Apr 21, 2023Liked by Edward Slavsquat

"[Under the law,] a citizen without a court decision is deprived of the right to free movement, to work as an individual entrepreneur (that is, the right to work), and the right to own and sell real estate."

It does have the stench of a social credit system and a glimpse of what might happen to all the "noncompliant" and not just those who evaded conscription. Russia's central bank digital currency will be an effective tool for deploying repressive policies. Don't feel alone, as your Western counterparts in so-called liberal democracies will shortly follow suit.

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'Twas such a cute little snowball, at the top of the mountain....

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How poetic. :)

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Apr 21, 2023·edited Apr 21, 2023

Yeah, doesn't quite fit the "stench", right?

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Worldwide Digi Gulag is being set up, love it or leave it.

Idk about you, but I will leave it, in one way or another.

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To fleece the moral (programmed) peasantry it is important to maintain a facade of goodness. The civil rights movement being a good example (freedom of association? Yeah about that...)

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Something like, benevolent predation.😁

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Edward Slavsquat

Prigozhin is just trying to discredit the Russian government because he is jealous of the MoD Generals. MoDs brilliant combined arms, 5th generation hyper sonic successful regroupings from Kiev, Sumy, Izum, Kharkov, Kherson and basically everywhere have made Prigozhin and Wagner look like the amateurs they are. Prigozhin and Riley here as part of a paid NAFO psyop operation are trying to trick us into thinking its the fault of some mythical Russian deepstate that Wagner cant successfully regroup and de-escalate from Bakhmut.

Strelkov is just projecting his own treachery onto the Russian leadership. Its actually Strelkov and a bunch of angry LNR/DNR vets fault that Donetsk, Bryansk and Belgorod are shelled everyday, that the Dniper Bridges are still standing, that Ukrainian decision making centers are untouched, that the front doesnt have enough of anything etc. If Strelkov and all these angry patriots had never set the original Russian spring in motion in 2014 than Donbass would still be a part of Ukraine today and none of these problems would even exist. Remember guys the Kremlin busted its ass trying to smother the original Russian Spring and de-escalate all this obnoxious Patriotism from the get go. If these Patriots had just got out of the way from the beginning there would have never been any Minsk accords to begin with because there would have never been any LNR or DNRs. So ipso facto this is all people like Strelkovs fault.

Ungrateful "Patriots" whining about how Moscow isnt cleaning up the messes they made they way they want. Shame Riley for giving them a soap box.

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we don't deserve you, Dr. L :)

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They may as well submit to the intolerant faith of Ukrainism... will probably get a better deal.

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War is serious business, waging a not-war is treason... prig should have stated that russia NEEDS to enter a war economy and mobilize a proper army. However the krimelin fears russian nationalism... and the oligarchs need those bridges.

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In my humble opinion, it is comments like this who enrich the blog. People who civilly express their opinions so everyone else can read, consider, and form their own.

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Is this some kind of Comedy I don't get?

Forgive me for asking, you know, we Germans have no humor as you know.

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Dissidents use humor and sarcasm to cope with pennywises hellish circus.

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Thanks for that again Riley. I can't stand Ehret anymore and I posted this on his latest blurb.

Why don't you comment on those articles Mr Ehret? Where is the magnificient egalitarian social and caring for the vulnerables and vivid economic and bread and technology for everybody world that you are announcing (constructing would a better word) into your fablings? This revealed the multipolar failure. Get out of your head before it is too late.



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Apr 22, 2023·edited Apr 22, 2023Author

Are you familiar with the time that Mr. Ehret declared I was a "counter-gang psy-op" in bed with RT's editor-in-chief? A true and very fun story!


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Apr 22, 2023·edited Apr 22, 2023Liked by Edward Slavsquat

For fuck's sake man, the guy is on hegelian steroids. It took me a while to understand what his goal is actually. I wrote to him once very kindly, even complimenting him in the hope of having at least a response, at best, an argument or a real fight of ideas. You know what Riley? He knows he will loose his witty angelic scholarshipped face if he face us. He's totally out of space in my view. I've met tons of parrots like him in my early years, very gifted parrots, when I was teaching literature at university. Samuel Beckett cured me of them once and for all, and some other writers. He called them crrrrritics. I have spent eighteen years struggling with those high class intellectuals. Even the trees becomes conceptual with those fucking platonicians heads. It is pure sophistry, one can't follow them pretty far. The bare reality knock them all alone. The question is: why do they keep babbling the same crap? Hera was my love letter to Ehret.

That was his post:


Writes Global Eugenics Inc’s Substack

Hang me if I am wrong Matthew, but you are a globalist. I am very impressed with the debunking part of your work and your brilliant analysis of the crypto-corporates labour consuming and purposal eaters, but when it comes to the multipolar rainbow, all I see falling on Europe is misery, disguised enslavement, herds of illusionnates workers and consumers waiting for techno solutions enrolled into digital id's prisons, and other ways of control and surveillance imposed on them because of their intellectual and physical poverty.

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How could you pass under silence that China is a leader in mass surveillance, not to speak about Russia willingness for CDBC, and the mesmerising compliance of those two countries for all that vaccin and covid and lockdowns shit cursed upon them by their foolish masters sitting at the UN? Aren't they willing to apply all the WEF, OMS, BIS and whatever what WHO freak shows?

Could it be possible that you are a little naive about the true nature of humankind, rightly described by all those great philosophers and writers you admired? Don't you pull a little hard on reality's arm? Isn't malthusianism malthusianism, and business as usual - what you called « global force for scientific and technological progress » - keeping us into the caves? We are ready for a new model of trade and exchange for sure. But I doubt that those you admire (the multipolars) are going in the right direction. They still follow the old plan of keeping the numbers (including people) low and the profits high. Maybe you are trapped in rationalism, as many of elite intellectuals are. Too many books, not enough cooks. The reason why you still refuse to see that farce in plain sight, makes you in my respectful but deceived opinion, if not a Guardian, maybe a Gatekeeper. I am still trying to figure out what is wrong with a person as gifted as you, with such a powerful mind and deep research aptitudes, and obviously a wide open heart. This is beyond my comprehension that you are still and still holding on chimerian ideas.

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Louis Côté

Writes Global Eugenics Inc’s Substack

Mar 13

Egalitarian Technocracy is coming soon to save us all, our god is Science and Progress. More roads (no farther than an electric wheelchair). Less sidewalks. Everything is gonna be all rice.


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''This fellow [Edward Slavsquat!] is on such a rampage. He’s so productive. I doubt he’s just by himself as well. I’m thinking there might probably be a lot of research being done by a team that’s compiling things.''


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Curiouslly enough, I learnt of Ehret in the same video panel I learnt from Riley. He (Ehret) struck me as a guy full of himself, his own handsomness and wit, signaling virtue out of every pore of his skin... and for the life of me I couldn't figure out, after carefully listening to him, what his point was after all. Seemed like he wanted to play the "balanced" and "equidistant" guy in the room.

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A Gatekeeper is someone who is charged of mixing the cards for the fools. A kind of Joker if you like, more laughable than funny. I had the very same impression than you Freelander. But Tom Luongo should have been punched in the face during this podcast. Firts time I hear from Riley there. I tought he was solid rock, and he made fools of the other guests, except Davis, who is such a warrior. Thanks for this comment. I'll try to manage a post about Gatekeepers, scapegoats and trojan horses very soon. I will try to make some order in the madhouse.

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Ha, ha! Agreed. Riley and Davis were solid rock. As to Luongo, much as I align with some of the things I've heard him say in several videos, I can't swallow that guy either. His arrogance is beyond my stand. Only too often the humbler and less noisy analysts make the stronger points.

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I'm so tired of both sides making up bullshit.

The war is problematic not because of oligarchs behind the back, but the ones that Putin followed, while ignoring his own generals, some of which put up protest from the start. Paul Craig Roberts saw that it was destined to fail, while the war experts like Scott Ritter were surprised. Ritter loves to make specific predictions which are never accurate. What is the point of speculating about this odd war that defies basic logic?

BTW, remember when Russia targeted key parts of the Ukrainian power grid months ago? I didn't hear shit about Ukrainians having power issues. I even asked my friends who do social media to find out if the pro Ukraine feeds are showing that they have power issues. Nope! Maybe i missed something?

BTW, it takes a long time to repair substations and transformers as the equipment needed is usually slow to obtain.

This war is so stupid Ukraine buys diesel from Russia and Russia still uses the Ukraine pipeline for gas transit. The Nord stream is another bullshit story most likely. But let's just blame rogue oligarchs who used a boat...


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Apr 21, 2023·edited Apr 21, 2023Liked by Edward Slavsquat

We did have power issues. There were planned power outages in every region December through January. My friends in Kyiv had to do without power for 12-14 hours a day sometimes. Here in Rivne where I live we had 4-hour blocks of power 3 times a day. People were panic buying flashlights, power banks, camping stoves, generators, and of course, all these things soared in price. A Ukrainian lawyer termed it "electrocide of the Ukrainian people".

The fact that it was done on purpose and not caused by damaged substations (how badly were they damaged? I don't know) is another matter...

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The people who were decrying civilian infrastructure being destroyed in Donbass cheered as hospitals lost power in central/western Ukraine. This war has brought out the inner-monster in so many.

I hope you are staying safe, Natalie.

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Edward Slavsquat

So true.

I am, thank you :)

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Stalin is the father of Ukraine... and Putin it's mother. He seems hell-bent on creating a new Poland

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Here we can hear links between Putin and Jacob Rothschild

Susan Bradford

Investigative Journalist


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Apr 23, 2023Liked by Edward Slavsquat

Great Article Riley.

From the outside, not a Russian, it appears that Russia is fighting on a few fronts.

I am astounded that while they are at war with Ukraine, they still do deals like Energy being transported through Ukraine to Europe who is financing a war against Russia and Grain deals that benefit Ukaine.

Then, Russia is still pandering to the UN's WHO and pushing vaccines. For goodness sake do they not see the UN-NATO as a problem?

Russia is also pushing digital currencies which is the Wests BIS controlled financial noose.

Russia is also at War with its own citizens.

Then we have Brics which has Ramaphosa involved who is a WEF and UN acolyte.

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Just to play the Devil's advocate, Russia needs to fund the war somehow. Selling energy to the EU helps the enemy (supposing they really are the enemy), but brings very needed money to the public funds. I reckon it must be darn difficult to find a compromise: if Moscow cuts the gas supplies, will the EU collapse (and therefore Ukraine) without that energy before Russia can no longer sustain the war effort, or internal riots begin destabilizing the Kremlin?

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Isn't the objective to collapse the EU. They are acting as the proxies for the US. If there is no longer an EU there is no need to have a war. The US wants the EU as their market.

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Apr 21, 2023·edited Apr 21, 2023

I have been thinking about the so called special military operation. No regular explanation seems to fit what's going. Mother Russia should have been able to finish this operation successfully by now, but yet she has not. Why?

Then I thought of the good old disaster capitalism so successfully deployed in Democrat controlled cities in the USSA. You trash the place. You de-fund the police and flood the hood with BLM and Antifa thugs. Then when property values plunge your billionaire oligarch backers can snap up prime real estate for cents on the dollar.

What if the same business model is employed in the Donbass? What could somebody want to get there? Perhaps prime agricultural land? The world's bread basket? Something else I have not thought of?

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This land is dirty with depleted Uranium shells? Russia has already begun to clean up as best they can it has been reported. IDK. I pray for all to repent of the scourge of war. The choices have been huge mistakes that will be corrected but this will take a lot of time and energy to cleanup the mess. Reconstruction in USA after Civil War was such a sham I trust Russia will do better🙏🏽

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' IDK. I pray for all to repent of the scourge of war'

Only the dead....

'Reconstruction in USA after Civil War was such a sham I trust Russia will do better🙏🏽'

Oh they will do better alright hehe

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How devious the ones who want hegemonic control. How difficult to counter their ambitions. BRICS counts over .5 of earth population wanting economic justice/sovereignty. The devious ones are being exposed. Humanity is establishing a global community of sovereignty nation states where the hands that rock the cradles will be secure. 🎉💖🙏🏽No man can hinder the divine plan.

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Such naivete, truly thou art a christcuck... you might want to check out the origin of PRICS

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BRICS is a recollection of the old Silk Road by those who have studied the science of economic justice invented by Alexander Hamilton. Please let me know if you have run across a system of economics that is more just.

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The peasants do not get justice... they get owned as is their place in this world of lies. Also the use of 'justice' reeks of pink-hair rainbow marxissism

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The divine plan from the universe to the noosphere to the nano spaces between your dendrites is quite precise in long term harmony you may choose or not now or when a burning bush appears?

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A title with a great legacy. Thanks, Riley. No surprise, Russian admirers of Putin are more open to seeing the bitter truth than the "alternative" media commentators and analysts in the West, who cannot see beyond their opposition to their own regimes, have contempt for their fellow ordinary human beings, and grasp on to potential saviors from the outside.

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The truth hurts, peasants wear their chains with pride as it is less painful.

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Quite an accurate statement, Jeffrey. I've been noticing the same thing myself: allegedly pro-Russian foreign "alternative" media and commentators seem more interested in opposing their own governments than in getting to know the truth and reality of Russia. No surprise many of them declare themselves leftists or communists, and all of them "anti-imperialists", and so embrace anything that seems to work against the USAmerican empire, even if it's as bad as that which they are supposedly opposing. Covid lockdowns and digital currencies are awful when implemented by their own governments, but they seem to be perfectly OK if it's Russia who does it.

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Irony is, Freelander, that i consider myself a "communist," "anarcho-communist," "Marxian anarchist," to whom these people actually seem totally disoriented into opposing the "empire" only in its US-led version, unable to see that the global ownership elites are themselves the ones pushing the world into a "multi-polar" mode, a key part of the Great Reset. They are stuck back in the '60s and '70s, seeing the problem as being global domination by the "Collective West" rather than capital itself, and thus as something which can be solved by promoting BRICS.

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Sure. Many of those analysts classifying themselves as communists does not mean all communists do see things the same way as them.

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Yep, they saw the Soviet Union and Mao-era China as "communist," while in fact they were state capitalist (Lenin admitted this), and they still think Russia and China are what they were 50 years ago.

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One of the most popular searches on Google these days is "how to delete a Gosuslugi account", Gosuslugi being the unified portal of State and municipal services, the one that delivers electronic military subpoenas. The Russians are quite good at non-violent noncompliance.

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Looks like the Federation is going down the toilet like so many other countries that listen to the same fiddle. Boy, am I glad to have moved and live in a "third world" country, one of the poorest on the planet.

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And what country is that, if I may ask, Konrad? I am looking forward to relocate myself out of the EU but I can't for the life of me find one single country which does not comply with the global rule imposed by the globalists. A few days ago, for instance, I was doing a search on countries that did not implement "healthy and safety" freedom restrictions when the scamdemic, and came across only with two: Madagascar and Tanzania. And in the end they submitted too. I suppose it's close to impossible to economically isolate your country from the rest of the world, and defying the WEF and WHO orders implies economical isolation, I'm afraid.

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Retired in Honduras

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The advantage of the turd world is that the technocratic control grid does not exist there... not yet anyway.

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I totally agree with you, the technocratic control grid doesn't exist yet. Gives me a few more years to enjoy life. But I must say, that only an ignorant turd would call it the turd world.

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It's just possibly sarcasm - not that I appreciate that mode of approach.

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I despise the melaninated ones because our rulers use them as bio-weapons against us. But then again I despise all of mankind... Zeus was right.

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The nose knows.....

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Oy, what chutzpah! 😁

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What Putin is doing is 100% irresponsible! He could have finished this in a week, but he's just letting it go ahead and give the west all the time. This is just not right:


Paul Craig Roberts (PCR), former Assistant Treasury Secretary in the Reagan Administration

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He does say that this war does not add up, so in a way he sees that here is something wrong here and personal he can have that view also...

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Every gov't leader is hellbent on destruction of their own state. Each country is being destroyed from the inside by traitors. There are none not bribed or forced using pedophile evidence against each one.

NWO. Only way out: bayonet every single traitor. Every single one.

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Peasants have been trained to bayonet one another

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"Prigozhin says war is being sabotaged by Russia’s Deep State."

He would not be the first one to say that. Assuming that kind of sabotage will prolong this terrible war, it may be interesting to find out if those elites are "sleepers", agents working for foreign intelligence, so typically directors or managers who have something to say in some part of the government and who earn enough money to send their kids to study and live abroad (so they can be controlled by threatening to stop the money flow). Those exist even though many of them do not act like agents as long as they keep earning money that way.

Also, when did we accept Russia's private mercenary army, working independently of Russia's actual army?

One more question. We all want the killing to stop and unlike NATO shills, we also include Eastern Ukraine, they want to live just like we do. But isn't there any way to stop the killing in that part of the country which has been going on for eight years, without killing more people in other parts of the country?

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I can postulate Strelkov and Prigozhin as agitation agents, they look like dissidents in a way but their role is actually to keep West leaning oligarchs on their toes, is a possibility. Their is no way Prigozhin is not operating at the top level, Wagner's operations in Africa, let alone Ukraine, and their integration with the Russian Armed Forces tactical evolution are too important. Cancelling the Immortal Regiment is a real head-scratcher though. The surveilance state upgrades are just dark. Hard to know what to think, but that's why I appreciate your reporting.

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Risk of an event or strike on the parade?

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If there was a risk of heavy metal things falling from the sky onto the parade, wouldn't they openly say so? Maybe they'd put out a warning due to "security concerns".

But the virus scare is fishy, especially now in 2023 when everybody knows how dangerous it really was and all the rest that happened when the plandemic broke out.

It is a head-scratcher.

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The krimelin is fishy as hell... Dustyevskiy summed up the russian mentality as ''they steal''

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Yes. I know nothing about Russian politics nor Security issues but something is up it would seem. Perhaps they have a whiff only of a terror threat.

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I like the YouTube link.

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I openly admit over the past year or two I have been trusting V. V. Putin almost blindly, although there was always inside me that shade of doubt about him, cast precisely by his full compliance with the scandemic and other WEF-promoted globalistic goals, which fact made him look at least partly accomplice with Schwabb and his kind. Your blog, as I've told you already, has helped me realize how on track my suspicions were. But then an important question arises: What's the alternative? I mean: beyond my personal disappointment, I still consider Putin one of if not the very best leader Russia has had for many decades, and probably also one of the best in the world nowadays. I am not sure any other person could have managed to cut the bleed, the plunder of Russian resources and wealth that begun after the collapse of the USSR; although I am open to learn I am wrong. But if I am correct, then, who is to replace him that can do better for the Russian people? Criticise him is all very fine, and I am first in the list to doing it when I understand the dubiousness of his actions, the contradiction between these and his talking; but in any case idealism always clashes with realism: does an alternative leader for Russia exist who is ready and able to steer his nation away from globalism?

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