One cannot help but be impressed by the demonic enthusiasm of the New Normalizers. They win if we worship fear, authority, and their controlled simulacra. They lose if we worship courage, love, localism, decentralization, minimalism, simplicity, and unmediated reality. They may still destroy what they cannot control. But there are fates much worse than death.

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Well said.

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So you should be happy with the Eurasian project: (alleged) decentralization - under annexion of Russia- , minimalism (neocommunism), localism (destruction of Nation States)

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God is in the details

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Sure. And the Devil too.

Cf Leopold Kohr, the Breakdown of Nations, or how they plan to flatter ethnocentrism and regional identities to destroy European Nation States and keep them ready for annexation by a greater state.

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I am 'sick and tired' of all this scamdemic and plandemic nonsense that restrict my freedom of movement and disregard my sovereignty of my own human body. Our only chance depends on more people (Russians) getting "sick and tired' like me and WAKE UP to the POWER of noncompliance.

I plan to start my vacation to Russia tomorrow. I am a permanent resident of Belarus so I am NOT afforded the luxury of Belarus citizens without restrictions. I am still considered a 'foreigner' when traveling to Russia so I must take the train to avoid PCR tomorrow on Wednesday. Apparently restrictions still apply when traveling by car until 15 July > Source Tass> https://tass.com/society/1475207 If I experience a "problem" entering Russia, I will stay calm, cool, and collected. I lose only money on NOT refundable arrival train/ departure return airplane tickets to Belarus. (Russia's tourist shops and the hotel will lose money as well.) I am positive and hopeful my vacation to Russia will work out well.

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Enjoy your vacation, I'm sure you won't have any issues. But keep us all posted!

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People also gotta wake up to the power of government incompetence, and thankfully there's more of that in Russia than the "new normalists"

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Meanwhile in France the new sinister of sickness has announced 200 000 new cases of perfectly healthy people detected with a PCR test which has been considered inefficient by the US CDC, during the last 24hours. In the new place where I work, if you have been tested positive while being perfectly healthy you have to stay home for 5 days but if you are still tested positive after 5 days you must go back to work...

Fortunately one is not obliged to be tested.

Of course, this happens while there are more and more strikes, even where I work (a gas station Total).

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"Test me, test me, why don't you arrest me?"

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Hi Jeff,

Hope you're fine. Lol

Otherwise, I have been able to tell many truths about the scam to the people I met this last week and who believed in the official version. At Work and in the village. There is undoubtly a positive evolution and the people have been very receptive to all the arguments. This is new and Matthias Desmet is right about the fact that must must speak out. Even the person who recruited me know my point of view and hired me without telling me to shut up. Furthermore, she fall sick (not a case but sick with PCR bullshit positive) two weeks ago and told me that it had been very mild.

Take care

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this article also raises serious questions on Putin and the war in Ukraine...https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2022/07/04/the-kremlins-hesitancy-and-prevarication-is-a-road-to-war/

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Good points. Strange you haven't had more engagement on this.

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Another gem from the Squatmeister. Pity we cannot write so freely here in the USA!

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Lol the substack publishing platform is located in the USA. San Francisco, actually. What are you talking about?

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And at least in USA, you also have Alex Newman!

A clever lecture and understanding of Putin's politics even if I don't fully agree with Newman (example: Putin is not an orthodox, he's jewish. And Kiril is a former KGB agent).

In France there is absolutely no free press at all. All alleged alternative medias worship Putin. I wish we had in France the opportunity of same analysis like you have in the States. Instead of this, the whole media here washbrained the whole population: you have to choose your camp between both, but you are not allowed to understand that Putin is as much crippled as the Western elites.

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Thank you. I hadn't heard of Alex Newman even though I do occasion the Epoch Times.

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In 2014 Alex Newman wrote this article, it was quite visionnary at the time, and still very realistic:


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I am talking about a man who lives in Moscow and writes freely. I suppose you aren’t aware of the history of such activity and therefore found it unremarkable. Thanks for asking.

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I just hope you are not trying to sell us Russia as a model of the freedom of press.

Riley's work is necessary, very courageous and remarkable. And fortunately he knows where his critics must end. He would already be 3 feet under ground if he would talk about Putin's friendship with Kissinger, about the assassination of Anna Politkovskaia, about the false flag in Dubrovka's theater, about experimentation on Tchechens children, about Dugin and his links with the GRU or occultism, about Putin's wife monthly wages, about the russian nazis mercenaries etc etc. What Riley is doing is excellent but given the fate of russian journalists that went too far, it is much better when critics of Putin are published from abroad. Right?

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I have no interest in selling you anything, don't worry. Please carry on.

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Oh I know. Buy you said no one in US, not Russia. He is clearly publishing on a US platform.

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interesting. it is funny that in the video description he claims Russia has left the World Trade Organization and the WHO. Not exactly :) :) :)

but interesting video nonetheless.

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Exactly Riley :) That's why I said I don't fully agree with Alex Newman. But there are so many interesting elements in his video that I decided to share :)

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There is a global plan to make the pandemic measures permanent so if we mortals dare to object to any state intervention thy can simply declare a pandemic and lock people down mask them and inject them at will.

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I wonder if the Russian authorities are looking at Hungary's birth rate drop.


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Thank you for that very interesting link, Igor Chudov does a good job.

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Reminds me of the old US Army "motto" (never official, of course, strictly in the lower ranks, junior officers and below) of "hurry up and wait." They make you think they're really changing when in fact they are re-branding or putting things on ice for the time being. Thanks, Riley!

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What are you gonna do about it Edward? Without a plan and strategy to change it, you are nothing but a complicit enabler! PS Your website would have more credibility if u lost the nerdy humour.

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Wait... aren't you the guy who said that Tom Luongo was "running rings around me" with his imaginary gold-pegged ruble?


yup, you are.

Thanks for stopping by again. Always good to see you.

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What's your plan to stop it Edward?

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The gold-pegged ruble? I don't have to stop it -- it doesn't exist. Have you told Tom, yet?

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You think a gold pegged ruble is a solution for the Great Reset? Your being a little vague!

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