"You should only feel disgust for these blobs of human failure"

100%, these people are pathetic, contemptible, they talk tough but couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag. It's clear that most of them are also absolutely TERRIFIED - that goes for all of them all over the world.

Who knows what kompramat the parasite class has on them to make them do what they are doing, but also who cares? Mock these people, mock all of them. It's all they are good for - laughing at.

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"But by doing so you are allowing the COVID freak circus to occupy your mind—one of the last places on Earth where you don’t need a digital cattle tag to enter." - Fear not, I'm sure Dear Klaus is feverishly working on closing this pesky, little loophole as we speak.

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Also, is that some surreptitious footage taken by our intrepid correspondent of Russian forces massing at the Ukrainian border? In all seriousness, how likely do people rate a hot war between Russia and NATO in the Ukraine? Normally, I would brush off these latest tensions as the usual posturing, but I'm wondering if leaders on all sides might actually consider an honest-to-God WW3 as a---and I hate to use this word---solution to the COVID crisis. Sounds crazy, but the direction things are headed, all these governments implementing the Schwabian Reset have to seriously consider that they are being set-up for overthrows from their respective populations. Nothing like a few nukes going off to distract from the encroaching QR-code nightmare.

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I feel similarly, actually. The situation seems more-serious-than-usual. And I think you are correct to point out that a lil' war would basically be the only thing that could clamp down on growing domestic grumblings at home -- in all countries involved. Particularly in Russia, I do not see how they can successfully implement the cattle tag without making opposition to it full-blown treason.

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Yes, martial law seems perfect to enforce this thing, that way they can skip the bureaucratic chaos of implementing it in peaceful times and go straight to tyrrany!

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This is certainly one potential outcome. Now that there is a real emergency in progress, our rulers decide the time for niceties is over. Orders go out to all units (military or otherwise): grab any and all two-legged cattle in your vicinity and inject them. With whatever is at hand. Repeatedly. Till they stop resisting so discourteously. That'll teach 'em.

OTOH, a real war could very well lead to the whole jab-a-thon completely falling apart. It may be hard, for instance, to get everybody tagged-n-bagged with QR-codes where there is no electricity available. The whole technocratic enterprise rests upon a rather delicate foundation of a highly efficient, technologically savvy, fully-functioning, high trust society.

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In case Russia goes to war with Ukraine and it doesn’t involve NATO then Russia is safe domestically but an emergency can be implemented and people rounded up on suspicion of being “unpatriotic” and “traitors” and then injected. That’s more of what I was thinking.

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I agree. That is certainly a plausible scenario, and one that could very well be part of the Kremlin's thought process. But wars tend to be unpredictable, messy affairs, so it'd be quite the risk.

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Now I’m worried. Many innocent young men will die. I thought it was all a ruse, but Gerald Celente and Marc Faber can’t both be wrong:

“I think once this Covid19 thing is over, the elite, the ones who make the money, will go to war. That is the last recipe to keep the population together.”


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OTOH, it is difficult to take any of this posturing seriously. National sovereignty appears to be a thing of the past. “The owners” are now in control. It’s all a ruse, a distraction. And yet innocent people will die. Wash, rinse, repeat.

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Good point. With the Kremlin seemingly hell-bent on subsuming Russia into the bankers' Beast System, why even care where NATO parks it's nukes? I mean, you're completely giving away national sovereignty on one hand, so why make a fuss on the other? It's all quite confusing, which is why I contend we're missing something in regards to the larger game at play here.

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Thanks for posting that link. I’m new to these men (Celeste shares my birthday!) Faber was very impressive. I’m worried.

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Gerald Celente often say: "When all else fail, they take you to war".

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Well, I sort of got the feeling early on that the entire coof fiasco was a 'cunning' method to bring about a deflationary environment. Since the norm in recent centuries has been steady and unrelenting inflation, there need to be occasional deflationary crises in order to bring the world system back into balance. The traditional method of creating a highly deflationary environment is quite simple: war.

However, this time our galaxy-brained Schwabian disciples decided to try something a little different---a kinder, gentler way to rebalance the ecosystem. You see, Klaus was actually trying to do us a solid, but since the unruly, caved-in-head, low-IQ livestock just refuse to play along nicely, our superiors are now considering that they may have to do things the old fashioned way. It's a theory.

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Oh man….

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Not quite sure, but are you saying I just gave you some more nightmare fuel? If so, you're welcome. ;)

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All I do is nightmare.

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Fuel is everywhere en masse. I feel so guilty for having been asleep for so long.

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fuck him, and the rat he rode in on.


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Social Media? What’s that? If it’s anything like Social Distancing I’m out

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You are keeping your social distance, then...

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Im still trying to figure out how one can be both social and distant at the same time…

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"Shhh, don't think too much, little one." - Your best friend, Klaus

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Very droll....

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I have shared this link on Telegram, Gab, and GETTR; as I do sometimes.

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We thank you for your service!

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Donated to Anti-Empire and told them it was via you.

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thank you so much, MountainBlues! :)

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Sorry, can’t share your excellent work on (anti)social media as I don’t participate in that farce. Any “media” company that censors adults isn’t a media company at all. It is a means to impose tyranny on all.

Stop doing business with these fuckers! Build something new!

BTW: that Pikachu Hell March is some crazy shit. Who are those people? This is a thing? Surely, not in slavland.

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Agreed. I don’t do ASM either.

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Dec 8, 2021
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Having a proper humour is what makes us humans, as opposed to many ETs...The ability to see the funny or lighter side of things is priceless.

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