My inspiration for our rural life in East TX were the many chata I visited in Eastern Europe, especially in Czech Republic. I was raised in the Midwest US suburbs and it was a completely foreign life to me there, in far more ways than language, family, culture. I actually learned some useful life skills, like how to live without running water. And that was just the beginning!
It planted a seed in me in the 90s that sprung to life when I had to evacuate from 2 hurricanes in the US south. Now we are so much happier in the Piney Woods of East TX. Would rather be back in Eastern Europe actually, where there is a real culture still in rural areas, or at least there was when I was there. We were weirdos here nearly 20 years ago, but now folks are catching on, and starting to get it. Self-reliance is like a big Fuck You to Big Brother, and unless they are able to drag us out of here, or cart us out, we will die at this post. Trying to do what little we can under such circumstances as we’ve got to give the next generation a slim chance in hell, which will be a whole helluvalot better than they’ll have in the Smart prison system growing up all around us. Sometimes good things come out of dire circumstances. But that doesn’t mean we should start accepting the shitshow that’s being heaved upon us! (Hope I didn’t use to much poor language for your taste! But then again, country life tends to have a roughening effect, thank heavens!)
You have "hit a nerve"! - You did not mention: electricity - I think I see utility lines. And - hours of daylight? - no more than 7 or 8 in early October I would think; and 4 or 5 a month from now ... and then it's sun just above the horizon time? - for a couple of hours a day.
Ah, Edward!! I, too, live in isolation in the middle of a U.S. city stemming from my choice to remain unvaccinated. I have doctored myself through sprains and strains inherent in older age; maintained vibrant spiritual and mental health; and cook daily from scratch. The key is music. When I am able to relocate to an area like your dacha, I know I can survive and thrive.
congratulations on securing a dacha - it is more fundamental to Eastern European's inner peace than a steady supply of toothpaste or toilet rolls.
Many times I looked back and shaken my head in disbelief how mesmerized I was living in big cities, nowadays I chase vermin with a passion around my garden house (my neighbors not included)
Pro tip : to befriend locals and gain their respect all one has to do is to enter local armwrestling competition and win! Armwrestling is popular in Russia and physical strength is admired.
Congratulations. Marvelous aesthetics, I don't know about the milking though, I live on a farm, I have a big garden, beef cattle, chickens and meat rabbits, love every bit of it, but milking is where I draw the line, a little too much commitment, an udder never sleeps.
I'm sure the tarakanchik-situation is better without the luxury of plumbing. :)
The old house itself seems to be sturdier than most American houses these days.
Ha! If you've got trees, the world is your toilet.
Only for so long then it gets pretty gross.
Bravo sir!
My inspiration for our rural life in East TX were the many chata I visited in Eastern Europe, especially in Czech Republic. I was raised in the Midwest US suburbs and it was a completely foreign life to me there, in far more ways than language, family, culture. I actually learned some useful life skills, like how to live without running water. And that was just the beginning!
It planted a seed in me in the 90s that sprung to life when I had to evacuate from 2 hurricanes in the US south. Now we are so much happier in the Piney Woods of East TX. Would rather be back in Eastern Europe actually, where there is a real culture still in rural areas, or at least there was when I was there. We were weirdos here nearly 20 years ago, but now folks are catching on, and starting to get it. Self-reliance is like a big Fuck You to Big Brother, and unless they are able to drag us out of here, or cart us out, we will die at this post. Trying to do what little we can under such circumstances as we’ve got to give the next generation a slim chance in hell, which will be a whole helluvalot better than they’ll have in the Smart prison system growing up all around us. Sometimes good things come out of dire circumstances. But that doesn’t mean we should start accepting the shitshow that’s being heaved upon us! (Hope I didn’t use to much poor language for your taste! But then again, country life tends to have a roughening effect, thank heavens!)
Come on down and see me sometime! 🤗
Looks fantastic!
I might actually be visiting some family in Texas in January...
Thanks! It’s a simple life, but you would be well-received!!
Fire weather up there already?
it snowed yesterday. (But it melted.)
You have "hit a nerve"! - You did not mention: electricity - I think I see utility lines. And - hours of daylight? - no more than 7 or 8 in early October I would think; and 4 or 5 a month from now ... and then it's sun just above the horizon time? - for a couple of hours a day.
And this morning, we got our first freeze of the Fall in south central Minnesota.
No doubt! It's def fire weather in Southwest Ontario, Canada too. The Polar Vortex has dipped way down, too early this year.
Going to be a brutal winter my farmer neighbours are telling me.
Nice. It reminds me of the cottage my wife's Baba Nina owned outside Novosiborsk. It was a trip back fifty years, replete with the outhouse.
Ah, Edward!! I, too, live in isolation in the middle of a U.S. city stemming from my choice to remain unvaccinated. I have doctored myself through sprains and strains inherent in older age; maintained vibrant spiritual and mental health; and cook daily from scratch. The key is music. When I am able to relocate to an area like your dacha, I know I can survive and thrive.
Looks like your dacha is closer to the earth, embracing the etymological meaning of humble, than Pasternak's
Here's from his poem titled "After the Storm" that maybe aligns with your growing?
"The memory of over half a lifetime
Like swiftly passing thunder dies away.
The century is no more under wardship:
High time to let the future have its say.
It is not revolutions and upheavals
That clear the road to new and better days,
But revelations, lavishness and torments
Of someone's soul, inspired and ablaze."
Get free, stay safe.
После грозы
Пронесшейся грозою полон воздух.
Все ожило, все дышит, как в раю.
Всем роспуском кистей лиловогроздыx
Сирень вбирает свежести струю.
Все живо переменою погоды.
Дождь заливает кровель желоба,
Но все светлее неба переходы,
И высь за черной тучей голуба.
Рука художника еще всесильней
Со всех вещей смывает грязь и пыль.
Преображенней из его красильни
Выходят жизнь, действительность и быль.
Воспоминание о полувеке
Пронесшейся грозой уходит вспять.
Столетье вышло из его опеки.
Пора дорогу будущему дать.
Не потрясенья и перевороты
Для новой жизни очищают путь,
А откровенья, бури и щедроты
Душе воспламененной чьей-нибудь.
1958 г.
Very cool.
So--as per the old expression--you'll be Living The Life of Riley!
congratulations on securing a dacha - it is more fundamental to Eastern European's inner peace than a steady supply of toothpaste or toilet rolls.
Many times I looked back and shaken my head in disbelief how mesmerized I was living in big cities, nowadays I chase vermin with a passion around my garden house (my neighbors not included)
Pro tip : to befriend locals and gain their respect all one has to do is to enter local armwrestling competition and win! Armwrestling is popular in Russia and physical strength is admired.
Congrats Edward
Congratulations. Marvelous aesthetics, I don't know about the milking though, I live on a farm, I have a big garden, beef cattle, chickens and meat rabbits, love every bit of it, but milking is where I draw the line, a little too much commitment, an udder never sleeps.
How much would a dacha like this cost? And how would one acquire one?
These are good questions. I will be writing on these topics in the near future.
You could start here.
Looking forward to the virtual tour.
Will a knighthood follow?
It's magnificent.
Very nice! Is this your bugout shelter?
Bravo, congrats!