We did everything in our power to avoid writing this blog post. We begged and pleaded for mercy. But it’s time to come clean: Edward Slavsquat is part of a plot hatched by RT editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan to topple the president of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin.
The Substack blog that writes about the “total nihilism, laziness and institutionalized cowardice that permeates through RT” and refers to RT’s editor-in-chief, Margarita Simonyan, as a “confirmed schizo”—this same blog is in bed with Simonyan (gross) and is actively pursuing high treason with her. Or so the theory goes.
We don’t want to be accused of misrepresenting the statements of the whistleblower who has exposed us, Matthew Ehret, a specialist in “Conspiracy Science,” so we will quote him directly:
“RT’s former editor Riley Waggaman has been playing a counter-gang to RT [and] has unleashed a new psy op to convince a western audience that Putin is a complicit part of the anti-human Great Reset agenda.”
That’s what Ehret wrote on his blog. But his podcast accusations are even more flattering.
We’ve timestamped where he begins to expose us; but you should rewind the video a bit so you can understand why he thinks Simonyan and RT are working to dethrone Putin.
Here’s more from Ehret’s enlightening podcast:
This fellow [Edward Slavsquat!] is on such a rampage. He’s so productive. I doubt he’s just by himself as well. I’m thinking there might probably be a lot of research being done by a team that’s compiling things.
But it’s all being spun in such a way as to convey every COVID measure [in] Russia is being done directly by Putin, that there is no such thing as a Russian deep state, that Putin’s voice is represented entirely by RT’s voice….and a spinning and reframing of narratives… and I think this operation is going to amplify and amplify.
His writings are going viral. I think this is going to be something that will be more of a pain in the ass than people realize.
First of all, and we mean this sincerely: Matthew, we’re genuinely flattered you think we have a research team. It’s a compliment and we will cite your honey-dipped praise when we start to ask for donations next month. Thank you again.
That being said (again, thank you for the kind words that we will use to acquire rubles), you are totally misrepresenting what this blog is all about! Nowhere—not in a single blog post—do we blame Vladimir Putin for “every COVID measure [in] Russia.”
At some point during his podcast, Matt reveals he reads everything we write (again, thank you). But maybe he is not telling the truth? Because most of our blog posts never mention Vladimir Putin, have nothing to do with Vladimir Putin and do not pretend to have anything to do with Vladimir Putin.
Just look for yourself. Here are just a few of the Russians we have blogged about, who are aggressively pushing for COVID totalitarianism/Great Reset Weirdness here in Russia: Sergey Sobyanin, Anna Popova, Alexander Gintsburg, Hermann Gräf, Alexander Beglov, Mikhail Murashko, Dmitry Medvedev, etc. etc.—and let’s not forget Margarita Simonyan!
Our op-ed questioning the logic and morality of Moscow’s mandatory vaccination policy—which we wrote for RT, but was never published by RT, because RT is managed by slimy, hypocritical cowards—does not mention Vladimir Putin. Not once.
So, what is the purpose of this blog (apart from blogging for a Western audience as part of a Simonyan op to overthrow Vladimir Putin, who is president of Russia, not the West)?
Our actual arguments are very simple
Sputnik V is an unproven experimental drug that most Russians don’t want. It is repugnant and inexcusable that millions of Russians are being coerced and bullied into taking this drug.
Russians don’t want QR codes. There is no “health” benefit to QR codes. These digital cattle tags will be used to control people and make life intolerable.
The Russian government should be held to the same standards as every other government. You don’t like Big Pharma clot-shots? Well, guess what? The Russian government has partnered with Big Pharma and its clot-shots. You think VAERS is under-reporting vaccine injuries? Well, guess what? Russia doesn’t even report post-vaccination complications. You don’t like Klaus Schwab? Well, guess what? All of the major players involved with Sputnik V have ties to the World Economic Forum and some of them are even Great Reset fanatics (like Hermann Gräf). Make your own conclusions! We’re just letting you know what the reality is—since apparently these are such important topics when discussing western governments.
If you are a so-called “Russophile” or “Putin supporter” you should be screaming at the top of your lungs about these issues, since Vladimir Putin’s government is pursuing deeply unpopular, destructive polices that will not lead to anything good.
Anyway, we also summarized our arguments here:
So there it is. That’s all we are arguing. Everything else is icing on the Forced Vax Cake. If you disagree with us on any of the above issues, let’s talk. But please don’t misrepresent what we are arguing. And maybe restrain yourself from calling us an op, just because we have inconvenienced your worldview?
We are ALWAYS open to dialogue. Our “critics”? Not so much, it seems?
Just look at this. We really, really tried:
We knew it was hopeless of course. As we noted to an Internet Friend:
Yeah, he doubled-down:
Strange, isn’t it? A blog that points out that the Russian government is implementing the same depraved “public health” measures in the West, and our argument is misrepresented and we are labeled a…. Simonyan Treason Op.
What the heck is going on here? Why is it that the 5D chess masters like The Saker, Orlov and Ehret become so flustered when they are confronted with information that doesn’t perfectly align with their blogs? Are they incapable of exchanging ideas with people who don’t 100% agree with them about everything?
How amazing is Vladimir Putin?
By the way, no matter what you think about Vladimir Putin, he’s not blameless. Are you not allowed to criticize Putin? That’s a no-no? Even when he openly supports QR codes—a policy that could actually lead to very, very, very serious socioeconomic problems in Russia? You’re not allowed to talk about that? Or say “that’s not a great idea, Vladimir Putin”?
Sorry, but Putin is the president. He has to take some responsibility for what happens in his country.
By the way: If Putin is so gifted at fighting the Deep State, shouldn’t Simonyan—an actual retard—already be in prison? And shouldn’t Edward Slavsquat be languishing in a Siberian labor camp? Just saying.
We listened to Ehret’s podcast and he argues that Russia’s federal government has been fighting with regional leaders to stop mandatory vaccine decrees. Um. Not successfully and not with gusto, as far as we can tell:
As we understand it, every single region in Russia currently has coercive vaccination policies. Is every single Russian being bullied into getting the vaccine? No, but that doesn’t mean compulsory vaccination doesn’t exist in Russia. It exists.
According to Ehret, “mandatory vaccinations are banned” in Russia. Really? Because we have a relative who was forced to choose between getting Sputnik V (which she didn’t want) or losing her job. That’s not mandatory? That’s voluntary?
Is the internet even real? Are you people real? Please confirm.
To be honest—and honesty is always the best policy—Matthew Ehret has forced us to consider the possibility that the internet is a simulation invented by the RAND Corporation; Ehret himself might possibly be a SberAI bot specifically programmed to make us doubt our own existence.
It’s a perfectly plausible scenario. We can already see Hermann Gräf sitting in his SberBunker as he barks orders at his minions.
“Load the javascript program that accuses Riley Waggaman of being in bed with Margarita Simonyan as part of a top secret plot to overthrow the President of the Russian Federation.”
“But…but Herr Gräf, only a fucking moron would believe that. Waggaman will finally realize he’s living in a simulation! He’ll break free from the Matrix and then he’ll be able to stop bullets with his thoughts!”
“Don’t be a pussy. Do it.”
Seriously, though. Imagine if we really did have access to embezzled Simonyan rubles and an entire research team. Slavsquat would be absolutely unstoppable. We already are, of course.
I'm getting a lot of bang for my future subscription buck. It's not every day you get to be part of a countergang psy-op that is taking down Putin.
I think RT is playing the role of a quadruple agent promoting Sputnik and acting like they are against Pfizer but they are actually pro-Pfizer. That's what they are telling the West, and getting the WEF to play along.
But ACTUALLY - Russia is gonna partner up with Pfizer, get a hold of their vaccine formula and create an antidote to their clotshots all while acting like they are actually in favor of the worldwide vaccination. Once they have the antidote, everyone will beg for it, so that way Russia will take back Syria, Ukraine and all of the Soviet Union since the globalists will have no choice.
From there, Putin will abolish QR codes and Russians will have been vaxxed with a safe and effective vaccine.
This Canadian guy and Edward are also probably friends playing a fake conflict so they can make the picture more realistic, in case the Trilateral Commission and Council on Foreign Relations digs deeper into the blogosphere to make sure they aren't being played.
Simonyan of course finances all sides in this situation, including the WEF (she has enough money trust me).
EDIT: I also love the Canadian guy's example of Falun Gong's anti-China reporting being part of the plan and a "tactic". Your 5D chess is on a whole different level when members of your organization are being hunted down, tortured and killed by the Chinese government, but it's actually all a part of the plan to confuse the gullible media readers!