Hey Edward, you know how unnecessarily difficult Russian government makes it for foreigners to get those residence permits (ВНЖ), so don't be so harsh on Mr. Röper and his sudden change of tone when it comes to Russia. He wants to be a good boy on the books of Russian government, not everyone is as brave as you are )))

But, here is more "conspiracy" theory on that subject. Not sure if you knew, but totally by accident Klaus Schwab decided to visit Russia at the end of November of 2019 and totally by coincidence Putin gave him audience during his trip to St. Petersburg. Besides mutual compliments and promises to continue collaboration forever (Putin actually asked pardon of Schwab for organizing economic forums in Russia that, according to Putin, take Davos forum as an example), Schwab gifted Putin with his autographed book "The Fourth Industrial Revolution" and took off to receive readiness confirmations from other world leaders. Together with Putin in that meeting was Maxim Oreshkin, then a very young minister of Economic Development. After failing to make Russian economy to actually grow, Oreshking was "demoted" in 2020 to become Putin's assistant. Oreshkin is another character worthy of your investigation.

Another interesting event happened that November. First time in history during ministerial meeting on November 11, 2019 Putin demanded of the ministers to have a flu shot. Out of twenty or so ministers only 4 have been inoculated that year, including Putin himself, and in his words those who didn't get inoculated could be likened to army deserters that performed the act of self shooting.

None of those events are a smoking gun of nefarious connection between Russian government at the highest level and WEF, but they add to the lace of events that, especially in retrospective, help to understand how what started to unfold in 2020 was planned and how Russia was involved in these plans.

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wow, so much here. thank you. Will have to look into some of the very curious things you mentioned

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No, that's squarely in smoking gun territory. One month after the start of Event 201 and two months before the hoax was initiated. Just two guys chatting in German about the menu at Davos!

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It sounds like his Mr X might be "Emmanuel Goldstein" from 1984, a limited hangout operation.

We were always at war with eastasia, while they say they were always at war with Oceania.

More such useless half truthers:

Julian Assange - who talked like a new 911 investigation is not needed and wikileaks never really released anything truly damning. 2 of his major lawyers (one connected to his partner) work for the Clooney foundation, CIA connected.

Edward Snowden- similar to assange... And how did he fly out of Hong Kong to Russia when his name was put on lists before then? Also how did he manage to sneak out data from a super classified facility that somehow didn't know to block USB ports, which my shitty small company does?

I'm so sick of this fake source crap.

These days it's the anti jab people who love the bullshit about graphene, which hasn't been objectively proven... Or the nano chips.... Yeah right, these fuckers can't even get AI working or make a cure for the cold...

Of course the biggest disinfo story is gain of function. Really, if they developed deadly viruses... Why would they have needed to manipulate statistics, mismanage treatment, and then need vaccines to injure people??!?

Of course there's the truth: there are no viruses, ever. (

https://odysee.com/@jermwarfare:2/sam-bailey:a )

But instead, the truthers want to focus on graphene and Assange and Mr X

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There you go from reason in the first part of your post to another extreme. I read Sam Bailey's book and listened to Dr. Stephan Lanke's interviews. While they show very well that virus isolation process is likely a fraud, they do not have a good theory on how sickness transmission happens from person to person in absence of viruses. But the fact that transmission does happen we can certainly confirm through our own life's experience.

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"...these fuckers can't even get AI working..."

Correct. Unless something major has changed in the last couple of years, AI researchers are still struggling to get a computer to play even a fairly straightforward game such as Starcraft at an elite level. Nevertheless, many have somehow been convinced that billions of humans can simply be exterminated and the aristocrats will be able to live a life of hitherto unheard of opulence served almost exclusively by an army of robot slaves. That the masses believe such nonsense is one thing, but I fear many of the aforementioned aristocrats have adopted such delusions. And, that is a much more dangerous prospect.

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On Starcraft: And they are far away from having a robot playing like a human. Meaning seeing visuals and translating it into tactical information. Controlling the game by mouse and keyboard. Their AI needs a special interface.

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actually used to watch the Davos confab prior to all this and the things these materialistic creeps talked about was so sickening i actually came to dread February... quit watching a number of years back in order to improve my mental health... if you want true conspiracy... Putin, Rasputin ???

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Rus Putin

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To be fair, the Mr. X thing was about an anonymous guy just gathering the information with some software, he is not the source himself.

I've been listening to Herr Röper for quite some time, usually he is very factual and undoubtedly an expert in disassembling the dirty lies of Der Spiegel and other german MSM outlets/narratives.

But there is a problem:

Everytime he talked about the COVID cult in EU countries, like Germany, he was always like: "Yep, you're all doomed. Everything that has been happening the last few months has been according to globalist plan. I knew about the vaccine mandate all along. Your tiny protests didn't do jackshit you're all fucked resistance is futile muhahah"

But when he talks about Russia...

"NO there is no deep state in Russia NO everything is happening according to what the politicians say not the WEF or NGOs... "

No pessimism whatsoever for such pessimistic guy. It's easy to have that doom and gloom additude toward a country you don't live in anymore, but with Russia he gets all EMOTIONAL. So much for being the "numbers guy".

I'm not the Putin-is-Schwabs-pet guy myself, but I like some nuance. Just as it is in Russia, I think its pretty common for my people to not trust the government.

Seriously, when you listen to the comrades at Den TV you notice Russians have no problem acknowledging the deep state issue, but Herr Röper still struggles to adapt to his new countrymen.

PS: Was that the real Riley in the comment section at Anti-Spiegel?

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ok fair but accusing someone of being a conspirtard while citing "Mr. X" -- while I actually have sources people can check -- is pretty hilarious. One must concede that.

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He definitely could have chosen a better alias, "Mr. X" can be easily confused with the informant from the X-Files.

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yes of course :)

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Good comment.

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Pretty straight my impression of Röper. He even banned me for linking Putin to WEF. I think of him as the Russian version of Bellingcat now. Good thing is, he decompiles all those Western Propaganda lies. But if it is Russian issues, just think in terms of KGB propaganda.

Merry Christmas!

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Merry christmas! He even banned you? This is what cognitive dissonance can do to a man... or he works for them who knows.

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What is this Den TV you speak of? Link?

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Got to be fluent in Russian to watch Den TV (День ТВ as in Day TV in English translation). If you are, however, fluent in Russian language, you should add Аврора, СПЕЦ, Сталинград, Рубеж, Наше Завтра to your list of channels to checkout. День ТВ is mildly critical of the Russian government and is mildly pro-government. Need to be selective in your degree of trusting what they say.

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I am really pleased to finally stumble onto apparent experts on modern Russia. Understanding Russia requires fluency in the language which I ashamedly lack. However fluency in the language is only part of the challenge. A firm grasp of the culture and how it has been shaped by history is key. Then and only then would it be possible to unravel the politics. I am looking forward to your further contributions to this board.

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Thank you, циник, for your kind comment. Based on your nickname in cyrillic I jumped to conclusion that you are a Russian speaker, as there are many people like that here, native Russian speakers that write comments in English. I can't agree with you more that language is not the only culprit in understanding today's Russia, but unfortunately there aren't that many information sources today that present objective information in English, usually it's either pro-government propaganda or Russia hatred, with little in between. This is where people like Edward or myself come in, trying to fill that gap. I have posted today at disqus.com a little write-up about Putin's "Direct Line" press conference, there are some interesting facts and figures there about Russian economy.

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I have subscribed to your upcoming Substack blog and am looking forward to it. I followed your Disqus link but wound up at a log-in page, not the page I hope you intended to link.

I would like to be clear: I am not Russian and do not command Russian language with any degree of fluency. Product of the USA now beginning to doubt this label, indeed any and all of them.

I would like to know about your educational background. It would be useful if you could explain yourself a little when your blog is up and running; context is key.

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It's this russian youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/DenTVinform/videos

Subscribe to it IMMEDIATLY.

It's just some experts talking about geopolitics, history, current events, the Covid cult and everything related to it. The videos with the name Andrei Fursov in the title are the best.

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Lol, re: pseudonym, it’s easier to find your real name than Mark Twain’s. (I doubt he had an About page in 1862. 😂)


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right? I lol'd pretty hard when I saw that. also, I'm writing on an AMERICAN platform!

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Great response! These Russian financed western shills are in a tough spot right now though. The game was so much easier back when you just had Syria, Ukraine, sanctions and hackers. Now you have to either ignore reality or try this ridiculous spin like this guy.

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Thank you for this article.

I'm a long time reader of Anti-Spiegel (Röper) and my impression over the years is, he is a KGB outlet. Try to criticize Putin in the comments and you'll be hunted by an army of trolls. After I 'accused' Putin to be part of the WEF agenda and linked a video showing Klaus Schwab confirming it (I did this several times), he banned me and wrote an article why this cannot be possible on the same day.

Exactly the kind of article he wrote about you. Just fyi. Don't consider him part of the free press.

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Thomas Röper, of the anti-spiegel, is a clown, the classic 50yo German braggart with beer belly typical of campsites for tourists. I will comment later, maybe tomorrow, doing more important things right now than wasting my time writing about an AH.

Just so you know, Röper is the buffoon who in an edition of anti-spiegel live in which he pretended to trumpet comments about hypersonic missiles started talking about *scramb* jets, having associated in his blustering ignorance (there are no other possibilities left) that the air was being whipped like eggs within the engines, before being recalled by his partner, "Easy, Thomas, scram (scramjet, = supersonic combustion ramjet) not scramb jet."

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interesting. had never heard of him

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I joined your blog because it’s a rare one: that is against both the Empire and Russia’s oligarchy and presents provocative questions.

A couple of (I hope, constructive) comments though:

1. I think the incessant sarcasm is distracting and makes the pieces seem less serious than they are intended to be.

2. As a consumer, I don’t agree with your view of RT as something to be avoided. No one outlet has the complete view and virtually everyone has a bias (including you and me). It is by having different views that we can stitch together a more coherent narrative. And given that Western Media dominates like 99% of English Global news, RT plays an important role to point out how completely corrupt that media is (without necessarily claiming that they themselves are faultless - unlike the Western media who anoint themselves the alpha and omega of all valid views)

3. Coming to Sputnik V: however one describes it, its mechanism is critically different from mRNA vaccines and more similar to AstraZeneca. What also differentiates vaccines is also the adjuvants used and the manufacturing process (to ensure purity and quality)

4. I’m not a blind fan of COVID vaccines or more precisely the drugs that are being prescribed to prime the immune system for potential infections of the actual virus: I agree that free debate and adverse findings have been suppressed by Govts all over the world and there’s a substantial profit / power motive driving things.

5. I personally took an adenovirus vector drug believing the risk/reward to be worth it (based on my own research) but would not recommend that to my kids.

6. Regarding Putin: Putin is walking a fine line trying to satisfy the various constituents that make up Russia (the pro-West Elites; the oligarchs who want to protect their capital; many of the masses who want to safety net; and so on). The dance between economic growth, social freedom, national/personal security, social welfare is one that every Govt struggles with and in a healthy society there are debates as to the trade-offs. I believe that Putin, faced with what can only be described as a psychopathic West, has tried to make the best of it no doubt making mistakes. (I don’t regard Putin as infallible - but neither do I regard him as someone who only cares about power.)

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Same, same; but different.

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The disCog wins so far but it has only been 19 months....wait till it is 19 years, there will be no future and no past

The hacksxxxine viruganda is only more Covidope lies from Covidopelandia

A y f k?

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Dec 22, 2021
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good question. I wish I had a good answer. mass non-compliance?

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Dec 22, 2021
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Things are pretty good here in the U.S. South. Florida, Georgia, Texas, etc. I’m still waiting to see if the Federal government tries to crush us or what. It’s about time for them to fish or cut bait. Maybe another false flag with mass “virus” deaths here in the South? Because if freedom goes on too long here, all the Feds’ plans will be spoiled.

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This whole notion of everyone getting together to bring down the system is nonsense. It worked at the end of the Soviet era under conditions that no longer obtain in any respect.

"Freedom" needs to be stricken from our lexicon.

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"The only peaceful solution is millions of workers uniting, downing tools and striking - there would be too many people to police."

There's a downside to employing C20th 'tools of resistance' to the situation which has evolved in the C21st. Or perhaps better said - there are downsides...

the biggest of which would be the 'doomed to failure' thing. I will be specific in backing that claim.

Seems to be still little understood - in the wester world - that what came out of Lenin's dictum - "control both sides of the debate" was a programmatic campaign by which the previous century's "influencers" inserted tentacles of the $powers' commie culture war into EVERY insterstice of the body politic - kind of like a 'proto-spike protein' invasion on the social level. Soooo... medias/schools/governmental organizations, organized labor etc., ALL became infected with this stealth 'team management' impulse. Everything organized, in top down fashion... to have both LABOR & CAPITAL under the control of HQ.

I only became aware of the irrefutable evidence of this covert conspiracy now a full one century in action - thru personal acquaintance with 'foot soldiers' of its literal army of eager minions. One family - of classic "Frankist" background in particular stood out as being of almost stereotypical mold; -one sone was a lawyer, another an "investment banker," the third a "labor union organizer" ... how PERFECT is that

to illustrate my point? They've gotcha covered.... labor & capital seamlessly united in seamy doings, take any other 'dialectical' pairing - from the race/gender/class playbook - and you will find the same seamless blending of 'opposited' to be used to create the 'synthesis' of phony resistance ... and ultimate commie tyranny!

They knew no one would wake up in time... to catch on to the hustle. "Neo-communism"... a la Chef Schwab & friends... about to be unleashed pon the unsuspecting 'free world' ... where the only even potential 'resistors' are still enmeshed in the phony paradigms of the proven duplicitous 'dialectical deception!'

"workers of the world UNITE! with your capitalist/commie masters!" Game/set/Reset

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Dec 23, 2021
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I'll write your closing line off to an understandable frustration ...

and focus pon the rest.

IF I had a 'solution' to profer, I would have put it in my text. NOT pretending to have 'the solution' is a first baby step in clearing the way for a discussion of potential responses to clear n present danger for all of us; the containment of 'solutions/responses' to ideologically driven 'left/right,' 'worker/capitalist,' 'east/west,' so on and so on is music to the ears of the perps.

Not buying into 'solutions' which are part of a false reality paradigm 0/0 by same perps is a tool of resistance in itself. One generally only comes up with new ideas when they realize all the old ones have no legs.

If the past 24 months have been instructive of ANYTHING ... it is that 'the people'.... world wide... have no stomach for critical analysis of their oppressors media messages, no stomach for disobeying their 'corrupt governments,' nor any will with which to over turn an obvious crime of genocidal proportions taking place in their midst.

Once that fact is digested, we can take a look at the possibilities inherent to the existence of a certain % of the populace not vaxxed yet - the jabbed can be written off entirely -

and throw around some ideas bout what might motivate em into some kind of action..... recognizing that 'organized resistance' is something which is fully in the control of those who "organize" things - like labor, governments, armies, capital and everything else - as with the example I offered.... the self-defined "CHILDREN OF LIGHT" WHO ARE BEHIND THIS MADNESS ... and hoping the eliminate us "CHILDREN OF DARKNESS" are masters of 'organization'

and will co-op every effort to 'organize' resistance. That's neither nihilism nor despair speaking... hard won experience. My previous comments here regarding Henry Miller and hope will serve as my reponse to your dig.

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"100 organized people can control 1000 disorganized, 1000 organized can control 10000 disorganized and so forth" - also a quote from Lenin.

That's why you're not allowed to be organized!

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Where is the off switch? I want to turn off the daily Covidope viruganda campaign. The hacksxxxines are a bad idea, isn't that apparent enough now?

I even read a piece from someone who supports bodily sovereignty and cognitive autonomy who says get your shot thru persuasion . Persuasion is still coercion folks..,

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I think the eugenicists are helping us with these toxic jabs... The mass hypnotizable people who are partially to blame for the decades of bullshit (and probably millennia as religion served a similar role back then) will be so useless from damages.

Who will support the psychopathic leadership?

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I lived with someone named Eugene in second foster home...

Eugenecists aint helping buh

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Underrated comment

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Eugene Horowitz wasn't a eugenecists, because he didn't have that power and evil smile like Bill Gatekeeper

I got sick from Saturday night fever in the Disco 70s. Disco is just shitty funk, unless it is good Disco. John Travolta is a shitty dancer I named a sound board after Olivia Newton John. She had some grease that Gavin Knewsomething stole from her to put in his hair. Ewww, Putin doing the Covidope shuffle too

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