Hi Edward, nice post; you provide a very valuable service by detailing to western audiences in English the globohomo-controlled nature of the Russian elite via their focus on COVID shutdowns, COVID vaccines, 15 minute cities, upcoming CBDCs, and others. They are quite in lockstep with the overall agenda.

My only quibble is that I believe the Russian elite are not just aping globohomo leaders in a Big Brother/Little Brother relationship, but that the Russian elite are completely controlled via Rothschild ownership of the Russian central bank. I go into this here: https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/how-real-is-the-russiaukraine-war and here: https://neofeudalism.substack.com/p/goals-motivations-and-strategies if you have interest in taking a look.

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Russian elites have been closely entangled in a love-hate relationship with Western elites for centuries, before the Rothschild name was a thing and before the US was a country, it's not something that started in 2014, 1991, or in 1917. The last tsar's grandma from his wife's side was Victoria, queen of England, no less. Their business has always included wars to deploy taxcattle to fight, not least among them the stages set for the dances of death in Syria and Ukraine.

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Hi Jesuitic, banking has been controlled by the cabal since the establishment of the Bank of England in 1696. Russia maintained its independence until the overthrow of the Tsar. The New York Journal-American stated on February 3, 1949: “Today it is estimated even by Jacob’s grandson, John Schiff, a prominent member of New York Society, that the old man sank about $20,000,000 for the final triumph of Bolshevism in Russia. Other New York Banking firms also contributed.”

According to Gary Allen, “In the Bolshevik Revolution we have some of the world’s richest and most powerful men financing a movement which claims its true existence is based on the concept of stripping of their wealth men like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Schiffs, Warburgs, Morgans, Harrimans, and Milners. But obviously these men have no fear of international communism. It is only logical to assume if they financed it and do not fear it, it must be because they control it. Can there be any other explanation that makes sense? Remember that for over 150 years it has been standard operating procedure of the Rothschilds and their allies to control both sides of every conflict. You must have an ‘enemy’ if you are going to collect from the King. The East-West balance-of-power politics is used as one of the main excuses for the socialization of America. Although it was not their main purpose, by nationalization of Russia the Insiders bought themselves an enormous piece of real estate, complete with mineral rights, for somewhere between $30 and $40 million.”

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The Vatican controlled international banking across the the Mediterranean and all the way to England, which was still under the religious leadership of and paying tribute to Rome, centuries before that. They literally created the precursors of Israel in the Latin kingdoms of the Holy Land. Judaism, Christianism, Islamism, the Abrahamic cults are certainly a huge part of the issue, worldwide. And, like banking, their ops. are tax-free, unlike 99.9% of the rest of mankind.

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the claim that the vatican/ jesuit's control the world is a canard...anyone with two functioning brain cells knows what tribe holds the purse strings for ALL politicians in America England Europe and apparently Russia as well...Janet Yellen...US Treasury secretary and former head of the FED...JEW...Tony Blinken...Secretary of State...Jew...Merrick Garland...US Attorney general...JEW...Victoria Nuland...under Secretary of State and orchestrator of 2014 coup in Ukraine...JEW...Ukrainian president Vladimir Zelensky...JEW...wheres all those jesuits?.... https://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/send-in-the-clowns/

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Yes indeed indeed, and you could probaby add that the same tribe is overseeing the collapse of USA in a startling display of supervision and conditioning to render insane most of the society

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Energy science research can get you into trouble....

Please read, i feel endangered.:



For a more detailled scientific take on the LENR science for which I am being targeted, I would actually refer you to my colleague's blog, where there is spectography, calorimetry & datasheets, as well as live science videos of experimental LENR reactors @ remoteview.subsack.com

I am sending this to all other substack writers I can muster, because I fear for my safety and my family.

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Well, Jesuits are mostly crypto jews.

Maybe you have to go read: "The Jesuit Order As A Synagogue Of Jews" by Robert Aleksander Maryks.

oops, heres the link too:


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Energy science research can get you into trouble....

Please read, i feel endangered.:



For a more detailled scientific take on the LENR science for which I am being targeted, I would actually refer you to my colleague's blog, where there is spectography, calorimetry & datasheets, as well as live science videos of experimental LENR reactors @ remoteview.subsack.com

I am sending this to all other substack writers I can muster, because I fear for my safety and my family.

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so we agree... the jews... and by proxy the crypto jews...are the real power brokers...example one...BLACK ROCK...whos CEO is the JEW Larry Fink... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWBRldjVzuM

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Energy science research can get you into trouble....

Please read, i feel endangered.:



For a more detailled scientific take on the LENR science for which I am being targeted, I would actually refer you to my colleague's blog, where there is spectography, calorimetry & datasheets, as well as live science videos of experimental LENR reactors @ remoteview.subsack.com

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The Heaviside step function was taught to me from a textbook in my EE undergrad studies. These guys claim to be developing a patent for LENR: http://www.lenr-cars.com/index.php/technology/lenr

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Russia has ever tried to recapture its pre-Mongolian glory, but relations with the west were never the same after Ghengis & his Merry Sons moved in and ruined the neighborhood.

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Energy science research can get you into trouble....

Please read, i feel endangered.:



For a more detailled scientific take on the LENR science for which I am being targeted, I would actually refer you to my colleague's blog, where there is spectography, calorimetry & datasheets, as well as live science videos of experimental LENR reactors @ remoteview.subsack.com

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People don’t want nuanced discussions they unfortunately prefer “us vs them” and take sides so they can feel like they’re a part of something big and important.

I’m definitely a proponent of a varied information diet, people need to read as many news sources as possible from across the spectrum

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Salut Lil'Kremlin,

Life is complex, complexity can only lead to some kind of perplexity, a light form of ignorance, which, if accepted might lead to some kind of wisdom. Psychologically, it is hard to swallow.

A present for you Man, the great Keny Arkana!! (text worth reading till the end):


People's rage (X4)

Okay, we've got rage, but it's not the kind that makes you drool,

Ask Fabe, life slams like a sole on cobblestones

The rage of seeing our goals hindered, of living in the way,

rage etched far back in time

The rage of having grown up too fast when adults steal your childhood.

Imagine a wall and abolish rage!

Because peace is impossible,

The rage of seeing so many armed CRS (riot squad)in our streets.

Rage to see this fucking world destroy itself

And that it's always innocent people who are at the center of the shooting,

Rage that man has created every wall,

Barricading himself in concrete, is he afraid of nature?

Rage because he's forgotten he's part of it,

deep disharmony, but to what world has the Dove gone?

Rage at being so scarred by the prickles of standards,

And then the rage, yeah the rage of having had rage since we were even.

(Refrain )

Because we've got rage, we'll stand no matter what,

Rage to go wherever life takes us,

Because we've got the rage, we won't be able to shut up or sit down, From now on we'll be ready because we've got the rage, the heart and the faith!

Because we've got rage, we'll stand up no matter what,

Rage to go all the way, no matter what life throws at us,

Because we've got rage, nothing can stop us, whether we're rebellious, wise, marginal, humanist or rebellious!

Rage because we don't choose anything and we're always under pressure

And since their choices are shaky, well, all equilibrium goes out the window

Rage because the irreparable has been piling up for some time now

Rage because what are we waiting for to stand up and make a racket Rage is all they leave us, you know all we've got left,

Rage, how many of us will end up turning our backs!

Rage to live and to live in the moment, To choose our future free and without their oppressive grids!

Rage, because it's all shit and this world adheres to it, And because all their GMO fields are sterilizing the Earth!

Rage so that one day the gears will be broken

And rage because too many read the Truth on their TV screens.

Rage because this world doesn't suit us, Feeding us false dreams to set up their ramparts Rage because this world doesn't suit us, Where Babylon grows fat while we die down below!


Rage to believe and make things happen, The rage of a Chirac, a Sharon, a Tony Blair or a Bush!

Rage because this world sees red but it's surrounded by grayness Because they never hear the cries when the blood flows

Rage because it's the worst we're close to,

Rage because the West still hasn't taken off its colonial garb!

Rage because evil strikes too hard

And so much great ancestral knowledge is no longer updated

Rage because too many lies and secrets are being kept from us The struggles of our States, rich in truth, to be able to change humanity, Rage because they don't want it to change, eh Preferring

keep their power and manipulate us like their machines.

Rage because we believe in angels and have chosen to walk with them.

Rage because my words are disturbing

See in the four corners of the globe, the rage of the boiling people

Rage, yeah rage or the essence of revolution!

(Refrain x2)

Anti-capitalists, alter-globalists, or you who seek the truth about this world, tomorrow's resistance

(...in cha allah...) on the eve of a revolution. Global and spiritual, the rage of the people, the rabbia del pueblo, because we have rage, the rage that will shake your standards (...Because we have rage...)

The rage has taken the people and the rage is huge

Take care

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This song is amazing and thanks for translating the lyrics! Wish there was a way for us to collab!

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Salut Lil' Kremlin!

What kind of collab could there be? From my humble knowledge(acquired by elders), one the way to consider trinity is that first there is a wish,( it's ethereal if you wish), the second stage is, how could that wish be materialized? Is it feasible? Last stage is realizing, making it real according to efficient planing'

I have one question as an elder, why can't we hear Russian elements in the sampling in your rap?

The gifted Keny Arkana is from Marseille which has had a very good high quality rap scene for decades. She is originally from Argentina. She has made a very beautiful, tear breaking song about her country of origin, once again lyrics worth reading till the end. Ps, this is a rather old song but she is still on the musical front :


I'm Victoria, born 14 springs ago.

In a village near Salta where I used to live.

It's been more than 10 years now since my brothers and sisters and my dad and mom left our fields.

We crammed into one of those shacks at the entrance to the city.

Dad built it, but it's not finished.

I only have vague memories of the village.

Mom cries when she tells me about it, because she doesn't like life here.

Foreigners burned down our houses to steal our land.

I don't get it, he's talking about agribusiness.

He says that politicians are predators who sow fear

and have a stomach for a heart.

No work here, no prayers answered.

After class, my sister and I sell bracelets for 2 pesos.

But despite all her efforts, the days go by without a meal.

At night my mother cries, at night my mother doesn't sleep.

[Spanish refrain]

My neighbor told me: ''During the dictatorship it was harder''.

So I'm not going to complain, even if there's no future here.

I like studying, but I've been told it's good but useless.

A lot of people here quit before they could even write.

In my secret garden, I cultivate the dream of being a doctor.

To treat all these sick children who don't have enough to eat.

I don't understand, in the city I can see all these little ones begging in front of the contempt of the so-called "good people".

I wonder, don't they see the misery? They crush us to bless the man from the other hemisphere.

Dad says we're treated like dogs, thank God I've got my family further away, there are orphans living in the rubbish dumps.

Sometimes I cry in secret, but not for long, because I think of my elders who knew the sound of machine-gun fire.

And then grandma always said ''Life is hope, if you have no hope you're as good as dead and living is a feat''.

[Spanish refrain]

Dad was at his wits' end when one morning he learned that the bank had stolen his savings.

Helpless, everyone was panic-stricken - he wasn't the only one, the whole nation had been robbed.

Since that day, he and many other townspeople have been blocking the roads to stop the country's economy.

It's their way of making themselves heard, but I'm afraid when they leave, some of them don't come back, the police are violent.

They call them Piqueteros and the newspapers are liars, saying they're bandits.

Dad says: ''They can kill men but they won't kill memory, the mothers of the disappeared always sing against oblivion''.

We're living with the fruit of a failed democracy in such a rich country, so many children have nothing in their bellies but a cup of mate.

Because we're ruled by the criminal mafia.

I don't get it, and when I ask why, I always get the answer: "Because we're in Argentina! ''.

Take care Man!

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To tell you the truth, while reading the translation, tears again come to my eyes...

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Good stuff, mad respect for such deep and profound lyrics! Not sure Lil’Kremlin is capable of that level of depth, staying more on the street and gangsta side of things, perhaps not to go completely off his rocker based on all that is happening.

But it would be an honor to get on a song with a like-minded individual is all I’m saying.

By Russian elements, you mean Russian musical aspects? I try to make the music as multipolar as possible!

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Lil' Kremlin is bound to grow, mature, improve, progress, at his own pace, helped along the way by people he meets. That is how Bugey did and will keep on, with the help of God, with all the mistakes, suffering along the way to teach.

You are where you are and it is already good. You are beginning to master gangsta stuff but your are also here with us and you know you got to move on, evolve, with this background.

Of course I meant Russian musical aspects! You are a Russian 'pole'.


Burkina Faso rap:


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Welcome to the world of 'discredit-by-association' (DbA), although what you're experiencing is *unintentional* DbA, many intel agencies and propaganda outlets exploit intentional DbA, and I think this is a good opportunity to discuss it.

DbA works generally by forming a *perceived* (typically false, but can, rarely, also be real) association between one person and another. It exploits a natural 'social phenomenon' in human psychology; if a person is friends with an enemy, then that person isn't *likely* to be friends with you either.

Intentional DbA destroys the message with the messenger ('baby with the bathwater' phenomena). So lets say, Edward, you knew a criminal pervert; a DbA would work by saying 'hey it's Edward, the criminal pervert enabler spreading his pervert-enabling lies'.

Now, DbA is usually more subtle than this. These days, getting merely associated with <insert political team here>, in a very Robbers cave-esque manner (see: https://thedailybeagle.substack.com/p/what-robbers-cave-can-teach-you-about) is enough to "destroy" you in the views of whoever hates <insert political team here>.

For example, Conservatives could not raise legitimate concerns about Donald Trump sponsoring Operation Warp Speed and the child murder poison shots to the tune of billions, without other Conservatives screaming "TDS" (Trump Derangement Syndrome) and calling them "Liberals" (there's that association, and thus, discredit).

The Daily Beagle, trying to point out the unhelpful (to Conservatives!) aspects of Donald Trump walked on eggshells (see: https://thedailybeagle.substack.com/p/the-critique-of-donald-trump) and still got DbA'd.

This is due to the fact establishment media intentionally made baseless criticisms of Trump (like, attacking his tan colour, or how old he was, or his hand size), trying to make it seem like *anyone* criticising Trump is baseless.

You, my friend, are caught in the same wave. The same establishment media who have made many baseless criticisms of Russia, sets the stage for a discredit-by-association that anyone criticising Russia must somehow be baseless.

The mainstream media's goal is to protect and *not* criticise globalism, where-ever it resides; even if it resides in Russia. So they might invent fabricated 'Putin has cancer' and 'the war will end May 9th (2022) for victory day' stories, but not say 'oh hey Russia is killing the public with a British-Swedish AstraZeneca knock-off that induces blood clots'.

DbA can be reversed, however; you can pre-emptively accuse those who engage in DbA as working for the globalists (many a 'TDS' invoker flees when they get accused of enabling child murder and supporting multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical companies).

In a way, they are enabling globalists; by refusing to see the various globalist tentacles everywhere, even in Russia, they enable globalism to grow. My recommendation is you should also caveat your criticisms aren't against the Russian public (I.E. extract as many unrelated elements as possible) or a vague 'Russia' (which people can interpret one way or another), but against globalists residing in Russia.

By isolating and identifying who your targets of criticisms are, and extracting possible collateral (for example, in my article I explicitly say I support Patriotic Conservatives who are opposed to corruption), you can avoid getting washed up in DbA because you're removing the false association by adding explicit nuance.

The frustrating part will be having to caveat it on a per-article basis, but it's one of the problems in dealing with advanced, fifth column Psychological Warfare waged by an out-of-control State.

For the record, there are also a lot of Controlled Opposition (ConOp) elements. Your experience with 'alt media' Thomas Roper defending the poison shots in Russia is a prime example; so it's best not to ridicule the concept (because ironically, it's what the ConOp types do), given people will have seen many examples of it (best case: it makes one seem ignorant, worse case: it makes one seem even more ConOp).

For the record, on a lot of Ukraine-Russia war topics, you will often find my articles attempt to criticise or address all sides, unless it is a 'statement of fact' article (E.G. US is running low on ammunition), so people don't feel like I'm just attacking one side alone. It's a good way to neutralise perceptions of bias and actually offers well rounded reporting.

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Long comment but worth the reading, thanks.

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Haha, I had Bach running through my head as I got to the end of your piece, just as you wrote that you were longing for his music as well.

I appreciate Ritter's sunny disposition, but he understands things less well than I would expect for a guy who has been knee-deep in these issues his whole adult life.

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Bach or Bust.

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Please see my response later in this thread. I am interested to know what you think about it.

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I took a look.

I think your view is pragmatic, and probably many share it.

Personally, I am reluctant to give my full backing to a "side", mostly because I am not convinced that there are clearly delineated "sides" -- although there is no denying there are sharp cultural differences between the two. For example, BRICS is extremely vaxxy and extremely cattle-taggy, arguably more so than the Collective West (although it's not a competition, and it wouldn't mean much to me if BRICS ended up being "slightly less" tagged than the EU, or vice versa).

Basically, I don't think either side shows any interest in protecting what I would describe as basic human dignity (but again, from the cultural angle, Russia is much more appealing than the US -- no argument there). I think that if Moscow really wants to offer the world an alternative, it should be encouraged to live up to this lofty ideal, and necessary pressure needs to be applied to make sure it doesn't lose its way.

At the end of the day, I can only advocate for what I think is right, on a very basic level. In some areas, I think Russia is doing a good or decent job. But, I must say, even the US offers some things that Russia lacks (a far more robust tradition of protecting individual liberties, although these are being rapidly eroded).

Whether I "support" one side or the other won't change anything, so as I see it, I might as well use my energies to call out all the gross stuff going on, in hopes that maybe, somehow, these concerns will reach the relevant authorities, or help start a discussion that will put pressure on these governments. That is already happening inside Russia, as I think this blog demonstrates.

But again, that's just my personal approach to these complicated issues, and I think there are range of views that are totally valid and reasonable.

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Riley, thanks for taking the time to reply. I am new to your community and wanted to understand better where you are coming from. This helps alot to understand what you've got going on here. It is consistent with what you write, but I wanted to hear it directly.

And for what it's worth, I think that what you expressed is great. It is too bad that so few people seem willing to look at the world this way. It isn't easy, I guess.

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welcome! and I want to stress that this is a Safe Space (lol) for all views on these very difficult and complex issues, and I'm always interested in engaging in good-faith dialogue with people who span the ideological/political spectrum.

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Awesome, I am in.

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Riley, I don't know if you are/were a Willie Nelson fan or not. If you were/are a Willie fan, you might be interested in this interview with a violinist who made an album of duets with Willie's big sister Bobbie. Bobbie was the heart of Willie's music. She had a series of strokes and passed away about the time that the album was finished. When she had her strokes, she was catatonic. Someone thought to put a keyboard in front of her. She immediately started playing Bach and was on the road to recovery. It's around 25:30 in the interview. https://open.spotify.com/episode/3c9rEjqq7BFWo4WG3SQvUW. Anyway, I thought of you when I heard it. Cheers, Jeff

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Ritter is an A-hole. He does not do nuance and he never revises his opinions....as far as I know he still thinks the SMO's failed attempt at regime change in Kiev was the greatest most successful tactical move in military history. I don't listen to that entire gaggle of "Russia is saving the world' crowd anymore.

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I never heard anyone say Russia is saving the world; more that NATO and the Pentagon , CFR. Atlantic trash and America are war mongers and represent the declining failing Empires of both USA and the world zombie Europe

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There is an "ergo" that many people long for here. As you said, "NATO and the Pentagon, CFR, Atlantic trash and America are war mongers and represent the declining failing Empires of both USA and the world zombie Europe."

Someone needs to save us from these declining empires, because we sure aren't going to turn to the Cross. Ergo, Saint Vladimir has to save us, because we aren't allowed to look to the Blessed Xi.

Even as a Christian, I recognize that Putin is standing bravely against those forces, with Christian and traditional values central to his leadership. I hope he wins. I would rather be a part of BRICS+ than the US empire at this point.

I think Russia will be safer than the US during the remainder of the Biden & related administrations. Russians practice for nuclear attacks. The US is wholly unprepared for them. Biden will lead us to tears and nukes. Russia is more likely to survive. So there's that, too.

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So you want to partner with China , North Korea , Iran and South Africa and you are a christian? U really beleive that Russia will be a more friendly peaceful overlord than NATO?

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Energy science research can get you into trouble....

Please read, i feel endangered.:



For a more detailled scientific take on the LENR science for which I am being targeted, I would actually refer you to my colleague's blog, where there is spectography, calorimetry & datasheets, as well as live science videos of experimental LENR reactors @ remoteview.subsack.com

I am sending this to all other substack writers I can muster, because I fear for my safety and my family.

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When I read Ritter's report this morning I had the French communists my youth in my head. It sound like there report when they were back from USSR after a guided tour...

Still, I don't consider him an asshole in any way... Like many French commies were sincere good persons. Sometime, I imagine how mad they would be et the woke degeneracy...

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El Gato Malo's posting this morning comes to mind. https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/late-stage-legal-plunder

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Thanks for the link. Interesting article, I 'v' just read it, the "mad cat" on the picture would love the rap song I sent to Lil'Kremlin.

Take care Jeff

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It sound like their...

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He does have a pretty good brand, though. I won't be surprised if he sells 10K+books.

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Hello, dear Edward! Great article. I am ethically Russian but have been living in USA for 20 years. During and after COVID, I cannot seem to get very clear picture of what is going on in Russia from friends but your substack really did help! Thank you for your insight! Yes, somehow we, living in the West, were all hoping and praying Russia will not escape Great Reset but it looks like they are facing the same issues. God help us all. Let's all stay and be united to win it!

I hope you have seen a new documentary


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Eight centuries ago Dante wrote in his Divine Comedy that there is a special place in hell for those who refuse to take sides. He was half right - for those who try to stay objective hell is Earth right here right now

For what it is worth, I really appreciate your work and musings and I hope you keep on shattering (at least some of) my preconceived notions that I wasn't even aware of.

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"The ascendency and apparent untouchability of an ineffectual, greedy, corrupt elite who are smitten by the West, and/or are trying to constantly appease Russia’s unapologetic enemies."

BTW, does anyone else remember Aleksey Mozgovoy? The former commander of the Prizrak ("Ghost") Brigade in the Donbass? I was a big admirer of him in those days, and I was deeply saddened by his death. I recall that, shortly before is untimely passing in his final communiqué, he excoriated the greedy élites *on both sides* for setting a cage-match between the working class in Eastern and Western Ukraine, respectively. His dream, he said, was the working class on both sides would stop quibbling over borders and join together against their ruling-class oppressors. (In case you haven't guessed, he was a communist). He didn't last too long after that. Of course, it could have been NATO or someone working for Kiev, as the pro-Russian types then insisted. But I always had my doubts, and a few years later, when some court connected to Denis Pushilin smeared him as a hitman for hire. To be fair, Mozgovoy, as a commander in war time, was sometimes known for meeting out 'rough justice' via his own military courts. But a professional hitman? I doubt that very much.

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Yes, I remember that as well. Slavsquat mentioned it last autumn:


"If only we had listened to Lugansk rebel commander Aleksey Mozgovoy:

I'd like to appeal to everyone who is fighting—on both sides. People on both sides are fighting against the oligarchy. But somehow we only kill each other, ourselves. So we’re committing a slow suicide of sorts.

The “gladiators” need to break out from the “Colosseum”. Instead, a new Colosseum is being organized. We’re burying ourselves. Do we need it all? War for the sake of war? It’s stupid.

Does anyone remember why we have rebelled? Isn’t it clear that the ones we rose up against are ruling us now? For both sides. Isn’t it time for us to come to our senses, military gentlemen? Otherwise, there won’t be a single one of us left.

And the ones we should be fighting against…they will be living on. Without problems. And everything’s going to be as it was before.

So I appeal one more time: start thinking. Your brain should be working, not your grenade launcher. That’s when there will be order. While the guns are working, there will only be deaths."

I also wonder who actually killed all these men who made such an impression during the initial rebellion from the Donbass people. Zakharchenko is another one I was fond of.


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I was thinking something similar this morning. Anglo Saxons laugh while Slavs fight Slavs.

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Yes! That was exactly the video I was thinking of. Thanks for hunting it down for us.

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Many thanks for introducing me to Glenn Gould - WONDERFUL + of course for your many varied and informative articles, including your ability to make me smile instead of crying...

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''Basically from the first day I started this blog, I have been attacked by Western “pro-Russia” alternative media for having the audacity to highlight how Russians discuss Russia.''


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The "elite" has a poor imagination, and always ruled thanks to false antagonisms : political ones (left/right), ideological ones (capitalisme/communisme), now it's Time for us to swallow the civilisational schisme and War between the sinorussian block and the collective West. Things are more subtile. And western prorussian blogs realized that thanks to Riley's blog, readers are not ready to digest their simplistic Propaganda

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You have the honest part down; now all that's left is to try to stay sane.

Thanks for your writing, your perspective, and the musical tidbits that end your articles. I especially like Gould/Bach too; who doesn't. Oh, wait...

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Ah...my good Edward. I'm delighted to make your acquaintance. The very kind Peter Halligan posted a number of blogs/substacks Sunday. I pursued one only to find, to my utter amazement, that Russia is being subsumed very much as the U.S.A. is by the Global Oligarchs aka Rothschild Cartel aka GlobalCap aka Klaus' Friendship Circle (just kidding!), etc. I was astonished. Truly. I loosely have followed the "Ukraine War" because I've known that the war stands as a proxy for the U.S.A. whose military performs as the enforcement arm of the Global Elités. [Which is why the U.S. military currently has bases in Syria and is protecting Conoco in their theft of Syrian oil.] So, I simply assumed the Globalists wanted Russia undone. Never did I imagine that they were orchestrating the very coup de grâce they are in the U.S. within Russia!! Using Russians against Russians!!! I marvel at their ingenuity. Truly they are light years ahead of the average citizen in both countries. I was able to follow up with you today...as Peter gave me so much reading on Sunday.

I've just subscribed to your substack for free and for which I apologize. I can only plead my case that I'm elderly, retired, and on a limited income so I mean no disrespect nor devaluing of your work...but do look forward to discovering more shenanigans from GlobalCap in Russia.

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Welcome to the blog! Your readership is valued.


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Edward! This was comprehensive and outstanding!! Ha ha ha. SPACE LIZARD’s! Love it.

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I think that what is "strictly haram in Western “pro-Russia” alternative media" has the function to cultivate the old dynamic of the East and Western blocs proven dialectics, but with a positive polarity to usher in the multipolar world dialectics between the BRICS and the West.

During my past professional years spent in the Middle-East, I also joined the shisha brotherhood. But, in that time, what we were listening to was more Umm Kulthum or Fayruz. Although J.S. Bach occupies a sizable portion of my music library, I never thought that those two worlds were compatible. I am gratefull to your daring mind for always opening new horizons of discovery.

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Glenn Gould - a curious selection! Is there a message? You know, he had a bit role in a very dark time of the Cold War? 1957 - Stalin dead just four years; he was the first North American musician to travel to and perform in Russia; concerts in Moscow and ... what-was-it-called?... Leningrad. Audiences were amazed - the young Ashkenazy and Rostopovich were totally wowed - I assume Shostakovich was present. Something very civilized in all that; fast forward 65 years - exactly - Gould's visit was in the spring and Russian conductors and musicians summarily fired from their European positions - performances of Tchaikovsky even, banned in the West ... ... it feels very cold and getting colder.

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I like you better than Rolo! Lol As you said, “The fog of war” is just that. There are plenty who attempt to penetrate it, and I’m content to leave them to it for the most part. I appreciate your perspective, however. You seem reasonable enough. Don’t be too hard on Westerners who are hoping Russia will stand in the way of Western elites (psychopaths) getting everything they want.

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Excellent writing/content. Also enjoy the fine comments.

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