI systems even are. What if the electricity goes out? Do they ever not let students in because the machine doesn't recognize them? WHat if they've lost their cattle tag, er, school ID card? It sounds like more complexity for no reason except compliance training...

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What? Of course it will be implanted under the skin. To avoid all the possibilities of cheating. No way to loose it in that case.

Except taking it out physically, in which case you are declaring yourself an outcast.

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I think all of this AI bs is to fool people into believing there is some 100% fair mechanical overlord. No injustice anymore! So accept your verdict.

Just work with ChatGPT to experience its bias, its outright errors and its limitation in the field you are working in to get some RL- experience with that stuff. Believe me, you don't wanne be ruled by that thing, even if you believe it cannot be easily manipulated (which it is all day, I tried that. Lots of man-made rules and hurdles).

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Everything "digital" is a form of privacy invasion, control and slavery.

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This is communist China levels of 1984. Its not even that bad in the west. Looks like cucktin is just fake opposition after all and he really is a WEF Klaus Schwab younger global leader.

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Great to see that Russia is ahead of the crowd, there is never something like enough safety. I hope we get this soon in Germany too. You shouldn't underestimate the criminal power of 6 year olds.

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. . . it keeps getting worse. The criminality of gov is incredible. I'm sure here in Canada our lil justine trueturd is itching to get this underway. our psychopathic lil castro is so controlled by the oligarchy tryants, he always does their bidding like a good PUPPET. My Canada is being destroyed by these evil beyond belief assholes !!! . . . it's very depressing

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..."Russia has entered into an open confrontation with the West and anti-values alien to the majority of our citizens. But how can we win this fight if our education continues to be driven by the very fifth column of globalists, “digital transformers”, turning it into something soulless, networked, cosmopolitan and digital, in order to then connect to the global “university of millions” and destroy all borders, how do foresighters dream?

It is clear that this draft resolution must forever remain a draft. But this will not solve the main problem - personnel. Kravtsov, Falkov and other digital fraternity, equal to the PISA standards of the OECD global structure, the entry of Russia into which, fortunately, is frozen indefinitely, it's time to retire. And it's time for parents and teachers to massively delve into what is happening and protect traditional education in the legal field. Do we want to win and survive?"

RIA Katyusha


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Thanks for the translation, good job!

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It was a machine translation, good job I think.

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Great! The Globohomo Empire will conquer all; now it's just a question of whether the American or Sino-Soviet franchise will be the one to do it. All roads lead to dystopia. Maybe we can get another asteroid to knock us back to the stone age and give us back our freedom.

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Communist China has always been in the pockets of the Rothschilds/Rockerfellers and you know who. China is the testing hub, to test their new global slave society it has to be fine tuned and perfected first before they have the guts to implement it in the west, were still some countries have an armed populace with a resistence spirit. Now multiculturalism and covid deludes that resistence spirit but its still risky for the 'elites' to pull it off. It seems to me they are two sides of the same coin. An illusion of opposition,a fake war, distractions... this article proves its just theatre.

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With the Covid-scam they've gone pretty far all over the world, if you ask me. And the scam was super successful.

If Alex Jones is right (and he usually is, like him or not) part two will start in the next weeks. So it is all in heavily in motion. Oligarchy vs Plebs. Final act. Golf places and smart cities everywhere or mankind in super evolution. You decide... after these messages.

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I assume homeschooling is commensurately getting a bit more popular in Russia

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There is a great deal of difference between home schooling and home education. Arguably an impassible divide. Those who complain about the noise from trains, then build a branch train track right into their homes, raise questions.

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You could have just said "it's home education" so I could respond with "no"

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And genetic passports are also being introduced, starting in 2025 for the general benefit of Russian citizens:

Reminder that Russians will have genetic passports by 2025

Their creation is mentioned in the presidential decree "On the fundamentals of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of ensuring chemical and biological safety" until 2025. Vladimir Putin signed it in March 2019.

The document contains two main provisions: firstly, to monitor chemical and biological risks, it is necessary to “implement the genetic certification of the population, taking into account the legal framework for protecting data on the personal human genome and the formation of a genetic profile of the population”; secondly, it is supposed to create "conditions for carrying out genetic certification of the population, developing technologies for screening the gene pools of humans, animals and plants." Also, a national blood serum bank should be created and an information and analytical system for monitoring infectious diseases in Russia should be developed.

A genetic passport is actually an electronic database of each person, a DNA database that reflects the unique genetic characteristics of all citizens of the country.


Напоминание о том, что к 2025 году у россиян появятся генетические паспорта

О их создании говорится в президентском указе «Об основах государственной политики Российской Федерации в области обеспечения химической и биологической безопасности» до 2025 года. Владимир Путин подписал его в марте 2019 года.

В документе есть два основных положения: во-первых, для мониторинга химических и биологических рисков необходимо «осуществление генетической паспортизации населения с учётом правовых основ защиты данных о персональном геноме человека и формирование генетического профиля населения»; во-вторых, предполагается создание «условий для проведения генетической паспортизации населения, развития технологий скрининга генофондов человека, животных и растений». Также должен быть создан национальный банк сывороток крови и разработана информационно-аналитическая система мониторинга инфекционных заболеваний в России.

Генетический паспорт - это фактически электронная база данных каждого человека, база ДНК-данных, в которой отражены уникальные генетические особенности всех граждан страны.

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